SQL Server table data to JSON Path result - sql-server

I am looking for a solution to convert the table results to a JSON path.
I have a table with two columns as below. Column 1 Will always have normal values, but column 2 will have values up to 15 separated by ';' (semicolon).
ID Column1 Column2
1 T1 Re;BoRe;Va
I want to convert the above column data in to below JSON Format
{ "service": "T1"}
{ "service": "Re" },
{ "service": "BoRe" },
{ "service": "Va" }
I have tried creating something like the below, but cannot get to the exact format that I am looking for
REPLACE((SELECT d.Column1 AS services, d.column2 AS additional_services
FROM Table1 w (nolock)
INNER JOIN Table2 d (nolock) ON w.Id = d.Id
FOR JSON PATH), '\/', '/')
Please let me know if this is something we can achieve using T-SQL

As I mention in the comments, I strongly recommend you fix your design and normalise your design. Don't store delimited data in your database; Re;BoRe;Va should be 3 rows, not 1 delimited one. That doesn't mean you can't achieve what you want with your denormalised data, just that your design is flawed, and thus it needs being brought up.
One way to achieve what you're after is with some nested FOR JSON calls:
SELECT (SELECT V.Column1 AS service
FOR JSON PATH) AS services,
(SELECT SS.[value] AS service
FOR JSON PATH) AS additional_services
FROM (VALUES(1,'T1','Re;BoRe;Va'))V(ID,Column1,Column2)
This results in the following JSON:
"services": [
"service": "T1"
"additional_services": [
"service": "Re"
"service": "BoRe"
"service": "Va"


Parsing string with multiple delimiters into columns

I want to split strings into columns.
My columns should be:
account_id, resource_type, resource_name
I have a JSON file source that I have been trying to parse via ADF data flow. That hasn't worked for me, hence I flattened the data and brought it into SQL Server (I am open to parsing values via ADF or SQL if anyone can show me how). Please check the JSON file at the bottom.
Use this code to query the data I am working with.
CREATE TABLE test.test2
resource_type nvarchar(max) NULL
INSERT INTO test.test2 ([resource_type])
The output that I should be able to query in SQL Server should like this:
and so forth.
Please help me out and ask for clarification if needed. Thanks in advance.
Source JSON Format:
"start_date": "2021-12-01 00:00:00+00:00",
"end_date": "2021-12-31 23:59:59+00:00",
"resource_type": "all",
"records": [
"directconnect_connections": [
"virtual_interfaces": [
Since you don't have a valid JSON string and not wanting to get in the business of string manipulation... perhaps this will help.
Select B.*
From test2 A
Cross Apply ( Select account_id = max(case when value like 'account_id:%' then stuff(value,1,11,'') end )
,resource_type = max(case when value like 'resource_type:%' then stuff(value,1,14,'') end )
,resource_name = max(case when value like 'resource_name:%' then stuff(value,1,14,'') end )
from string_split(resource_type,',')
account_id resource_type resource_name
224526257458 buckets camp-stage-artifactory
535533456241 buckets tni-prod-diva-backups
369798452057 buckets 369798452057-s3-manifests
460085747812 buckets vessel-incident-report-nonprod-accesslogs
Unfortunately, the values inside the arrays are not valid JSON. You can patch them up by adding {} to the beginning/end, and adding " on either side of : and ,.
DECLARE #json nvarchar(max) = N'{
"start_date": "2021-12-01 00:00:00+00:00",
"end_date": "2021-12-31 23:59:59+00:00",
"resource_type": "all",
"records": [
"directconnect_connections": [
"virtual_interfaces": [
TRIM('''' FROM j4.resource_name) resource_name
FROM OPENJSON(#json, '$.records') j1
CROSS APPLY OPENJSON('{"' + REPLACE(REPLACE(j3.value, ':', '":"'), ',', '","') + '"}')
account_id bigint,
resource_type varchar(20),
resource_name varchar(100)
) j4;
The first three calls to OPENJSON have no schema, so the resultset is three columns: key value and type. In the case of arrays (j1 and j3), key is the index into the array. In the case of single objects (j2), key is each property name.

How do I do an aggregate query against a Couchbase array index?

I have documents in my database that contain a "flags" array. Each of those has a "flag" value that contains a string. I'm trying to get the count of how many of each flag string there are across all documents. So for example, if I had two documents:
"flags": [
"flag": "flag1",
"flag": "flag2",
"flags": [
"flag": "flag1",
"flag": "flag3",
I would expect a result back like:
"flag": "flag1",
"flag_count": 2
"flag": "flag2",
"flag_count": 1
"flag": "flag3",
"flag_count": 1
I've created an index that looks like this:
CREATE INDEX `indexname` ON `dbname`((all (array (`f`.`flag`) for `f` in `flags` end)),`flags`) WHERE (`type` in ["type1", "type2"])
So far, the only way I've been able to get this to work is with a query like this:
SELECT f1.flag, count(*) as flag_count from dbname s unnest flags as f1 where (s.type in ["type1", "type2"]) AND any f in s.flags satisfies f.flag like '%' end group by f1.flag
This all makes sense to me except that it requires something along the lines of that AND any f in s.flags satisfies f.flag like '%' part to run at all - if I leave that out, it tells me it can't find an index that works. Is there a way to structure this such that I could leave that out? It seems unnecessary to me, but I guess I'm missing something.
CREATE INDEX ix1 ON dbname( ALL ARRAY f.flag FOR f IN flags END)
WHERE type IN ["type1", "type2"];
SELECT f.flag, COUNT(1) AS flag_count
FROM dbname AS d
UNNEST d.flags AS f
WHERE d.type IN ["type1", "type2"] AND f.flag LIKE "%"
GROUP BY f.flag;
If ARRAY has duplicate flag value and count one per document
SELECT f.flag, COUNT( DISTINCT META(d).id) AS flag_count
FROM dbname AS d
UNNEST d.flags AS f
WHERE d.type IN ["type1", "type2"] AND f.flag LIKE "%"
GROUP BY f.flag;
Check UNNEST https://docs.couchbase.com/server/current/n1ql/n1ql-language-reference/indexing-arrays.html

Loading JSON into BigQuery: Field is sometimes an array and sometimes a string

I'm trying to load JSON data to BigQuery. The excerpt of my data causing problems looks like this:
I have defined the schema for this field to be:
"fields": [
"mode": "NULLABLE",
"name": "Code",
"type": "STRING"
"mode": "NULLABLE",
"name": "Value",
"type": "STRING"
"mode": "REPEATED",
"name": "Properties",
"type": "RECORD"
But I'm having trouble successfully extracting the string and array values into one repeated field. This SQL will successfully extract the string values:
JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(json_string,'$.Properties.Code') as Code,
JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(json_string,'$.Properties.Value') as Value
And this SQL will successfully extract the array values:
JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(Properties_Array,'$.Code') AS Code,
JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(Properties_Array,'$.Value') AS Value
FROM UNNEST(JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY(json_string,'$.Properties')) Properties_Array)
AS Properties
I am trying to find a way to have BigQuery to read this string as a one element array instead of preprocessing the data. Is this possible in #StandardSQL?
Below example is for BigQuery Standard SQL
WITH `project.dataset.table` as (
SELECT '{"Properties":[{"Value":"123","Code":"A"},{"Value":"000","Code":"B"}]}' json_string UNION ALL
SELECT '{"Properties":{"Value":"456","Code":"A"}}' UNION ALL
SELECT '{"Properties":[{"Value":"123","Code":"A"},{"Value":"789","Code":"C"},{"Value":"000","Code":"B"}]}' UNION ALL
SELECT '{"Properties": {"Value":"Z","Code":"A"}}'
SELECT json_string,
JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(Properties,'$.Code') AS Code,
JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(Properties,'$.Value') AS Value
[JSON_EXTRACT(json_string,'$.Properties')])) Properties
) AS Properties
FROM `project.dataset.table`
with output

Query JSON Key:Value Pairs in AWS Athena

I have received a data set from a client that is loaded in AWS S3. The data contains unnamed JSON key:value pairs. This isn't my area of expertise, so I was looking for a little help.
The structure of JSON data that I've typically worked with in the past looks similar to this:
{ "name":"John", "age":30, "car":null }
The data that I have received from my client is formatted as such:
"answer_id": "cc006",
"answer": {
"101086": 1,
"101087": 2,
"101089": 2,
"101090": 7,
"101091": 5,
"101092": 3,
"101125": 2
This is survey data, where the key on the left is a numeric customer identifier, and the value on the right is their response to a survey question, i.e. customer "101125" answered the survey with a value of "2". I need to be able to query the JSON data using Athena such that my result set looks similar to:
Cross joining the unnested children against the parent node isn't an issue. What I can't figure out is how to select all of the keys from the array "answer" without specifying that actual key name. Similarly, I want to be able to select all of the values as well.
Is it possible to create a virtual table in Athena that would allow for these results, or do I need to convert the JSON to a format this looks more similar to the following:
"answer_id": "cc006",
"answer": [
{ "key": "101086", "value": 1 },
{ "key": "101087", "value": 2 },
{ "key": "101089", "value": 2 },
{ "key": "101090", "value": 7 },
{ "key": "101091", "value": 5 },
{ "key": "101092", "value": 3 },
{ "key": "101125", "value": 2 }
EDIT 6/4/2020
I was able to use the code that Theon provided below along with the following table structure:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE answer_example (
answer_id string,
answer string
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.openx.data.jsonserde.JsonSerDe'
LOCATION 's3://mybucket/'
That allowed me to use the following query to generate the results that I needed.
CAST(json_extract(answer, '$') AS MAP(VARCHAR, VARCHAR)) as answer
element_at(answer, key) AS value
CROSS JOIN UNNEST (map_keys(answer)) AS answer (key)
EDIT 6/5/2020
Taking additional advice from Theon's response below, the following DDL and Query simplify this quite a bit.
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE answer_example (
answer_id string,
answer map<string,string>
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.openx.data.jsonserde.JsonSerDe'
LOCATION 's3://mybucket/'
element_at(answer, key) AS value
CROSS JOIN UNNEST (map_keys(answer)) AS answer (key)
Cross joining with the keys of the answer property and then picking the corresponding value. Something like this:
WITH data AS (
'cc006' AS answer_id,
ARRAY['101086', '101087', '101089', '101090', '101091', '101092', '101125'],
ARRAY[1, 2, 2, 7, 5, 3, 2]
) AS answers
element_at(answers, key) AS value
FROM data
CROSS JOIN UNNEST (map_keys(answers)) AS answer (key)
You could probably do something with transform_keys to create rows of the key value pairs, but the SQL above does the trick.

postgresql json array query

I tried to query my json array using the example here: How do I query using fields inside the new PostgreSQL JSON datatype?
They use the example:
FROM json_array_elements(
'[{"name": "Toby", "occupation": "Software Engineer"},
{"name": "Zaphod", "occupation": "Galactic President"} ]'
) AS elem
WHERE elem->>'name' = 'Toby';
But my Json array looks more like this (if using the example):
"people": [{
"name": "Toby",
"occupation": "Software Engineer"
"name": "Zaphod",
"occupation": "Galactic President"
But I get an error: ERROR: cannot call json_array_elements on a non-array
Is my Json "array" not really an array? I have to use this Json string because it's contained in a database, so I would have to tell them to fix it if it's not an array.
Or, is there another way to query it?
I read documentation but nothing worked, kept getting errors.
The json array has a key people so use my_json->'people' in the function:
with my_table(my_json) as (
"people": [
"name": "Toby",
"occupation": "Software Engineer"
"name": "Zaphod",
"occupation": "Galactic President"
select t.*
from my_table t
cross join json_array_elements(my_json->'people') elem
where elem->>'name' = 'Toby';
The function json_array_elements() unnests the json array and generates all its elements as rows:
select elem->>'name' as name, elem->>'occupation' as occupation
from my_table
cross join json_array_elements(my_json->'people') elem
name | occupation
Toby | Software Engineer
Zaphod | Galactic President
(2 rows)
If you are interested in Toby's occupation:
select elem->>'occupation' as occupation
from my_table
cross join json_array_elements(my_json->'people') elem
where elem->>'name' = 'Toby'
Software Engineer
(1 row)
