create linked list using char array as data - c

I am having a problem on assigning char array after I create a node.
I am having trouble on this function I created which it would make a new node and then assign character array into the created node. I don't have any problems when it comes to int but I can't seem to run when I switched to character array.
I get a run time error when I try to run my code.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank You!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX 100
struct node{
char data[MAX];
struct node *next;
typedef struct node* nodePtr;
void create(nodePtr head, char data[]);
int main()
nodePtr head = NULL;
char str[] = "HELLO";
create(head, str);
return 0;
void create(nodePtr head, char data[])
if (head == NULL)
// empty list
head = (nodePtr) malloc(sizeof(struct node)); // create root
strcpy(head->data, data);
head->next = NULL;
{ // list not empty
nodePtr current = head; // start at the beginning...
while (current->next != NULL)
current = current->next; // walk to the end of the list
current->next = (nodePtr) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
current = current->next;
strcpy(current->data, data);

There is more than one problem with your program.
To begin with, when you add elements to a list that already has a head, are not initializing the next member. This will cause multiple list insertions to fail.
current->next = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
current = current->next;
strcpy(current->data, data);
current->next = NULL; //<-- you forgot this
The other big issue is that you are also leaking your entire list, because you pass the head pointer by value into the function. When the list is empty, the function modifies this value but it's a copy so when the function returns, the value of head in main is still NULL.
There are two options. Either you change your function to expect a pointer to the head-pointer, or you use what's called a "dummy head".
Using a dummy head actually simplifies lists a lot. What this means is your head is actually an unused node whose sole responsibility is to store the actual head in its next-pointer:
struct node head = {}; // dummy head node
create(&head, str);
The above will never actually hit the head == NULL part of the create function because dummy heads guarantee the head is always a valid node. So if you set your list up that way, then your create function can be simplified.
If you don't want to do this, then you need to pass a pointer to your head pointer. That means your create function becomes:
void create(nodePtr *head, char data[])
if (*head == NULL)
*head = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
strcpy((*head)->data, data);
(*head)->next = NULL;
nodePtr current = *head;
while (current->next != NULL) current = current->next;
current->next = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
current = current->next;
if (current != NULL)
strcpy(current->data, data);
current->next = NULL;
And you would invoke the above as:
nodePtr head = NULL;
create(&head, str);
One extra thing you might wish to do is make the function return the node that it created. The reason you might want to do this is that currently if you're inserting many items into the list you have to search to the end every time. If instead you pass the last node as the next head, then no searching is necessary:
nodePtr head = NULL;
nodePtr tail = head;
tail = create(head, "goodbye");
tail = create(tail, "cruel");
tail = create(tail, "world");
This would mean a small modification to your function, but I'm sure you can work that out.


Linked List Reversal has errors

In our class right now we're covering nodes and linked lists, and are working on our first linked list program.
We've been given the following guidelines by the teacher:
Make sure your main function will accept 10 characters from STDIN and create a linked list with those characters (so your nodes will have a char member). Then, add an additional function called reverse. The purpose of the reverse function will be to create a copy of the linked list with the nodes reversed. Finally, print off the original linked list as well as the reversed linked list.
I've gotten it all written out, and I've compiled it with no errors - but the program doesn't work as intended, and I'm not entirely sure why. I'm sure it has something to do with how I've set up the pointers to "walk" the nodes - as the debug I put in shows it looping twice per user input letter. Specifications are that we're only supposed to use one function, and we pass a Node* to the function, and it returns the same. The function cannot print out anything - only make the second list that is a reverse of the first.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm not terribly good at this yet and I'm sure I've made some rather silly mistakes.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//struct declaration with self-reference to make a linked list
struct charNode {
char data;
struct charNode *nextPtr;
struct prevNode *prevPtr;
typedef struct charNode Node; //makes Node an alias for charNode
typedef Node *NodePtr; //makes NodePtr an alias for a pointer to Node (I think?)
//function declaration for a reverse function
Node* reverse(Node *stPtr);
int main(void)
//main function takes 10 letters and puts them in a linked list
//after that, it calls the reverse function to create a reversed list of those characters
//lastly it prints both lists
NodePtr newNode = NULL;
char input;
Node* revStart;
unsigned int counter = 0;
printf("Enter 10 letters to make a list: ");
NodePtr currentPtr = NULL; //sets currentPointer to startNode.
NodePtr previousPtr = NULL; //set previousPointer to null to start
while(counter<= 10)
scanf("%c", &input); //gather next letter
NodePtr newNode = malloc(sizeof(Node)); //creates a new node
if (newNode != NULL) //checks to make sure the node was allocated correctly
newNode->data = input; //makes the new node's data == input
newNode->nextPtr = NULL; //makes the nextPtr of the newNode NULL
currentPtr = newNode; //sets currentPtr to the address of the newNode
if(previousPtr == NULL) { //first time around previousPtr == NULL
newNode->nextPtr = newNode;
previousPtr = newNode; //sets previousPtr to the address of the new node (1st time only)
} else { //afterwards, currentPtr won't be NULL
previousPtr->nextPtr = currentPtr; //last node's pointer points to the current node
previousPtr = newNode; //update previous pointer to the current node
printf("\nLoop #%d\n", counter);
revStart = reverse(newNode);
puts("The list is: ");
while (newNode != NULL){
printf("%c --> ", newNode->data);
currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr;
//reversing the nodes
Node* reverse(Node *stPtr)
//make a new node
NodePtr currentPtr = stPtr->nextPtr; //get the next letter ready (this will point to #2)
NodePtr prevRevPtr = NULL; //previous reverse node pointer
Node* revStart;
for(unsigned int counter = 1; counter <= 10; ++counter)
NodePtr revNode = malloc(sizeof(Node));
if(revNode != NULL) //if reverseNode is allocated...
if(prevRevPtr = NULL) //if previousReversePointer = NULL it's the "first" letter
revNode->data = stPtr->data; //letter = current letter
revNode->nextPtr = NULL; //this is the "last" letter, so NULL terminate
prevRevPtr = revNode; //previousReversePointer is this one
}else //after the first loop, the previous ReversePointer will be set
revNode->data = currentPtr->data; //set it's data to the pointer's data
revNode->nextPtr = prevRevPtr; //reverseNode's pointer points to last node entered
currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr; //moves to next letter
prevRevPtr = revNode; //changes previous reverse node to current node
if(counter == 10)//on the last loop...
revStart = revNode; //set revStart as a pointer to the last reverse node
//which is technically the "first"
return revStart;
Assuming your list is properly wired from inception, reversing a double-linked list is basically this:
Node *reverse(Node *stPtr)
Node *lst = stPtr, *cur = stPtr;
while (cur)
Node *tmp = cur->nextPtr;
cur->nextPtr = cur->prevPtr;
cur->prevPtr = tmp;
lst = cur;
cur = tmp;
return lst;
That's it . All this does is walk the list, swapping pointers, and retaining whatever the last node processed was. When done correctly the list will still be end-terminated (first node 'prev' is null, last node 'next' is null, and properly wired between.
I strongly advise walking a list enumeration through this function in a debugger. With each iteration watch what happens to cur as it marches down the list, to the active node's nextPtr and prevPtr values as their swapped, and to lst, which always retains the last-node processed. It's the new list head when done.
Okay so we don't need to contend with no line breaks in commments:
Node *reverse(Node *list) {
Node *rev = NULL;
while (list) {
Node *elt = list; // pop from the list
list = list->next;
elt->next = rev; // push onto reversed list.
rev = elt;
return rev;
As you wrote in comments, you probably don't need to have a previous pointer; you can just create a singly linked list.
There are several issues in your code, including:
When malloc returns NULL, you still continue with the loop -- only part of the code is protected by the if that follows, but not the rest. You should probably just exit the program when this happens.
Your algorithm does not maintain a reference to the very first node, i.e. the place where the linked list starts. When you print the list you should start with the first node of the list, but instead you start with newNode, which is the last node you created, so obviously not much will be printed except that last node. Moreover, both other pointers you have, will also point to the last node (currentPtr, previousPtr) when the loop ends.
newNode->nextPtr = newNode; temporarily creates an infinite cycle in your list. This is resolved in the next iteration of the loop, but it is unnecessary to ever make the list cyclic.
In the reverse function you have if(prevRevPtr = NULL)... You should get a warning about that, because that is an assignment, not a comparison.
Some other remarks:
The reverse function unnecessarily makes distinction between dealing with the first node and the other nodes.
It is also not nice that it expects the list to have 10 nodes. It would be better to just rely on the fact that the last node will have a NULL for its nextPtr.
It is a common habit to call the first node of a linked list, its head. So naming your variables like that is good practice.
As you are required to print both the initial list and the reversed list, it would be good to create a function that will print a list.
As you need to create new nodes both for the initial list and for the reversed list, it would be good to create a function that will create a node for you.
(I know that your teacher asked to create only one function, but this is just best practice. If this doesn't fit the assignment, then you'll have to go with the malloc-related code duplication, which is a pitty).
As you defined the type NodePtr, it is confusing to see a mix of Node* and NodePtr in your code.
Your question was first not clear on whether the reversal of the list should be in-place or should build a new list without tampering with the initial list. From comments it became clear you needed a new list.
I probably didn't cover all problems with the code. Here is a corrected version:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct charNode {
char data;
struct charNode *nextPtr;
typedef struct charNode Node;
typedef Node *NodePtr;
NodePtr reverse(Node *stPtr);
void printList(Node *headPtr);
NodePtr createNode(int data, NodePtr nextPtr);
int main(void) {
NodePtr headPtr = NULL; // You need a pointer to the very first node
NodePtr tailPtr = NULL; // Maybe a better name for currentPtr
printf("Enter 10 letters to make a list: ");
for (int counter = 0; counter < 10; counter++) {
char input;
scanf("%c", &input);
NodePtr newNode = createNode(input, NULL);
if (headPtr == NULL) {
headPtr = newNode;
} else {
tailPtr->nextPtr = newNode;
tailPtr = newNode;
NodePtr revHeadPtr = reverse(headPtr);
puts("The list is:\n");
puts("The reversed list is:\n");
void printList(NodePtr headPtr) {
while (headPtr != NULL) {
printf("%c --> ", headPtr->data);
// You can just move the head pointer: it is a variable local to this function
headPtr = headPtr->nextPtr;
NodePtr createNode(int data, NodePtr nextPtr) {
NodePtr newNode = malloc(sizeof(Node));
if (newNode == NULL) { // If malloc fails, exit the program
puts("Cannot allocate memory\n");
newNode->data = data;
newNode->nextPtr = nextPtr;
return newNode;
NodePtr reverse(NodePtr headPtr) {
NodePtr revHeadPtr = NULL;
while (headPtr != NULL) {
revHeadPtr = createNode(headPtr->data, revHeadPtr);
// You can just move the head pointer: it is a variable local to this function
headPtr = headPtr->nextPtr;
return revHeadPtr;

Explanation for base case return value in recursive linked list reverse algorithm

I am learning how to reverse a linked list recursively. I am confused with the last 4 lines.
node *reverse_linked_list_rec(node *head){
if (head->next==NULL){
return head;
node *smallans= reverse_linked_list_rec(head->next);
node *tail = head->next;
tail->next = head;
head->next = NULL;
return smallans;
Let's say I am reversing
1 2 3 NULL
by recursion, it reaches at 3 NULL and then by base case returns
2 3 NULL
here head=2, smallans=2 (not sure).
Why we are returning smallAns here and how it is changing?
smallans is a confusing variable name because it's actually the old tail being passed back through the list to become the new head which is ultimately returned to the caller.
Its next pointer changes when these lines execute in the parent function call:
// when head->next->next == NULL ...
node *tail = head->next; // ... `tail` points to the old tail (new head) ...
tail->next = head; // ... and this sets the new tail's next pointer to
// the old second-to-last node (new second node).
tail is a misleading name here--I associate a "tail" with a single node that terminates the entire list, not a previous node. new_prev or old_next seem more appropriate here depending on whether you want to name things relative to the node roles in the new list or the original list.
As a minor point, I recommend using if (!head || !head->next) to avoid a potential null pointer dereference.
I'd write the function as follows:
node *reverse_linked_list_rec(node *head) {
if (!head || !head->next) {
return head;
node *old_tail = reverse_linked_list_rec(head->next);
node *old_next = head->next;
old_next->next = head;
head->next = NULL;
return old_tail;
Aside from intellectual curiosity, recursion is a poor choice for linked list operations since it adds function call overhead, you can blow the stack and the logic isn't any easier to follow than iterative, in most cases.
Case in point, here's a complete example with an iterative version:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node {
int id;
struct node *next;
struct node *make_node(int id) {
struct node *n = malloc(sizeof(*n));
if (!n) exit(1);
n->id = id;
n->next = NULL;
return n;
struct node *reverse_linked_list(struct node *head) {
struct node *prev = NULL;
for (struct node *curr = head; curr;) {
struct node *old_next = curr->next;
curr->next = prev;
prev = curr;
curr = old_next;
return prev;
void print_linked_list(struct node *head) {
for (; head; head = head->next) {
printf("%d->", head->id);
void free_linked_list(struct node *head) {
while (head) {
struct node *tmp = head;
head = head->next;
int main() {
struct node *head = make_node(1);
head->next = make_node(2);
head->next->next = make_node(3);
print_linked_list(head); // => 1->2->3->
head = reverse_linked_list(head);
print_linked_list(head); // => 3->2->1->
return 0;
As another minor point, since the linked list is being mutated I'd probably go for a header like void reverse_linked_list(struct node **head);. Otherwise, it seems too easy to call the non-void function, ignore the return value and wind up with a memory leak or crash when head in the caller scope (which has become a tail pointing to null) is dereferenced.

Printing struct data from a singly-linked list

I'm trying to build a singly-linked list using a struct with 2 data types: char* and int, as well as next to point to other nodes of course.
I have two functions: addToList, and printList as well as the main method to run everything.
What my code is supposed to do is add a node after the head, and check to see if another node with the same data has already been added. If so, it does not add the new node, while incrementing the count data of the already-linked node.
Then, printList() prints the count data and the char* data of each node.
The first issue is that my char comparison doesn't seem to be working, since duplicate nodes are still added. Then, my printList function does not print the char* data correctly. Here's my code (I made sure to comment it so it's easy to follow along):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// Struct for node. Has an extra data variable to keep track of which node is next
// in a singly-linked list.
typedef struct node {
char *str;
unsigned int count;
struct node *next;
} node;
// Creates a HEAD node with NULL data.
node *head = NULL;
// Adds a new node and populates the data.
struct node* addToList(struct node* Listptr, char* word){
struct node* new = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
new->str = malloc(sizeof(char) * 34);
strcpy(new->str, word);
new->count = 1;
new->next = Listptr;
// If the head is NULL, sets the new node as the head.
if(head == NULL){
head = new;
return new;
// Sets a node iterator "cur" to the first position.
node *cur = head;
// Sets a node iterator to be one place behind cur.
node *prev;
// Loops through the linked list, in order to count the previous words and determine
// if it is necessary to add another node.
// Otherwise, it sets cur to the next node, and prev to the node cur was just at.
while(cur != NULL){
if(cur->str == new->str){
new = NULL;
return new;
} else{
prev = cur;
cur = cur->next;
// Checks to see if cur is NULL, if so, sets the previous to the one we're adding.
if(cur == NULL){
prev->next = new;
return new;
// Prints out the count and word values of each node.
void printList(){
node* cur = head;
while(cur != NULL){
printf("%d %c\n", cur->count, cur->str);
cur = cur->next;
int main() {
node* Z = NULL;
char *a = "hello";
char *b = "world.";
char *c = "hello";
addToList(Z, a);
addToList(Z, b);
addToList(Z, c);
return 0;
I expect to get:
2 hello
1 world
But in the console, I get:
1 l
1 (weird symbol)
Don't use == to compare strings rather use strcmp().
Change if (cur->str == new->str) to this:
if (strcmp(cur->str, new->str) == 0)
Read this to know more on string compare: How do I properly compare strings?

Problem deleting head node in a doubly linked list in C

I'm trying to implement a doubly linked list in C. While coding it up, I ran into an issue when trying to delete the first element of the list.
Here is is a toy example that illustrates the problem:
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct Node{
struct Node * next;
struct Node * previous;
int data;
Node* create_dll(int array[], int arrSize){
Node *current = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
current->next = NULL;
current->data = array[0];
for(int i = 1; i < arrSize; i++){
Node *temp = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
temp->data = array[i];
temp->next = current;
current->previous = temp;
current = temp;
current->previous = NULL;
return current;
void print_dll(Node *head){
if(head != NULL){
Node *current = head;
printf("%d \t", current ->data);
current = current->next;
puts(" ");
void delete_head(Node *head){
Node *current = head;
head = head->next;
//head ->previous = NULL;
void kill(Node *head){
Node *current = head;
while (current != NULL){
Node *previous = current;
current = current ->next;
int main(){
int array [] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int arrSize = 5;
Node *head;
head = create_dll(array, 5);
return 0;
Whenever I try to run the code in main, which creates a DLL, then prints what's in it, then attempts to delete the first node, then print the list again, I get the following result:
5 4 3 2 1
Now, I know that one fix would be to make head a global variable, but that will be problematic in other sections of the code, plus I don't really want to go that route. I also don't want to modify any of the function headers, or anything in the main.
I did get this to work by implementing the DLL with a dummy node that head always points to, but I"m sure there is a simple fix to this implementation that avoids all this.
Basically, if I can change what head points to in the delete_head function
and have this change be reflected in the main function, that would be a solution. Otherwise, I would be happy just to understand why this code fails to do what I want.
Any help is very much appreciated! Thanks!
The problem is that when you call delete_head, C parameter passing is by value, so head isn't changed on return. You need to implement it like this:
void delete_head(Node **head){
Node *current = *head;
*head = current->next;
//head ->previous = NULL;
And call it like this: delete_head(&head);
The trick is, all the external pointers are pointing to individual nodes. So when you cut the head off from the rest of the list, all the pointers to head keep pointing to it—you get the single node on its own, not the rest of the list.
I would solve this by adding an additional struct.
typedef struct DLL{
struct Node * head;
} DLL;
When you want to create the list, create a DLL pointing to the head, instead of returning the head itself. Now when you want to change the head, change the pointer inside the DLL struct. All the references to the DLL itself can stay the same, but now the head inside it has changed, and all those references will see the new head when they look for it!

Adding to the front of a Linked List in C

I'm having trouble comprehending linked lists in general. I understand how they work on paper, but once I get to coding them, I never seem to accomplish anything.
Here's my code:
header file:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct List {
int data;
struct List * next;
} List;
implementation file:
#include "test.h"
void addToFront(int data, List * head);
int main(void) {
List * list;
list = malloc(sizeof(List));
list->next = NULL;
List * head;
head = NULL;
printf("%d",head->data); //print first element
printf("%d",list->data); //print first element
void addToFront(int data, List * head) {
if(head == NULL) {
List * newNode = malloc(sizeof(List));
newNode->data = data;
head = newNode;
else {
List * newNode = malloc(sizeof(List));
newNode->data = data;
newNode->next = head;
head = newNode;
I know that for a linked list to be empty, the header is NULL, so I have that checked there. The issue arises as I get a segfault saying that the header is not initialized, well obviously it's not, if I do initializes, I can't keep track of if the list is empty or not, hence the use of a header node.
What can I do now? I don't want to use double pointers, as for my class no one else is using them at any point so far yet (Please don't make me use double pointers), and I'm completely lost on how to proceed here.
I was thinking of trying this without a header node. As such I could have a counter that keeps track of the items in the list, check if its zero and then just add the basic element to the front, otherwise do the same thing I'm doing in my else statement?
The problem is in your addFront function, you only pass the pointer to the head, in order to change what the head points to you need to pass the address of the head:
void addToFront(int data, List ** head)
*head = newHead
When you pass only the pointer you are just passing a copy of the pointer to the function so any changes to the pointer you do inside the function are lost once you leave the function scope.
Similar in concept to:
void f(int n)
n = 53;
To avoid double pointer you can return the new head:
List* addToFront(int data, List* head)
return newNode;
head = addToFront(data, head);
If you don't want to use double pointer, you can use the header node as a sentinel node, which act solely as a placeholder, so that the first element is linked by head->next, and to check if the list is empty, check head->next == NULL. Try this:
int main(void) {
List *head = malloc(sizeof(List));
head->data = 0;
head->next = NULL;
addToFront(5, head);
List *first = head->next;
if (first) { // safe guard for first element
printf("%d", first->data); //print first element
printf("%d", first->data); //print first element
void addToFront(int data, List * head) {
List * newNode = malloc(sizeof(List));
newNode->data = data;
newNode->next = head->next;
head->next = newNode;
