Swift: Capture list - arrays

var array = [() -> ()]()
var count = 0
var index = 0
while index < 5 {
array.append {
print("count: \(count)")
print("index: \(index)")
count += 1
index += 1
count: 5
index: 5
count: 5
index: 5
Same case but with some changes:
var array = [() -> ()]()
var count = 0
for index in 0..<5 {
array.append {
print("count: \(count)")
print("index: \(index)")
count += 1
count: 5
index: 0
count: 5
index: 4
Count value would be the same in both the cases as we are not explicitly capturing it, i.e 5
In the first case global index variable is used and the result is the last incremented value i.e. 5 and 5
In the second case for loop's index is used and the value is 0 and 4 respectively.
What is the exact difference?

In the first example index is var declared and it is the same variable used each time, in the second it is let declared so in the second example it is a new instance of index that exists in the scope of the for loop for each iteration

I Debugged that code because it looked kinda weird but just let me tell you, the appending and increment line goes well, When you call array0 and array4, the debugger goes to the body of append{} and print those variables. and captures those variable from most easily accessible scope. so in first case, it will capture from the scope of function body which values are actually new 5 and 5 for both count and index.
in second case, it will try to capture if there is a variable count and index initialized, it will find count but wont find so it will check inside the body of array and there it will find the actual value which is 0 in first index and 4 in 5th index.
That's all i can explain, Sorry for bad english
Check Debugger Image Here


Mutating range of For loops in Swift

I'm trying to set a dynamic range which changes while iterating inside a for loop. Aka: Jumping from index to index.
For example:
func func(c: [Int]) -> Int {
var currentIndex = 0
for i in currentIndex..<c.count
currentIndex += 3 //After changing the currentIndex value, will my "i" start from currentIndex?
So i starts with 0, then it will be 3, then 6 and so on...
When I run this code, "i" sums up as usual like i = 0, i = 1, i = 2... Can I mutate the iteration range?
As in comments, one powerful solution is using build in stride. Another solution is
while currentIndex < c.count
//your loop logic
currentIndex += 3
you don't need an 'i'.

Math with typescript array - Angular

I'm really confused about how to approach this:
I have an array like this:
I wish to perform mathematical functions on the elements such that:
Each element starting with "X" will have a fixed value 5, hence if there are 3 elements starting with "X" inside the array arr, it should go as : (fixed value of X) multiplied by (No. of "X" element occurrences inside array) = 5x3 = 15.
I tried something like this to calculate the no. of occurrences of "X" element but it doesn't work.
var xcounter = 0;
this.arr.forEach(element => {
this.xcounter++; //this doesn't give me no. of X element occurrences though.
What would be a clutter-free way to do this?
You could try to use array filter() with string startsWith() method.
var arr = ["X12","Z1","Y7","Z22","X4","X8"];
var valueX = 5;
var occurencesX = arr.filter(item => item.startsWith('X')).length;
console.log(occurencesX * valueX);
You can also try this
loop in to your array
Find how many time you found values which has X in starts
var arr=["X12","Z1","Y7","Z22","X4","X8"]
let total = 0
(row) =>{
total = row.startsWith('X')? total + 1 : total
console.log(total * 5)

Loop Through An Array Backwards (Swift) [duplicate]

When I use the for loop in Playground, everything worked fine, until I changed the first parameter of for loop to be the highest value. (iterated in descending order)
Is this a bug? Did any one else have it?
for index in 510..509
var a = 10
The counter that displays the number of iterations that will be executions keeps ticking...
Xcode 6 beta 4 added two functions to iterate on ranges with a step other than one:
stride(from: to: by:), which is used with exclusive ranges and stride(from: through: by:), which is used with inclusive ranges.
To iterate on a range in reverse order, they can be used as below:
for index in stride(from: 5, to: 1, by: -1) {
//prints 5, 4, 3, 2
for index in stride(from: 5, through: 1, by: -1) {
//prints 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Note that neither of those is a Range member function. They are global functions that return either a StrideTo or a StrideThrough struct, which are defined differently from the Range struct.
A previous version of this answer used the by() member function of the Range struct, which was removed in beta 4. If you want to see how that worked, check the edit history.
Apply the reverse function to the range to iterate backwards:
For Swift 1.2 and earlier:
// Print 10 through 1
for i in reverse(1...10) {
It also works with half-open ranges:
// Print 9 through 1
for i in reverse(1..<10) {
Note: reverse(1...10) creates an array of type [Int], so while this might be fine for small ranges, it would be wise to use lazy as shown below or consider the accepted stride answer if your range is large.
To avoid creating a large array, use lazy along with reverse(). The following test runs efficiently in a Playground showing it is not creating an array with one trillion Ints!
var count = 0
for i in lazy(1...1_000_000_000_000).reverse() {
if ++count > 5 {
For Swift 2.0 in Xcode 7:
for i in (1...10).reverse() {
Note that in Swift 2.0, (1...1_000_000_000_000).reverse() is of type ReverseRandomAccessCollection<(Range<Int>)>, so this works fine:
var count = 0
for i in (1...1_000_000_000_000).reverse() {
count += 1
if count > 5 {
For Swift 3.0 reverse() has been renamed to reversed():
for i in (1...10).reversed() {
print(i) // prints 10 through 1
Updated for Swift 3
The answer below is a summary of the available options. Choose the one that best fits your needs.
reversed: numbers in a range
for index in 0..<5 {
// 0
// 1
// 2
// 3
// 4
for index in (0..<5).reversed() {
// 4
// 3
// 2
// 1
// 0
reversed: elements in SequenceType
let animals = ["horse", "cow", "camel", "sheep", "goat"]
for animal in animals {
// horse
// cow
// camel
// sheep
// goat
for animal in animals.reversed() {
// goat
// sheep
// camel
// cow
// horse
reversed: elements with an index
Sometimes an index is needed when iterating through a collection. For that you can use enumerate(), which returns a tuple. The first element of the tuple is the index and the second element is the object.
let animals = ["horse", "cow", "camel", "sheep", "goat"]
for (index, animal) in animals.enumerated() {
print("\(index), \(animal)")
// 0, horse
// 1, cow
// 2, camel
// 3, sheep
// 4, goat
for (index, animal) in animals.enumerated().reversed() {
print("\(index), \(animal)")
// 4, goat
// 3, sheep
// 2, camel
// 1, cow
// 0, horse
Note that as Ben Lachman noted in his answer, you probably want to do .enumerated().reversed() rather than .reversed().enumerated() (which would make the index numbers increase).
stride: numbers
Stride is way to iterate without using a range. There are two forms. The comments at the end of the code show what the range version would be (assuming the increment size is 1).
startIndex.stride(to: endIndex, by: incrementSize) // startIndex..<endIndex
startIndex.stride(through: endIndex, by: incrementSize) // startIndex...endIndex
for index in stride(from: 0, to: 5, by: 1) {
// 0
// 1
// 2
// 3
// 4
Changing the increment size to -1 allows you to go backward.
for index in stride(from: 4, through: 0, by: -1) {
// 4
// 3
// 2
// 1
// 0
Note the to and through difference.
stride: elements of SequenceType
Forward by increments of 2
let animals = ["horse", "cow", "camel", "sheep", "goat"]
I'm using 2 in this example just to show another possibility.
for index in stride(from: 0, to: 5, by: 2) {
print("\(index), \(animals[index])")
// 0, horse
// 2, camel
// 4, goat
for index in stride(from: 4, through: 0, by: -1) {
print("\(index), \(animals[index])")
// 4, goat
// 3, sheep
// 2, camel
// 1, cow
// 0, horse
#matt has an interesting solution where he defines his own reverse operator and calls it >>>. It doesn't take much code to define and is used like this:
for index in 5>>>0 {
// 4
// 3
// 2
// 1
// 0
Check out On C-Style For Loops Removed from Swift 3
Swift 4 onwards
for i in stride(from: 5, to: 0, by: -1) {
//prints 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
for i in stride(from: 5, through: 0, by: -1) {
//prints 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
With Swift 5, according to your needs, you may choose one of the four following Playground code examples in order to solve your problem.
#1. Using ClosedRange reversed() method
ClosedRange has a method called reversed(). reversed() method has the following declaration:
func reversed() -> ReversedCollection<ClosedRange<Bound>>
Returns a view presenting the elements of the collection in reverse order.
let reversedCollection = (0 ... 5).reversed()
for index in reversedCollection {
As an alternative, you can use Range reversed() method:
let reversedCollection = (0 ..< 6).reversed()
for index in reversedCollection {
#2. Using sequence(first:next:) function
Swift Standard Library provides a function called sequence(first:next:). sequence(first:next:) has the following declaration:
func sequence<T>(first: T, next: #escaping (T) -> T?) -> UnfoldFirstSequence<T>
Returns a sequence formed from first and repeated lazy applications of next.
let unfoldSequence = sequence(first: 5, next: {
$0 > 0 ? $0 - 1 : nil
for index in unfoldSequence {
#3. Using stride(from:through:by:) function
Swift Standard Library provides a function called stride(from:through:by:). stride(from:through:by:) has the following declaration:
func stride<T>(from start: T, through end: T, by stride: T.Stride) -> StrideThrough<T> where T : Strideable
Returns a sequence from a starting value toward, and possibly including, an end value, stepping by the specified amount.
let sequence = stride(from: 5, through: 0, by: -1)
for index in sequence {
As an alternative, you can use stride(from:to:by:):
let sequence = stride(from: 5, to: -1, by: -1)
for index in sequence {
#4. Using AnyIterator init(_:) initializer
AnyIterator has an initializer called init(_:). init(_:) has the following declaration:
init(_ body: #escaping () -> AnyIterator<Element>.Element?)
Creates an iterator that wraps the given closure in its next() method.
var index = 5
guard index >= 0 else { fatalError("index must be positive or equal to zero") }
let iterator = AnyIterator({ () -> Int? in
defer { index = index - 1 }
return index >= 0 ? index : nil
for index in iterator {
If needed, you can refactor the previous code by creating an extension method for Int and wrapping your iterator in it:
extension Int {
func iterateDownTo(_ endIndex: Int) -> AnyIterator<Int> {
var index = self
guard index >= endIndex else { fatalError("self must be greater than or equal to endIndex") }
let iterator = AnyIterator { () -> Int? in
defer { index = index - 1 }
return index >= endIndex ? index : nil
return iterator
let iterator = 5.iterateDownTo(0)
for index in iterator {
For Swift 2.0 and above you should apply reverse on a range collection
for i in (0 ..< 10).reverse() {
// process
It has been renamed to .reversed() in Swift 3.0
In Swift 4 and latter
let count = 50//For example
for i in (1...count).reversed() {
Swift 4.0
for i in stride(from: 5, to: 0, by: -1) {
print(i) // 5,4,3,2,1
If you want to include the to value:
for i in stride(from: 5, through: 0, by: -1) {
print(i) // 5,4,3,2,1,0
If one is wanting to iterate through an array (Array or more generally any SequenceType) in reverse. You have a few additional options.
First you can reverse() the array and loop through it as normal. However I prefer to use enumerate() much of the time since it outputs a tuple containing the object and it's index.
The one thing to note here is that it is important to call these in the right order:
for (index, element) in array.enumerate().reverse()
yields indexes in descending order (which is what I generally expect). whereas:
for (index, element) in array.reverse().enumerate() (which is a closer match to NSArray's reverseEnumerator)
walks the array backward but outputs ascending indexes.
as for Swift 2.2 , Xcode 7.3 (10,June,2016) :
for (index,number) in (0...10).enumerate() {
print("index \(index) , number \(number)")
for (index,number) in (0...10).reverse().enumerate() {
print("index \(index) , number \(number)")
Output :
index 0 , number 0
index 1 , number 1
index 2 , number 2
index 3 , number 3
index 4 , number 4
index 5 , number 5
index 6 , number 6
index 7 , number 7
index 8 , number 8
index 9 , number 9
index 10 , number 10
index 0 , number 10
index 1 , number 9
index 2 , number 8
index 3 , number 7
index 4 , number 6
index 5 , number 5
index 6 , number 4
index 7 , number 3
index 8 , number 2
index 9 , number 1
index 10 , number 0
You can consider using the C-Style while loop instead. This works just fine in Swift 3:
var i = 5
while i > 0 {
i -= 1
var sum1 = 0
for i in 0...100{
sum1 += i
print (sum1)
for i in (10...100).reverse(){
sum1 /= i
You can use reversed() method for easily reverse values.
var i:Int
for i in 1..10.reversed() {
The reversed() method reverse the values.
Reversing an array can be done with just single step .reverse()
var arrOfnum = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
This will works decrement by one in reverse order.
let num1 = [1,2,3,4,5]
for item in nums1.enumerated().reversed() {
print(item.offset) // Print the index number: 4,3,2,1,0
print(item.element) // Print the value :5,4,3,2,1
Or you can use this index, value property
let num1 = [1,2,3,4,5]
for (index,item) in nums1.enumerated().reversed() {
print(index) // Print the index number: 4,3,2,1,0
print(item) // Print the value :5,4,3,2,1
For me, this is the best way.
var arrayOfNums = [1,4,5,68,9,10]
for i in 0..<arrayOfNums.count {
print(arrayOfNums[arrayOfNums.count - i - 1])

how to count specific items in array in swift

Let's say i have array of any object below , I'm looking for a way to count items in the array as following:
var OSes = ["iOS", "Android", "Android","Android","Windows Phone", 25]
Is there a short way for swift to do something like this below ?
Oses.count["Android"] // 3
A fast, compact and elegant way to do it is by using the reduce method:
let count = OSes.reduce(0) { $1 == "Android" ? $0 + 1 : $0 }
It's more compact than a for loop, and faster than a filter, because it doesn't generate a new array.
The reduce method takes an initial value, 0 in our case, and a closure, applied to each element of the array.
The closure takes 2 parameters:
the value at the previous iteration (or the initial value, 0 in our case)
the array element for the current iteration
The value returned by the closure is used as the first parameter in the next iteration, or as the return value of the reduce method when the last element has been processed
The closure simply checks if the current element is Android:
if not, it returns the aggregate value (the first parameter passed to the closure)
if yes, it returns that number plus one
It's pretty simple with .filter:
OSes.filter({$0 == "Android"}).count // 3
Swift 5 with count(where:)
let countOfAndroid = OSes.count(where: { $0 == "Android" })
Swift 4 or less with filter(_:)
let countOfAndroid = OSes.filter({ $0 == "Android" }).count

How to specify starting value of index in Groovy's eachWithIndex method?

When using Groovy's eachWithIndex method the index value starts at 0, I need it to start at 1. How can I do that?
The index will always start from 0
Your options are:
1) Add an offset to the index:
int offs = 1
list.eachWithIndex { it, idx ->
println "$it # pos ${idx + offs}"
2) Use something other than eachWithIndex (ie: transpose a list of integers starting at 1 with your original list, and then loop through this)
3) You can also use default parameters to hack this sort of thing in... If we pass eachWithIndex a closure with 3 parameters (the two that eachWithIndex is expecting and a third with a default value of index + 1):
[ 'a', 'b', 'c' ].eachWithIndex { item, index, indexPlusOne = index + 1 ->
println "Element $item has position $indexPlusOne"
We will give the output:
Element a has position 1
Element b has position 2
Element c has position 3
I wouldn't use eachWithIndex at all, a for loop with .indexed(1) will be more elegant/readable:
for (item in ['a','b','c','d','e'].indexed(1)) {
println("element $item.key = $item.value")
element 1 = a
element 2 = b
element 3 = c
element 4 = d
element 5 = e
caveat -- indexed(n) is only available in Groovy 2.4.0 onwards
What about just using a Range?
def offset = 1
def arr = [1,2,3,4,5]
def len = arr.size() - 1
arr[offset..len].eachWithIndex{n,i -> println "${i+offset}:$n"}
You could use some metaprogramming hackery as well:
def eachWithMyIndex = { init, clos ->
delegate.eachWithIndex { it, idx -> clos(it, idx + init) }
List.metaClass.eachWithMyIndex = eachWithMyIndex
[1,2,3].eachWithMyIndex(10) {n, idx -> println("element $idx = $n") }
gives output:
element 10 = 1
element 11 = 2
element 12 = 3
