Do ubuntu, gcc later version cover older versions? - c

My professor is using automated scoring program for my programming assignment. It is C programming handling some file stuff.
He asks students to use Ubuntu version 18.xx and gcc 7.xx. and I asked him if I can use the later version of those, which are 20.xx, 9.xx respectively. and he's not so sure about it with saying that might not be the problem but just in case use the exact version.
I don't want to delete the current Ubuntu, gcc and re-downloaded the exact version he mentioned, because it might take some time and I have to keep using this laptop for many more assignments from other classes. I want to use the later version (seems like quite a big gap between 18.xx, 7.xx and 20.xx, 9.xx)!
Are there any potential problems for using my current version?

It would also be possible to check the default standard of the gcc version used by your teacher and use the corresponding std flag : "-std=c11" for example.
(I'm unfortunately in a rush and can't check it yet but when I have more time, I can try to look it up if you still didn't get the information)
It may also be possible that he already uses a specific standard, in that case it's better to ask him.
Bugs might arise but I think it would be pretty negligible if you use the same standard.
Otherwise if you are using a Debian based distro you can also install his gcc version alongside your actual one and use them with "update-alternatives".
If not you can use a Docker container.
Something to look for is also if you are going to use OS specific library or functions : For example Windows is not POSIX compliant so I had to use WSL but linux (and mac aswell if I remember correctly) are.


Porting GCC to Multiclet

I heard that GCC actually assumes registers, and requires CPU to have them to work.
What work should be done to remove this dependency, and port GCC to some register-less non-Von Neuman arch, like Multiclet?
Did somebody tried this? Is there some project and experience one can use if wants to work on this ?
If not, is there some other FOSS compiler that can be ported to something like Multiclet. LLVM has pretty much the same requirements like GCC, and it is unsuitable for me since I don't know C++. So it needs to be plain C. I hear that GCC is also adding C++ code now. But I can use some older version as starting point.
Multiclet's C99 compiler is not closed source. Sources are available at their community suite. One may google it by name 'multiclet mcc lime'.

How can I compile a Linux executable for a different machine?

I've written a Linux program in C, and I'm trying to get it to run on a server system. It looks like everything should work, but when I try it, I get this:
/lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by <program>)
/lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by ./
(Where <program> is my program's name.)
So far as I can tell, my program only requires that version of GLIBC because libdbi does. I've tried compiling libdbi from source, and it still attempts to link to that version of GLIBC.
I don't own the server system (it's a shared system I run a website on, and have SSH access to), so I can't make any changes to it -- that's why the library file is in the same directory, and I've set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.. Unfortunately I also don't have access to a compiler on it -- when I try to run GCC, I'm told "permission denied". It's run by a big corporation, and I'm only one customer; the chances of them making any changes at my request are essentially zero.
Is there any way to compile the program on my system so that it will work on the server?
Before I asked, I found these similar questions:
Compile C program in Linux with different glibc library: the link in the answer goes to a 404 page, and from what I've been able to determine, apgcc isn't available on Debian distributions.
Relink a shared library to a different version of libc: seems to say that this problem doesn't exist, because "glibc tend to be backwards compatible" (except they apparently aren't in this case).
How to compile Linux C program to run on another Linux machine?: suggests a chroot or virtual machine, which I've done before elsewhere, but how can I tell it to use a libc without that old GLIBC version?
is binary executable file portable: suggests static-linking, but libdbi dynamically-links to its driver files, so that apparently can't be done -- I get several errors referring to missing functions like ldopen.
There are others, but they seem to be variations on those.
I'd be willing to use a non-free solution (like one that I saw in another answer I can't find now) if I turn this into a commercial product, but for a single use it seems like massive overkill, not to mention the expense.
Is there any way to simply tell libdbi to link to a later GLIBC version, maybe? If not, is there any solution I've overlooked?
Big corporation or not, the least they owe you if you are paying for service in any way or being paid for development to meet a requirement is a careful description of the runtime environment so you can duplicate it on a development machine.
Then you must set out to systematically duplicate this environment. Since you're using libdbi you should be thorough. Database connections can exercise big chunks of the system API, so you want to have exactly the same version of Linux, gcc (even if you can't run it, you need to know the version other parts of the system were compiled with), and other tools and libraries. If you don't, you won't be able to have much confidence that your development machine tests translate to good behavior on the target.
A virtual machine is a good way to create a specialized development environment without messing up your existing one.
You must compile it on a machine that has the same version of glibc as the target machine, or an older version. shared library compatibility works in that direction only.
Find out what version of Linux the server uses, get a copy of it and install it in a VM
Virtualbox is good for this
You can use this environment for testing code as well as this particular compilation problem
You have the following options:
Compile your code on the server machine (which likely has gcc installed)
Compile your program with statically linked libraries (option -static for gcc)

Bootstrapping a cross-platform compiler

Suppose you are designing, and writing a compiler for, a new language called Foo, among whose virtues is intended to be that it's particularly good for implementing compilers. A classic approach is to write the first version of the compiler in C, and use that to write the second version in Foo, after which it becomes self-compiling.
This does mean you have to be careful to keep backup copies of the binary (as opposed to most programs where you only have to keep backup copies of the source); once the language has evolved away from the first version, if you lost all copies of the binary, you would have nothing capable of compiling the current version. So be it.
But suppose it is intended to support both Linux and Windows. As long as it is in fact running on both platforms, it can compile itself on each platform, no problem. Supposing however you lost the binary on one platform (or had reason to suspect it had been compromised by an attacker); now there is a problem. And having to safeguard the binary for every supported platform is at least one more failure point than I'm comfortable with.
One solution would be to make it a cross-compiler, such that the binary on either platform can target both platforms.
This is not quite as easy as it sounds - while there is no problem selecting the binary output format, each platform provides the system API in the form of C header files, which normally only exist on their native platform, e.g. there is no guarantee code compiled against the Windows stdio.h will work on Linux even if compiled into Linux binary format.
Perhaps that problem could be solved by downloading the Linux header files onto a Windows box and using the Windows binary to cross-compile a Linux binary.
Are there any caveats with that solution I'm missing?
Another solution might be to maintain a separate minimum bootstrap compiler in Python, that compiles Foo into portable C, accepting only that subset of the language needed by the main Foo compiler and performing minimum error checking and no optimization, the intent being that the bootstrap compiler will thus remain simple enough that maintaining it across subsequent language versions wouldn't cost very much.
Again, are there any caveats with that solution I'm missing?
What methods have people used to solve this problem in the past?
This is a problem for C compilers themselves. It's typically solved by the use of a cross-compiler, exactly as you suggest.
The process of cross-compiling a compiler is no more difficult than cross-compiling any other project: that is to say, it's trickier than you'd like, but by no means impossible.
Of course, you first need the cross-compiler itself. This probably means some major surgery to your build-configuration system, and you'll need some kind of "sysroot" taken from the target (header, libraries, anything else you'll need to reference in a build).
So, in the end it depends on how your compiler is structured. Either it's easier to re-bootstrap using historical sources, repeating each phase of language compatibility you went through in the first place (you did use source revision control, right?), or it's easier to implement a cross-compiler configuration. I can't tell you which from here.
For many years, the GCC compiler was always written only in standard-compliant C code for exactly this reason: they wanted to be able to bring it up on any OS, given only the native C compiler for that system. Only in 2012 was it decided that C++ is now sufficiently widespread that the compiler itself can be written in it. Even then, they're only permitting themselves a subset of the language. In future, if anybody wants to port GCC to a platform that does not already have C++, they will need to either use a cross-compiler, or first port GCC 4.7 (that last major C-only version) and then move to the latest.
Additionally, the GCC build process does not "trust" the compiler it was built with. When you type "make", it first builds a reduced version of itself, it then uses that the build a full version. Finally, it uses the full version to rebuild another full version, and compares the two binaries. If the two do not match it knows that the original compiler was buggy and introduced some bad code, and the build has failed.

selecting c compiler and creating development environment

I need to write some C functions that will be called by a java program running on a CenOS Linux server, as part of a web application. The server is a hosted dedicated server sitting in another physical location, far away from me.
Do I need to develop the C stuff on the server directly, that is, doing development tunneling into the server? Or can I develop the C program on a Mac or Windows PC in my office, then once everything is working fine, store the final results on the server for use? If the latter, does it limit the choices for development environment in any way? That is, which compiler I should use, or any settings in the IDE or compiler I need to worry about since the development environment will be different than the production environment?
If I use Xcode version 3 on a Mac, it uses GCC by default, whereas Xcode version 4 uses LLVM-GCC to compile. Does the choice of compiler matter assuming I'm using C99 standard things? I don't want the code to be dependent on the development environment since I can't guarantee it'll stay the same in the future. Can I switch the compiler manually in Xcode somehow to verify the code works in GCC as well as LLVM?
Ignoring windows, things are pretty portable across mac/linux. If you develop it on mac in whatever development environment you want (I personally use TextWrangler and GCC from the command line.
Once you develop your software, it's a simple matter of copying the file to your remote server and compiling it there.
You may or may not need to change a few things. The only portability issue I've run into was mac's socket() using PF_ instead of AF_ (Mac will still accept AF_ but it doesn't advertise it in it's manpage, and other systems will not necessarily accept PF_) and sranddev() not being available on some systems; both of which were very easily resolvable.
If, however, you wanted to write the software directly on the remote box, its definitely not a hard thing to do, I would just ssh there and take your pick of text editors (usually vi or emacs) and compilers (usually gcc).
In general, for programs that are just traditional unix command line things, I tend to avoid Xcode as much as possible because it likes to hide things, and IMO its a good thing to actually understand what is going on behind the scenes. (Especially if you use other *nix systems.)
Whatever you do, it will need to be recompiled on the server.
You can probably create code that's runnable/testable under both environments, although you may have to #ifdef around compatibility issues. How much of that, if any, depends a lot on what you're actually writing.
Does the choice of compiler matter assuming I'm using C99 standard things?
Yes: Microsoft, AFAIK, still doesn't fully support C99 (but maybe that's changed in the latest MSVC). Also, you have to resist the temptation of using non-standard features just because they are there. OTOH, a local build env might force you to write portable programs.
The choice depends on how your program is going to communicate with the larger system, but developing at least parts locally is probably the most convenient option.

using Linux instead of UNIX to compile c code for CS course

A CS course I'm taking online suggests students compile their source code and run tools like valgrind on the OS UNIX. I'm completely new to UNIX, Linux, their tools, and coding in c. I've made some attempts at installing FreeBSD 8.1 on VMWare Player 3.1.3, and even managed to get VMWare Tools running. But the FreeBSD documentation has led me down many dead-ends in accomplishing common tasks i.e. mounting an NFS or USB device. It turns out that the packages I need to make this happen aren't installed or configured, and I don't see any straight answer on how to install them.
So, if I'm using UNIX only as a tool to run gcc, g++, valgrind for this CS course, and these can be run on Linux instead, it seems like I can get the job done faster using Ubuntu Linux.
Can Linux be used to compile and run c code identically on UNIX, if compiled on Linux? Or if not, what are the differences to look for?
For the novice-level C programmer such as OP, the difference of environment is negligible. Go ahead with Linux.
I think for purposes of the course you could run your programs and tools on Linux,
but I guess the reason your teacher wants you to use FreeBSD is so that you learn other things besides just coding up your problems
The two should be effectively the same. The only major difference you might see would be due to different versions being used. I would check to see what versions of gcc, g++ and valgrind the teacher is having you use, and make sure that you have the same version running on your install of Linux.
You can also use MinGW or Cygwin. You mentioned VMWare, so I'm guessing you're trying to just get an environment up and running in a windows environment. They both allow you to use the compiler and some of the tools without a full install of a Linux based system. In a CS course they would be more than enough.
The main differences too look for:
Compiling C / C++ is not machine independent. You need to have a small environment to compile on UNIX anyway if you need to submit compiled programs to your professor.
C / C++ is rather portable if you don't use anything that's non-portable. It's very hard to verify that you didn't use something that's different between the two machines, so you may wish to compile on UNIX to verify you didn't let an unavailable library (or an specific to the OS procedure, argument, behavior, bugs, etc.) slip into your code.
The vendor of make between the two machines may differ. This means that while the core of make will operate similarly, certain features might not be available in both. In reality, you probably won't use most of makes extended features, but in a worst case scenario you might opt to maintain multiple Makefiles or limit yourself to a common subset of features.
At the end of the day, it all boils down to what your professor will want. Odds are 95+% that you can do 100% of the work in Linux, but the prof's requirements or grading environment might be such that you will have to copy your code into a UNIX account to build the final "submission" executable. Considering that university UNIX accounts aren't nearly as portable as Linux on a laptop, the cost of the "final verification / porting" to the University computer is likely to be small compared to the convenience of working on your homework more hours than you can manage in a fixed lab.
