Why does Rstudio keep looking in the wrong place? - setwd

I set my working directory -
but keep getting an error indicating rstudio is looking somewhere else -
"does not exist in current working directory ('C:/Users/chris/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/Content.Outlook/DUFHT1GF')"
> setwd("C:/Users/chris/Desktop/Rstudio_source_files")
> getwd()
[1] "C:/Users/chris/Desktop/Rstudio_source_files"
> cross_referenced_signature_table <-
+ cross_reference_signature_table_to_scinamic_docs(
+ signature_table = signature_table,
+ scinamic_documents_filename = "scinamic_documents_2022-03-18.csv")
Error: 'scinamic_documents_2022-03-18.csv' does not exist in current working directory ('C:/Users/chris/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/Content.Outlook/DUFHT1GF').
I expect R to look in the working directory for the designated file.


c programming: program reads 'Desktop' folder as 'DEsktop' with capital E

So the C program i am building has to be placed within the PA_mobile file on the desktop of my MAC computer (OS X 10.9.4) so it can access the scripts and text file caches that are associated with it.
now when my program launches, it validates the current working directory, comparing it to a string variable which contains the correct working directory, and requests a working directory change if the program is not located in the desktop.
here is the code associated with the directory path validation:
char* cwd_2;
char buff[PATH_MAX + 1];
cwd_2 = getcwd( buff, PATH_MAX + 1 );
char desired_working_directory[50] = "/Users/haydn/Desktop/PA_mobile";
if( cwd_2 != NULL )
printf("\nCurrent working directory: [%s]\n", cwd_2 );
printf("Desired working directory: [%s]\n",desired_working_directory);
if(strcmp(desired_working_directory, cwd_2) == 0)
printf("Appropriate Working Directory achieved!\n");
printf("Critical Error: inapropriate working directory!\n");
printf("please relocate the 'PA_mobile' file to [/users/user/Desktop] and re-launch\n");
The program compares the current working directory path as determined by the cwd_2 variable and compares it to the desired working directory path as described in the desired_working_directory variable.
Now here is what the program displays when run:
Current working directory: [/users/haydn/DEsktop/PA_mobile]
Desired working directory: [/Users/haydn/Desktop/PA_mobile]
Critical Error: inapropriate working directory!
please relocate file to [/users/haydn/Desktop] and re-launch
Notice that the current working directory displayed (which is determined by the getcwd( buff, PATH_MAX + 1 ); function describes the desktop file as DEsktop instead of Desktop as it is meant to be. i have checked the actual desktop folder, it is spelt without a capital E, and the capital E appears to be causing the problem, and exists solely within this code, can anyone help me?
If you run diskutil list / (or diskutil info / on latter variants of Mac OSX) you'll see whether the file system is case sensitive or not. You may need to do it on a file system lower in the hierarchy than / if those directories are in a separate file system.
You could also try the following sequence of commands:
touch /Users/haydn/Desktop/xyzzy
touch /Users/haydn/Desktop/xyzzY
ls /Users/haydn/Desktop/xyzz*
and see how many files are there. One means case-insensitive, two means case sensitive.
It's the file system personality that dictates this and, unless it mentions case sensitivity, you can assume it's not.
In which case, there is no distinction between these:
^ ^
despite the differing letters.
If you've established that this is the problem, your code should really be adjusted to handle both cases. This question (and its answers) offer ways to do this from within your code.

Bitbake error - Nothing RPROVIDES

I would to split and application into multiple packages. Basically I just would like to add an other one which could be build by using a specific image.
Inside the .bb file associated to the application I added :
SRC_URI = " \
file://api.conf \
file://script.sh \
PACKAGES =+ "${PN} ${PN}-tools"
FILES_${PN}-tools = "${bindir}/mrvl/tools/script.sh \
${sysconfdir}/mrvl/api.conf \
Then, I added the following line in my bb image test
IMAGE_INSTALL += " mrvl-tools"
I am using the command bitbake image-test which returns :
ERROR: Nothing RPROVIDES 'mrvl-tools' (but /home/usr/../image-test.bb RDEPENDS on or otherwise requires it)
NOTE: Runtime target 'mrvl-tools' is unbuildable, removing...
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['mrvl-tools']
ERROR: Required build target 'image-test' has no buildable providers.
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['image-test', 'mrvl-tools']
I followed the same definition of the bluez5-obex package and IMAGE_ISTALL += " bluez5-obex" works..
What I forget ?
Anders is close.
First, your PACKAGES definition is wrong, all you need is PACKAGES += "${PN}-tools".
But the important thing to remember is that FILES is evaluated in the order of PACKAGES, so ${PN} is processed first and the default FILES_${PN} contains ${bindir} ${sysconfdir}, so all of ${bindir} and ${sysconfdir} is in ${PN}. Then it tries to process ${PN}-tools and none of the expressions in its FILES match any files remaining, so the package is empty.
So, either set FILES_${PN} to what you want it to contain, or use PACKAGE_BEFORE_PN=${PN}-tools to inject PN-tools before PN in the default PACKAGES value. Reading bitbake.conf will help make this clearer, I promise.
Note that I'd have expected the error to be a rootfs-time failure not an image construction failure, but hopefully this is the problem.
it's good to verify if the layer has been added to the
this is where it usually starts with "nothing provides"
${BSPDIR}/sources/"your layer" \
Thank Ross Burton for you answer. But I modified the .bb file and it currently contains the following lines :
SUMMARY_${PN}-tools="mrvl tools test"
PACKAGE_BEFORE_PN += "${PN}-tools"
RDEPENDS_${PN}-tools = ""
FILES_${PN}-tools = "${bindir}/mrvl/tools/script.sh ${sysconfdir}/mrvl/api.conf"
ALLOW_EMPTY_${PN}-tools = "1"
The build finished and the package named mrvl-test-tools_0.1-r0.ipk is well created under /build/tmp/deploy/ipk/board/ but it contains nothing. This is due to the variable "ALLOW_EMPTY..="1"". and without this line the build failed and the following message is displayed
Collected errors:
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package mrvl-test-tools.
ERROR: Function failed: do_rootfs
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/../build/tmp/work/oe-linux/test-img/1.0-r0/temp/log.do_rootfs.4639
ERROR: Task 7 (/home/../sources/meta-board/recipes-images/images/test-img.bb, do_rootfs) failed with exit code '1'
I do not understand why files are now not included into the .ipk
Don't you need to add file in the extra files path
FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/file:"

MING files running error

I am trying to run ADNI .mnc image in MATLAB
I added folder emma-master, niak-0.7.1-ammo, mia and niak-0.7.1-ammo to my path. All these folders are located in
But when I want to open ._bq_t_15T.mnc located also in D:\EMINA BURCH\PhD Thesis\MATLAB Packages
that is h = openimage('._bq_n_15T.mnc')
I get the following error
Error using miinquire (line 145)
Error getting image dimensions from file D:\EMINA BURCH\PhD Thesis\MATLAB Packages._bq_n_15T.mnc
Error in openimage (line 173)
DimSizes = miinquire (filename, 'imagesize');
When I enter debug mode in minquire function after the line
[stat,out] = system(['mincinfo -vardims image ' minc_file]);
I get stat = 1 and out = 'mincinfo' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
May You, please help me with this issue.
system isn't able to automatically recognise the different requirements that might be needed to run the same system command on different operating systems. Using commands like ispc, isunix, ismac and computer, you can automatically check and call different versions of the commands as appropriate:
if ispc
[stat,out] = system(['mincinfo.exe -vardims image ' minc_file]);
[stat,out] = system(['mincinfo -vardims image ' minc_file]);
Of course, you also have to have the appropriate program on your MATLAB path for this to work.

CakePHP install on local pc (xampp) incorrect paths

I have script built with an old version of CakePHP.The script works just fine on live servers but when i tried to install it on my pc (with XAMPP installed) igot problems...I have this error:
Warning: include(cake\bootstrap.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\hack\index.php on line 76
Warning: include(): Failed opening 'cake\bootstrap.php' for inclusion (include_path='\C:\xampp\htdocs\hack\cakecore;\C:\xampp\htdocs\hack\cakeapp\;.;C:\xampp\php\PEAR') in C:\xampp\htdocs\hack\index.php on line 76
Fatal error: CakePHP core could not be found. Check the value of CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH in APP/webroot/index.php. It should point to the directory containing your \cake core directory and your \vendors root directory. in C:\xampp\htdocs\hack\index.php on line 77
I'm pretty sure that this error is triggered by incorrect paths in index.php file,because if i made wrong path in index on the live website got exactly the same erorr.The problem is that i have no idea how to fix that paths.
My site files are located in: C:\xampp\htdocs\mysite
So here is how i made the paths on index.php file:
* The full path to the directory which holds "app", WITHOUT a trailing DS.
if (!defined('ROOT')) {
define('ROOT', DS.'C:'.DS.'xampp'.DS.'htdocs'.DS.'mysite');
* The actual directory name for the "app".
if (!defined('APP_DIR')) {
define('APP_DIR', 'cakeapp');
* The absolute path to the "cake" directory, WITHOUT a trailing DS.
if (!defined('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH')) {
define('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', DS.'C:'.DS.'xampp'.DS.'htdocs'.DS.'mysite'.DS.'cakecore');
Can you tell me what I missing?I have spent 2 days on this and can't find a solution.
You're defining CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH as DS.'C:'.DS.'xampp'.DS.'htdocs'.DS.'mysite'.DS.'cakecore' which in windows will translate to a wrong path of \C:\xampp\htdocs\mysite\cakecore. Notice it starts with \ when it should be C:\....
So make it 'C:'.DS.'xampp'.DS.'htdocs'.DS.'mysite'.DS.'cakecore' or 'C:\xampp\htdocs\mysite\cakecore' as there isn't any advantagle in using DS if you place C: in the path, it will work only in windows after all.

Could not find configuration file /etc/startup.mk

I want to develop a simple C application for learning purposes using Eclipse (Juno) CDT.
For that, I created the sample project provided in the IDE that creates a simple Hello World executable.
But when I want to build the project, the following errors comes up:
make: all
make: Error -- Could not find configuration file /etc/startup.mk
What does this mean? I can't find a file named like this anywhere on my system. Curiously enough, it works on my OS X with the same setup perfectly. Just not on my Windows machine.
What is going wrong here?
Edit: make -V show the following output:
D:\>make -V
make - Version 7.0 build 1182
Built-in Rules (cannot be changed):
#B = $(#:b)
#D = $(#:d)
#F = $(#:f)
%B = $(%:b)
%D = $(%:d)
%F = $(%:f)
*B = $(*:b)
*D = $(*:d)
*F = $(*:f)
<B = $(<:b)
<D = $(<:d)
<F = $(<:f)
?B = $(?:b)
?F = $(?:f)
?D = $(?:d)
System Configuration:
SHELL = /mksnt/sh.exe
GROUPSHELL = /mksnt/sh.exe
PWD = D:/
The make executable that is in your path is not the GNU make that eclipse expects and needs. It is probably a tool that comes with some other product -- make is a pretty common name. If your windows is not too old, you could try where make to locate the culprit and remove it from your path. Once you have done that, eclipse will be able to the GNU make by itself if you used the standard installation of your toolchain, or you could add it to your path. Alternatively, you can customize the eclipse build settings and explicitly point it to the make you want to use.
The make you want is probably in C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin, but could be somewhere else depending on how you installed the toolchain. There is also a mingw32-make in C:\MinGW\bin -- all assuming that you are using MinGW
