Cunit test invalid read/write of size8 - c

Invalid read and write of size 8 happening in modify_tab_size().
what am I doing wrong? Ive tried almost everything, I dont understand it.
// Function being tested.
int erase_repeated(int *nb_words, char **words) {
for (int i = 0; i < *nb_words; ++i) {
if (words[i] != 0) {
for (int b = 0; b < *nb_words; ++b) {
if (strcmp(words[i], words[b]) == 0 && b != i)
modify_tab_size(&b, nb_words, words);
return *nb_mots;
void modify_tab_size(int *b, int *nb_words_update, char **words) {
for (int k = *b; k < *nb_words_update; k++) {
words[k] = words[k + 1]; <--------------------------read error
words[*nb_words_update + 1] = 0; <--------------------------write error

The problem is k+1 and *nb_words_update + 1 can walk off the array, and it is. Add printf("k:%d, k+1:%d, *nb_words_update + 1: %d\n", k, k+1, *nb_words_update + 1); into the loop to see.
k:1, k+1:2, *nb_words_update + 1: 4
k:2, k+1:3, *nb_words_update + 1: 4
You've only allocated three slots, 3 and 4 walk off the end of the array.
Since nb_words_update starts as the length of the array, words[*nb_words_update + 1] = 0; is always going to be too large. words[*nb_words_update] = 0; is also too large.
What you seem to be trying to do is deleting an element from an array by shifting everything after it to the left.
void delete_element(char **words, int *b, int *size) {
// Free the string to be deleted.
// Only go up to the second to last element to avoid walking off the array.
for (int i = *b; i < *size-1; i++) {
// Shift everything to the left.
words[i] = words[i+1];
// Null out the last element.
// Don't use 0 for NULL, it's confusing.
words[*size-1] = NULL;
// Decrement the size of the array.
// Redo the check with the newly shifted element.
This sort of thing is better done with a linked list.
Note that your code has a bug. The result is an array of two elements, but one of them is blank. In addition to the return value of erase_repeated, also test its side effect which is to modify words. Test that words contains what you think it does.


How can I correctly allocate memory for this MergeSort implementation in C (with the DS I am using)?

My goal here is to perform MergeSort on a dynamic array-like data structure I called a dictionary used to store strings and their relative weights. Sorry if the implementation is dumb, I'm a student and still learning.
Anyway, based on the segfaults I'm getting, I'm incorrectly allocating memory for my structs of type item to be copied over into the temporary lists I'm making. Not sure how to fix this. Code for mergesort and data structure setup is below, any help is appreciated.
/////// DICTIONARY METHODS ////////
typedef struct {
char *item;
int weight;
} item;
typedef struct {
item **wordlist;
//track size of dictionary
int size;
} dict;
//dict constructor
dict* Dict(int count){
//allocate space for dictionary
dict* D = malloc(sizeof(dict));
//allocate space for words
D->wordlist = malloc(sizeof(item*) * count);
//initial size
D->size = 0;
return D;
//word constructor
item* Item(char str[]){
//allocate memory for struct
item* W = malloc(sizeof(item));
//allocate memory for string
W->item = malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(str));
W->weight = 0;
return W;
void merge(dict* D, int start, int middle, int stop){
//create ints to track lengths of left and right of array
int leftlen = middle - start + 1;
int rightlen = stop - middle;
//create new temporary dicts to store the two sides of the array
dict* L = Dict(leftlen);
dict* R = Dict(rightlen);
int i, j, k;
//copy elements start through middle into left dict- this gives a segfault
for (int i = 0; i < leftlen; i++){
L->wordlist[i] = malloc(sizeof(item*));
L->wordlist[i] = D->wordlist[start + i];
//copy elements middle through end into right dict- this gives a segfault
for (int j = 0; j < rightlen; j++){
R->wordlist[j] = malloc(sizeof(item*));
R->wordlist[j]= D->wordlist[middle + 1 + k];
i = 0;
j = 0;
k = leftlen;
while ((i < leftlen) && (j < rightlen)){
if (strcmp(L->wordlist[i]->item, R->wordlist[j]->item) <= 0) {
D->wordlist[k] = L->wordlist[i];
D->wordlist[k] = R->wordlist[j];
while (i < leftlen){
D->wordlist[k] = L->wordlist[i];
while (j < rightlen){
D->wordlist[k] = L->wordlist[j];
void mergeSort(dict* D, int start, int stop){
if (start < stop) {
int middle = start + (stop - start) / 2;
mergeSort(D, start, middle);
mergeSort(D, middle + 1, stop);
merge(D, start, middle, stop);
I put print statements everywhere and narrowed it down to the mallocs in the section where I copy the dictionary to be sorted into 2 separate dictionaries. Also tried writing that malloc as malloc(sizeof(D->wordlist[start + i])). Is there something else I need to do to be able to copy the item struct into the wordlist of the new struct?
Again, I'm new to this, so cut me some slack :)
There are numerous errors in the code:
In merge() when copying elements to the R list, the wrong (and uninitialized) index variable k is being used instead of j. R->wordlist[j]= D->wordlist[middle + 1 + k]; should be R->wordlist[j]= D->wordlist[middle + 1 + j];.
In merge() before merging the L and R lists back to D, the index variable k for the D list is being initialized to the wrong value. k = leftLen; should be k = start;.
In merge() in the loop that should copy the remaining elements of the "right" list to D, the elements are being copied from the "left" list instead of the "right" list. D->wordlist[k] = L->wordlist[j]; should be D->wordlist[k] = R->wordlist[j];.
In Item(), the malloc() call is not reserving space for the null terminator at the end of the string. W->item = malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(str)); should be W->item = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(str) + 1)); (and since sizeof(char) is 1 by definition it can be simplified to W->item = malloc(strlen(str) + 1);).
Item() is not copying the string to the allocated memory. Add strcpy(W->item, str);.
There are memory leaks in merge():
L->wordlist[i] = malloc(sizeof(item*)); is not required and can be removed since L->wordlist[i] is changed on the very next line: L->wordlist[i] = D->wordlist[start + i];.
Similarly, R->wordlist[j] = malloc(sizeof(item*)); is not required and can be removed since R->wordlist[j] is changed on the very next line.
L and R memory is created but never destroyed. Add these lines to the end of merge() to free them:
None of the malloc() calls are checked for success.
Allocate it all at once, before the merge sort even starts.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// Weighted Word --------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct {
char *word;
int weight;
} weighted_word;
// Create a weighted word
weighted_word* CreateWeightedWord(const char *str, int weight){
weighted_word* W = malloc(sizeof(weighted_word));
if (W){
W->word = malloc(strlen(str) + 1); // string length + nul terminator
if (W->word)
strcpy( W->word, str);
W->weight = weight;
return W;
// Free a weighted word
weighted_word *FreeWeightedWord(weighted_word *W){
if (W){
if (W->word)
return NULL;
// Dictionary (of Weighted Words) ---------------------------------------------
typedef struct {
weighted_word **wordlist; // this is a pointer to an array of (weighted_word *)s
int size; // current number of elements in use
int capacity; // maximum number of elements available to use
} dict;
// Create a dictionary with a fixed capacity
dict* CreateDict(int capacity){
dict* D = malloc(sizeof(dict));
if (D){
D->wordlist = malloc(sizeof(weighted_word*) * capacity);
D->size = 0;
D->capacity = capacity;
return D;
// Free a dictionary (and all weighted words)
dict *FreeDict(dict *D){
if (D){
for (int n = 0; n < D->size; n++)
return NULL;
// Add a new weighted word to the end of our dictionary
void DictAddWord(dict *D, const char *str, int weight){
if (!D) return;
if (D->size == D->capacity) return;
D->wordlist[D->size] = CreateWeightedWord(str, weight);
if (D->wordlist[D->size])
D->size += 1;
// Merge Sort the Dictionary --------------------------------------------------
// Merge two partitions of sorted words
// words • the partitioned weighted word list
// start • beginning of left partition
// middle • end of left partition, beginning of right partition
// stop • end of right partition
// buffer • temporary work buffer, at least as big as (middle-start)
void MergeWeightedWords(weighted_word **words, int start, int middle, int stop, weighted_word **buffer){
int Lstart = start; int Rstart = middle; // Left partition
int Lstop = middle; int Rstop = stop; // Right partition
int Bindex = 0; // temporary work buffer output index
// while (left partition has elements) AND (right partition has elements)
while ((Lstart < Lstop) && (Rstart < Rstop)){
if (strcmp( words[Rstart]->word, words[Lstart]->word ) < 0)
buffer[Bindex++] = words[Rstart++];
buffer[Bindex++] = words[Lstart++];
// if (left partition has any remaining elements)
while (Lstart < Lstop)
buffer[Bindex++] = words[Lstart++];
// We don't actually need this. Think about it. Why not?
// // if (right partition has any remaining elements)
// while (Rstart < Rstop)
// buffer[Bindex++] = words[Rstart++];
// Copy merged data from temporary buffer back into source word list
for (int n = 0; n < Bindex; n++)
words[start++] = buffer[n];
// Merge Sort an array of weighted words
// words • the array of (weighted_word*)s to sort
// start • index of first element to sort
// stop • index ONE PAST the last element to sort
// buffer • the temporary merge buffer, at least as big as (stop-start+1)/2
void MergeSortWeightedWords(weighted_word **words, int start, int stop, weighted_word **buffer){
if (start < stop-1){ // -1 because a singleton array is by definition sorted
int middle = start + (stop - start) / 2;
MergeSortWeightedWords(words, start, middle, buffer);
MergeSortWeightedWords(words, middle, stop, buffer);
MergeWeightedWords(words, start, middle, stop, buffer);
// Merge Sort a Dictionary
void MergeSortDict(dict *D){
if (D){
// We only need to allocate a single temporary work buffer, just once, right here.
dict * Temp = CreateDict(D->size);
if (Temp){
MergeSortWeightedWords(D->wordlist, 0, D->size, Temp->wordlist);
// Main program ---------------------------------------------------------------
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv){
// Command-line arguments --> dictionary
dict *a_dict = CreateDict(argc-1);
for (int n = 1; n < argc; n++)
DictAddWord(a_dict, argv[n], 0);
// Sort the dictionary
// Print the weighted words
for (int n = 0; n < a_dict->size; n++)
printf( "%d %s\n", a_dict->wordlist[n]->weight, a_dict->wordlist[n]->word );
// Clean up
Notes for you:
Be consistent. You were inconsistent with capitalization and * placement and, oddly, vertical spacing. (You are waaay better than most beginners, though.) I personally hate the Egyptian brace style, but to each his own.
I personally think there are far too many levels of malloc()s in this code too, but I will leave it at this one comment. It works as is.
Strings must be nul-terminated — that is, each string takes strlen() characters plus one for a '\0' character. There is a convenient library function that can copy a string for you too, called strdup(), which AFAIK exists on every system.
Always check that malloc() and friends succeed.
Don’t forget to free everything you allocate. Functions help.
“Item” was a terribly non-descript name, and it overlapped with the meaning of two different things in your code. I renamed them to separate things.
Your dictionary object should be expected to keep track of how many elements it can support. The above code simply refuses to add words after the capacity is filled, but you could easily make it realloc() a larger capacity if the need arises. The point is to prevent invalid array accesses by adding too many elements to a fixed-size array.
Printing the array could probably go in a function.
Notice how I set start as inclusive and stop as exclusive. This is a very C (and C++) way of looking at things, and it is a good one. It will help you with all kinds of algorithms.
Notice also how I split the Merge Sort up into two functions: one that takes a dictionary as argument, and a lower-level one that takes an array of the weighted words as argument that does all the work.
The higher-level merge sort a dictionary allocates all the temporary buffer the merge algorithm needs, just once.
The lower-level merge sort an array of (weighted_word*)s expects that temporary buffer to exist and doesn’t care (or know anything) about the dictionary object.
The merge algorithm likewise doesn't know much. It is simply given all the information it needs.
Right now the merge condition simply compares the weighted-word’s string value. But it doesn’t have to be so simple. For example, you could sort equal elements by weight. Create a function:
int CompareWeightedWords(const weighted_word *a, const weighted_word *b){
int rel = strcmp( a->word, b->word );
if (rel < 0) return -1;
if (rel > 0) return 1;
return a->weight < b->weight ? -1 : a->weight > b->weight;
And put it to use in the merge function:
if (CompareWeightedWords( words[Rstart], words[Lstart] ) < 0)
buffer[Bindex++] = words[Rstart++];
buffer[Bindex++] = words[Lstart++];
I don’t think I forgot anything.

last number in a function array

I want to write a function where I have a given array and number N. The last occurrence of this number I want to return address. If said number cannot be found I want to use a NULL-pointer
Start of the code I've made:
int main(void) {
int n = 3;
int ary[6] = { 1,3,7,8,3,9 };
for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++) {
if (ary[i] == 3) {
printf("%u\n", ary[i]);
return 0;
result in command prompt:
The biggest trouble I'm having is:
it prints all occurrences, but not the last occurrence as I want
I haven't used pointers much, so I don't understand how to use the NULL-pointer
I see many minor problems in your program:
If you want to make a function, make a function so your parameters and return types are explicit, instead of coding directly in the main.
C arrays, like in most languages, start the indexing at 0 so if there are N element the first has index 0, then the second has 1, etc... So the very last element (the Nth) has index N-1, so in your for loops, always have condition "i < size", not "i <= size" or ( "i <= size-1" if y'r a weirdo)
If you want to act only on the last occurence of something, don't act on every. Just save every new occurence to the same variable and then, when you're sure it was the last, act on it.
A final version of the function you describe would be:
int* lastOccurence(int n, int* arr, int size){
int* pos = NULL;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
if(arr[i] == n){
pos = &arr[i]; //Should be equal to arr + i*sizeof(int)
return pos;
int main(void){
int n = 3;
int ary[6] = { 1,3,7,8,3,9 };
printf("%p\n", lastOccurence(3, ary, 6);
return 0;
Then I'll add that the NULL pointer is just 0, I mean there is literally the line "#define NULL 0" inside the runtime headers. It is just a convention that the memory address 0 doesn't exist and we use NULL instead of 0 for clarity, but it's exactly the same.
i <= 6 accesses the array out of bounds, change to i < 6.
printf("%u\n", ary[i]); prints the value, not the index.
You don't actually compare the value against n but against a hard-coded 3.
I think that you are looking for something like this:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int n = 3;
int ary[6] = { 1,3,7,8,3,9 };
int* last_index = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if (ary[i] == n) {
last_index = &ary[i];
if(last_index == NULL) {
printf("Number not found\n");
else {
printf("Last index: %d\n", (int)(last_index - ary));
return 0;
The pointer last_index points at the last found item, if any. By subtracting the array's base address last_index - ary we do pointer arithmetic and get the array item.
The cast to int is necessary to avoid a quirk where subtracting pointers in C actually gives the result in a large integer type called ptrdiff_t - beginners need not worry about that one, so just cast.
First of all, you will read from out of array range, since your array last element is 5, and you read up to 6, which can lead in segmentation faults. #Ludin is right saying that you should change
for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++) // reads from 0 to 6 range! It is roughly equal to for (int i = 0; i == 6; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) // reads from 0 to 5
The last occurrence of this number I want to return as address.
You are printing only value of 3, not address. To do so, you need to use & operator.
If said number cannot be found I want to use a NULL-pointer
I don't understand, where do you want to return nullpointer? Main function can't return nullpointer, it is contradictory to its definition. To do so, you need to place it in separate function, and then return NULL.
If you want to return last occurence, then I would iterate from the end of this array:
for (int i = 5; i > -1; i--) {
if (ary[i] == 3) {
printf("place in array: %u\n", i); // to print iterator
printf("place in memory: %p\n", &(ary[i])); // to print pointer
break; // if you want to print only last occurence in array and don't read ruther
else if (i == 0) {
printf("None occurences found");
If you want to return an address you need yo use a function instead of writing code in main
As you want to return the address of the last occurence, you should iterate the array from last element towards the first element instead of iterating from first towards last elements.
Below are 2 different implementations of such a function.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
int* f(int n, size_t sz, int a[])
assert(sz > 0 && a != NULL);
// Iterate the array from last element towards first element
int* p = a + sz;
if (*p == n) return p;
} while(p != a);
return NULL;
int* g(int n, size_t sz, int a[])
assert(sz > 0 && a != NULL);
// Iterate the array from last element towards first element
size_t i = sz;
if (a[i] == n) return &a[i];
} while (i > 0);
return NULL;
int main(void)
int n = 3;
int ary[] = { 1,3,7,8,3,9 };
size_t elements = sizeof ary / sizeof ary[0];
int* p;
p = g(n, elements, ary); // or p = f(n, elements, ary);
if (p != NULL)
printf("Found at address %p - value %d\n", (void*)p, *p);
printf("Not found. The function returned %p\n", (void*)p);
return 0;
Working on the specified requirements in your question (i.e. a function that searches for the number and returns the address of its last occurrence, or NULL), the code below gives one way of fulfilling those. The comments included are intended to be self-explanatory.
#include <stdio.h>
// Note that an array, passed as an argument, is converted to a pointer (to the
// first element). We can change this in our function, because that pointer is
// passed BY VALUE (i.e. it's a copy), so it won't change the original
int* FindLast(int* arr, size_t length, int find)
int* answer = NULL; // The result pointer: set to NULL to start off with
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { // Note the use of < rather than <=
if (*arr == find) {
answer = arr; // Found, so set our pointer to the ADDRESS of this element
// Note that, if multiple occurrences exist, the LAST one will be the answer
++arr; // Move on to the next element's address
return answer;
int main(void)
int num = 3; // Number to find
int ary[6] = { 1,3,7,8,3,9 }; // array to search
size_t arrlen = sizeof(ary) / sizeof(ary[0]); // Classic way to get length of an array
int* result = FindLast(ary, arrlen, num); // Call the function!
if (result == NULL) { // No match was found ...
printf("No match was found in the array!\n");
else {
printf("The address of the last match found is %p.\n", (void*)result); // Show the address
printf("The element at that address is: %d\n", *result); // Just for a verification/check!
return 0;
Lots of answers so far. All very good answers, too, so I won't repeat the same commentary about array bounds, etc.
I will, however, take a different approach and state, "I want to use a NULL-pointer" is a silly prerequisite for this task serving only to muddle and complicate a very simple problem. "I want to use ..." is chopping off your nose to spite your face.
The KISS principle is to "Keep It Simple, St....!!" Those who will read/modify your code will appreciate your efforts far more than admiring you for making wrong decisions that makes their day worse.
Arrays are easy to conceive of in terms of indexing to reach each element. If you want to train in the use of pointers and NULL pointers, I suggest you explore "linked lists" and/or "binary trees". Those data structures are founded on the utility of pointers.
int main( void ) {
const int n = 3, ary[] = { 1, 3, 7, 8, 3, 9 };
size_t sz = sizeof ary/sizeof ary[0];
// search for the LAST match by starting at the end, not the beginning.
while( sz-- )
if( ary[ sz ] == n ) {
printf( "ary[ %sz ] = %d\n", sz, n );
return 0;
puts( "not found" );
return 1; // failed to find it.
Consider that the array to be searched is many megabytes. To find the LAST match, it makes sense to start at the tail, not the head of the array.

Circular array and elimination in C, how to return the last "living" element index?

I am trying to write a code that will simulate a circle of a fixed size of people that have one sword. The closest "living person" to the current index will be eliminated and the sword will be passed to the next living person (after the one who got killed) and so on.
I want it to be written without linked lists.
A group of 3 people:
arr[0] = 1, arr[1] = 1, arr[2] = 1
First turn:
arr[0] KILLS arr[1] and the sword gets PASSED to arr[2]
Values of elements after the first turn:
arr[0] = 1, arr[1] = 0, arr[2] = 1
Second turn:
arr[2] KILLS arr[0] and stays the last player
Values of elements after the second turn:
arr[0] = 0, arr[1] = 0, arr[2] = 1
arr[2]'s index gets returned by the main function.
What I thought about was:
set the values all of elements to 1
circulate and check each time if (1 == arr[i])
set a flag to determine whether to kill or just pass the sword to this guy.
return the current index that indicates that's the index of the last player alive.
For example, lets say we have 5 people in our group:
[1] [1] [1] [1] [1]
First round:
give_sword = 0
i = 0 does not enter the first if because give_sword is not 1.
It enters the second if, and finds the closest living person using the function findClosestLivingPerson and gets his index and sets his value to 0 (== kills the closest living person).
It sets give_sword to 1.
Decreases the players_counter and checks if there is only one player left. If not, continues the loop.
This is my code:
#include <stdio.h>
int findClosestLivingPerson(int arr[], int index, int group_size);
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
int group_size = 0, players_counter = 0;
int i = 0, give_sword = 0;
int arr[100] = {0};
printf("Enter group size: \n");
for (i = 0; i < group_size; i++)
arr[i] = 1;
players_counter = group_size;
for (i = 0; i < group_size; (i+1) % group_size)
if (1 == arr[i])
if(1 == give_sword) /* should give sword, not to kill */
give_sword = 0;
else /* should be killed */
arr[findClosestLivingPerson(arr,i, group_size)] = 0;
give_sword = 1;
if (players_counter == 1)
printf("Winner is %d ",i);
return 0;
int findClosestLivingPerson(int arr[], int index, int group_size)
for (; index < group_size; (index+1) % group_size)
if (arr[index] == 1)
return index;
return 0;
The compiler says:
In function ‘main’: last_man.c:23:43: warning: statement with no
effect [-Wunused-value] 23 | for (i = 0; i < group_size;
(i+1) % group_size)
last_man.c: In function ‘findClosestLivingPerson’: last_man.c:49:42:
warning: statement with no effect [-Wunused-value] 49 | for (;
index < group_size; (index+1) % group_size)
The (index+1) % group_size is meant to circulate through this array.
As the compiler says, (i+1) % group_size has no effect. It computes the remainder of the sum of i and one. After that, it does nothing with the result.
The third part of a for statement is just an expression that is evaluated. It does not automatically update the loop index or do anything else. If you want it to update i, you must write an assignment, like i = (i+1) % group_size.
I think you've misunderstood how for loop works .
Format should be like this:
for( initialization, condition, iteration )
for( int i = 0; i < size; i = i + 1 )
(i + 1) % group_size isn't an iteration( it isn't assigning the result to i ) , what you really want to do is
i = ( i + 1 ) % group_size;
Same applies for the second warning .
I would suggest a different approach. Let's do this in a way that results in nice code.
struct actor {
int label;
struct actor *next;
With this struct we can make a nice linked list and loop it back around:
int n = 5;
int i;
struct actor *actors = calloc(n, sizeof *actors);
for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
actors[i].label = i;
actors[i].next = &actors[i+1];
actors[i].label = i;
actors[i].next = &actors[0];
Ok, now we can assign the first killer:
struct actor *k = actors;
We also need a kill function:
struct actor *kill(struct actor *a)
if (a->next != a) {
printf("%d kills %d\n", a->label, a->next->label);
a->next = a->next->next;
} else {
printf("%d is last man standing\n", a->label);
a->next = NULL;
return a->next;
What this does: it removes the next person from the circular linked list (as that is the one that is killed). The lookup time for the next person is always the same.
And with everything in place, we can start the spree:
while (k) {
k = kill(k);
This is not perfect code by any means, but it is a nice example of how you can make the algorithm incredibly simple if you put a little effort in setting up.

Out of bounds 2D array error in C

Im stuck on this one part and I was hoping to get some help. I have a project that is basically a word search. The program reads in a file that contains the Rows and columns followed by the word search puzzle itself. You are required to create possible combinations of strings from the word search and check those combinations with a dictionary that is provided as another text document.
Here's an example of the file read in 1st is Rows and 2nd is Cols followed by the word search puzzle:
4 4
So I have been able to get most of the code to work except for the function that creates strings for the above file. Basically It needs to search the wordsearch and create strings, each created string gets passed on to another function to check if it's in the dictionary. However my code keeps going out of bounds when creating the strings, and it's continuing to cause Seg faults which is really frustrating.
Theses are the constants that are declared, its every possible direction to go while searching the word search puzzle for possible string combinations
const int DX_SIZE = 8;
const int DX[] = {-1,-1,-1,0,0,1,1,1};
const int DY[] = {-1,0,1,-1,1,-1,0,1};
This is the function I have to create the strings:
int strCreate(char** puzzle, char** dictionary, int n, int rows, int col){
int x, y;
int nextX, nextY, i;
char str[20] = {0};
int length = 1;
for(x = 0; x < rows; x++)
for(y = 0; y < col; y++)
//Grabs the base letter
str[0] = puzzle[x][y];
length = 1;
for(i = 0; i < DX_SIZE; i++)
while(length < MAX_WORD_SIZE)
nextX = x + DX[i]*length;
nextY = y + DY[i]*length;
// Checking bounds of next array
//This is where I'm having trouble.
if((x + nextX) < 0 || (nextX + x) > (col-1)){
printf("Out of bounds\n");
if((y + nextY) < 0 || (nextY + y) > (rows-1)){
printf("Out of bounds\n");
str[length] = puzzle[nextX][nextY];
//search for str in dictionary
checkStr(str, dictionary, n);
memset(&str[1], '\0', 19);
return 0;
I know i'm not checking the bounds properly I just can't figure out how to. When X = 1 and nextX = -1, that passes the bounds check, however say the array is at puzzle[0][0] nextX would put puzzle[-1][0] which is out of bounds causing the seg fault.
Thank you for taking the time to read, and I appreciate any help at all.
nextX and nextY are the indices used to access the array puzzle. Then the array bound check should also include the same. But the array bound check includes for example x+nextX.
// Checking bounds of next array
//This is where I'm having trouble.
if((x + nextX) < 0 || (nextX + x) > (col-1)){
printf("Out of bounds\n");
if( nextX < 0)
printf("Out of bounds...\n");

Removing Duplicates in an array in C

The question is a little complex. The problem here is to get rid of duplicates and save the unique elements of array into another array with their original sequence.
For example :
If the input is entered b a c a d t
The result should be : b a c d t in the exact state that the input entered.
So, for sorting the array then checking couldn't work since I lost the original sequence. I was advised to use array of indices but I don't know how to do. So what is your advise to do that?
For those who are willing to answer the question I wanted to add some specific information.
char** finduni(char *words[100],int limit)
//Methods here
is the my function. The array whose duplicates should be removed and stored in a different array is words[100]. So, the process will be done on this. I firstly thought about getting all the elements of words into another array and sort that array but that doesn't work after some tests. Just a reminder for solvers :).
Well, here is a version for char types. Note it doesn't scale.
#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"
void removeDuplicates(unsigned char *string)
unsigned char allCharacters [256] = { 0 };
int lookAt;
int writeTo = 0;
for(lookAt = 0; lookAt < strlen(string); lookAt++)
if(allCharacters[ string[lookAt] ] == 0)
allCharacters[ string[lookAt] ] = 1; // mark it seen
string[writeTo++] = string[lookAt]; // copy it
string[writeTo] = '\0';
int main()
char word[] = "abbbcdefbbbghasdddaiouasdf";
printf("Word is now [%s]\n", word);
return 0;
The following is the output:
Word is now [abcdefghsiou]
Is that something like what you want? You can modify the method if there are spaces between the letters, but if you use int, float, double or char * as the types, this method won't scale at all.
I posted and then saw your clarification, where it's an array of char *. I'll update the method.
I hope this isn't too much code. I adapted this QuickSort algorithm and basically added index memory to it. The algorithm is O(n log n), as the 3 steps below are additive and that is the worst case complexity of 2 of them.
Sort the array of strings, but every swap should be reflected in the index array as well. After this stage, the i'th element of originalIndices holds the original index of the i'th element of the sorted array.
Remove duplicate elements in the sorted array by setting them to NULL, and setting the index value to elements, which is the highest any can be.
Sort the array of original indices, and make sure every swap is reflected in the array of strings. This gives us back the original array of strings, except the duplicates are at the end and they are all NULL.
For good measure, I return the new count of elements.
#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
void sortArrayAndSetCriteria(char **arr, int elements, int *originalIndices)
#define MAX_LEVELS 1000
char *piv;
int beg[MAX_LEVELS], end[MAX_LEVELS], i=0, L, R;
int idx, cidx;
for(idx = 0; idx < elements; idx++)
originalIndices[idx] = idx;
beg[0] = 0;
end[0] = elements;
while (i>=0)
L = beg[i];
R = end[i] - 1;
if (L<R)
piv = arr[L];
cidx = originalIndices[L];
if (i==MAX_LEVELS-1)
while (L < R)
while (strcmp(arr[R], piv) >= 0 && L < R) R--;
if (L < R)
arr[L] = arr[R];
originalIndices[L++] = originalIndices[R];
while (strcmp(arr[L], piv) <= 0 && L < R) L++;
if (L < R)
arr[R] = arr[L];
originalIndices[R--] = originalIndices[L];
arr[L] = piv;
originalIndices[L] = cidx;
beg[i + 1] = L + 1;
end[i + 1] = end[i];
end[i++] = L;
int removeDuplicatesFromBoth(char **arr, int elements, int *originalIndices)
// now remove duplicates
int i = 1, newLimit = 1;
char *curr = arr[0];
while (i < elements)
if(strcmp(curr, arr[i]) == 0)
arr[i] = NULL; // free this if it was malloc'd
originalIndices[i] = elements; // place it at the end
curr = arr[i];
return newLimit;
void sortArrayBasedOnCriteria(char **arr, int elements, int *originalIndices)
#define MAX_LEVELS 1000
int piv;
int beg[MAX_LEVELS], end[MAX_LEVELS], i=0, L, R;
int idx;
char *cidx;
beg[0] = 0;
end[0] = elements;
while (i>=0)
L = beg[i];
R = end[i] - 1;
if (L<R)
piv = originalIndices[L];
cidx = arr[L];
if (i==MAX_LEVELS-1)
while (L < R)
while (originalIndices[R] >= piv && L < R) R--;
if (L < R)
arr[L] = arr[R];
originalIndices[L++] = originalIndices[R];
while (originalIndices[L] <= piv && L < R) L++;
if (L < R)
arr[R] = arr[L];
originalIndices[R--] = originalIndices[L];
arr[L] = cidx;
originalIndices[L] = piv;
beg[i + 1] = L + 1;
end[i + 1] = end[i];
end[i++] = L;
int removeDuplicateStrings(char *words[], int limit)
int *indices = (int *)malloc(limit * sizeof(int));
int newLimit;
sortArrayAndSetCriteria(words, limit, indices);
newLimit = removeDuplicatesFromBoth(words, limit, indices);
sortArrayBasedOnCriteria(words, limit, indices);
return newLimit;
int main()
char *words[] = { "abc", "def", "bad", "hello", "captain", "def", "abc", "goodbye" };
int newLimit = removeDuplicateStrings(words, 8);
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < newLimit; i++) printf(" Word # %d = %s\n", i, words[i]);
return 0;
Traverse through the items in the array - O(n) operation
For each item, add it to another sorted-array
Before adding it to the sorted array, check if the entry already exists - O(log n) operation
Finally, O(n log n) operation
i think that in C you can create a second array. then you copy the element from the original array only if this element is not already in the send array.
this also preserve the order of the element.
if you read the element one by one you can discard the element before insert in the original array, this could speedup the process.
As Thomas suggested in a comment, if each element of the array is guaranteed to be from a limited set of values (such as a char) you can achieve this in O(n) time.
Keep an array of 256 bool (or int if your compiler doesn't support bool) or however many different discrete values could possibly be in the array. Initialize all the values to false.
Scan the input array one-by-one.
For each element, if the corresponding value in the bool array is false, add it to the output array and set the bool array value to true. Otherwise, do nothing.
You know how to do it for char type, right?
You can do same thing with strings, but instead of using array of bools (which is technically an implementation of "set" object), you'll have to simulate the "set"(or array of bools) with a linear array of strings you already encountered. I.e. you have an array of strings you already saw, for each new string you check if it is in array of "seen" strings, if it is, then you ignore it (not unique), if it is not in array, you add it to both array of seen strings and output. If you have a small number of different strings (below 1000), you could ignore performance optimizations, and simply compare each new string with everything you already saw before.
With large number of strings (few thousands), however, you'll need to optimize things a bit:
1) Every time you add a new string to an array of strings you already saw, sort the array with insertion sort algorithm. Don't use quickSort, because insertion sort tends to be faster when data is almost sorted.
2) When checking if string is in array, use binary search.
If number of different strings is reasonable (i.e. you don't have billions of unique strings), this approach should be fast enough.
