Expo data encryption and large storage abilities - reactjs

We are researching at using Expo to build an offline first app that requires medium storage and encryption.
It is an app comprising of several user filled forms and data tables.
The core requirements are:
Offline ability. Allowing the user to fill in several forms whilst offline and have the device push this data via POST requests when the device receives a connection.

So far we have a basic working offline app that utilises redux offline (https://github.com/redux-offline/redux-offline) to store client actions when the device is offline and automatically sync this when the device receives a connection.
Store a medium amount of JSON data (100MB+) for offline usage. The app needs to grab this data from a GET request and store it locally. The JSON data is used as part of the form journeys, allowing the user to select from predefined dropdown fields, etc. 

We are unsure how to approach this with Expo.
All the stored data must be encrypted. 

We are unsure how to approach this with Expo.
Authentication via Keycloak. 

This is proving difficult due to the lack of documentation on Expo. It seems it should be done via AuthSession (https://docs.expo.dev/versions/latest/sdk/auth-session/).

The storage and encryption requirements are proving particularly difficult to work around. Are these possible with Expo? Or would we need to eject for React Native for these? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks


Integrate Django and ReactJS with Kafka to generate some analytical data for users?

I'm implementing a Django web service, which is about to have different platform apps,
Reactjs for computers, a swift app for ios, and Kotlin for android devices. the protocol is rest API and perhaps a chat feature included then Django channels are used as well. The data format is JSON. For deployment, I intend to use docker which includes Django, celery, and ReactJS app. And the database is on another separate server which is PostgreSQL. I was thinking to collect some user activity data and some history logs to show the user itself what she/he has done so far. After hours of searching, I came up with Kafka! unfortunately, I have no idea how can I use Kafka and integrate these stuff together and how can I deploy these things. I wish there was a system schema for this specific kind of system that shows what is what and where is what?
Kafka will only integrate your database and Django, with some effort, and ideally a separate Kafka Connect service.
From React (or other clients), you'll need to query some Django API routes which will then query your database. Kafka won't help with your frontend, and isn't really what is exposing the history/activity you're interested in displaying. In other words, you could simply write that to the database, and skip Kafka entirely.
Essentially, you're following the CQRS design pattern if you properly separate Kafka writes from end user / UI reads.
shows what's what and what's where!
Unclear what this means, but data lineage and metadata tools are a whole separate thing. For example, LinkedIn DataHub collects information such as this

How to understand data storage for a React app?

I am learning web dev and I am planning on developing a simple web app using React: a decision matrix tool. 
I need users to be able log in and save their matrices under their profile so I prefer to not use LocalStorage and thus learn more about databases. I am thinking of using JSON as the data format and I will also need to store basics user data for login and their profile.

I wonder how to tackle such a project since so far I have only been using GitHub Pages to host my static websites. Most of what I find by googling seems confusing or irrelevant for such a small-sized project.

My questions are:
What is the simplest way to store, access and edit JSON data as well as user data for a web app?
Are there any simple databases that can be “hosted” together with the app files on a server? Not sure if the question makes sense but I don’t understand where the database is.
What article or resource would you recommend to understand the concepts for data storage?
Ideally you would want to create a backend server using any language/framework e.g nodejs, java, django, php etc and expose the required data through APIs. But, if you don't want to create a separate backend app you can use Firebase database Firestore to save and fetch all of your required data. You can even use firebase hosting to deploy your app. Moreover, firebase also have their Authentication service which you can leverage for your app's authentication.

Application that receives data in real time without refresh

I am developing a desktop program, a website and an application and they both communicate through the same database. I started researching about making these apps real-time, that I don't need to update to receive a new registration or a change to something. I discovered websockets and socket.io, saw some examples and read a lot about it, but then I saw that there are some databases that already do this and one of the most famous is firebase. What I would like to ask here is, using firebase can I make an application in real time? An application that when registering data to the database, all other connected applications receive this data in real time?
In google firebase, you can create listeners on the client-side to respond to any changes in the backend. Check out https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/query-data/listen.
This is great if you need to store data, but if you are purely looking to send information between clients and there is no need for any persistence, I would recommend using WebSockets.

What database to use with PhoneGap

I am creating my first mobile app using Phonegap and I am not sure what database to use with it. I have read a few articles and am finding it hard to decide on which is best to use. Two of the ones mentioned most seem to be MongoDB or SQLite
Because PhoneGap needs Nodejs, I thought that MongoDB would be a good option but is that too robust? I am familar with Mongo but don't want to choose it just because it is convenient, I would prefer to use what is best.
The app will hopefully store information both locally and on the server. Will probably be information like you would store for a messaging app - user info, contacts, messages etc.
Anyone know which would be best to use? - or if another would suit my needs more?
The phonegap is a framework that allows you to create mobile applications using API's multi-platform web. The choice of the database in my view
should not be given by the framework, but for what kind of application you are doing.
I see three ways to store data from your mobile application.
1: Local Storage (http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_webstorage.asp)
2: SQLite (https://github.com/brodysoft/Cordova-SQLitePlugin)
3: Database on server (can be anyone.)
The choice will depend on what you want from your application. If it is a simple application that will be stored few data, use the local storage of html5 that stores documents. If your application is already a bit bigger and more complex, you can use SQLite implemented in the browser using HTML5 which is supported by most current mobiles browser. The advantage here is that access to the base is done without the need to build a server. In the third case your application would be the type client server, in which case you should use the database on the server. The choice of database can be what you feel is appropriate.
I suggest you go with IndexedDB if you want to store a lot of data in the client or LocalStorage which is able to store 5MB worth JSON data.
This is just the front end but for the back-end there are so many to choose from and if you plan to write the back-end with Node then it will be wise to use MongoDB.
I would suggest using the Cordova-SQLitePlugin as it offers a native interface to sqlite, avoiding quota restrictions associated with WebSQL on mobile devices. The plugin is supported on Android, iOS and Windows Phone 8 platforms.
If you want to keep a local and remote database in sync, you may consider using this in conjunction with PouchDB
PhoneGap can use LocalStorage, SessionStorage, or SQLite databases. You can also use PhoneGap to connect to the devices native classes via a plugin, and pass the native class data, that it will then store on the device. check this link to find more details
What database does PhoneGap use and what is the size limit?

Setup for server side for application which need easy acces to data source

I need to make a couple of mobile applications which will all access a shared online resource using e.g. REST API.
What is the cheapest/easiest setup for the server side resource?
The server should store data as either xml/json/sqlite and expose an API to access this data, preferably in a secure manner.
Is Google App Engine appropriate? Any others?
What would be a recommended way to implement?
What I want to do is to have a database online (not important which format - content will not bee too big, ~5000 records with around 5-10 text fields each), have a simple management console for editing this content and then let mobile devices connect in order to check if they have the latest data and update if required.
The data should not be publicly available but key may be hardcoded into device applications.
