can (should) I use Flink like an in-memory database? - apache-flink

I've used batch Beam but am new to the streaming interface. I'm wondering about the appropriateness of using Apache Flink / Beam kind of like an in-memory database -- I'd like to constantly recompute and materialize one specific view of my data based on edge triggered updates.
More details: I have a few tables in a (normal) database, ranging from thousands to millions of rows, and each one has a many-to-many (M2M) relationship with other ones. Picture to explain:
Hosts <-M2M #1-> Table 1 <-M2M #2-> Table 2 <-M2M #3-> Table 3
Table 1 is a set of objects that the hosts need to know about, and each host needs to know about all downstream rows referenced directly or indirectly by the objects in Table 1 that it's related to. When changes happen anywhere other than the first many-to-many relationship M2M #1, it's not obvious which hosts need to be updated without traversing "left" to find the hosts and then traversing "right" to get all the necessary configuration. The objects and relationships at most levels change frequently, and I need sub-second latency to go from "a record or relationship changed" to recalculating any flattened config files with changes in them so that I can push updates to the hosts very quickly.
Is this an appropriate use case for streaming Flink / Beam? I have worked with Beam in a different system but only in batch mode, and I think that it would be a great tool to use here if I could edge-trigger it. The part I'm getting stuck on is, in batch mode, the PCollections are all "complete" in the sense that I can always join all records in one table with all records in another table. But with streaming, once I process a record once, it gets removed from its PCollection and can't be joined against future updates that arrive later on and relate to it, right? IIUC, it's only available within a window, but I effectively want an infinitely long window where only outdated versions of items in a PCollection (e.g. versions of them which have been overwritten by a new version that came in over the stream) would be freed up.
(Also, to bootstrap this system, I would need to scan the whole database to prefill all the state before I could start reading from a stream of edge-triggered updates. Is that a common pattern?)

I don't know enough about Beam to answer that part of the question, but you can certainly use Flink in the way you've described. The simplest way to accomplish this with Flink is with a streaming join, using the SQL/Table API. The runtime will materialize both tables into managed Flink state, and produce new and/or updated results as new and updated records are processed from the input tables. This is a commonly used pattern.
As for initially bootstrapping the state, before continuing to ingest the updates, I suggest using a CDC-based approach. You might start by looking at


idiomatic way to do many dynamic filtered views of a Flink table?

I would like to create a per-user view of data tables stored in Flink, which is constantly updated as changes happen to the source data, so that I can have a constantly updating UI based on a toChangelogStream() of the user's view of the data. To do that, I was thinking that I could create an ad-hoc SQL query like SELECT * FROM foo WHERE userid=X and convert it to a changelog stream, which would have a bunch of inserts at the beginning of the stream to give me the initial state, followed by live updates after that point. I would leave that query running as long as the user is using the UI, and then delete the table when the user's session ends. I think this is effectively how the Flink SQL client must work, so it seem like this is possible.
However, I anticipate that there may be some large overheads associated with each ad hoc query if I do it this way. When I write a SQL query, based on the answer in Apache Flink Table 1.4: External SQL execution on Table possible?, it sounds like internally this is going to compile a new JAR file and create new pipeline stages, I assume using more JVM metaspace for each user. I can have tens of thousands of users using the UI at once, so I'm not sure that's really feasible.
What's the idiomatic way to do this? The other ways I'm looking at are:
I could maybe use queryable state since I could group the current rows behind the userid as the key, but as far as I can tell it does not provide a way to get a changelog stream, so I would have to constantly re-query the state on a periodic basis, which is not ideal for my use case (the per-user state can be large sometimes but doesn't change quickly).
Another alternative is to output the table to both a changelog stream sink and an external RDBMS sink, but if I do that, what's the best pattern for how to join those together in the client?

Can Flink State replace an external database

I have a Flink project that receives an events streams, and executes some logic to add a flag of this event, then it saves the flag and the eventID for a while to be reused or to be queried by other system.
in this case, the volume of data is not too many, and need to be good reliability, of course, better to be updated in time before being used.
Traditionally, we can use an external database to save this kind of data.
But after I learned the state, I saw it seems to be very useful, and has a good backends mechanism, and can be queryable.
So I am asking question to listen more to your arguments and evidence.
I am moving my last two comments to here as an answer since I realized I am essentially doing that.
Ok, It might have been the Uber keynote then. But the bottom line is that there are companies that are using extremely large state to hold data that you need to perform calculations against effectively.
For example, I made a program that took in messages that with an unique ID and a value field(int). I then had a stateful function that was keyed by the ID of the received message and every message I received for that ID would be added to a stateful value object, updating the the total for that ID. You could make a stateful list object to hold all the messages you received if you needed that. An alternative to that is to use a "new age" database that is designed for quick read/writes, like Cassandra, to store that. But that approach comes with its own limitations because of the I/O (long story short, Flink and Cassandra could handle lots of dat fast, the network bandwidth could not).
So keeping all that data in state in flink can be done and used well and has many benefits.
The one thing that I have to caveat this with is that I do not know if Flink's state has the same sort of failsafes like that of Cassandra or Kafka. Whereas they replicate their data across nodes so that if one goes down, then the others can handle everything and repopulate the other node when it is restarted. Flink's state can be stored on a remote backend like an s3 bucket or hdfs
(see:, but I do not know if there is replication of the state. So if the state is stored all on one node that goes down, if it is gone for good or is backed up on another node. That is something to look into more since that should be a big decision in your choice.
Hope that at least gave you some info and a brief idea of what questions to ask.

Replicate a database using snapshots and transaction logs

For learning purposes, I want to write my own database, that is able to replicate itself. I have made some progress, but now I am facing a problem that I can not solve. Supposed I have a database (let's call this source) that I would like to replicate to another database (let's call this target).
The basic principle is easy: In the source you don't store actual tables, but instead a log of transactions. It's easy to send over the transaction log to the target, where the database then rebuilds itself. If you want to update the target, you simply request the part of the transaction log that has changed ever since. Basically this is what almost every database does.
While this works, it has one major drawback: If a table already exists for a long time, the transaction log is very long, and hence replicating the table requires lots of timeā€¦
To avoid this you can store the current state as well. This means you have an up-to-date snapshot that you can copy fast. Additionally, the target has to subscribe to the transaction log of the source. Once it contains additional entries, the target applies them to its copied table. This works well, too, and it's way better in terms of performance and transferred volume.
But now I am facing a problem: Supposed the snapshot is large, then it may happen that changes are made to it while it is being delivered. That means that the copied snapshot contains some old and some new data. Now, how do I get the target database in a consistent state? Even if I know from where to start the transaction log, I either have to apply a change that was already applied to some of the records, or I have to leave it out, but then a change is not applied at all to some other records.
Of course I could use the isolation level sequential, but then performance drops. Of course I could do what e.g. CouchDB does and remember the current table revision in every record, and keep a copy of every record for every revision. But then the required space grows enormously.
So, what shall I do?
Everything that I was able to find on the web always either relies on the idea of replaying the entire transaction log, or by using a process as in CouchDB which takes up huge amounts of space.
Any ideas?
Your snapshot needs to be consistent and you need to know at what time (in regards to the tx log) it is consistent. You then apply any transactions that have been committed since this point.
Obtaining a consistent snapshot can be done with exclusive locking, which may delay other transactions from committing, or using row versions (MVCC).
Good luck with your project.

Preventing duplicates with MapReduce to BigQuery pipeline

I was reading the answer by Michael to this post here, which suggests using a pipeline to move data from datastore to cloud storage to big query.
Google App Engine: Using Big Query on datastore?
I want to use this technique to append data to a bigquery table. That means I have to have some way of knowing if the entities have been processed, so they don't get repeatedly submitted to bigquery during mapreduce runs. I don't want to rebuild my table each time.
The way I see it, I have two options. I can put a flag on the entities and update it when each entity is processed and filter it out on subsequent runs - or - I can save each entity to a new table and delete it from the source table. The second way seems superior but I wanted to ask for options or see if there's any gotchas
Assuming you have some stream of activity represented as entities, you can use query cursors to start up one query where a prior one left off. Query cursors are perfect for the type of incremental situation that you've described, because they avoid the overhead for marking entities as having been processed.
I'd have to poke around a bit to see if App Engine MapReduce supports cursors (I suspect that it doesn't, yet).

Versioning a dataset in an RDBMS using initials and deltas

I'm working on a system that mirrors remote datasets using initials and deltas. When an initial comes in, it mass deletes anything preexisting and mass inserts the fresh data. When a delta comes in, the system does a bunch of work to translate it into updates, inserts, and deletes. Initials and deltas are processed inside long transactions to maintain data integrity.
Unfortunately the current solution isn't scaling very well. The transactions are so large and long running that our RDBMS bogs down with various contention problems. Also, there isn't a good audit trail for how the deltas are applied, making it difficult to troubleshoot issues causing the local and remote versions of the dataset to get out of sync.
One idea is to not run the initials and deltas in transactions at all, and instead to attach a version number to each record indicating which delta or initial it came from. Once an initial or delta is successfully loaded, the application can be alerted that a new version of the dataset is available.
This just leaves the issue of how exactly to compose a view of a dataset up to a given version from the initial and deltas. (Apple's TimeMachine does something similar, using hard links on the file system to create "view" of a certain point in time.)
Does anyone have experience solving this kind of problem or implementing this particular solution?
have one writer and several reader databases. You send the write to the one database, and have it propagate the exact same changes to all the other databases. The reader databases will be eventually consistent and the time to update is very fast. I have seen this done in environments that get upwards of 1M page views per day. It is very scalable. You can even put a hardware router in front of all the read databases to load balance them.
Thanks to those who tried.
For anyone else who ends up here, I'm benchmarking a solution that adds a "dataset_version_id" and "dataset_version_verb" column to each table in question. A correlated subquery inside a stored procedure is then used to retrieve the current dataset_version_id when retrieving specific records. If the latest version of the record has dataset_version_verb of "delete", it's filtered out of the results by a WHERE clause.
This approach has an average ~ 80% performance hit so far, which may be acceptable for our purposes.
