Prevent mapped components in conditional from reloading? - reactjs

I have a screen with two tabs/buttons "Recent" and "Top". When switching between the two, the individual items always reload the data which is unnecessary and causes shifting. I haven't been able to solve this with useMemo or anything similar.
How can I make the components not load their data again when switching between tabs:
Example editable in Sandbox: codesandbox
Edit: I realized I can use CSS to hide the non-active tab or I can load the data at a higher level to prevent the reload - but at the component level, is it possible to stop a reload of the data?
import * as React from "react";
import "./styles.css";
const delay = (ms) => new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, ms));
const Item = ({ title }) => {
const [itemLoading, setItemLoading] = React.useState(true);
async function loadItem() {
await delay((Math.random() * (3 - 1) + 1) * 1000);
React.useEffect(() => {
}, []);
if (itemLoading) {
return (
<div className="w-full text-center py-4 border bg-white rounded shadow-lg">
item is loading ...
} else {
return (
<div className="w-full text-center py-4 border bg-white rounded shadow-lg">
item {title}
export default function App() {
const [tab, setTab] = React.useState("Recent");
const recentItems = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "9"];
const topItems = ["99", "98", "97", "96", "95", "94", "93"];
return (
<div className="w-screen h-screen bg-gray-100">
<h1 className="text-2xl text-center py-4">Current Tab: {tab}</h1>
<section className="w-full h-24 grid grid-cols-2">
className="cursor-pointer text-center bg-red-200 pt-8"
onClick={() => {
className="cursor-pointer text-center bg-yellow-200 pt-8"
onClick={() => {
{tab === "Recent"
? => <Item key={item} title={item} />)
: => <Item key={item} title={item} />)}

Every time tab state changes, is invoked and creates a new array of react components:
{tab === "Recent"
? => <Item key={item} title={item} />)
: => <Item key={item} title={item} />)}
And everytime a new component is created, the code you've provided tries to fetch data with async call and ReactDOM re-renders the table. Data fetching part should be seperate from component if speed is a constraint.
You can achive that by either moving the data state up to upper component(in your case App) or handle it seperately elsewhere. First option is recommended.

The way I solved this without moving the data loading further up, is to set the height and width of the tabs to 0, and mark them as hidden (unless it it the current tab). This got rid of all double loading and cumulative layout shift without modify lots of code.
const hiddenClass = "w-0 h-0 hidden"
<div className={currentTab === "Recent" ? undefined : hiddenClass} >
...recent items
<div className={currentTab === "Popular" ? undefined : hiddenClass} >
...popular items


How Could I Change The State When Scroll on ReactJS?

I want to change the state when scrolling. Here, the default value of the background is false. I want when scroll the page the value will be true and then I will change the className dynamically using the ternary operator. But it isn't working. please give me a solution using onScoll method and the background state will be changed when scroll the page.
const Header = () => {
const [background, setBackground] = useState(false)
return (
<div onScroll={() => setBackground(true)} >
<div >
<div className={background ?
'nav bg-error w-[90%] py-5 mx-auto text-[white] flex justify-between '
'nav w-[90%] py-5 mx-auto text-[white] flex justify-between'}>
<p> logo</p>
<ul className='flex justify-around'>
<li className='mx-10'>item2</li>
<li className='mr-10'>item3</li>
<div className=' text-[white]'>
<img src="" alt="" />
export default Header;
That's because you need to set overflow:scroll to the div. Otherwise the onScroll prop won't work.
But remember that using the solution above will render unwanted extra scrollbars.
So you can try this instead:
const [background, setBackground] = React.useState(false);
React.useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener("scroll", (e) => setBackground(true));
return () => {
window.removeEventListener("scroll", (e) => setBackground(false));
}, [background]);

Group Disclosures (Accordian) from Headless UI

I've just started using Headless UI. I'm trying to use the Disclosure component from Headless UI to render my job experiences.
Basically, I need "n" number of Disclosures which will be dynamically rendered and whenever one Disclosure is opened the others should close.
I am able to render the Disclosures dynamically, and they all have their individual states. (opening/closing a disclosure doesn't affect the other Disclosure).
All I want to do is to have only one disclosure open at a time. Opening another Disclosure should close all the remaining Disclosures.
I have gone through their docs but couldn't find a way to manage multiple Disclosure states together.
Here is my code:
import React, { useContext } from "react";
import { GlobalContext } from "../data/GlobalContext";
import { Tab, Disclosure } from "#headlessui/react";
import ReactMarkdown from "react-markdown";
const Experience = () => {
const { data } = useContext(GlobalContext);
const expData = data.pageContent.find(
(content) => content.__component === "page-content.experience-page-content"
return (
<div className="container h-screen">
<div className="flex h-full flex-col items-center justify-center">
<h3 className="">{expData.pageTitle}</h3>
<div className="flex min-h-[600px] flex-col">
{, i) => (
<Disclosure key={job.companyName} defaultOpen={i === 0}>
key={job.companyName + "_tab"}
className="px-4 py-3 dark:text-dark-primary"
<Disclosure.Panel key={job.companyName + "_panel"}>
<p className="">
<span className="">{job.designation}</span>
<span className="">{" # "}</span>
<span className="">{job.companyName}</span>
<p className="">{job.range}</p>
<ReactMarkdown className="">
export default Experience;
It would be really helpful if someone could help me with this.
Ok, I stole from various sources and managed to hack it. I haven't tested it for accessibility but it has some interesting things because it deviates a little bit (rather usefully if you ask me) from the React mental model.
The tldr is that you will need to trigger clicks on the other elements imperatively via ref.current?.click()
Here are the steps:
1) Create the refs:
Here we can't use hooks since you can't call hooks inside loops or conditionals, we use React.createRef<HTMLButtonElement>() instead
const refs = React.useMemo(() => {
return ( => {
return React.createRef<HTMLButtonElement>();
}) ?? []
}, [items]);
2) Add the corresponding ref to the Disclosure.Button component
{, idx) => (
<Disclosure key={}>
{({open}) => (
{/* other relevant stuff */}
<Disclosure.Button ref={refs[idx]}>
{/* more stuff */}
3) Use data attributes (for making it easy on yourself)
this one is gonna be specially useful for the next step
{, idx) => (
<Disclosure key={}>
{({open}) => (
{/* other relevant stuff */}
{/* more stuff */}
4) define your handleClosingOthers function (an onClick handler)
Basically here we get all the buttons that aren't the one that the user is clicking, verifying if they are open and if they are, clicking programmatically on them to close them.
function handleClosingOthers(id: string) {
const otherRefs = refs.filter((ref) => {
return ref.current?.getAttribute("data-id") !== id;
otherRefs.forEach((ref) => {
const isOpen = ref.current?.getAttribute("data-open") === "true";
if (isOpen) {
5) finally we add that function to the onClick handler
{, idx) => (
<Disclosure key={}>
{({open}) => (
{/* other relevant stuff */}
onClick={() => handleClosingOthers(}
{/* more stuff */}
<div class="mx-auto w-full max-w-md space-y-3 rounded-2xl bg-white p-2">
<Disclosure v-for="(i, idx) in 3" :key="i" v-slot="{ open, close }">
:ref="el => (disclosure[idx] = close)"
class="flex w-full justify-between rounded-lg bg-purple-100 px-4 py-2 text-left text-sm font-medium text-purple-900 hover:bg-purple-200 focus:outline-none focus-visible:ring focus-visible:ring-purple-500 focus-visible:ring-opacity-75"
<span> What is your refund policy? {{ open }} </span>
<DisclosurePanel class="px-4 pt-4 pb-2 text-sm text-gray-500">
If you're unhappy with your purchase for any reason, email us within 90 days and we'll
refund you in full, no questions asked.
<script setup>
import { Disclosure, DisclosureButton, DisclosurePanel } from '#headlessui/vue'
const disclosure = ref([])
const hideOther = id => {
disclosure.value.filter((d, i) => i !== id).forEach(c => c())
here how I did it in Vue.
I've used this approach:
function Akkordion({ items }) {
const buttonRefs = useRef([]);
const openedRef = useRef(null);
const clickRecent = (index) => {
const clickedButton = buttonRefs.current[index];
if (clickedButton === openedRef.current) {
openedRef.current = null;
if (Boolean(openedRef.current?.getAttribute("data-value"))) {
openedRef.current = clickedButton;
return (
{, idx) => (
<Disclosure key={}>
{({ open }) => (
<Disclosure.Button as="div">
ref={(ref) => {
buttonRefs.current[idx] = ref;
onClick={() => clickRecent(idx)}

React - Prevent re-render whole list when delete element

I'm working on a toasts notifications system using React v17 and the React context API. I'm NOT using Redux.
The problem:
Toasts are dismissed automatically after a given delay. The toast element which is dismissed is removed from the list from the context. The problem is that each Toast component is re-render, the whole list is re-render, each time the list change.
I don't want that each component be re-rendered. Only the dismissed Toast component should be "re-render", understand deleted from the list displayed.
I put key attribute on my Toast components but it doesn't work as I expected it would.
Thank you for helping me !
The code below:
function Layout() {
const toastsContext = useContext(ToastsContext);
const toastsList = toastsContext.toastsList;
const [list, setList] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
}, [toastsList]);
const displayToasts = =>
redirectTo={toast.redirectTo} />
<div className='bg-slate-800 text-slate-400 min-h-screen relative'>
<Header />
<Outlet />
<div className='fixed top-20 right-4 flex flex-col gap-2'>
export default Layout;
Toast component
import { memo, useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { ToastsContext } from "../context/ToastsContext";
import { FiX, FiArrowRight } from 'react-icons/fi';
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
function Toast({id, color, title, message, dismissable, autoDismissDelay, showTime, redirectTo}) {
const toastsContext = useContext(ToastsContext);
const [hiddenToast, setHiddenToast] = useState(false);
const getToastColor = () => {
switch (color) {
case 'primary':
return 'bg-sky-500';
case 'danger':
return 'bg-rose-500';
case 'success':
return 'bg-green-500';
return 'bg-sky-500';
const dismissToast = useCallback(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
document.getElementById(`toast${id}`).className = 'hidden';
}, 310);
}, [id, toastsContext]);
useEffect(() => {
const interval = setInterval(() => {
}, autoDismissDelay);
return () => {
}, [autoDismissDelay, dismissToast]);
<div id={'toast'+id} className={`transition ease-out duration-300 text-slate-50 text-sm rounded-lg drop-shadow-lg opacity-100 ${getToastColor()} ${hiddenToast ? 'translate-x-20 opacity-0' : ''}`}>
<div className="w-72">
<div className={`${(redirectTo && redirectTo !== '') || (message && message !== '') ? 'py-2' : 'py-4'} px-4 flex font-semibold items-center`}>
<div className="ml-auto flex items-center">
{showTime ? <p className="text-xs mr-3">11m ago</p> : null}
{dismissable ?
<button type="button" className="flex items-center justify-center text-base" onClick={dismissToast}>
<FiX />
: null
redirectTo && redirectTo !== '' ?
<Link className={`border-t border-slate-700 bg-slate-800 rounded-b-lg px-4 py-3 font-medium hover:bg-slate-700 block`} to={redirectTo}>
<p className="flex items-center justify-between">
<span>{message ? message : 'See more'}</span>
<FiArrowRight />
message ?
<div className={`border-t border-slate-700 bg-slate-800 rounded-b-lg px-4 py-3 font-medium`}>
<p className="flex items-center justify-between">
: null
export default memo(Toast);
That's the default behavior in react: When a component (eg, Layout) re renders, so to do all its children (the Toasts). If you want to skip rendering some of the toasts, then Toast will need to use React.memo. Also, for the memoization to work, the props to each Toast will need to stay the same from one render to the next. From looking at your code i think that will happen without any changes, but it's important to know so you don't think memo is enough on its own.
import { memo } from 'react';
function Toast() {
// ...
export default memo(Toast);

How can I set an element id to active when another component is scrolled into view?

So I have a sidebar and inside of it multiple buttons. When I click on the particular button, it scrolls into view a component with a certain name(I have one page with multiple components). And it works fine, components scroll into view,
but I want to set a list item id to active, according to the current component in view, so it changes color, but in the other li items active class is removed.
const Sidebar = () => {
const [sideBar, setSidebar] = useState(false);
return (
<div className="sidebar">
<span class="btn" onClick={() => setSidebar(!sideBar)}>
<div className="profile">
<img src={spike} />
<span>Alim Budaev</span>
<span>Available for work</span>
<ul className="sidebarlist" id={sideBar ? "hidden" : ""}>
{, key) => {
return (
id={ == val.title ? "active" : ""}
onClick={() => {
So as you can see, I have a ul with list items, and when I click on each one, it scrolls a certain div into view. I also SidebarData.js file, where I store all data as an array:
export const SlidebarData = [
title: "Home",
link: "home"
title: "About",
link: "about"
title: "Services",
link: "services"
title: "Contact",
link: "contact"
So when a particular div is in view, I want to set a li id to active, but I can't figure out how I can tell li to do it.
you're changing id instead of class on li and id can’t be duplicate, it is not assigned correctly.
Instead of using id in your code, you might use ref.
here is a sample code to add active class to li based on elements in view.
const Sidebar = () => {
const [sideBar, setSidebar] = useState(false);
const [selectedLink, setSelectedLink] = useState("");
return (
<div className="sidebar">
<span className="btn" onClick={() => setSidebar(!sideBar)}>
<div className="profile">
<img src={spike} />
<span>Alim Budaev</span>
<span>Available for work</span>
<ul className="sidebarlist" id={sideBar ? "hidden" : ""}>
{, key) => {
return (
className={`row ${selectedLink === ? "active" : ""}`}
onClick={() => {
There are two problems with your solution. One is that your SlidebarData has different titles and links. Thus, when using === val.title in Sidebar hook, you're getting false on the condition, returning the id as blank.
On the other hand, I'm not sure how you're not getting an error with document.getElementById(;. The value of is going to be either Home, About, ...; however, you're setting the id of each li as either "active" or blank (""). So, document.getElementById( should return null and not the element.
EDIT: Does this solve your problem?
If you want to set the id which is active when pressed, do not use the keyword active as you'll have to change all the other id's. Create a state variable currentId (for example), and use it to set the current item you've selected.
const Sidebar = () => {
const [sideBar, setSidebar] = useState(false);
const [currentId, setCurrentId] = useState("");
return (
<div className="sidebar">
<span class="btn" onClick={() => setSidebar(!sideBar)}>
<div className="profile">
<span>Alim Budaev</span>
<span>Available for work</span>
<ul className="sidebarlist" id={sideBar ? "hidden" : ""}>
{, key) => {
return (
onClick={() => {
Edit #2: Here is the codesandbox link, so you can have a look at the behaviour of the aforestated code.
You'll need to use the Intersection Observer API, which will allow you to monitor and react to events which occur when tracked elements intersect a parent element (or the viewport).
Implementing this in React is non-trivial and will likely involve forwarding refs for each tracked element, however, you might find one or more community modules which already exist (e.g. react-intersection-observer).

How to add custom arrow buttons to Alice-Carousel?

I am making a carousel component with alice-carousel ( but having trouble customising the arrows. Code as follows
export const Carousel: React.FC<CarouselProps> = ({text }) => {
const [activeIndex, setActiveIndex] = useState(0);
const items = ["item1","item2","item3"]
const slidePrev = () => {
setActiveIndex(activeIndex - 2);
const slideNext = () => {
: setActiveIndex(activeIndex + 2)
<div className="grid grid-cols-3">
<div className="col-span-2>
<div className="flex justify-end">
<button className="px-8" onClick={slidePrev}><ArrowL/></button>
<button className="px-8" onClick={slideNext}><ArrowR/></button>
<div className="col-span-3 px-10">
Above code changes the activeIndex therefore changing the items display order but it does so without the "slide" animation. I've looked at examples provided in the library used however cant seem to get it to slide smoothly. What am I doing wrong?
I encourage you to use the library's options to reduce the complexity of your implementation and stop unwanted behavior.
According to the documentation, there are two functions renderPrevButton and renderNextButton with the AliceCarousel to render your custom component (any elements, icons, buttons, ...) for the Prev and Next item on the gallery.
So, instead of defining a custom button with a custom action handler, pass your desired component to the mentioned function and give them some styles for customization.
export const Carousel: React.FC<CarouselProps> = ({text}) => {
const items = ["item1","item2","item3"]
return (
<div className="grid grid-cols-3">
<div className="col-span-2"> // ---> you forgot to add closing string quotation mark
<div className="col-span-3 px-10">
// disableButtonsControls // ---> also remove this
// activeIndex={activeIndex} // ---> no need to this anymore
renderPrevButton={() => {
return <p className="p-4 absolute left-0 top-0">Previous Item</p>
renderNextButton={() => {
return <p className="p-4 absolute right-0 top-0">Next Item</p>
Note: you need to remove the disableButtonsControls option from the AliceCarousel to handle the custom buttons properly. also, you don't need to use the activeIndex option anymore since the carousel will handle them automatically.
As a sample, I passed a p element with my renderPrevButton without any onClick action. you can define your custom icon, image, or any element and passed them.
Hi for the renderNextButton/renderPrevButton you have to declare a function first, then pass that function to the render option of the Alice Carousel.
import ArrowBackIosIcon from '#mui/icons-material/ArrowBackIos';
import ArrowForwardIosIcon from '#mui/icons-material/ArrowForwardIos';
export const Carousel: React.FC<CarouselProps> = ({text}) => {
const items = ["item1","item2","item3"]
const renderNextButton = ({ isDisabled }) => {
return <ArrowForwardIosIcon style={{ position: "absolute", right: 0, top: 0 }} />
const renderPrevButton = ({ isDisabled }) => {
return <ArrowBackIosIcon style={{ position: "absolute", left: 0, top: 0 }} />
return (
<div className="grid grid-cols-3">
<div className="col-span-2"> // ---> you forgot to add closing string quotation mark
<div className="col-span-3 px-10">
// disableButtonsControls // ---> also remove this
// activeIndex={activeIndex} // ---> no need to this anymore
