Append text at the end of a Query in Google Sheet - arrays

i'm trying to append the word "End" in the next row at the end of a Query, i saw here a code to do it but today this doens't work, add the word at the end of the first column header and do not load the query.
=QUERY('PT--------------'!A1:M953,"select * where (I<>'N/A')",1)&"End"
Results in:
Cash AccountEnd
without the '&"end"' it does the Query:
Cash Account Date Reference Receipt Payment method Client ID Amount Number of Distributions Invoice Paid G/L Account Sales Tax ID TOTAL PAID IN INVOICES Prepayment
what i'm doing wrong?

"where I<>'N/A'", 1); {"End", IFERROR(SEQUENCE(1, 12)/0)}})


Add values to a table from a second table that only match a third table allowing for duplicates

I have been tasked to match a payment file from a bank that has invoices/payments listed on a text file I have imported into a table called Bank. I need to match the invoices to the project/projects that are associated with the invoices - call this table Invoices - which contains every invoice and project we have every had. I want to match the invoices (from Bank) to the project or multiple projects (from Invoices) to another table - called Report - so I can reconcile the payment file. I can get the correct results from Bank and Invoices with the following query
SELECT invoice
FROM Invoices INV
ON INV.Invoice = BANK.Invoice_Number
The Bank file has 100 invoices and I get 169 invoices on this query. But when I try and do and update or insert
Update Report
set Invoice_Num =
(SELECT invoice
FROM Invoices INV
ON INV.Invoice = BANK.Invoice_Number)
I get 0 rows updated.
I have tried to copy the Bank table to the Report table with
Insert into Report(Invoice_Num)
select Invoice_Number from Bank
but can't figure out how to account for the projects that have duplicated invoices when they are found. Of course I might be going at this entirely wrong and someone has a better way entirely.
Does your Report table have anything in to start with? If not, your UPDATE statement will update 0 rows, because there are 0 rows there to update. (Also, with your code as it stands, note that it would update every entry there to have the same, indeterminate value; I don't think that's what you intend.)
If you just want to copy the invoice numbers from Bank to Report, but leave out any duplicates, then your final bit of SQL just needs a DISTINCT added to do that:
Insert into Report(Invoice_Num)
select DISTINCT Invoice_Number from Bank
If you're trying to put in only invoice numbers from Bank that also match Invoice, then your first bit of code almost works, but needs to be an INSERT, not an UPDATE:
INSERT INTO report (invoice_number)
SELECT invoice
FROM Invoices INV
ON INV.Invoice = BANK.Invoice_Number
Again, if you're also dealing with potential duplicates invoice numbers you only want in Report once, make that a SELECT DISTINCT to avoid them.

How to get payment percentage from sage evolution database

How does PostAR link back to an invoice and which table holds the discount given on payments?
I know that invnum holds the invoice details
I'm looking for payments, as well as the discount given on payments.
The PostAR table links to InvNum on PostAR.InvNumKey = InvNum.AutoIndex
Correct, the invoice header information is on the InvNum table, while the invoice line details are on _btblInvoiceLines.
Discount information is on the InvNum table for document level discounts, and _btblInvoiceLines for line level discounts

Need a SQL query to get data from SQL Server database for a given period with certain condition

I have a SQL Server database with a table dbo.sales with 7 columns.
First column contains different sales person names, on column 2 to 6 other information, on column 7, sales average.
Question: what I need is a query to get all sales person details (all seven columns in Excel) if their sales average is more than 60% between a given date.
For example: in my database, I have data from 01/05/2016 to 31/05/2016, if I enter a period in my Excel sheet between 25/05/2016 to 31/05/2016 and my required average for ex. 60% (should be changed as per my need), then I need all the sales person details who continuously have sales average of more than 60% between 25 to 31st May 2016.
If a sales man average was dropped below 60% on 28th May, then I don't want to see him on my report. In simple words, I need all sales person who continuously hitting 60% or more on average sales within my search period.
Not sure if the sales period date is within the table, but if it is, that query should work for you:
;WITH PeriodSales as (
WHERE SalseDate between #StartDt and #EndDt)
SELECT * FROM PeriodSales
WHERE SalesPerson not in (
SELECT SalesPerson FROM PeriodSales
WHERE CASE WHEN IsNumeric(salesavg) = 1
THEN CAST(salesavg as Decimal) ELSE 0 END <= 60.

How to create formula to calculate sum depend on group condition in crystal report

I have crystal report that group by ticket type, journey type and process.
In group process I have type:
ticket sales
ticket cancel
Total for each group I can do it by insert summary.
But then, at the last grand total (net sales) I want only sum of ticket sales, excluded ticket how to do that..?
my formula is:
If ({Command.process})= "0") Then
Sum ({Command.quantity}, {Command.process})
0 = ticket sales
2 = ticket cancel
Use running total fields:
create running total fields
give it a name
field to summarize: anyone, may be an id
type of summary: count
evaluate for each record
reset : use a formula {Command.process})= "0"
This will count all the tickets of process "sales". The trick is the step 6 that says to count only when that is the process.

CakePHP - How to use calculations from associated data in query

I'm trying to figure out the best way to do something - basically I'm looking for advice before I do it the long/hard way!
I have the following model associations:
Seller hasMany Invoices
Invoice hasOne Supplier
Supplier belongsTo SupplierType
Each invoice is for a certain amount and is from a certain date. I want to be able to retrieve Sellers who have spent within a certain amount in the past 'full' month for which we have data. So, I need to get the date 1 month before the most recent invoice, find the total on all invoices for that Seller since that date, and then retrieve only those where the total lies between, say, £10000 and £27000 (or whatever range the user has set).
Secondly, I want to be able to do the same thing, but with the SupplierType included. So, the user may say that they want Sellers who have spent between £1000 & £5000 from Equipment Suppliers, and between £1000 & £7000 from Meat Suppliers.
My plan here is to do an inital search for the appropriate supplier type id, and then I can filter the invoices based on whether each one is from a supplier of an appropriate type.
I'm mainly not sure whether there is a way to work out the monthly total and then filter on it in one step. Or am I going to have to do it in several steps? I looked at Virtual Fields, but I don't think they do what I need - they seem to be mainly used to combine fields from the same record - is that correct?
(Posted on behalf of the question author).
I'm posting the eventual solution here in case it helps anyone else:
SELECT seller_id FROM
(SELECT i.seller_id, SUM(price_paid) AS totalamount FROM invoices i
(SELECT seller_id, MAX(invoice_date) AS maxdate FROM invoices) sm
ON i.seller_id = sm.seller_id
WHERE i.invoice_date > (sm.maxdate - 30) GROUP BY seller_id) t
WHERE t.totalamount BETWEEN 0 AND 1000
This can be done in a single query that will look something like:
select * from (
select seller, sum(amount) as totalamount
from invoices i join
(select seller, max(invoicedate) as maxdate from invoices group by seller) sm
on i.seller=sm.seller
and i.invoicedate>(sm.maxdate-30)
group by seller
) t where t.totalamount between 1000 and 50000
