React not rendering list after the state is changed - reactjs

I am creating a simple tracker which records all the activities done. It is my first project in react. I have created three state one for storing all the items(name of state is list), one for pending items(name of state is pending) , one for completed items(name of state is completed). The items have a button which when clicked marks it into done state and vice-versa. It is completely rendering items for main list. But for other two its not rendering. When I am checking with react developer tools, it is working fine, i.e. it is adding to pending list or completed list as it should. But it is not compiling them on screen. list is already filled with items. I have added all the code for just in case.
function Filters(props){
const [completed, setCompleted] = useState([]);
const [pending, setPending] = useState([]);
const [state, setState] = useState("None");
const [list,setList] = useState([]);
function viewState(){
//it is getting the clicked item id and marking it complete in main list
function markComplete(id){,index)=>{
items.done = false;
//i am simply scanning the main list and the items which are pending will be added to this list. //this happens whenever the person click on pending button
function pendingState(){
return [...prev,items];
function completedState(){
return [...prev,items];
return (
<div className="input-section">
<Note setList={setList} />
<button type="button" onClick={viewState} >View All</button>
<button type="button" onClick={completedState}>Completed</button>
<button type="button" onClick={pendingState}>Pending</button>
return (
<h1>Working {completed}</h1>
return (
else if(state==="completed-all")
return (
Kindly help. Thank you.
The function code :
function markComplete(id){
return ?{...item,done: !item.done} : (item);})
When I am using it instead of
const markComplete = (id) => {
setList((list) => => === id
? {
done: !item.done
: item
it is showing, "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'filter')"
arent the both same. If not, what am I doing wrong. Sorry for bugging so many times, I have just started with react.

I think you've overcomplicated things a bit. You only need one array to store the exercises in, the "pending" and "completed" states are easily derived from the list state and the state filter state value.
markComplete callback is mutating the list state. When updating the list state not only is a new array reference necessary, but also new element object references are necessary for the elements that are being updated.
Uses poor boolean comparisons to set a boolean value. You can either toggle a boolean or set the value to the result of a boolean expression.
Use the viewState, pendingState, and completedState handlers to simply set the filter value, and then derive the computed state when rendering by adding an inline filter function.
Use the exercise id property as a React key and as the property used for toggling the completed (done) state.
function Filters(props) {
const [state, setState] = useState("None");
const [list, setList] = useState([
function viewState() {
function pendingState() {
function completedState() {
const markComplete = (id) => {
setList((list) => => === id
? {
done: !item.done
: item
return (
<div className="input-section">
<Note setList={setList} />
<button type="button" onClick={viewState}>
View All
<button type="button" onClick={completedState}>
<button type="button" onClick={pendingState}>
.filter((item) => {
if (state === "pending-all") {
return !item.done;
} else if (state === "completed-all") {
return item.done;
return true;
.map((item) => (

try to add dependecies in useEffect

in this function you are mutating a state, so in order to do so you need to use the setState function, in this case, it will be setList().
function markComplete(id){,index)=>{
items.done = false;
So a better way to implement this function could be, and remember, everything time you need to update a state you don't want to change the state directly, instead, you should make a copy and set the state to that copy
function markComplete(id){
const newList = [...list];,index)=>{
items.done = false;

The reason of your app not updating is because when your state changes react is not re-rendering it again.
so use useEffect, there are many hooks which can be used as per requirement.
try putting this line of code
useEffect( ( ) => {
console.log( 'Check console' );
}, [ dependency_here ] );
in dependency_here try adding state, completed, pending one by one and see the result.
You can also add multiple dependencies like [ state, pending, etc.. ];
Try on your own you'll understand it faster.
Hope hint will help you!


Remove text by clicking on it - React

I'm trying to start learning react but fail understanding basic logic.
I have a todo list page, which works fine with a strike-through, but if I try to change the strike through to REMOVE instead, my app disappears on click.
Here's my code, hopefully you can understand:
function Note({ notes, note, onClickSetter }) {
const { input, id } = note
const [strikeThrough, setStrikeThrough] = useState(false);
function onNoteClick(event) {
const { value, id } =
//setStrikeThrough((prev) => !prev) - the strike through which is canceled right now
onClickSetter(prev => prev.filter(aNote => !== id)) // why this doesn't work?
return (
<h1 style={ strikeThrough ? {textDecoration: 'line-through'} : { textDecoration: 'none' }} id={id} onClick={onNoteClick}>{input}</h1>
a little explanation on my props:
notes - literally the list of notes which comes from a useState on father component (we shouldn't touch this from my understanding of react)
note - self note information
onClickSetter - the other part of useState, the setter one.
So on another words, I have the notes which holds all notes, and onClickSetter which is in another words is setNotes - both part of useState
on top of that I have a note information, because this is a note component
the father component:
function Body() {
const [Notes, setNotes] = useState([])
return (
<div className='notes-body'>
<NewNote onClickSetter={setNotes}/>
{ => { return <Note key={} notes={Notes} note={note} onClickSetter={setNotes}/>})}
function NewNote({ onClickSetter }) {
const [input, setInput] = useState('')
function onInputChange(event) {
const { value } =
function onButtonClick(event) {
onClickSetter((prev) => {
try {
return [...prev, {input: input, id: prev[prev.length-1].id+1}]
return [{input: input, id: 0}]
return (
<Input placeholder="add new note" className='note-text' onChange={onInputChange} value={input}/>
<Button className='btn btn-primary add-note' onClick={onButtonClick} />
The reason is that is a string representing a number since all HTML attributes has the string type. Whilst in your data structure, the ID is a number. So, e.g. "1" vs 1. This can be hard to spot sometimes.
The easiest way to fix this is to add a parseInt to the right place to convert the string to a number:
onClickSetter((prev) => prev.filter((aNote) => !== parseInt(id)))
However, I also want to mention (and this is more advanced stuff but I like to get people on the right track :) ) that really, you shouldn't pass the whole setter down into the child component, but instead a callback called something like onRemoveNote that accept the note id and the actual filtering/removal would happen in the parent component.
This would be better placement of concerns. For now though, the above will work and I can help you out on stack overflow chat if needed :).

I want only one component state to be true between multiple components

I am calling components as folloews
{, index) => {
return (
<div key={index}>
<Address useraddress={useraddress} />
Their state:
const [showEditAddress, setShowEditAddress] = useState(false);
and this is how I am handling their states
const switchEditAddress = () => {
if (showEditAddress === false) {
} else {
Well, it's better if you want to toggle between true and false to use the state inside useEffect hook in react.
useEffect will render the component every time and will get into your condition to set the state true or false.
In your case, you can try the following:
useEffect(() => { if (showEditAddress === false) {
} else {
} }, [showEditAddress])
By using useEffect you will be able to reset the boolean as your condition.
Also find the link below to react more about useEffect.
It would be best in my opinion to keep your point of truth in the parent component and you need to figure out what the point of truth should be. If you only want one component to be editing at a time then I would just identify the address you want to edit in the parent component and go from there. It would be best if you gave each address a unique id but you can use the index as well. You could do something like the following:
UserAddress Component
const UserAddress = ({index, editIndex, setEditIndex, userAddress}) => {
<button onClick={() => setEditIndex(index)}>Edit</button>
{editIndex === index && <div style={{color: 'green'}}>Your editing {userAddress}</div>}
Parent Component
const UserAddresses = () => {
const addresses = ['120 n 10th st', '650 s 41 st', '4456 Birch ave']
const [editIndex, setEditIndex] = useState(null)
return, index) => <UserAddress key={index} index={index} editIndex={editIndex} setEditIndex={setEditIndex} userAddress={userAddress}/>;
Since you didn't post the actual components I can only give you example components but this should give you an idea of how to achieve what you want.

Reactjs hooks: update value of map

I'm new to reactjs and that's why it comes naive to you.
I need to update the value of a map in which its keys are unknown.
const App = () => {
const [storeMap, setStoreMap] = useState(new Map());
let _tmpMap = new Map();
return (<>
{Object.keys({ key1: "hey", key2: "you" }).map((item) => {
return (
onClick={(e) => {
console.log(..._tmpMap); // {1}
// return <i key={item}>KJ </i>;
What I am expecting to see in the above code after clicking both buttons is:
/* {1} */
//i expect this: {key1:"key1" , key2:"key2"}
What I see in reality is {key1:"key1"} after pressing key 1 and { key2:"key2"} after pressing key 2
My question is:
How can I update storeMap while preserving its previous entries?
Here is the code
Ciao, here working code. If you click key1 or key2 button, elements are added to the Map, if you click show result button you will see storeMap value.
When you call setStoreMap, the component rerenders and _tmpMap evaluates to a new Map again. The Map you updated belongs to the previous render and cannot be accessed. Anything you wish to preserve between renders has to be in state or a ref, so, you could do something like this:
const App = () => {
const [storeMap, setStoreMap] = useState(new Map());
let _tmpMap = useRef(new Map());
return (<>
{Object.keys({ key1: "hey", key2: "you" }).map((item) => {
return (
onClick={(e) => {
setStoreMap(new Map(_tmpMap.current));
// return <i key={item}>KJ </i>;
However, it's generally advised not to use Maps with React as they are mutable, and React will have no way of knowing when one is mutated. The only way that storeMap will trigger rerenders and effects is if you set it to a new Map every time you update it. If you absolutely must use Maps, then mutable refs are the closest thing to them that React offers. An Object is about the most complex thing that belongs in React state. See this thread.
storeMap.set() updates the map and setStoreMap sets the state.
React compares the references of the new and old Map which, in this case, share the same value.
If you want React to "know" about the update you will need to pass to setStoreMap a clone of the Map instead of a copy of the old reference, you can do that by creating a new Map.
I believe you can drop the use of _tmpMap.
const App = () => {
const [storeMap, setStoreMap] = useState(new Map());
const updateStoreMap = (k, v) => {
// pass a clone of storeMap
setStoreMap(new Map(storeMap.set(k, v)));
return (
{Object.keys({ key1: 'hey', key2: 'you' }).map((item) => {
return (
onClick={(e) => {
// return <i key={item}>KJ </i>;

useRef in a dynamic context, where the amount of refs is not constant but based on a property

In my application I have a list of "chips" (per material-ui), and on clicking the delete button a delete action should be taken. The action needs to be given a reference to the chip not the button.
A naive (and wrong) implementation would look like:
function MemberList(props) {
const {userList} = this.props;
refs = {}
for (const of userList) {
refs[] = React.useRef();
return <>
<div >
{ => {
return <UserThumbView
handleDelete={(e) => {
onRemove(usr, refs[])
}) :
However as said this is wrong, since react expects all hooks to always in the same order, and (hence) always be of the same amount. (above would actually work, until we add a state/any other hook below the for loop).
How would this be solved? Or is this the limit of functional components?
Refs are just a way to save a reference between renders. Just remember to check if it is defined before you use it. See the example code below.
function MemberList(props) {
const refs = React.useRef({});
return (
{ => (
handleDelete={(e) => onRemove(user, refs[])}
ref={el => refs.current[] = el}

Managing Button State and Resultant Processing with React Hooks

I've got some toggles that can be turned on/off. They get on/off state from a parent functional component. When a user toggles the state, I need to update the state in the parent and run a function.
That function uses the state of all the toggles to filter a list of items in state, which then changes the rendered drawing in a graph visualization component.
Currently, they toggle just fine, but the render gets out of sync with the state of the buttons, because the processing function ends up reading in old state.
I tried using useEffect(), but because the function has a lot of dependencies it causes a loop.
I tried coupling useRef() with useState() in a custom hook to read out the current state of at least the newest filter group that was set, but no luck there either.
Any suggestions on how I could restructure my code in a better way altogether, or a potential solution to this current problem?
Gross function that does the filtering:
function filterItems(threshold, items = {}) {
const { values } = kCoreResult;
const { coloredItems } = rgRef.current;
let itemsForUse;
let filteredItems;
if (Object.entries(items).length === 0 && items.constructor === Object) {
itemsForUse = baseItemsRef.current;
} else {
itemsForUse = items;
const isWithinThreshold = id => has(values, id) && values[id] >= threshold;
// filter for nodes meeting the kCoreValue criterion plus all links
filteredItems = pickBy(
(item, id) => !isNode(item) || isWithinThreshold(id)
filteredItems = pickBy(
item =>
!has(item, 'data.icon_type') || !filterRef.current[]
setRg(rg => {
rg.filteredItems = leftMerge(filteredItems, coloredItems);
return {
setMenuData(menuData => {
menuData.threshold = threshold;
return {
Function that calls it after button is pressed that also updates button state (button state is passed down from the filter object):
function changeCheckBox(id, checked) {
setFilter(filter => {
filter[id] = !checked;
return {
It seems calling your filterItems function in the handler is causing the stale state bug, the state update hasn't been reconciled yet. Separate out your functions that update state and "listen" for updates to state to run the filter function.
Here's a demo that should help see the pattern:
export default function App() {
const [filters, setFilters] = useState(filterOptions);
const onChangeHandler = e => {
setFilters({ ...filters, []: });
const filterItems = (threshold, items = {}) => {
console.log("Gross function that does the filtering");
console.log("threshold", threshold);
console.log("items", items);
useEffect(() => {
filterItems(42, filters);
}, [filters]);
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Hello CodeSandbox</h1>
<h2>Start editing to see some magic happen!</h2>
{Object.entries(filters).map(([filter, checked]) => {
return (
<Fragment key={filter}>
<label htmlFor={filter}>{filter}</label>
This works by de-coupling state updates from state side-effects. The handler updates the filters state by always returning a new object with next filter values, and the effect hook triggers on value changes to filters.
