how can i get the user details from current session in react js for datadogRUM setUser - reactjs

import { datadogRum } from '#datadog/browser-rum'
applicationId: '<application_id>',
clientToken: '<CLIENT_TOKEN>',
site: '',
// Specify a version number to identify the deployed version of your application in Datadog
// version: '1.0.0',
// env: 'staging',
// env: 'prod',
sampleRate: 100,
trackInteractions: true
name: ????
email: ????
How should i access the name and email to show in datadog??
what should i replace the above ?? with can anyone help.


After setup RUM application of datadog page load blank on server in react

RUM application intilize code.
Added this code in main.js file. But after deployed my build on non-ssl site i getting a blank page. Nothing any console error displaying and network tab also clear
import { datadogRum } from '#datadog/browser-rum';
const env = window.location.hostname;
applicationId: 'xyz',
clientToken: 'xyz',
site: '',
service: 'foundation---vdeck',
version: '5.35.2',
sampleRate: 100,
premiumSampleRate: 100,
trackInteractions: true,
defaultPrivacyLevel: 'mask-user-input',
useCrossSiteSessionCookie: true,
trackSessionAcrossSubdomains: true,
silentMultipleInit: true,

Nextauth requires a SECRET property

After checking the documentation it says that .env or [..nextAuth.js] file you should set a secret property in the configuration.
Error documentation to nextAuth
NEXTAUTH_URL = "http://localhost:3000"
secret: "test",
jwt: {
secret: "test",
encryption: true,
maxAge: 5 * 60,
pages: {
signIn: "/auth/login",
However, this is a requirement only if you are in production, but I am not.
How to fix this error and set it on development, not in production?
Yeah the new environment variable is called simply NEXTAUTH_SECRET.
Also when this is set, you can avoid setting the secret and jwt.secret values separately in the configuration.

How to run lighthouse for the homepage after login from puppeteer

I added two npm "#lhci/cli" and puppeteer.After that I added two config file
lighthouserc.js : config details are:
module.exports = {
ci: {
upload: {
target: 'temporary-public-storage'
collect: {
puppeteerScript: 'puppeteer-script.js',
chromePath: puppeteer.executablePath(),
url: [""],
headful: true,
numberOfRuns: 1,
disableStorageReset: true,
setting: {
disableStorageReset: true
puppeteerLaunchOptions: {
slowMo: 20,
headless: false,
disableStorageReset: true
assert: {
assertions: {
'categories:performance': ['warn', { minScore: 1 }],
'categories:accessibility': ['error', { minScore: 0.5 }]
module.exports = async (browser, context) => {
await page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(90000);
await page.goto(context.url);
await page.type('input[type=text]', 'abc');
await page.type('input[type=email]', '');
await page.type('input[type=password]', 'abc#100');
await page.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: "networkidle2" })
await page.close();
and in package.json I added script command as :
"test:lighthouse": "lhci autorun --collect.settings.chromeFlags='--no-sandbox'"
Now Login is working fine but I want to run the lighthouse for the url that I specified in lighthouserc.js (
But after login it is trying to access the url and again login screen is coming and the lighthouse is measuring performance for the login page.
Is it possible to run lighthouse on url I specified in the config.Please assist me. is my reactjs application
I do not have complete information on the workflow of your site but as mentioned in the configuration guide puppeteer script is run for each url mentioned in the lhci config file.
And after puppeteer script is ran, lighthouse will open URL. Now if your site is opening login page again, that its an issue with your app or configuration most likely. Either your app is not setting cookie correctly or login process is failing somehow, you will need to check that.
Also, as puppeteer script will be running for every url in the config, its good idea to not re-login if you already logged in once, check out this issue on Github.

Websockets, truffle, ganache and react setup issues connection not open on send()

Sometimes I refresh, and it works. Sometimes it just doesn't work.
I tried changing ganache GUI settings to use port 8545 which I read is the WebSockets port but it still won't connect. ws: won't work and neither will http://
This is my truffle config file. The rest of the code is large and won't help much.
// See <>
// #truffle/hdwallet-provider
// var HDWalletProvider = require("truffle-hdwallet-provider");
const path = require("path");
var HDWalletProvider = require("#truffle/hdwallet-provider");
module.exports = {
// See <>
// to customize your Truffle configuration!
// contracts_directory: "./allMyStuff/someStuff/theContractFolder",
contracts_build_directory: path.join(__dirname, "/_truffle/build/contracts"),
// migrations_directory: "./allMyStuff/someStuff/theMigrationsFolder",
networks: {
ganache: {
host: "",
port: 7545,
//port: 8545,
network_id: 5777,
//network_id: "*", // Match any network id,
websockets: false, // websockets true breaks TODO: connection not open on send()
// wss
This is some of my code on the actual screen in question.
const options = {
web3: {
block: false,
fallback: {
type: 'ws',
//url: 'ws://',
url: '',
contracts: [MyStringStore],
// polls: {
// accounts: IntervalInMilliseconds,
// },
events: {},
I don't understand why sometimes it works and I can see drizzle state and sometimes I can't. React native and web3 is very new to me.
I get errors like this:
00:06 Contract MyStringStore not found on network ID: undefined
Error fetching accounts:
00:06 connection not open
I am having real difficulty setting up drizzle as well. One thing I see is that your
url: '',
For some reason Drizzle only works with 'ws' as the prefix for such a URL. I am trying to follow this guide by people who got it working.
I think websocket is only available in the command line version.
Try install and use ganache-cli instead of the gui version.

webpack-dev-server set cookie via proxy

We have setup our development environment with webpack-dev-server. We use its proxy config to communicate with the backend.
We have a common login page in the server which we use in all our applications. We it is called, it sets a session cookie which expected to passed with subsequent requests. We have used the following config but the cookie is not set in the browser for some reason. I can see it in response header in the network tab of dev tool.
const config = {
devServer: {
index: "/",
proxy: {
"/rest_end_point/page": {
target: "https://middleware_server",
secure : false
"/": {
target: "https://middleware_server/app/login",
secure : false
The https://middleware_server/app/login endpoint returns the login page with the set-cookie header.
The proxy is used to avoid CORS errors when accessing login pages and API calls.
Upto this point no code from the application is executed. Do we have to do something in the coomon login page to get the cookie set?
the application is written with React.
Any help would be appreciated.
I have the same use case and this is what I have done.
In my case, I have multiple proxy targets so I have configured the JSON (ProxySession.json) accordingly.
Note: This approach is not dynamic. you need to get JSESSIONID manually(session ID) for the proxy the request.
login into an application where you want your application to proxy.
Get the JSESSIONID and add it in JSON file or replace directly in onProxyReq function and then run your dev server.
// Webpack-dev.js
const ProxySession = require("./ProxySession");
config = {
output: {..........},
plugins: [.......],
resolve: {......},
module: {
rules: [......]
devServer: {
port: 8088,
host: "",
disableHostCheck: true,
proxy: {
"/service/**": {
target: ProxySession.proxyTarget,
changeOrigin: true,
onProxyReq: function(proxyReq) {
proxyReq.setHeader("Cookie", "JSESSIONID=" + ProxySession[buildType].JSESSIONID + ";msa=" + ProxySession[buildType].msa + ";msa_rmc=" + ProxySession[buildType].msa_rmc + ";msa_rmc_disabled=" + ProxySession[buildType].msa_rmc);
"/j_spring_security_check": {
target: ProxySession.proxyTarget,
changeOrigin: true
"/app_service/websock/**": {
target: ProxySession.proxyTarget,
changeOrigin: true,
onProxyReq: function(proxyReq) {
proxyReq.setHeader("Cookie", "JSESSIONID=" + ProxySession[buildType].JSESSIONID + ";msa=" + ProxySession[buildType].msa + ";msa_rmc=" + ProxySession[buildType].msa_rmc + ";msa_rmc_disabled=" + ProxySession[buildType].msa_rmc);
"proxyTarget": "",
"build-type-1": {
"JSESSIONID": "....",
"msa": "....",
"msa_rmc": ...."
"build-type-2": {
"JSESSIONID": ".....",
"msa": ".....",
I met the exact same issue, and fixed it by this way:
This is verified and worked, but it's not dynamic.
proxy: {
'/my-bff': {
target: '',
changeOrigin: true,
pathRewrite: { '^/my-bff': '' },
withCredentials: true,
headers: { Cookie: 'myToken=jx42NAQSFRwXJjyQLoax_sw7h1SdYGXog-gZL9bjFU7' },
To make it dynamic way, you should proxy to the login target, and append a onProxyRes to relay the cookies, something like: (not verified yet)
onProxyRes: (proxyRes: any, req: any, res: any) => {
Object.keys(proxyRes.headers).forEach(key => {
res.append(key, proxyRes.headers[key]);
"/api/**": {
cookieDomainRewrite: { "": "localhost" },
withCredentials: true,
You can use this plugin to securely manage auth cookies for webpack-dev-server:
A typical workflow would be:
Configure a proxy to the production service
Login on the production site, copy authenticated cookies to the local dev server
The plugin automatically saves your cookie to system keychain
use option.cookieDomainRewrite and option.cookiePathRewrite now
cookies ??
devServer: {
https: true, < ------------ on cookies
host: "",
port: 9090,
proxy: {
"/s": {
target: "https://xx < --- https
secure: false,
//pathRewrite: { "^/s": "/s" },
changeOrigin: true,
withCredentials: true
. . . . . . . . . . .
