Azure Search - Hierarchical facets guidance - azure-cognitive-search

I'm developing a project where I want to have hierarchical facets.
I have an index with a complex structure, like:
And othercomplexfield contains another list with anothercomplexfield inside.
I'd like to be able to give to users the possibility to:
Have the facets of field1.
When one is selected, I'd like to give the user the possibility to select one of the values of a certain field of "othercomplexfield" while filtering by the selected field1.
I can do that.
I'd then like to give the user the possibility to select one of the possible values of "anothercomplexfield" while filtering by field1 AND by the selected othercomplexfield.
The difficulty here is that I don't want every possible facet value, but only the ones CONTAINED by the othercomplexfield that I'm filtering for.
So far I had to do this inside of c# and i did not find a way to write a query that gives me back from azure search the distinct values that I want.
Someone has a similar problem?
Did I explain the problem well enough?
I saw no clear guidance online, everything is easy if you only have level 1 facets but when you get into nested objects it's not that clear anymore.

I'm not sure I fully understand the context of your question. What I can tell you is that filters only apply at the document level and not at the complex collection level. What I mean by that is that if a filter matches an item in a complex collection, the entire document will be returned, not just the item in the complex collection that matched. The same is true for facets--facets will count all documents in the result set that match the filter and can't be scoped down just to parts of documents. With that, it seems like having this logic in your application like you mentioned might be the best approach for your current index schema.
We do have this old blog post that talks about one way to implement hierarchical facets with Azure Cognitive Search which may give you some other ideas on how you could implement the functionality you're looking for:


In Azure Search, can an indexer combine information from different documents to a single index item without them overwritting each other?

My goal is to create a single searchable Azure Index that has all of the relevant information currently stored in many different sql tables.
I'm also using an Azure Cognitive Service to add additional info from related documents. Each document is tied to only a single item in my Index, but each item in the index will be tied to many documents.
According to my understanding, if two documents have the same value for the indexer's Key, then the index will overwrite the extracted information from the first document with the information extracted from the second. I'm hoping there's a way to append the information instead of overwriting it. For example: if two documents relate to the same index item, I want the values mapped to keyphrases for that item to include the keyphrases found in the first document and the keyphrases found in the second document.
Is this possible? Is there a different way I should be approaching this?
If it is possible, can I do it without having duplicate values?
Currently I have multiple indexes and I'm combining the search results from each one, but this seems inefficient and likely messes up the default scoring algorithm.
Every code example I find only has one document for each index item and doesn't address my problem. Admittedly, I haven't tried to set up my index as described above, because it would take a lot of refactoring, and I'm confident it would just overwrite itself.
I am currently creating my indexes and indexers programmatically using dotnet. I'm assuming my code isn't relevant to my question, but I can provide it if need be.
Thank you so much! I'd appreciate any feedback you can give.
Edit: I'm thinking about creating a custom skill to do the aggregation for me, but I don't know how the skill would access access everything it needs. It needs the extracted info from the current document, and it needs the previously aggregated info from previous documents. I guess the custom skill could perform a search on the index and get the item that way, but that sounds dangerously hacky. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Pasting from docs:
Indexing actions: upload, merge, mergeOrUpload, delete
You can control the type of indexing action on a per-document basis, specifying whether the document should be uploaded in full, merged with existing document content, or deleted.
Whether you use the REST API or an SDK, the following document operations are supported for data import:
Upload, similar to an "upsert" where the document is inserted if it is new, and updated or replaced if it exists. If the document is missing values that the index requires, the document field's value is set to null.
merge updates a document that already exists, and fails a document that cannot be found. Merge replaces existing values. For this reason, be sure to check for collection fields that contain multiple values, such as fields of type Collection(Edm.String). For example, if a tags field starts with a value of ["budget"] and you execute a merge with ["economy", "pool"], the final value of the tags field is ["economy", "pool"]. It won't be ["budget", "economy", "pool"].
mergeOrUpload behaves like merge if the document exists, and upload if the document is new.
delete removes the entire document from the index. If you want to remove an individual field, use merge instead, setting the field in question to null.

Is it possible to get a list of similar and/identical documents?

This is a general question that would like to get some input from the search community, so I don't have a piece of code to share just yet.
The objective is for a single document to get a list of similar and/or identical documents indexed by Azure Search - is that possible?
So given a document_id = 1 how do I get a list of the most similar documents to the specified id in the index? Ideally the outcome would be a list of documents order by a match of 0-100 - where 100 (%) would be an identical match.
I considering maybe taking the content of a given document and submitting that as part of the search, but that doesn't seem to be very elegant and it is also error prone in terms of constructing the query and the size of a document can be significant.
Thank you in advance for any suggestions or comments.
You could try using the preview feature "moreLikeThis" ->
I believe that's the closest Azure Search has to offer to what you want.
Edit 1: Be advised that this feature has limitations like non-support for complex types. Make sure it meets your requirements before taking a production dependency.

Creating Index in Cloudant

I have a document in the database which has thousands of item in
'productList' as below.
All the object in array 'productList' has the same shape and same fields with different values.
Now I want to search in the following way.
when a user writes 'c' against 'Ingrediants' field, the list will show all 'Ingrediants' start with alphabet 'c'.
when a user write 'A' against 'brandName' field, the list will show
all 'brandName' start with alphabet 'A'.
please give an example using this to search for it, either it is by
creating an index(json,text).
creating a Search index (design document) or
using views etc
Note: I don't want to create an index at run-time(I mean index could be defined by Cloudant dashboard) I just want to query it, by this library in the application.
I have read the documentation's, I got the concepts.
Now, I want to implement it with the best approach.
I will use this approach to handle all such scenarios in future.
Sorry if the question is stupid :)
CouchDB isn't designed to do exactly what you're asking. You'd need one index for Ingredient, and another for Brand Name - and it isn't particularly performant to do both at once. The best approach I think would be to check out the Mango query feature, try the queries you're interested in and then add indexes as required (it has the explain plan to help make this more efficient).

Solr documents with multiple parents

I'm currently trying to figure out if Solr is the right tool for me. I have the following setup:
There is the primary document type "blog". Then there are two additional document types "user" and "category". Both of these are parents of the "blog" document type.
Now when searching the "blog" documents, I not only want to search in those fields (e.g. title and content), but also in the parent fields (user>name and category>name.
Of course, I could just flatten that down to a single document for Solr, which would ease the search a lot. The downside to this is though, that when e.g. a user updates their name, I have to run through all blog posts of them and update the documents for that in Solr, instead of just updating a single document.
This becomes even worse when the user has another parent, on which I need to search as well.
Do you have any recommendations about how to handle this use case? Maybe my Google foo is just not good enough, but what I found (block joins, etc.) don't seem to do the trick.
The absolutely most performant and easiest solution would be to flatten everything to a single document. It turns out that these relations aren't updated as often as people think, and that searches are performed more often than the documents update. And even if one of the values that are identical across a large set of documents change, reindexing from the most recent documents (for a blog) and then going backwards will appear rather performant for most users. The assumes that you have to actually search the values and don't just need the values - which you could look up from secondary storage when displaying an item (and just store the never changing id in the document).
Another option is to divide this into a multi-search problem. One collection for blog posts, one collection for users and one collection for categories. You then search through each of the collections for the relevant data and merge it in your search model. You can also use [Streaming Expressions] to hand off most of this processing to a Solr cluster for you.
The reason why I always recommend flattening if possible is that most features in Solr (and Lucene) are written for a flat document structure, and allows you to fully leverage the features available. Since Lucene by design is a flat document store, most other features require special care to support blockjoins and parent/child relationships, and you end up experimenting a lot to get the correct queries and feature set you want (if possible). If the documents are flat, it just works.

Using Solr to store user specified information in documents

I have an application that contains a set of text documents that users can search for. Every user must be able to search based on the text of the documents. What is more, users must be able to define custom tags and associate them to a document. Those tags are used in two ways:
1)Users must be able to search for documents based on specific tag ids.
2)There must be facets available for the tags.
My solution was adding a Mutivalued field in each document to pose as an array that contains the tagids that this document has been tagged with. So far so good. I was able to perform queries based on text and tagids ( for example text:hi AND tagIds:56 ).
My question is, would that solution work in production mode in an environment that users add but also remove tags from the documents ? Remember , I have to have the data available in real time, so whenever a user removes/adds a tag I have to reindex that document and commit immediately. If that's not a good solution, what would be an alternative ?
Stackoverflow uses Solr - this is in case if you doubt Solr abilities in production mode.
And although I couldn't find much information on how they have implemented tags, I don't think your approach sounds wrong. Yes, tagged documents will have to be reindexed (that means a slight delay) but other than that I don't see anything wrong with it.
