Google datastudio : chart style - google-data-studio

Today we have many google data studio reports, we manually style the report charts by using chart options like tableheader, tablefooter, ...).
Someone in the company asked me if we can reuse styling over reports instead of defining it each time again. By using this colab notebook ( we could build a simple bar chart with a CSS. However we do not have the need to build the chart by our self (community visualization with defined java script).
My question
Is it possible to define the style of the 'out of the box' google data studio reports in a way that it is reusable over different reports instead of doing it manually into each report? According my investigation I would conclude that this is not possible, however I would like to be sure before I communicate this into the company.


First steps in mapbox

Good morning, I have been researching the mapbox tool for a short time and I have some initial doubts. I would appreciate if you could guide me. You will find the first one very basic: with mapbox studio we only create the styles that we are going to use later in mapbox GL?
How do I publish a GL mapbox javascript code on a web page, is there a possibility to package it in an iframe?
What is the difference between Datasets and Tilesets? In the documentation I have read that from Datasets Studio you can only upload 5MB files, to upload larger files you have to convert them into Tilesets. I have also read that Tilesets are a kind of raster data.
Those are my first questions about mapbox. Thank you very much in advance
With mapbox studio we only create the styles that we are going to use later in mapbox GL?
Yes - think of Mapbox Studio as "photoshop for maps" where you can design a map style for a variety of uses.
How do I publish a GL mapbox javascript code on a web page, is there a possibility to package it in an iframe?
You can wrap your mapbox code in a script tag in your html doc for a simple implementation - check out this demo.
It is also possible to package it in an iframe - Mapbox Studio can generate that code for you.
What is the difference between Datasets and Tilesets?
A Dataset is a collection of geojson features that you can edit individually. This is often something like a defined set of points with additional data attributes that you've uploaded. You can plot points directly on a map canvas, but will quickly hit performance limitations.
A Tileset is a collection of geojson, raster, or vector data contained in a uniform grid of "tiles" that are optimized for production maps. It's how Mapbox can load the data around the viewpoint without needing to load the entire world at once. Mapbox Studio allows you to export datasets as tilesets for use in a map as a separate layer.

DynamicDataDisplay and other charting libraries for WPF apps

I am looking for a feature rich charting library, I've seen infragistics but it is not performant enough when there are many data points rendered, on the other hand I see DynamicDataDisplay is a pretty awesome library, but the project is not maintained anymore. Could you list other charting libraries that I should be aware of. I am looking from performance and customizability criteria.
You can try to download a trial version of LightningChart, the fastest and fully configurable Charting and Data visualization components for .Net. Examples are included in download package.
You also can read about benchmark and see for yourself.
I have plotted line charts with around a million data points using ChartDirector, and it can plot it well within 1 second. However, ChartDirector is a Windows Forms control, so it needs to be hosted in a WindowsFormsHost control when used in WPF. You can also just display the chart as an image in a WPF image control, but then you lose the user interaction features (track cursors, drag to zoom/scroll, ...).

Render Excel Chart in WPF application

I have created couple of TFS Report in Excel by right clicking a query (Bugs query) and selecting "Create report in Microsoft excel" option. By doing this it has created a Graph.
I want to embed this Graph in WPF application.
As this is a dynamic report which will change in time as the numbers of bugs gets fixed during the day graph will change.
So it it possible for me to integrate a TFS report graph in to WPF application?
In essence you are asking how to embed excel in a wpf application like mentioned on
However, using the reports and/or filling the wpf graphs using the tfs oom will be a lot faster to build an easier to maintain. It might even be wiser to just drop it on the SharePoint server (if it runs excel services) and serving it from the browser (instead of a wpf app) or as a dasboard.

Starting out Silverlight 4 design

I come from mainly a web development background (ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, XHTML, CSS etc) but have been tasked with creating/designing a Silverlight application. The application is utilising Bing Maps control for Silverlight, this will be contained in a user control and will be the 'main' screen in the system.
There will be numerous other user controls on the form that will be used to choose/filter/sort/order the data on the map. I think of it like Visual Studio: the Bing Maps will be like the code editor window and the other controls will be like Solutions Explorer, Find Results etc. (although a lot less of them!)
I have read up and I'm comfortable with the data side (RIA-Services) of the application. I've (kinda) got my head around databinding and using a view model to present data and keep the code behind file lite.
What I do need some help on is UI design/navigation framework, specifically 2 aspects:
How do I best implement a fluid design so that the various user controls which filter the map data can be resized/pinned/unpinned (for example, like the Solution Explorer in VS)? I made a test using a Grid with a GridSplitter control, is this the best way? Would it be best to create a Grid/Gridsplitter with Navigation Frames inside the grid to load the content?
Since I have multiple user controls that basically use the same set of data, should I set the dataContext at the highest possible level (e.g. if using a grid with multiple frames, at the Grid level?).
Any help, tips, links etc. will be very much appreciated!
Microsoft has created a great community site for helping people get started with both design and Silverlight here:
It may be far more than what you need for your current project, but it definitely will give you the training you need to master Design with Silverlight.

Reporting Services: Subscription PDF generated Dundas Chart looks different from Preview Chart

Running a report on SQL Server Reporting Services
When I do a Preview of the Report all my charts look fine. No problems.
When I run a subscription for the report, the chart look different. Like completely different legends are gone etc.
Any ideas what the cause would be?
BTW the charts are Dundas Charts.
The format you are returning for the subscription is not the same as the preview (which is html). Try exporting from your preview to the format you are returning in your subscription. This should start to give you an idea what is going on.
do you have code in your dundas objects that controls legends, etc?
if so, there is a bug with the dundas components that will prevent any of that code from executing when a report is run from an execution snapshot or subscription
