draft-js-mention-plugin display suggestions tree - reactjs

I need to display mention suggestions list as tree,
Is that possible? and is there any documentation helps to do that ?
this is the function that render options :
import { EditorState, RichUtils, ContentState } from 'draft-js';
import Editor from 'draft-js-plugins-editor';
import createMentionPlugin, { defaultSuggestionsFilter } from 'draft-js-mention-plugin';
const { MentionSuggestions, plugins } = useMemo(() => {
const mentionPlugin = createMentionPlugin({
mentionComponent(mention_props) {
return (<span className="mention">
const { MentionSuggestions } = mentionPlugin;
const plugins = [mentionPlugin];
return { plugins, MentionSuggestions };
}, []);
example of data :
const suggestions = [{
name: "Weather", value: "weather",
children: [{
name: "Rain", value: "rain",


React Quill - social media link to embed media on rich text editor

I want the react quill rich text editor able to convert link into social media, like this
link: https://www.tiktok.com/#epicgardening/video/7055411162212633903
My RTE Code
import { useCallback, useMemo, useEffect } from 'react';
import ImageResize from 'quill-image-resize-module-react';
import ReactQuill, { Quill } from 'react-quill';
import { message } from 'antd';
import { uploadFiles } from 'utils';
import 'react-quill/dist/quill.bubble.css';
import 'react-quill/dist/quill.snow.css';
import './styles.scss';
Quill.register('modules/imageResize', ImageResize);
const RichTextEditor = ({
readOnly = false,
setLoading = () => {}
}) => {
window.Quill = Quill;
let quillRef = null; // Quill instance
let reactQuillRef = null; // ReactQuill component
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const attachQuillRefs = useCallback(() => {
if (typeof reactQuillRef.getEditor !== 'function') return;
quillRef = reactQuillRef.getEditor();
}, []);
const imageHandler = () => {
const input = document.createElement('input');
input.setAttribute('type', 'file');
input.setAttribute('accept', 'image/*');
input.onchange = async () => {
const file = input.files[0];
if (file.size > 1500000)
return message.error('Image size exceeded 1.5Mb');
setLoading({ image: true });
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('image', file);
const fileName = file.name;
const imgUrl = await uploadFiles(file, quillRef);
const range = quillRef.getSelection();
quillRef.insertEmbed(range.index, 'image', imgUrl, 'user');
let existingDelta = quillRef.getContents();
const indexOf = existingDelta.ops.findIndex((eachOps) => {
return eachOps.insert?.image === imgUrl;
const selectedOps = existingDelta.ops[indexOf];
if (indexOf !== -1) {
selectedOps.attributes = {};
selectedOps.attributes = { alt: fileName };
setLoading({ image: false });
const modules = useMemo(
() => ({
toolbar: {
container: [
[{ header: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, false] }],
['bold', 'italic', 'underline'],
[{ list: 'ordered' }, { list: 'bullet' }],
[{ align: [] }],
['link', 'image'],
[{ color: [] }]
handlers: {
image: imageHandler
imageResize: {
modules: ['Resize', 'DisplaySize']
return (
<div className="react-quill-wrapper">
theme={readOnly ? 'bubble' : 'snow'}
ref={(e) => {
reactQuillRef = e;
placeholder="Add content of your article!"
export { RichTextEditor };
const [editorState, setEditorState] = useState('');
called by parent like this
I've been working on this for almost a week, I really need help
I expected to have an string HTML output, like this library or image above
My attempts:
Get the social media url typed by user based on link, use that typed link to determined what social media, and use react-social-media-embed to give me an output link image above.
I belive(maybe) that the output from react-social-media-embed is jsx, and I need to convert it to html, and parsed it to string.

NextJs nested dynamic routes based on API

I am stuck with Nextjs : I need to create nested dynamic routes based on my (local) data.
Here are the routes that I would like to create :
.../cars/ -> displays all the categories (sedan, suv, 4x4)
.../cars/category/ -> displays cars in the category
ex : .../cars/sedan -> displays cars in the sedan category
.../cars/category/id -> displays the details of the car from category which has id = 1
ex : .../cars/sedan/1 -> displays the details of the sedan car with id = 1
For routes 1 and 2 it's ok but I don't know how to do the last one. Can you help me please ?
export const cars = [
id: 1,
name: 'sedan',
models: [
id: 1,
name: 'model1',
image: '/sedan1.jpg',
id: 2,
name: 'model2',
image: '/sedan2.jpg',
id: 3,
name: 'model3',
image: '/sedan3.jpg',
id: 2,
name: 'suv',
models: [
id: 1,
name: 'model1',
image: '/suv1.jpg',
id: 2,
name: 'model2',
image: '/suv2.jpg',
id: 3,
name: 'model3',
image: '/suv3.jpg',
id: 3,
name: '4x4',
models: [
id: 1,
name: 'model1',
image: '/4x4_1.jpg',
id: 2,
name: 'model2',
image: '/4x4_2.jpg',
id: 3,
name: 'model3',
image: '/4x4_3.jpg',
import { cars } from '../../data';
import Link from 'next/link';
export default function Categories({ car }) {
return (
{car.map((c) => (
<Link key={c.id} href={`/cars/${c.name}`} passHref>
export const getStaticProps = async () => {
return {
props: {
car: cars,
import React from 'react';
import { cars } from '../../data';
export default function CategoriesCars({ cars }) {
return (
{cars.models.map((m) => (
<p key={m.id}>{m.name}</p>
export const getStaticPaths = async () => {
const paths = await cars.map((c) => ({
params: {
name: c.name,
return { paths, fallback: false };
export const getStaticProps = async (context) => {
const { params } = context;
const response = await cars.filter((c) => c.name === params.name);
return {
props: {
cars: response[0],
The page folder must be:
then go /cars/sedan/2 you can access to category and id variables like this:
import React from 'react';
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
export default function Index() {
const router = useRouter();
// router.query.category -> sedan
// router.query.id -> 2
return <div>{JSON.stringify(router.query)}</div>;
// or
export const getServerSideProps = async (context) => {
const { params } = context;
console.log(params); // { category: 'sedan', id: '2' }
return {
props: {
cars: {},
// or if you wish use getStaticProps for SSG (with getStaticPaths)
export const getStaticPaths = async (context) => {
const paths = cars
.map((car) =>
car.models.map((model) => ({
params: {
id: model.id.toString(),
category: car.name,
.flat(); // this is important
return { paths, fallback: false };
export const getStaticProps = async (context) => {
const { params } = context;
return {
props: {
cars: {},
Example: StackBlitz

Gutenberg - Call google map render function in save after DOM has been rendered

I have a bit of a dilemma.
In the save function I need to call a function renderMap that renders a dynamic google map. However I need to call it after the DOM has been rendered. I can't seem to find a solution for this. I realised you can't add a class to the save function with the React lifecycle so I am stopped. It does work for the edit function though. What are the possibilities?
import { __ } from '#wordpress/i18n';
import { registerBlockType } from '#wordpress/blocks';
import { PluginDocumentSettingPanel } from '#wordpress/edit-post';
import { Component } from '#wordpress/element';
const renderMap = function() {
let googleMap = document.getElementById('google-map')
let map
map = new google.maps.Map(googleMap, {
center: { lat: 37.79406, lng: -122.4002 },
zoom: 14,
disableDefaultUI: true,
registerBlockType( 'splash-blocks/google-maps', {
title: __('Google maps locations', 'google-maps'),
icon: 'megaphone',
category: 'common',
keyword: [
__( 'Display Google maps locations' ),
atrributes: {
markers: {
type: 'object'
address: {
type: 'string',
default: 'xxxxxxxxx',
api_key: {
type: 'string',
default: 'xxxxxxxxx',
edit: class extends Component {
constructor(props) {
componentDidMount() {
render() {
const { attributes, setAttributes } = this.props
return (
<div id='google-map'>
save: props => {
const {
attributes: { mapHTML }
} = props;
return (
<div id='google-map'>

react material-ui mui-datatables onRowSelectionChange ID

This is my react code. I am using the material UI. I am working with ID related events. the full code is provided below.
Here, the index ID is getting automatically generated. The issue has to do with that.
import React, { useState } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import MUIDataTable from "mui-datatables";
import InputLabel from "#material-ui/core/InputLabel";
import MenuItem from "#material-ui/core/MenuItem";
import FormHelperText from "#material-ui/core/FormHelperText";
import FormControl from "#material-ui/core/FormControl";
import Select from "#material-ui/core/Select";
function Ag() {
const [responsive, setResponsive] = useState("vertical");
const onCellClick = () => {
const onRowsDelete = () => {
const onRowSelectionChange = (ev, ex, ez) => {
const columns = ["Name", "Title", "Location"];
const options = {
filter: true,
filterType: "dropdown",
const data = [
Id: "1",
Name: "sunder",
Title: "dlamds",
Location: "asdfsa",
Id: "2",
Name: "cvzx",
Title: "sadfsda",
Location: "sadfsdacv",
Id: "3",
Name: "dsfas",
Title: "werq",
Location: "ewqrwqe",
Id: "4",
Name: "wqer",
Title: "gfdsg",
Location: "bvcxb",
Id: "5",
Name: "ereq",
Title: "qwer",
Location: "sdafas",
return (
title={"ACME Employee list"}
export default Ag;
I want to get a data ID instead of an index ID that was automatically generated when I clicked.
What should I do?
onRowSelectionChange: (currentSelect, allSelected) => {
const result = allSelected.map(item => { return data.at(item.index) });
const selectedIds = result.map(item => {
return item.id;

React-Data-Grid MulitSelect Filter

Can someone explain what setFilters is doing here I don't understand how it's declared and what it's doing. I'm trying to implement react-data-grid. I can get one column to filter but when I select another it overwrites the previously save filter selection.
If someone has an example of setFilter I would really appreciate it.
import React, { useState } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import ReactDataGrid from "react-data-grid";
import { Toolbar, Data } from "react-data-grid-addons";
import createRowData from "./createRowData";
import "./styles.css";
const defaultColumnProperties = {
filterable: true,
width: 120
const selectors = Data.Selectors;
const columns = [
key: "street",
name: "Street"
key: "zipCode",
name: "ZipCode"
key: "date",
name: "Date"
key: "jobTitle",
name: "Job Title"
key: "catchPhrase",
name: "Catch Phrase"
key: "jobArea",
name: "Job Area"
key: "jobType",
name: "Job Type"
].map(c => ({ ...c, ...defaultColumnProperties }));
const ROW_COUNT = 50;
const handleFilterChange = filter => filters => {
const newFilters = { ...filters };
if (filter.filterTerm) {
newFilters[filter.column.key] = filter;
} else {
delete newFilters[filter.column.key];
return newFilters;
function getRows(rows, filters) {
return selectors.getRows({ rows, filters });
function Example({ rows }) {
const [filters, setFilters] = useState({});
const filteredRows = getRows(rows, filters);
return (
rowGetter={i => filteredRows[i]}
toolbar={<Toolbar enableFilter={true} />}
onAddFilter={filter => setFilters(handleFilterChange(filter))}
onClearFilters={() => setFilters({})}
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<Example rows={createRowData(50)} />, rootElement);
