Undefined array key 1 in foreach loop - arrays

i have this piece of code. On the top i download text data from URL and i get string. This string has some uninportant text so this text is in $info and important number are in $array than i did some reIndex array because for some reason i had $array[0] empty.
I have 2 array: $array and $array_try both arrays shoud have similar structure as u can see here:
For some reason im getting Undefined array key 1 in this line $array_value[] = $parts[1];
When i change in foreach loop $array for $array_try it works well.
$data = file_get_contents("$url");
$data = explode('Kurz', $data);
$kurz = '|Kurz';
$info= substr_replace($data[0], $kurz, -1, );
echo "<br>";
$array = explode ("\n", $data[1]);
//foreach ($array as $value){
// echo $value . "<br>";
$array = array_values($array);
$array_try = [
$array_date = [];
$array_value = [];
foreach($array as $value) {
$parts = explode('|', $value);
$array_date[] = $parts[0];
$array_value[] = $parts[1];
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";


Get array object data from exploded array fields in foreach loop

I'm trying to extract data from our JSON data based on given output fields, but I'm not getting a good result.
Given fields that I want:
[0] => id
[1] => name
[2] => email
[3] => optin_email
Those fields exist in my datastring, I want to export those to a CSV.
I can do this, hardcoded
foreach ($jsonString as $value) {
$row = [
The above will give me the list/file I need. BUT, I want to make that dynamic based on the data in the array, so, fo rexample, when this is the Array:
[0] => id
[1] => name
This should be my output:
foreach ($jsonString as $value) {
$row = [
So I need to dynamicly create the
I have been trying forever, but I am not seeing it straight anymore.
Tried this:
$rowFields = '';
foreach ($export_datafields AS $v) {
$rowFields .= '$value->' . $v . ',';
$trimmed_row_fields = rtrim($rowFields, ',');
foreach ($jsonString as $value) {
$row = $trimmed_row_fields;
And several variations of that:
foreach ($jsonString as $value) {
$row = [$trimmed_row_fields];
Question is: how can I get
as a valid array key when I only know the VAR name and need the prefixed $value-> object.
I ended up using the following code which works for me. If anybody still has the answer to my original question, please shoot. Always good to know it all.
header("Content-type: application/csv");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$csvFileName");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Expires: 0");
$new_row = implode(",", $export_datafields) . "\n";
foreach ($jsonString as $value) {
foreach ($export_datafields AS $v) {
$new_row .= $value->$v . ',';
$new_row = substr($new_row, 0, -1);
$new_row .= "\n";
echo $new_row;

sum items stor in array

I have this code:
$sql_char=("SELECT num FROM alphabet where letters = '$a[$i]'");
$result = mysql_query ($sql_char,$dbConn);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo $row['num'].'<br>';
Try simply to add your $row['num'] to a new variable
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
echo $row['num'].'<br>';
echo $sum; //171
function mb_str_split( $string ) {
# Split at all position not after the start: ^
# and not before the end: $
return preg_split('/(?<!^)(?!$)/u', $string );
$str = 'ياسمين';
$charlist = mb_str_split( $str );
print_r( $charlist );

Create an object from an array

I have a string of data which I turn into an array thus:
$cfg_data = #(
I then run a foreach query to work on each line at a time:
FOREACH($a in $cfg_data)
$dataSplit = $a -split"(,)"
$AppN = $dataSplit[0]
$AppD = $dataSplit[2]
#Do stuff here
But I want to convert this from a string to an Object, so I can add/remove additional items,
and then run some more foreach statements, updating the different bits as I go.
I have got as far as:
FOREACH($a in $cfg_data)
$dataSplit = $a -split"(,)"
$AppN = $dataSplit[0]
$AppD = $dataSplit[2]
$objHere = #(
appItem = "$AppN";
appData = "$AppD";
But when I check $objHere it just has the last entry in it (AppName2, datat2)
I tried adding:
but then I get
Array assignment failed because index '1' was out of range.
What is the correct way to do this?
By declaring $objHere in the loop, you overwrite the value on each iteration. You need to initialise an empty array outside the loop and append to it from within the loop:
$objHere = #()
foreach($a in $cfg_data)
$dataSplit = $a -split"(,)"
$AppN = $dataSplit[0]
$AppD = $dataSplit[2]
$objHere +=
appItem = "$AppN";
appData = "$AppD";
In addition, you're not actually creating an object, you're creating a hashtable. If you wanted to create an object instead, you could do this:
$objHere = #()
foreach($a in $cfg_data)
$dataSplit = $a -split"(,)"
$AppN = $dataSplit[0]
$AppD = $dataSplit[2]
$objHere += New-Object PSObject -property #{appItem = "$AppN";appData = "$AppD";}
appItem appData
------- -------
AppName1 data1
AppName2 data2

Why I can't get values from this web service Array?

Can't figure out why this web service don't work. Just gives me blank. I tested the url and the data it's all there.
my code:
function getNews() {
$json = file_get_contents('http://onleague.stormrise.pt:8031/OnLeagueRest/resources/onleague/News/News?id_user=a7664093-502e-4d2b-bf30-25a2b26d6021&page=1&new_filter=0');
$data = json_decode($json, TRUE);
$newst = array();
foreach($data['data']['item'] as $item) {
$newst[] = $item;
foreach($newst as $v)
$_SESSION['newsid'][] = $v['id'];
$_SESSION['newstitle'][] = $v['title'];
$_SESSION['newstext'][] = $v['news'];
$_SESSION['newslink'][] = $v['link'];
$_SESSION['newsdate'][] = $v['date'];
$_SESSION['newsentityName'][] = $v['entityName'];
$_SESSION['aclikes'][] = $v['account']['likes'] . ")";
$_SESSION['acdislikes'][] = $v['account']['dislikes'] . ")";
$_SESSION['accomentes'][] = $v['account']['commentes'] . ")";
$_SESSION['acshares'][] = $v['account']['shares'] . ")";
$_SESSION['acclicks'][] = $v['account']['clicks'] . ")";
$key = count($_SESSION['newsid']);
for ($i = 0; $i <= $key; $i++) {
echo $_SESSION['newsid'][$i] . "<br />";
Are you sure that this line is correct:
foreach($data['data']['item'] as $item) {
$newst[] = $item;
Reading this makes me think that you are overwriting the entire $newst array with a single item... for each item. Thus the array will end up being the value of the last $item (which might be empty).
I'd expect something like:
foreach($data['data']['item'] as $item) {
$newst.push( $item );
(note, not tested and my syntax may be dodgy... but you get the drift).

How to append to powershell Hashtable value?

I am interating through a list of Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server objects and adding them to a hashtable like so:
$instances = Get-Content -Path .\Instances.txt
$scripts = #{}
foreach ($i in $instances)
$instance = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server $i
foreach($login in $instance.Logins)
$scripts.Add($instance.Name, $login.Script())
So far so good. What I want to do now is append a string to the end of the hashtable value. So for an $instance I want to append a string to the hashtable value for that $instance. How would I do that? I have started with this, but I'm not sure if I'm on the right track:
foreach ($db in $instance.Databases)
foreach ($luser in $db.Users)
$scripts.Set_Item ($instance, <what do I add in here?>)
$h= #{}
$h.add("Test", "Item")
Name Value
---- -----
Test Item
$h."Test" += " is changed"
Name Value
---- -----
Test Item is changed
I would go with this code.
$instances = Get-Content -Path .\Instances.txt
$scripts = #{}
foreach ($i in $instances)
$instance = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server $i
foreach($login in $instance.Logins)
$scripts[$instance.Name] = #($scripts[$instance.Name]) + $login.Script().ToString()
foreach ($db in $instance.Databases)
foreach ($luser in $db.Users)
$scripts[$instance] = #($scripts[$instance]) + $luser.Script().ToString()
The result will be a hash table with each instance as a key, and an array of strings where each string is the T-SQL script for a user.
The .Script() method returns a string collection. There's probably a more elegant way of doing it, but replacing
$scripts.Set_Item ($instance, <what do I add in here?>)
$val = $scripts[$instance]
$val.Add("text to add")
$scripts.Set_Item($instance, $val)
should work.
$test = #{}
$test.Hello = "Hello World"
Write-Host "message from $($test.Hello)"
$test.Hello += " Cosmonaut"
Write-Host "message from $($test.Hello)"
