I am converting a JS API to Go. I use data from a third party where sometimes a property is an object of various key, value rather than an array of objects (of key, value).
So in my frontend if it's an object it won't render so I convert it into an array of objects.
Currently in JS I'm doing this:
if (!Array.isArray(data.attributes)) {
// convert into array of objects; only works for non separate key:key value:value
data.attributes = Object.entries(data.attributes).map(
([key, value]) => ({
type: key,
value: value,
data is a property in a JSON response like:
{... data: { "attributes": [{...}{...}]}
So occasionally attributes will be {... data: { "attributes": {name: "John", age: "20" }:
How would I do something like this in Go? Thanks.
With a declared type you can implement the json.Unmarshaler interface to customize how the JSON will be unmarshaled.
In the implementation you can check whether or not the JSON data represents an Object or an Array by simply looking at the first and last byte to see if its {-and-} or [-and-]. Based on that check you can then decide how to proceed further, here's an example:
type Attr struct {
Type string
Value interface{}
type AttrList []Attr
func (ls *AttrList) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
if len(data) == 0 { // nothing to do
return nil
switch last := len(data)-1; {
// is array?
case data[0] == '[' && data[last] == ']':
return json.Unmarshal(data, (*[]Attr)(ls))
// is object?
case data[0] == '{' && data[last] == '}':
var obj map[string]interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &obj); err != nil {
return err
for key, value := range obj {
*ls = append(*ls, Attr{Type: key, Value: value})
return nil
return errors.New("unsupported JSON type for AttrList")
How do you implement Load() and Save() for googles datastore when you have an array of structs? It is clearly possible, but how?
Firstly, when you allow the datastore itself to serialise a Person with a list of Phone objects, you can use reflection to see it internally creates a list of *datastore.Entity objects:
package main
import (
type Phone struct {
Type string
Number string
type Person struct {
Name string
Phone []Phone
func main() {
person := Person{Name: "Bob", Phone: []Phone{Phone{"a", "b"}, Phone{"c", "d"}}}
// save here
Here is my work so far, this saves the name field, but causes an error on the *datastore.Entity objects. here is my attempt:
func (p *Person) Save() ([]datastore.Property, error) {
props := []datastore.Property{
Name: "Name",
Value: p.Name,
var n []*datastore.Entity
for _, x := range p.Phone {
i1 := datastore.Property{Name: "Type", Value: x.Type}
i2 := datastore.Property{Name: "Number", Value: x.Number}
e := &datastore.Entity{Properties: []datastore.Property{i1, i2}}
n = append(n, e)
props = append(props, datastore.Property{Name:"Phone",Value:n})
return props, nil
Datastore itself complains with the following error:
invalid Value type []*datastore.Entity for a Property with Name "Phone"
I wonder if anyone can elucidate where I am going wrong? How do I save an array of structs in datastore in the same way datastore itself does?
Sample code above is on go playground: https://play.golang.org/p/AP1oFnlo1jm
After some amount of experimentation it turns out here is how to implement a Save() method for an object that has structs. The datastore.Property must store an array of []interface{} holding []*datastore.Entity rather than a pure []*datastore.Entity:
func (p *Person) Save() ([]datastore.Property, error) {
props := []datastore.Property{
Name: "Name",
Value: p.Name,
var n []interface{}
for _, x := range p.Phone {
i1 := datastore.Property{Name: "Type", Value: x.Type}
i2 := datastore.Property{Name: "Number", Value: x.Number}
e := &datastore.Entity{Properties: []datastore.Property{i1, i2}}
n = append(n, e)
props = append(props, datastore.Property{Name:"Phone",Value:n})
return props, nil
I am trying to format my response from a server in an array of multiple object JSON. I tried slice and []Struct but I believe I am not able to understand their usage correctly.
I tried the method mentioned here - https://play.golang.org/p/9OEPzbf0Me0 but didn't work in my case
I am using golang to get response for a query parameter
router.HandleFunc("/v1.0/singles", GetInfo).Methods("GET").Queries("Group", "{group}")
func SendToServer(jsonValue []byte, command string) (models.JSON, error) {
var pdatar models.JSON
s := []string{"http://172.xx.xxx.xx:xxxxx/", command}
response, err := http.Post(strings.Join(s, ""), "application/json", bytes.NewBuffer(jsonValue))
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
err = json.Unmarshal(data, &pdatar)
mdatar := make(models.JSON)
mdatar["ID"] = pdatar["id"]
mdatar["Name"] = pdatar["name"]
fmt.Println(mdatar) //This is how it is coming map[ID:[877,235], Name:[FCU, GHP]]
/*Another attempt
var temp models.Arr
json.Unmarshal(data, &temp)
fmt.Println(temp) ---- returning null
return mdatar, nil
func (c Controller) GetSingle(pdata models.Single) (models.JSON, error) {
mdata := make(models.JSON)
mdata["group"] = pdata.Group
jsonValue, err := json.Marshal(mdata)
pdatar, err := SendToServer(jsonValue, "func_info")
return pdatar, nil
// json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(pdatar) //sending this to my main function
type JSON map[string]interface{}
type Single struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
type Data []Single
type Arr [][]string
I have a response from my API in a format
"name" ["FCU","GHP","c","d"],
With Current Code I am receiving a response
{"id":[877 235], "name": ["FCU" "GHP"]
Though I am expecting a response
{"id": 877
"name" : "FCU"
{"id": 235
"name": "GHP"
Your mdatarr doesn't change the format any, so this result makes sense.
If the data received from the server is in the format:
"id": [877,235,312,429],
"name" ["FCU","GHP","c","d"],
"group": ["x","x","y","z"]
then you will need translate it. Ideally you'd fix the server so that it sends data in the format:
"id": 877,
"name": "FCU",
"group": "x",
If the server could send something like the above, then you could simply unmarshal it into a models.Data object.
If that is not an option, and you really need to do the translation client-side, then you'll need a for loop that does something like this:
ids := pdatarr["id"]
names := pdatarr["name"]
if len(ids) != len(names) {
return nil, errors.New("Invalid input format")
var mdatar models.Data
for i := range(ids) {
mdatar = append(mdatar, models.Single{ids[i], names[i], ...})
return models.JSON{"data": mdatar}, nil
struct Test {
var title: String
var message: [String?: String?]
init(title: String, message: [String?:String?]) {
self.title = title
self.message = message
var cases = [
Test(title: "1", message: ["tag1": nil]),
Test(title: "2", message: ["tag2": "preview2"]),
Test(title: "3", message: [nil:nil]),
Test(title: "4", message: ["tag1":"preview4"])
Now, I want:
An array with all keys from message property from cases - tag1 and tag2 (no nils in it). I just tried everything I know, I couldn't do it. Tried with filtering cases, got optionals.
There are no previews without a tag, so there is no need for an array with them. I only need a list with the tags, in order to sort it and show the relevant previews from the cases. That's why I need to know a way how to access these previews from the cases. Let's say in a UITableView:
cell.previewLabel?.text = cases[indexPath.row].preview[//No idea what here]
Of course, a dictionary with [tags: previews] would also be perfect!
Thanks in advance! I hope what I want is possible.
Here is an array that only contains elements from cases that have all keys and values not nil :
let filtered = cases.filter { test in
return test.message.allSatisfy({ entry in
return entry.key != nil && entry.value != nil
Or using the shorthand notation :
let filtered = cases.filter {
$0.key != nil && $0.value != nil
With structs there is a default initializer, so you can write your Test struct this way:
struct Test {
var title: String
var message: [String?: String?]
It's not completely clear to me what you're attempting to do, however, this will filter your cases array to only Test objects that contain non-nil values in the message dictionary:
let nonNil = cases.filter { (test) -> Bool in
return Array(test.message.values).filter({ (value) -> Bool in
return value == nil
}).count <= 0
The variable nonNil now contains the Test objects where title is "2" and title is "4".
You could further filter that if you want a [tags:preview] dictionary. Something like this would do that:
let tags = nonNil.map( { $0.message} ).flatMap { $0 }.reduce([String:String]()) { (accumulator, current) -> [String:String] in
guard let key = current.key, let value = current.value else { return accumulator }
var accum = accumulator
accum.updateValue(value, forKey: key)
return accum
The tags dictionary now contains: ["tag1": "preview4", "tag2": "preview2"]
I have an array of items in a column in Parse.
I am able to fetch that array with the code :
let query:PFQuery = PFQuery(className: "Names")
query.whereKey("date", greaterThan: NSDate())
query.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock {
(object, error) -> Void in
if object != nil
if(object!.count != 0)
for messageObject in object! {
self.arrayNames = ((messageObject as! PFObject)["arrayNames"] as? [String])!
} else {
print("No Objects")
} // self.arrayNames = ["Aruna", "Bala", "Chitra", "Divya"]
In this I want to delete an single item and again save it to the parse.
I can delete it locally as removeAtIndex but how can I remove that from Parse?
After you have retrieved your array, remove the one item you do not want, reassign the new array to the retrieved object and then save.
In the names, if I wanted to delete Aruna,
Then to update this array in Parse,
let query:PFQuery = PFQuery(className: "Names")
query.whereKey("date", greaterThan: NSDate())
query.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock {
(object, error) -> Void in
if object != nil {
object!.setValue(self.arrayNames, forKey: "arrayNames")
object!.saveInBackgroundWithBlock {
(success: Bool, error: NSError?) -> Void in
if(success) {
} else {
I found that, i cant directly delete an single element from an array in a column in Parse. So I am updating that array with my local array. It works!
If you read the docs you will find one of the delete methods useful such as deleteInBackgroundWithBlock:
object.deleteInBackgroundWithBlock { (succeeded: Bool, error: NSError?) -> Void in
// do whatever you need to do
I am trying to get each JSON object out of a JSON array. I get this data via a HTTP post.
I know what my data will look like:
"entity_title":"University of Phoenix",
"entity_org_name":"CS Club",
"possible_user_name":"Johnny Ive",
"entity_title":"University of San Francisco",
"entity_org_name":"Marketing club",
"possible_user_name":"steve jobs",
My example code and my structs look like this:
type MsgCreateUserArray struct {
CreateUser []MsgCreateUserJson `json:"createUserArray"`
type MsgCreateUserJson struct {
EntityTitleName string `json:"entity_title_name"`
EntityOrgName string `json:"entity_org_name"`
PossibleUserName string `json:"possible_user_name"`
PossibleUserEmail string `json:"possible_user_email"`
UserPositionTitle string `json:"user_position_title"`
MsgBodyId string `json:"msg_body_id, omitempty"`
func parseJson(rw http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
decodeJson := json.NewDecoder(request.Body)
var msg MsgCreateUserArray
err := decodeJson.Decode(&msg)
if err != nil {
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", parseJson)
http.ListenAndServe(":1337", nil)
I am not sure where how to iterate over the JSON array and get the JSON objects and then just work with the JSON objects.
Try this as your structs,
type MsgCreateUserArray struct {
CreateUser []MsgCreateUserJson `json:"array"`
type MsgCreateUserJson struct {
EntityOrgName string `json:"entity_org_name"`
EntityTitle string `json:"entity_title"`
MsgBodyID int64 `json:"msg_body_id,omitempty"`
PosibbleUserEmail string `json:"posibble_user_email"`
PossibleUserName string `json:"possible_user_name"`
UserPositionTitle string `json:"user_position_title"`
Your entity_title_name is not named correctly, nor is the top level array. After you decode into a MsgCreateUserArray you can iterate over the CreateUser slice to get each MsgCreateUserJson