Latex .bib orgenizing in overleaf - bibtex

I am writing a big file in overflow using latex. I will have a ton of references in one .bib file. I would like to organize the .bib file so it is easier to use. I am thinking of some drop down menus (the effect you get when usint \section{} for example). Problem is everytime I open the .bib file the drop down menus are open, I would like for them to be closed. Other suggestions for orgenizing the file is highly appritiated.
Tried with mulitbib but that did not give my desiered result. I only want one big reference list at the end of the document.


Is there a way to filter the Document chooser when it's opened from a particular block's form? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Limiting file types for a specific DocumentChooserBlock() Block in Wagtail Steamfield
(2 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I'm writing a custom StreamBlock that is designed to render a table based on the data in a given CSV file. The CSV files will be stored in the usual Document store, so the block needs to present the Document chooser to let the user pick a CSV file.
I would like to restrict this block's Document chooser to documents whose filenames end in .csv, without affecting any other Document chooser. I dug into the code to try to figure out a way to do that, but after 30 minutes of poking around, it doesn't look like there's any obvious way to determine the source of a request to the admin/documents/chooser/ view, which is what actually renders the Document listing.
My best guess at the moment for how to do this would be to subclass DocumentChooserBlock and AdminDocumentChooser, so that I can tell it to use a custom version of wagtaildocs/js/document-chooser-modal.js. I'd change it to send an extra GET argument, or something like that, whenever CSVTableBlock's Document chooser sends a request to admin/documents/chooser/. Then I could implement construct_document_chooser_queryset to look for that custom GET arg, so it knows when to filter the documents queryset to only .csv files.
But I'm really not at all sure that this is the right way to go about it, or if it's even possible for that strategy to work. Is there a better/possible way to do this?
you actually no need to do anything, almost all use cases for such filtering scenarios, an editor can input the ".csv" in the search box of the chooser modal

What is Atoms Database and how to edit one

I have a very old program, which uses .adb Files. Opening with the Text editor shows : " #(#)Atoms Database #(#)" as Header.
So , if i want to edit this file, whats the best approach to do this? Is there any program for this? I cant find Atoms Database on the Internet without getting information about literally atoms (bad namechoice)

File browser in R

I need to write a small R script for people who never used R before that imports a file and does some things with it. I would like to minimize user input as much as possible, and since assigning the file-path is basically all the user input required I was wondering, is it possible to get a popup screen (basically your usual "open file" screen) allowing someone to select a file (import the name as string in R or something)?
The file.choose function performs this, eg:
fname <- file.choose()
You may also want to look at choose.files (for multiple files) and choose.dir (for just selecting a directory path).
The tcltk package gives you tk_choose.files.
If you want to go beyond file choosers then you can use the package to build user interfaces.
It's worth mentioning rChoiceDialogs::rchoose.files. I'm not completely sold yet, but they advertise it as being completely cross platform and fixing the annoying problem common to choose.files and tk_choose.files of popping up behind other windows. See their vignette here.

How do I create multiple entries in Jabref from bibtex data?

Suppose I have bibtex data for, say, 10 articles. Is there a way to, within jabref, create 10 entries from this?
A solution is to just open the .bib file and paste the data in.
Select the text that forms the BibTex source of the multiple data entries and drag this into the library view of JabRef. You could probably drag all the files in, however I have not tested this.
alt text
go to File, Append Database. then browse in to bibtex files folder, you can select multiple files in a row, then click ok, if you have 20 bibtex or txt files, they will be all loaded to one bib file. It was great, solved my problem.
I often get BibTeX source code from, and I copy/paste this BibTeX source directly into JabRef by:
Menu: BibTex -> New Entry (Ctrl^N, or the green + button)
select a random type; I typically just pick Article
Down the bottom, in the new edit view, select the BibTeX source tab
Replace the BibTeX source in that tab, with that of one paper
And repeat this for all papers.
(OT: also, make sure to check the Web search menu.)

How Do I Use Multiple po Files in CakePHP?

I'm just beginning the process of exploring i18n in CakePHP and I can't seem to find the right combination of files and functions that will allow me to use multiple po files. If I want to use a single po file (default.po) for every bit of translatable text, that works fine, but I see that becoming an unmaintainable hairball very, very quickly. I've read the docs and the few articles I can find, but none really dive into i18n beyond the trivial use of one .po file.
Here's where I am right now:
I've "baked" my po templates (.pot files) and copied those into app/locale/eng/LC_MESSAGES (I'm not going to be using the default text as the key so that I can easily spot missing keys). For now, I have -views-layouts-default.po and -views-pages-index.po.
In those .po files, I've entered the text I want to use for each key.
In my homepage (views/pages/index.ctp) and default layout (views/layouts/default.ctp) I've wrapped the text key I want to translate with the __() function.
When I load the homepage, though, all I see are they keys. No text has been translated. If I throw up a default.po file, though, any keys I drop in there are populated just fine. I'm clearly missing some piece of the puzzle, but I can't find it. Any help would be much appreciated.
I found the piece I was missing thanks to the CakePHP Google Group. I had been playing with the __d() convenience function, but didn't have a clear picture of how to tie it together to my .po files. The answer is easy once you know it:
The domain translation:
__d ( 'login', 'PLEASE_LOGIN' );
Will look for the "PLEASE_LOGIN" key in the file named login.po. I didn't know (and hadn't read anywhere) that domain == po file name (without extension). Learning that made all the difference.
