ReactJS + Ant Design: hook up two AntD components - reactjs

I am a newbie and I have an issue that I need to connect two components(slider and radio buttons) from Ant design in React and make them collaborate together. So if I choose one of the options of the radio button, I want the slider to adjust the choice and conversely. For example, if I choose on the radio button year 2022 I want the to slider move to the right, and for example, if I choose 2022 on the slider I want to have checked radio button value 2022, and so on... I tried to put them into some conditions, but really don't know what to do with them. And also to have radio buttons in same width as slider.
import React from "react";
import { Radio, Slider } from "antd";
const App = () => {
const [currentValueRadio, setcurrentValueRadio] = React.useState(1);
const [currentValue, setCurrentValue] = React.useState();
return (
onChange={(e) => {
console.log("radio checked",;
<Radio value={1}>2021</Radio>
<Radio value={2}>2022</Radio>
style={{ width: 240 }}
onChange={(value) => {

You need to add the state being controlled as a 'value' prop to both components, to have them syncronised.
value={currentValueRadio} // <- add a value prop
Adding the value prop in your example will have both components react to the same state value.
However, since the Radio components set the value to 1 or 2, and the range on the Slider is from 2021 to 2022, you may not see the result you're looking for. Perhaps change the Radio values to 2021 and 2022 respectively.


React rc-time-picker styling and icon

I'm using rc-time-picker in my Next.js (react.js) project:
And I changed its css so now it looks like this:
The most important thing for me is when the popup is opened (like under the end time) I want the clock icon to remain visible. And is there also a way to make the popup appear under the input field instead of on top of it?
I've tried setting a margin top for the popup but that didn't work as the popup is still rendered on top of the input.
My CustomTimePicker is just the rc-time-picker wrapped in its own component:
import React from "react";
import TimePicker from "rc-time-picker";
const CustomTimePicker = ({
}) => {
return (
popupClassName={popupClassName || className}
export default React.memo(CustomTimePicker);

Simple font size changer with Material UI slider and React

I'm trying to make a simple slider that change the font size using React and Material UI.
The slider is called PrettoSlider and it a part of Material UI.
What im trying to acheive is to use the slider an then change the font size depending on the slider.
This is what i have so far
export default function ChangeFontSlider() {
const [ItemValue, setItemValue] = React.useState(20);
const handlingChange = (event) => {
return (
<p style={{fontSize: {ItemValue}}}>Drag me to change the font</p>
When trying to slide the slider, I ether get an error or the font remain the same.
Any idea? Thanks!
The slider is called PrettoSlider and it a part of Material UI.
PrettoSlider is an example. Underline component is Slider which is documented here
Accroding to the document, onChange function has 2 parameters, event is the event source while second parameter value is new value when you move slider, is what you need to get data from.
I know this is 8 months old, But you could also just do this in your style tag
<p style={{fontSize: `${ItemValue}px` }}>Drag me to change the font</p>
then instead of just updating a number every time you slide, it will actually increment in pixels
in mui for change the font of slider label you can use global class in slider api.
import { makeStyles } from "#mui/styles";
const sliderStyles= makeStyles({
slider: {
'& .MuiSlider-markLabel' : {fontFamily: 'Vazir' , fontSize: "12px"}
and set this class to className prop in slider.
import { sliderStyles} from "YOUR/STYLES/PATH";
className={classes.slider} //this line important

How to change color of the material ui element without re-rendering the site or using MuiThemeProvider

I recently added to this project, in this project they use material ui for some elements and some HTML elements for the rest of the elements. they write the style for both of them
Now they ask me to change the minimum code for changing the theme, this is the style for material ui part
// this is UserOptions.js
const chooseTheme = [theme]
const themeStyle =
localStorage.getItem('theme') === null ?
chooseTheme[0]['IGS'] : chooseTheme[0][localStorage.getItem('theme')];
const styles = theme => ({
button: {
backgroundColor: themeStyle.bkgTextColor,
color: themeStyle.dialogContentColor,
this is the textfield I used for changing the theme
style ={{direction: 'center', width: '100px'}}
type= 'select'
<option value={'Light'}>Light</option>
<option value={'Dark'}>Dark</option>
and I used this code for exporting part
export default withStyles(styles)(UserOptions);
this is the Theme.js file
export const Light = {
bkgTextColor: '#19417C';
dialogContentColor: '#E7EFFA';
when user change the otion of the textfield, the html element color changes but i should refresh the page to see the material ui elements color changed, what should I do to make the material ui color change without using MuiThemeProvider (maybe i should redirect to this page after re-render the page and i don't know how)

Redux Form Semantic UI React Dropdown meta:touched not working

Redux Form Semantic UI React Dropdown meta:touched not working
My Redux form has two Semantic UI React Dropdown components. One dropdown the user selects a month (January thru December) and the other the user selects a year (2020 thru 2030). I have a requirement to validate that the month and year provider by the user is not in the past. For example, it is now May 2020 and if the user selects January 2020 an error needs to be shown to the user.
I’ve created a validator that properly works and creates an error for the above condition. The problem is that the Dropdown component’s “touched” meta is always false so the error is never displayed to the user.
Code for my DropdownInput component is shown below.
If a remove “touched” from the error label, the error displays immediately before the user has a chance to input their date… not a good user experience.
Any suggestions as to how to get the Dropdown component to update to “true” when the user makes a selection would be appreciated. I’ve also used the Semantic UI React Select component in place of the Dropdown component and have the same result.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
import React from 'react';
import { Form, Label, Dropdown } from 'semantic-ui-react';
const SelectInput = ({
meta: { touched, error },
}) => {
console.log(`DropdownInput: touched=${touched} error=${error}`);
return (
<Form.Field error={touched && !!error}>
{label && <label>{label}</label>}
value={input.value || null}
onChange={(e, data) => input.onChange(data.value)}
{touched && error && (
<Label basic color='red'>
export default SelectInput;

How to change checkbox color and other styling for react-instantsearch?

I have ToggleRefinement checkboxes in my project and was trying to style it using ".ais-ToggleRefinement-checkbox {}" but the only thing that seems to be able to change is the font-size to make the checkbox bigger. Color and background-color doesn't do anything. I'd like to change the colors (especially the color when the checkbox is checked) and possibly other styling of the checkbox since I'm using BlueprintJS custom checkboxes in other parts of my website and I'd like the styling to be consistent between them.
Is there any way to achieve this?
To use the BlueprintJS components, you can use a connector. The docs for that are here and a guide for connectors in general here. This would look slightly like this:
import React from "react";
import { Checkbox } from "#blueprintjs/core";
import { connectToggleRefinement } from "react-instantsearch/connectors";
const Toggle = ({ refine, currentRefinement, label }) => (
onChange={() => refine(!currentRefinement)}
const ToggleRefinement = connectToggleRefinement(Toggle);
const App = () => (
{/* add the rest of the app */}
value="Made with solid pine"
label="Solid Pine"
