Call function after refetchQueries - reactjs

I am receiving data from an api call, taking that data and restructuring it to properly display in a table. When a user clicks a button I am trying to create a copy of that record. I've got it all working, its just not updating the table with the appended, or removed (for delete) data. until after i refresh the page through the browser.
Is it possible to call a function after refetchQueries?
const {
loading: appLoading,
data: applicationsData,
refetch: refetchApplicationsData,
} = useQuery(applications.operations.GET_APPLICATIONS_BY_COMPANY, {
client: applications.client,
variables: { companyId: userDetails.companyId },
const [
{ loading: cloneLoading, data: cloneData, error: cloneError },
] = useMutation(applications.operations.CLONE_APPLICATION_BY_COMPANY, {
client: applications.client,
onCompleted: () => {
useEffect(() => {
if (applicationsData && templatesList) {
const newFinalData = getFinalData({
applicationsList: applicationsData.getApplicationsByCompany,
templatesList: templatesList,
console.log('oldFinalData: ', finalData)
console.log('newFinalData: ', newFinalData)
console.log('updatedFinalData: ', finalData)
}, [applicationsData, templatesList])
const cloneAndRefresh = (applicationId, companyId, ucId) => {
variables: {
applicationId: applicationId,
companyId: companyId,
ucId: ucId,
}).then(({ data: responseData }) => {
if (responseData) {
console.log('response data: ', responseData)
console.log('applications: ', applicationsData)
the function to restructure data:
export function getFinalData(request: {
templatesList: GetAllTemplate[]
applicationsList: GetApplicationsByCompany[]
}): FinalDataResponse[] {
const templates = => {
const applicationsForTemplate = request.applicationsList.filter(
(app) => app.templateId === template.templateId
return { ...template, applications: applicationsForTemplate }
const groupedData = _.chain(templates)
.map((value, key) => {
const templateName = _.chain(value)
.map((value, key) => key)
const createdDate = _.chain(value)
.map((value, key) => dayjs(key).format('ll'))
const lastModified = _.chain(value)
.map((value, key) => dayjs(key).format('ll'))
return {
templateId: key,
templateName: templateName[0],
createdDate: createdDate[0],
lastModified: lastModified[0],
applications: value[0].applications,
const finalData =, index) => {
return {
totalApplications: object.applications.length,
console.log('returning final data: ', finalData)
return finalData
I guess im trying to rerun getFinalData after the refetchquery then save it to state and it should re-render the table?
EDIT: I've updated my queries with new code, though it didnt quite work. If its possible to get the data from the refetched query I think i could make it work. I assume that refetching the query would update applicationsData as a result but i dont think it did?

By default, the useQuery hook checks the Apollo Client cache to see if all the data you requested is already available locally. If all data is available locally, useQuery returns that data and doesn't query your GraphQL server. This cache-first policy is Apollo Client's default fetch policy. If you say that you will call handleRefresh() after mutation the below code will work fine.
here read fetch policy
const {
loading: appLoading,
data: applicationsData,
refetch: refetchApplicationsData,
} = useQuery(applications.operations.GET_APPLICATIONS_BY_COMPANY, {
client: applications.client,
variables: { companyId: userDetails.companyId },
fetchPolicy: "network-only",


Pausing react query and re-fetching new data

I have a useQuery which is disabled in a react function component. I have another useQuery that uses mutate and on the success it calls refetchMovies(). This all seems to work well but I'm seeing old data in the refetchMovies. Is there a way for to get the refetchMovies to always call fresh data from the server when its called ?
const MyComponent = () => {
const {data, refetch: refetchMovies} = useQuery('movies', fetchMovies, {
query: {
enabled: false
const {mutate} = useQuery('list', fetchList)
const addList = useCallback(
(data) => {
data: {
collection: data,
onSuccess: () => refetchMovies(),
onError: (error) => console.log('error')
[mutate, refetchMovies]
return (
<div onClick={addList}> {data} </div>
Try to invalidate the query in your onSuccess callback instead of manually refetching it:
// Invalidate every query with a key that starts with `todos`
queryClient.invalidateQueries({ queryKey: ['todos'] })

React-query useInfiniteQuery: getNextPageParam not working

I'm stuck using useInfiniteQuery.
The first call works fine, but the next page is not called with getNextPageParam
const getProductItems = async (par) => {
console.log("axios :", par);
const res = await axios.get(`/api/v1/products`, {
params: par,
return {
export default function useGetProductItems(params) {
const { data, isLoading, fetchNextPage, hasNextPage, isFetching } =
({ pars = params }) => getProductItems(pars),
getNextPageParam: (res) => {
const nextParams = {
page: + 1,
console.log("next :", nextParams);
return nextParams;
select: (data) => {
return data.pages[0];
return {
And the Query Client setting is like this
export const queryClient = new QueryClient({
defaultOptions: {
queries: {
refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
queryCache: new QueryCache({
onError: errorHandler,
mutationCache: new MutationCache({
onError: errorHandler,
As I am new to react-query, I am also wondering if there is any data that must be received from the API.
plz answer for me
You can access pageParam and send it as argument to your fetching function. Also it'd be a good idea to check if there really is a next page before incrementing the actual page number in getNextPageParam. Something like this:
const { data, isLoading, fetchNextPage, hasNextPage, isFetching } =
({ pageParam = 1 }) => getProductItems(pageParam), // pageParam defaults to the first page
getNextPageParam: lastPage => {
return < lastPage.result.pageInfo.totalPages // Here I'm assuming you have access to the total number of pages
? + 1
: undefined // If there is not a next page, getNextPageParam will return undefined and the hasNextPage boolean will be set to 'false'
select: data => {
return data.pages[0]
I don't have information about how is your API endpoint built, but typically the request should look, for example, like this:
const getProductItems = async (page) => {
const res = await axios.get(`/api/v1/products?page=${page}`);
return {

Recoil Async data request with atomFamily

I'm using an atomFamily with a default value of a selectorFamily to get some order data:
export const orderState = atomFamily<Order | undefined, string>({
key: 'orderFamily',
default: selectorFamily({
key: 'orderSelectorFamily',
orderId =>
async ({ get }) => {
try {
const response = await getOrder(orderId);
} catch (e) {
console.log('error', e);
This is used when the page loads and id is captured from the URL and used in a React component:
export const useGetOrderValue = (orderId: string) => {
return useRecoilValue_TRANSITION_SUPPORT_UNSTABLE(orderState(orderId));
And in the Component
const order = useGetOrderValue(id);
I also need to be able to get the order data from an order search that'll then redirect to the order page. So I'm getting the order data from a request and setting it manually using a useRecoilCallback function:
const getOrder = useRecoilCallback(
({ set }) =>
async (orderId: string) => {
try {
const response = await requestGetOrder({ orderId });
} catch (e) {
console.log('error', e);
It all seems to work fine but I feel like I'm duplicating effort within the useRecoilCallback. Is there a better way to do this?

useMutation reload data after refetch

I am trying to reload my table of data once my useMutation has completed.
On page load i am querying:
const { loading: appLoading, data: applicationsData } = useQuery(
client: applications.client,
variables: { companyId: userDetails.companyId },
when a user selects a button to clone a record:
const [
{ loading: cloneLoading, data: cloneData, error: cloneError },
] = useMutation(applications.operations.CLONE_APPLICATION_BY_COMPANY, {
client: applications.client,
onCompleted: (data) => {
setFinalData((prev) => [...prev, data]), console.log('data', data)
im adding a record to the list but when i refresh its not there. My assumption is instead of adding it to state, I need to refetch the applications and then save that to state which in turn will automatically refresh the table.
My question is how can i do that?
const { applications } = apis
const { queryString, parameters } = getTemplatesListApiDetails()
const [finalData, setFinalData] = useState<any>([])
const [templatesList, setTemplatesList] = useState([])
const { loading, data } = useQuery(queryString, parameters)
const { loading: appLoading, data: applicationsData } = useQuery(
client: applications.client,
variables: { companyId: userDetails.companyId },
const [
{ loading: cloneLoading, data: cloneData, error: cloneError },
] = useMutation(applications.operations.CLONE_APPLICATION_BY_COMPANY, {
client: applications.client,
refetchQueries: [
{ query: applications.operations.GET_APPLICATIONS_BY_COMPANY },
useEffect(() => {
if (data && data.getCompanyTemplates)
userDetails.globalTemplates === false
? data.getCompanyTemplates
: data.getAllTemplates
if (applicationsData && templatesList) {
const newFinalData = getFinalData({
applicationsList: applicationsData.getApplicationsByCompany,
templatesList: templatesList,
}, [applicationsData, cloneData, data, templatesList])
getFinalData Function
export function getFinalData(request: {
templatesList: GetAllTemplate[]
applicationsList: GetApplicationsByCompany[]
}): FinalDataResponse[] {
const templates = => {
const applicationsForTemplate = request.applicationsList.filter(
(app) => app.templateId === template.templateId
return { ...template, applications: applicationsForTemplate }
const groupedData = _.chain(templates)
.map((value, key) => {
const templateName = _.chain(value)
.map((value, key) => key)
const createdDate = _.chain(value)
.map((value, key) => dayjs(key).format('ll'))
const lastModified = _.chain(value)
.map((value, key) => dayjs(key).format('ll'))
return {
templateId: key,
templateName: templateName[0],
createdDate: createdDate[0],
lastModified: lastModified[0],
applications: value[0].applications,
const finalData =, index) => {
return {
totalApplications: object.applications.length,
console.log('returning final data: ', finalData)
return finalData
To refetch the data automatically, you need to invalidate the previously cached results. In apollo, this is done using refetchQueries:
useMutation(applications.operations.CLONE_APPLICATION_BY_COMPANY, {
refetchQueries: [{ query: applications.operations.CLONE_APPLICATION_BY_COMPANY}]
More ways of solving this here:

SWR hook not reflecting database change

This component is for counting views at page level in Next.js app deployed on AWS Lambda
function ViewsCounter({ slug }: { slug: string }) {
const { data } = useSWR(`/api/views/${slug}`, fetcher);
const views = new Number(data?.total);
useEffect(() => {
const registerView = () =>
fetch(`/api/views/${slug}`, { method: "POST" })
}, [slug]);
return (
This one is for displaying views on homepage
function ViewsDisplay({ slug }: { slug: string }) {
const { data } = useSWR(`/api/views/${slug}`, fetcher);
const views = new Number(data?.total);
return (
While it works as expected on localhost, looks like it displays only the first fetched value and doesn't revalidate it for some reason.
When visiting the page, Counter is triggered correctly and the value is changed in DB.
Probably it has something to do with mutating, any hints are appreciated.
useSWR won't automatically refetch data by default.
You can either enable automatic refetch using the refreshInterval option.
const { data } = useSWR(`/api/views/${slug}`, fetcher, { refreshInterval: 1000 });
Or explicitly update the data yourself using a mutation after the POST request to the API.
function ViewsCounter({ slug }: { slug: string }) {
const { data, mutate } = useSWR(`/api/views/${slug}`, fetcher);
const views = new Number(data?.total);
useEffect(() => {
const registerView = () =>
fetch(`/api/views/${slug}`, { method: "POST" })
.then(() => {
}, [slug]);
return (<>{views}</>);
