Disable scroll in View on Expo Web - reactjs

I am using Expo with react native and just have a plain view with some things inside of it. When I run the code as an expo app on my iPhone the view does not scroll vertically or horizontally (as I intended), but on web it does (Safari - after publishing with expo web). I want to disable this scrolling in both directions because I have swipeable components inside the view, so if the whole view moves things just don't work as intended.
How can I do that?
Here is my code:
<View style={styles.MainContainer}>
{this.state.Sample_Card_Array.map((item, key) => (
removeCard={this.removeCard.bind(this, item.id)}
swipedRight={this.swipedRight.bind(this, item)}
swipedLeft={this.swipedLeft.bind(this, item.songID)}
{this.state.No_More_Card ? (
<View style={{flex:1}}>
) : null}
this is maincontainer
MainContainer: {
flex: 1,
paddingTop: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 20 : 0,

I solved the problem by making the parent view a scrollview, now on Web it doesn't scroll left and right anymore when swiping.


react-native-swiper wrapped in a Pressable not working properly on iOS

I am using react-native-swiper to show images, and I want to wrap the entire swiper inside a Pressable, and since there's gonna be multiple of these, they're all nested inside a FlatList, this is what it looks like in code:
renderItem={(props) => <Location {...props} />}
the FlatList renders the Location component, which returns the following:
position: "relative",
width: IMAGE_SIZE,
height: IMAGE_SIZE,
onPress={() => console.log(id, " ,pressed")}
{media.map((image) => (
source={{ uri: image.url }}
width: IMAGE_SIZE,
height: IMAGE_SIZE,
When I try to swipe on the images, it just keeps firing the Pressables onPress func and doesn't want to swipe to the next image. It works as intended on Android.
When I replace the Pressable with a normal View component, everything works fine.
In the meantime, I also added an title to the component which complicated things a bit, but I managed to get it working by using 2 different Pressable components. This unfortunately removes the ability to click on the component while the image is transitioning, but it works.

KeyboardAvoidingView doesn't work inside tab navigation

I'm using the built-in KeyboardAvoidingView in react native and when I use the code below in a screen where you can't see the tabs (like in a modal) it works perfectly fine and the keyboard doesn't cover any content whatsoever, but when I use the exact same code but in a screen that is used in tab navigation the keyboard covers some content, it's like the KeyboardAvoidingView doesn't take into consideration the height of the bottom tabs
Here's my code:
<KeyboardAvoidingView style={{flex: 1}} behavior="padding">
<ScrollView keyboardShouldPersistTaps="handled">
style={{height: 50, width: "100%", backgroundColor: "red"}}
placeholder="Test input"

React Native ScrollView/FlatList not scrolling

I have a list of data that I want to place inside a FlatList (i.e. ScrollView) and whenever I try to scroll down to view more of the list, the ScrollView just bounces back up to the top of the list so I cannot ever see the bottom of the list.
I am using Expo and the strange thing is that if I just create a new project or copy/paste some code into Snack then the scrolling works just fine. It is only in my current project that I cannot get the list to scroll. I have even gone into the main.js file and just pasted my example code in there and the issue still persists.
My example code is located here: https://snack.expo.io/ryDPtO5-b
I have pasted this exact code into my project and it is not working as expected.
RN 0.44 /
Expo SDK 17.0.0 /
React: 16.0.0-alpha.6
My actual use case for my project involves placing a FlatList component at the bottom-third of the screen to show a list of jobs. This is where I discovered the error and when I started to try and debug the issue. In my project I have a parent View with a style of {flex: 1 with a child of List that contains the FlatList... List comes from react-native-elements
Here is the code I am actually trying to use:
<View style={styles.container}>
<View style={containerStyles.headerContainerStyle}>
<Text style={[textStyles.h2, { textAlign: "center" }]}>
Territory: {this.props.currentTerritory}
<View style={styles.mapContainer}>
style={{ flex: 1 }}
<Badge containerStyle={styles.badgeStyle}>
<Text>Orders Remaining: {this.props.jobsList.length}</Text>
<List containerStyle={{ flex: 1 }}>
keyExtractor={item => item.id}
And all my styles
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
mapContainer: {
height: 300,
badgeStyle: {
backgroundColor: 'green',
alignSelf: 'center',
marginTop: 15,
width: 300,
height: 35,
and lastly, my renderItem function:
renderJobs = ({ item }) => {
const { fullAddress, pickupTime } = item;
return (
item.status === "active" && { backgroundColor: "#7fbf7f" }
titleStyle={{ fontSize: 14 }}
subtitleStyle={{ fontSize: 12, color: "black" }}
onPress={() =>
this.props.navigation.navigate("jobActions", { job: item })
I was able to solve this problem.
The Solution is to use flatlist component <View style={{flex:1}}> after renderRow return component <View style={{flex:1}}>
I am confused - are you using a FlatList or a ScrollView - these two elements have completely different lifecycle events (a FlatList requires you to define how individual rows will render and their keys, whereas a ScrollView expects the children to be rendered inline with the component).
Regardless, I think the issue is in your structure, it sounds like the List element requires a height attribute as well ({flex: 1}) as the absolute parent is filling it's space, but the List component is not having a pre-defined height.
So after debugging this a bit more today and I ended up just creating a brand new Expo project and copy/pasting all my source code into the new project, changing my Github project name to the new name, and setting the remote origin to my github repo (the one where I changed the name) on my new local project.
For some reason there appeared to be a problem with the Expo project. It almost seemed like the actual NAME of the project was causing issues as I attempted to change the NEW project's name to that of the original project, but it didn't work. It only worked when doing a brand new project, but using the exact same source code.

react native text box above scrollable-tab-view

New to react native, trying to place text-box above scrollable tab view
export default React.createClass({
render() {
style={{height: 50}}
onChangeText={(searchText) => this.setState({searchText})}/>
style={{marginTop: 10, }}
renderTabBar={() => <FacebookTabBar />}
<ScrollView tabLabel="ios-search" style={styles.tabView}>
<View style={styles.card}>
style={{height: 50}}
onChangeText={(searchText) => this.setState({searchText})}/>
Scrollable tab view doesn't show up with above code, I am unable to understand why, please advice. I am trying to make something like Linkedin app.
<ScrollableTabView> is styled with flex: 1, so you need to explicitly set flex: 1 to its parent like this in order to show it:
return (
<View style={{flex: 1}}>
Here is a quote from React Native documentation regarding Flex:
A component can only expand to fill available space if its parent has
dimensions greater than 0. If a parent does not have either a fixed
width and height or flex, the parent will have dimensions of 0 and the
flex children will not be visible.

Scroll View inside view not working react native

Here I am trying a simple code but the scroll view is not working if kept inside another view. Code is like this:
<Toolbar title={this.props.title}>
<HomeScreenTop />
<HomeScreenBottom navigator={navigator}/>
But if scroll view kept as parent view it works perfectly. Code is as below:
<Toolbar title={this.props.title}>
<HomeScreenTop />
<HomeScreenBottom navigator={navigator}/>
Now the problem is I don't want my toolbar to scroll up and down, I just want the contents below the toolbar to move. How can I achieve that?
And next question: Is scroll view has to be parent view to be returned to work?
Use the property flexGrow in the style, flex didnt worked for me.
<ScrollView contentContainerStyle={{ flexGrow: 1 }}>
you should wrap toolbar in view like this:
Wrap those component which you want to scroll inside scrollview as:
<ScrollView>your expected components...</ScrollView>
And provide flex to root view as:
<View style={{flex:1}}>
Finally your code will run as you expected.
Top <View> must has style flex:1, and also <ScrollView> has too
This was driving me crazy because I added <view> and <ScrollView> like everyone suggested but nothing worked. Then I closed the terminal then rebuild the application again using:
npx react-native run-android
Then, it started working. I hope this saves someone's sanity :)
FYI, just hitting r (or refreshing) was not working either. I had to rebuild it.
For me, Scroll View wrapped with TouchableWithoutFeedback was causing scroll view to not function at times.
I set height property for style . then it's work for me .
My code :
<View style={styles.listWrapper}>
<ScrollView >
Styles :
// flex:1,
// flexGrow:1,
Dont use contentContainerStyle on Scroll View Just use simple style prop for styling of scroll View . You will not face any problem.
None of these solution worked for me, after very long I found that height of a View inside the code is causing the problem so instead of
I change it to
and it worked, as show below:
flexDirection: 'row',
height: 100,
justifyContent: 'space-evenly',
backgroundColor: '#fff',
padding: 20,
margin: 5,
If you are using <Form> from native base and you want to scroll
then use KeyboardAwareScrollView
<KeyboardAwaareScrollView enableOnAndroid={true}>
this will work on Android
I have solved in this way:
const windowWidth = Dimensions.get("window").width;
const windowHeight = Dimensions.get("window").height;
overflow: "hidden",
flex: 1,
borderTopStartRadius: 40,
borderTopEndRadius: 40,
flexGrow: windowHeight,
flexGrow: windowHeight,
backgroundColor: Colors.primary_color,
padding: 10,
Update 2020-02: It will work with React.Fragment <> and </> or <React.Fragment> and </React.Fragment>. So Try this.
<Toolbar title={this.props.title}>
<HomeScreenTop />
<HomeScreenBottom navigator={navigator}/>
Use react fragments instead of a View to wrap your scroll view it worked for me
if you are using position: "absolute", delete it and try.
You can try
