Cannot build Maven project in codename one build server (Error Log) - codenameone

Using Netbeans 11.3. Create the project from copy the contents of the tools/netbeans directory into the root project directory. I can run the project simulator, run the project simulator in debug mode fine. When I build the project to send to the CN1 build server it fails and I get a long Error Log. The first lines of the log are: -
Found hyp.beamId
Tried to start hyperlog but failed: Failed to start hyperlog: Cannot run program "hyp":
error=2, No such file or directory
User-level: 9000
Request Args:


Builds not appearing in build server

I am building an android apk via 'Send Android build' and it shows that the build is successful. When I go to check the build server, it shows that it's empty.. Apparently with no build.
This is output in my console:
ant -f /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile build-for-android-device
Generating GUI sources
No GUI Entries available
Updating property file: /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/build/
Deleting directory /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/build
Deleting directory /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/lib/impl
Deleting directory /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/native/internal_tmp
Created dir: /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/build/classes
Copying 12 files to /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/build/classes
Updating property file: /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/build/
JavaFX Not loaded. Classpath=/home/falcon/.codenameone/designer_1.jar . Adding to classpath
Adding JavaFX to your project properties file at nbproject/
JavaFX should be correctly loaded the next time you run this project.
Restarting JVM with JavaFX in the classpath.
NOTE: If you are trying to debug the project, you'll need to cancel this run and try running debug on the project again. JavaFX should now be in your classpath.
JavaFX is loaded
Retina Scale: 1.0
Updating merge file /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/css/theme.css.merged
Input: /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/css/theme.css
Output: /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/src/theme.res
Acquiring lock on CSS checksums file /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/.cn1_css_checksums...
Lock obtained
File has not changed since last compile.
Releasing lock
CSS file successfully compiled. /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/src/theme.res
Compile is forcing compliance to the supported API's/features for maximum device compatibility. This allows smaller
code size and wider device support
Created dir: /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/build/tmp
Compiling 42 source files to /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/build/tmp
Created dir: /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/build/empty
Created dir: /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/build/generated-sources/ap-source-output
Compiling 42 source files to /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/build/classes
warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 8
1 warning
Copying 2 files to /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/build/classes
Created dir: /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/dist
Copying 1 file to /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/build
Not copying library /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/override , it's a directory.
Not copying library /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/lib/impl/cls , it's a directory.
Not copying library /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/lib/impl/stubs , it's a directory.
Not copying library /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/${cn1.javafx.path} , it can't be read.
Not copying library /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/native/internal_tmp , it can't be read.
Copy libraries to /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/dist/lib.
Building jar: /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/dist/BizApp.jar
To run this application from the command line without Ant, try:
java -jar "/home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/dist/BizApp.jar"
Created dir: /home/falcon/NetBeansProjects/bizapp_mobile/native/internal_tmp
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 11 seconds)
Where could I be going wrong?
Now this is confusing...
When I ran 'Send Android build' when my PC is connected to internet, it gives that message I posted before.
So accidentally, I ran 'Send Android build' while my PC was offline and it passed that point and it showed me this pop up:
Now.. once I this pop-up shows, that's when I connect to internet and everything will flow as supposed to.
So its like, if I have internet connected right from the start, it isn't successful but if I connect to internet after showing me the popup of an invalid Android certificate, everything will work fine and the build will be in the build server.
But is causing this now?

Error Deploying ASP.NET Core Web Application + ReactJS to Azure

Trying to deploy an ASP.NET Core Web Application + ReactJS to Azure and the Publish step in my pipeline always ends in error – “Error: The process 'C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe' failed with exit code 1”
My pipeline is composed of:
Prepare job
Initialize job
npm install (step added by me after some errors)
npm audit fix (step added by me after some errors)
npm run build (step added by me after some errors)
Publish <- Error!
Publish Artifact
Post-job: Checkout
Finalize Job
The error I get in the Pusblish step is:‌
Webpack compilation mode: production ===‌
Hash: c2e1b3f9437a24e5157e
Time: 108142ms
Built at: 05/09/2019 1:13:13 PM
Asset Size
Chunks Chunk Names
main-server.js 3.58 MiB
0 [emitted] main-server
Entrypoint main-server = main-server.js
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\2.2.105\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.Publish.targets(141,5):
error MSB3030: Could not copy the file
"D:\a\1\s\wwwroot\dist\" because it was not found.
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\2.2.105\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.Publish.targets(141,5):
error MSB3030: Could not copy the file
"D:\a\1\s\wwwroot\dist\" because it was not found.
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\2.2.105\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.Publish.targets(141,5):
error MSB3030: Could not copy the file
"D:\a\1\s\wwwroot\dist\" because it was not found.
The process 'C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe' failed with exit code 1
command failed with non-zero exit code on the following projects :
Using “npm run build:prod” I thought the *.map files were not even necessary, but that is the only error I see on the Publish step.
Any help would be appreciated.
Pedro Cabral
Remove npm publish step and try again. The npm publish step might be failing because the private property in package.json is set to true.
Try the Publish artifacts step and give the generated artifacts path ( drop or build folder) to the publish path step.

Cannot deploy to with gh-pages with specific project due to error: cannot spawn sh: No such file or directory

Keep getting the error:
error: cannot spawn sh: No such file or directory
fatal: unable to fork
The project builds correctly but when trying to deploy my website it fails.
Website was created with "create-react-app" on my windows 8 pc with the command "gh-pages -d build"
This issue only occurs in this specific project on my pc as when I create a new project with "create-react-app" on my pc it'll deploy fine. This specific project can also be deployed fine with "gh-pages -d build" on my mac but not my pc.
Error of failing to deploy on console
Error log console references
Somewhere along the line I must've messed up something. I've looked over the web, tried reinstalling git, editor, dependencies and am super confused as to what's causing this. It must be an operating system difference? Thanks!
It's trying to spawn sh.exe but can't find it.
You need to add the git directory that contains sh.exe to your system variables.
(go start and type: 'path'. This should provide you with a shortcut to 'system environment variables'. If not look up how to edit environment variables on your version of windows.)
Once you have the environment variables dialogue box open, have a look in the System variables > 'path' list. There may be a git directory there that doesn't contain sh.exe. You need to replace it with one that does (ensure this also contains git.exe).
On my pc sh.exe was found in:
C:\Program Files\Git\bin
Once this is done restart the terminal and attempt to deploy again.

Play Application Couldn't be Started

Recently I've been assigned for a project created with AngularJs and it uses Java Play framework to run it. I use IntelliJ-Idea IDE for the development and to run this application.
Once I clicked on "Run", it gives me following errors in the console.
'force' enabled
Will run: [gulp, --gulpfile=gulpfile.js, watch, --force] in /home/supuns/Projects/bd-business-portal/ui Cannot run program "gulp" (in directory "/home/supuns/Projects/bd-business-portal/ui"): error=2, No such file or directory
at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(
Caused by: error=2, No such file or directory
at java.lang.UNIXProcess.forkAndExec(Native Method)
at java.lang.UNIXProcess.<init>(
at java.lang.ProcessImpl.start(
at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(
[trace] Stack trace suppressed: run 'last compile:run' for the full output.
[error] (compile:run) Cannot run program "gulp" (in directory "/home/supuns/Projects/bd-business-portal/ui"): error=2, No such file or directory
[error] Total time: 2 s, completed Oct 24, 2016 10:54:25 AM
Process finished with exit code 1
I can't figure out what is happening because I'm new to the environment.
Sorry about the less information I have given in my question. I have globally installed gulp but still it is not working.
Here's the content of build.sbt file.
name := """bd-business-portal"""
version := "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(PlayJava)
scalaVersion := "2.11.7"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
With the help of my team members I have found the reason that cause this issue is IntelliJ-Idea doesn't know the path to 'Gulp'. I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 and even though I have set the path globally it doesn't understand where to find gulp.
Therefore I have installed sbt and from the IntelliJ terminal ran the command:
sbt run
and it worked.
As I had to work on multiple Play framework sbt projects, doing "sbt run" on the terminal and closing IntelliJ windows to free the port was bit hectic. Therefore I decided to find the actual path variable that created this behavior and I found the PATH variable saved in /etc/environment was "/home/supuns/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.1/bin/gulp" and I changed it to
Then the IntelliJ "Play" button worked as intended.
I also faced the same issue. I fixed it by installing gulp cli along with gulp. Below 2 commands fixed my problem:
npm install -global gulp-cli
npm install gulp --save-dev

Codename one build error with new Netbeans installation

I recently starting using a new Mac for development, and I have a cn1 app I've been working on on a Windows machine for a while. I installed Netbeans and the cn1 plugin, but I can't run the project or send a build. The error I get is this:
ant -f /Users/yaakov/Development/workspace/medonline_cn1 build-for-android-device
No GUI Entries available
Updating property file: /Users/yaakov/Development/workspace/medonline_cn1/build/
Deleting directory /Users/yaakov/Development/workspace/medonline_cn1/build
Deleting directory /Users/yaakov/Development/workspace/medonline_cn1/lib/impl
Created dir: /Users/yaakov/Development/workspace/medonline_cn1/build/classes
Copying 8 files to /Users/yaakov/Development/workspace/medonline_cn1/build/classes
Copying 96 files to /Users/yaakov/Development/workspace/medonline_cn1/build/classes
Updating property file: /Users/yaakov/Development/workspace/medonline_cn1/build/
/Users/yaakov/Development/workspace/medonline_cn1/build.xml:37: Could not find designer_1.jar file at path /Users/yaakov/.codenameone/designer_1.jar
BUILD FAILED (total time: 1 second)
The directory /Users/yaakov/.codenameone doesn't even exist. There is /Users/yaakov/.cn1 directory, however, but it's empty. The project is a GUI builder project. I'm running Java 8.
Assuming you installed the Codename One plugin on NetBeans just double click the res file. This will launch the designer and create that directory. Everything should work as expected after that.
