Show button when clicked on a element on cake php - cakephp

Hello community i want to show a button when a ad was clicked (identify using class) and opened for at least 30s in cake php
button code
<?= $this->Form->button(__('Click here to continue'), [
'class' => 'btn btn-primary btn-captcha',
'id' => 'invisibleCaptchaShortlink',
]); ?>
And class = anything i will put the class by finding the class from ads.
If the user closed tab until 30 seconds ends the user should be redirect to the same url where the user is ,like not the ad url and also button will not appear

Depends on how you are showing the ads, you are not providing much information to work with, to be honest. In order to use ads for cake you need either a plugin or an API. I don't know much about plugins, because even If there are good ones, chances are they are no longer supported or developed.
To do it with an API: You have to read the documentation about the API from the site that shows the advertisements (Site you work with). They should be the ones handling it and sending you back data about how much the user has looked at the ad and what not.
Then you get a response back, and you can read the values in cakePHP and work with them.
I recommend using this program to test out the API responses and requests, then you can use HTTP Client for cake to convert those responses to PHP code. It can be rough, but once you find out how it really works, it gets easier.


React PayPal Payment process checkout

I'm new to the react web app, I trying to create cart payment checkout process. All the modules PayPal button open in same page with POPUP. I want to redirect from my site to the PayPal site and return back to my site. Currently i'm using the below example. Is there any module to create order and redirect.
Why do you want to redirect away from your site? That's how things were done 5+ years ago.
It's much better to keep your site loaded and present in the background and show payers an in-context approval experience, instead of redirecting them over to a new and possibly unfamiliar login page.
You are asking for how to do something you shouldn't even be trying to do, and which will result in an inferior buyer experience and fewer completed checkouts, which is the opposite of what you should want.
But since you ask, the way to do it is not not use the PayPal JavaScript SDK button. Just use the /v2/checkout/orders REST API to create an order and receive an approval_url, which you can redirect to with a static "Checkout with PayPal" button from, say,
Again, full page redirects are an old integration method that give a poor buyer experience and you shouldn't use this method.

Best options to display a popup for angularjs app based on conditions

I have an angularjs app with ASP.NET WebAPI2 REST APIs. There is a scenario where I have a display a popup for initiating a survey for end users (both authenticated and anonymous types). On clicking the popup options, the user will be redirected to another applicaiton which captures all the responses provided by the user.
There is no relation between the angularjs app and the survey application.
Now next time if the user revisits the application then in that case based on the previous action taken to fill the survey , I have to take a decision to display or hide the popup for the user.
I thought of cookies and localStorage as the options but I think are not ideal choices for this scenario.
Can anyone help me to know are there any other possible options to handle this scenario?
You can solve this using the redirection link.
For example if he finished correctly the Survey you will redirect him to:
Than in the App you can do something like: get the URL parameters, if the parameters is success store it on localStorage so next time he revisits the web-page the Popup wont show.
Otherwise direct him to:
I think the best option here is to save this information in the database using your ASP.NET WebAPI2 REST APIs. In the moment that the end user clicks the survey you can also make an Api call which will save in the database info about user's action(this will probably be sth you can do for authenticated users). For not authenticated users you can just save that information in localStorage in the moment they are clicking the survey.

How can I implement the facebook authentication in a MEAN application preventing CORS problems?

I'm implementing an application using the full MEAN stack.
I created a login page to signup with facebook to be able to show a profile page. But I discovered some problems. For this reason, I created a smaller version of my webapp, maintaining the same project structure.
The complete code, executable (only replacing "client id" and "secret") with "npm install" and after "nodemon" is available here:
If I'll call (with a browser) the rest API that I created to login with facebook at "http://localhost:3000/api/auth/facebook", everything will be ok!
But if I'll want to do the same thing, clicking on the "Login" button, I'll receive the error as in figure:
I know that the problem is related to CORS, but how can I'll fix this in my application, maintaining the same project structure?
I don't want to put the "rest path" inside the HTML. I tried for many days different solutions without success.
If you want, experiment directly on my application that I created exactly to write this question ;).
If really necessary, I'll able to post the entire source code here, but I prefer an organized and executable code into a repository for this particular question.
Please, give me some ideas and hopefully a solution, because I'm really blocked.
The example routes from the passport-facebook repo are intended for multipage apps, not ajax requests. If you look at what those routes are doing, /auth/facebook is just a redirect to Facebook where the user is expected to log in if necessary and authorize your application. When you make that same request from angular, it follows the redirect and tries to load the Facebook page, but the browser blocks you as your console screenshot shows. CORS would be relevant if Facebook wanted to allow you to request their login form across origins, but they don't because that would basically make you a phisher.
It looks like you're trying to handle authentication without leaving the page, but at some point you're going to need the user to leave your site and be redirected to Facebook in order to complete the OAuth flow. You can either open a pop-up containing the Facebook OAuth dialog (it looks like this is what the Facebook JavaScript SDK does by default) or just use your app's current tab with something as simple as <a ng-href="{{facebookOauthUrl}}">Log in with Facebook</a>.

CakePHP 2 - Facebook integration

Trying to add Facebook login / registration to a site I'm working on.
Been following this tutorial
After some tweaking (because I'm on CakePHP 2, while the tutorial is for 1.3), I managed to get it to run. (Basically I just need to pull the plugin from the branch)
Now, I'm having issues with 2 things:
How do I save the information? Right now, after I login, I just come back to the same page but instead of the Login button, it says "Teepusink is using ThisApp"
Also some of the documentation doesn't seem to match with the branch version. For example,
Facebook->registration(); ?>
is giving me an error. Should I even be using the branch version? Or how do I go about using the plugin for CakePHP 2?
Thank you,
Got this to work actually.
So I went into ConnectComponent.php, and noticed that somehow the User model isn't being "recognized" there.
Took a little digging, but this is what I did.
'Facebook.Connect' => array('model' => 'User')
Hope this helps someone.

How to auto generate a webpage after user submits form

I am looking for some initial direction on this one because I cannot seem to find my way with it. Let me explain...
I am developing a website wherein a logged in site member (Joomla 1.6) can fill out a simple form and attach a pdf to be uploaded upon submission. The user then clicks the submit button and the page will refresh to a new and unique web page.
User Submits data on and then after submission a new web page is generated that is called
This newly generated web page would come from a template that is specified by the administrator and, most important, it will display all of the information that the user submitted. Also, there would be a link to download the pdf they uploaded. The user could then view a list of all the pages they have created in this manner via their profile.
I have seen this all over, but I am at a loss for how to generate this. Any help is much appreciated.
This is not something you will be able to easily do or get a detailed answer for here. If you just wanted to do the submission form with a thank you page that shows the data submitted you could use any number of form wizard type extensions -
If you just needed a way for users to upload PDfs and have access to them you could use one of the file management extensions that offer front end upload features -
If the additional data that is being submitted is simply data related to the file - title, description, etc then one of the file download components should work fine for you. The choices are limited in 1.6 at this time though so you might have to go with 1.5 to get the extension that works best for your needs.
So this probably isn't the best way to do it if your using Joomla but it just might help.
I would use PHP and inside of you're directory have a file like "template.html". Then I would create some php to handle the task of....
Opening "template.html"
Finding and replacing the values that the user passed you
Save the "template.html" under a new name (userSubmittedValue.html)
Again, I never really use Joomla. If you were to try this I'd suggest checking out php's file system functions (
Hope this helps a bit.
