Want to Tag a model package instead of model_package group with aws sagemaker - amazon-sagemaker

"statusCode": 500,
"body": ""Failed to create model package: An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the CreateModelPackage operation: Tags are not supported in Model Package versions. Please add them to the Model Package Group.""

Tags are not supported on the Model Package. Tagging is supported only on the Model Package Group. Model Packages have an attribute called CustomerMetadataProperties which supports key, value pairs. You can use this to add information to your Model Package.


How can i transfer table data from SandBox to production in a outbound change set?

I have a sandbox instance and I create a outbound change set which include triggers, classes and custom objects. I select the dependencies and they are added to the outbound changeset .
Now there is a custom object that I have in Sandbox , Test_Master and it will create a custom object Test_Master__c , it is a tracking for real time triggers. It has rows in the table in Sandbox.
Now when i deploy to Production the table is deployed but the rows in the table are not .
Is there a way to deploy both schema and data in the table ?
No, deployments push "metadata" - custom objects, fields, classes, worflows etc. They don't push data.
You need Data Loader, in-browser import wizard, sfdx if you're comfortable with commandline... Or integration tools like Informatica, Azure Data Factory.
If it's one-off check if the import wizard works for you. It's accessible on the object's tab (assuming you have one), "Import" button. Or in setup's search start typing "import". Export from sandbox... Again, data loader? Maybe a report exported as CSV?

Camel 3 Custom Endpoint Category

I'm currently updating my project from Camel 2 to 3.
I have created a custom component with different endpoints and consumers/producers.
In the documentation of these endpoints I use labels to group them:
#UriEndpoint(label = "ourServerProduct,delivery,upload,download")
#UriEndpoint(label = "ourServerProduct,administration,user")
Using "label" was deprecated in Camel 3 so I tried to migrate it to "category".
The problem here is that "category" is an Array of the enum Category, which has a lot of predefined values, but I need to use custom values as these endpoints are used to talk to our server product.
As enums can not be extended in java, how could I create custom categories using this new documentation type.
You cannot do that, at this moment you have to choose on of the enums, or use the old deprecated label.
But it would be good to add Cateogory.CUSTOM. You are welcome to create a JIRA and provide a PR if you want as well.

Sonarqube adding tags to rules

firstly, we have a custom profile with rules from different sources. We want to add some tags to these rules in order to classify them according to our requirements.
We are adding our tags directly into the database with SQL, in the table rule_metadata but the problem is that in the sonarqube interface our new tags works fine when we scan a project (the new tags works in the issues tab) but when we see the rules tab we can not filter the rules or find our tags.
Any idea of how can we add tags to the rules in this way and make the sonar interface works with them? we try restarting sonar, making new projects etc.
The database is not an API, you should never directly insert data in it.
You should use UI or Web service to interact with SonarQube.
As a consequence of updating the DB, there's no warranty of what can happen...

How to determine (with Salesforce API) in which component a custom field is referenced?

I am new to Salesforce and trying to figure out a way to determine all the components such as ApexPages, ApexClasses, Triggers etc. in which a custom field is referenced.
Is there any API available for this ?
Can metadata API fetch such references of a custom field/object in all components ?
There isn't an elegant way of doing this.
If you have a sandbox, you can attempt to delete the field. If it's referenced in other parts of your org, it will usually not allow you to delete the field and I believe it also gives you a link to where it is referenced. This isn't a complete solution, however, because if you have a field referenced in Javascipt in a VF page or as a field in a dynamic SOQL query (ie. Database.query('Select Id, Custom_Field__c from Account'), Salesforce won't be able to detect that the field is referenced.
A more complete solution requires more effort. I suggest using the Eclipse Plugin or the Ant Migration Tool to download all of your items (Pages, Classes, Triggers) locally. Then you can perform a simple search/find across the text files to find reference to your file.
Finally, a newer option that is probably even easier is to use the Developer Console. It has recently gained the ability to 'Search in Files.' You can open it from inside Developer Console under the 'File' menu option.

Salesforce.com - Why uploading of Apex class is not working?

I have an Apex class (controller) originally developed under Developer Edition and need to upload it to production which is Enterprise Edition.
The upload fails with following message
classes/RenewalController.cls(RenewalController):An error occurred on your page.
package.xml(RenewalController):An object 'RenewalController' of type ApexClass
was named in manifest but was not found in zipped directory
The same message when I try to use Force.com IDE: Save error: An error occurred on your page.
This class is working under Developer Edition but not with Enterprise.
What can be the problem?
Dmytro, you are correct. Visualforce pages, apex classes, and components must be uploaded in the correct order. Generally the pattern I use is upload the controllers, components, and then visualforce pages.
Controller class may reference other custom SalesForce objects like pages. If controller is uploaded before these objects Save error: An error occurred on your page. is reported.
Correct order of uploading of custom components should be used.
