ANGULAR Components array key in result get value by id - arrays

.subscribe((data:any) => {
{ for (var key in data) { this[key] = data[key]; } };
This use to work on angular 7 now on angular 13 i get this error (look image)
In template i was using the values for example in json string was and array and i had users, in template was {{users}} , {{posts}} etc.. now the this[key] give error , please help me out its very important can't find solution

i'll show an example code, and then applied to your code:
// creating global variables to receive the values
users: any = null;
posts: any = null;
// simulating the data you will receive
data: any[] = [
{users: ['user1', 'user2', 'user3']},
{posts: ['post1', 'post2', 'post3']}
getCrudService() {
// access each object of the array => {
// getting keys name and doing something with it
Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {
// accessing global variable and setting array value by key name
this[String(key)] = obj[String(key)]
Apllied to your code
this.crudService.get('user.php?mode=test').subscribe((data:any) => {
data.forEach(obj => {
Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {
this[String(key)] = obj[String(key)]
I hope it helped you, if you need help, just reply me.


React : Pushing result of map() to an array

Hello I am trying to map through an array of objects and push them to a new array.
My ISSUE : only the last item of the object is being pushed to the new array
I believe this has to do with React life cycle methods but I don't know where I should I loop and push the values to the array to get the full list
//My object in an array named states
var states = [{"_id":"Virginia","name":"Virginia","abbreviation":"VN","__v":0},{"_id":"North Carolina","name":"North Carolina","abbreviation":"NC","__v":0},{"_id":"California","name":"California","abbreviation":"CA","__v":0}];
export function StateSelect()
**EDIT 1**
const options = [];
function getStates()
//This is how I am looping through it and adding to an array
{ states.length > 0 && =>
console.log(`ITEM: ${JSON.stringify(item)}`),
options.push([{ value: `${}`, label: `${}`}])
return( {getStates()}: );
Thank you
It looks like your getStates() might not even be returning anything... but assuming it is, I believe you should be able to accomplish this using a forEach() fn in order to push values into your options array... Try adding the following into your map: => {
console.log(`ITEM: ${JSON.stringify(item)}`);
let processed = 0;
item.forEach((i) => {
options.push([{ value: `${}`, label: `${}`}]);
if(processed === item.length) {
// callback fn, or return
.map usually used to return another result, you could just use .forEach
In fact, you don't really need to declare options at all, just use .map on state to return the result would be fine.
return states.length > 0 &&{ name }) => {
return { value: name, label: name };

Best way to remove a specific item in AsyncStorage

I'm storing an array of objects in AsyncStorage and would like to know the best way to remove a specific object. Right now I´m passing an id to my function and then I loop through the array to match the id and remove the object and then the array in AsyncStorage is updated. This seems to work ok, but I wonder if this is optimal or if there is a better way to do this?
My function right now:
export function removeData(id) {
.then((books) => {
const updatedBooks = (JSON.parse(books))
for (let i = 0; i < updatedBooks.length; i++) {
if(updatedBooks[i].id == id) {
updatedBooks.splice(i, 1);
AsyncStorage.setItem('#books', JSON.stringify(updatedBooks));
My function for adding data to AsyncStorage:
export function addData(book) {
.then((books) => {
const b = books ? JSON.parse(books) : [];
AsyncStorage.setItem('#books', JSON.stringify(b));
Button to add data with sample data to show structure:
title = "Add book"
onPress={() => addData({
id: 1,
title: 'Harry Potter',
author:'J.K. Rowling',
To remove single item
AsyncStorage.removeItem('key', (err) => {
// key 'key' will be removed, if they existed
// callback to do some action after removal of item
To remove multiple items
let keys = ['k1', 'k2'];
AsyncStorage.multiRemove(keys, (err) => {
// keys k1 & k2 removed, if they existed
// callback to do some action after removal of item
RemoveItem method
MultiRemove method

Angular: What's the correct way to return Observable?

I have the following method which isn't working correct:
getProducts(): Observable<Product[]> {
let PRODUCTS: Product[];
this.http.get(this.base_url + "api/products")
(data) => {
for(var i in data) {
PRODUCTS.push(new Product(data[i].id, data[i].name, data[i].category, data[i].description, data[i].price, data[i].amount));
(error) => {
return of(PRODUCTS);
The error I'm getting is this:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'push' of undefined
Now, I know that the PRODUCT array is not accessable from within the subscribe function, but I cannot get the correct solution for it.
Can anyone help me with that. I want to return an Observable<Product[]>.
Thank you in advance!
Edit: Updated to account for the fact that the API seems to return an array-like object rather than a true array.
You want to use map:
getProducts(): Observable<Product[]> {
return this.http.get(this.base_url + "api/products")
.map(data => {
let products = [];
for (let i in data) {
products.push(new Product(data[i].id, data[i].name, data[i].category, data[i].description, data[i].price, data[i].amount));
return products;
.do(null, console.log);
Since #pixelbit's comment keeps getting upvotes despite being wrong, here's an example showing why it is wrong:
// Fakes a HTTP call which takes half a second to return
const api$ = Rx.Observable.of([1, 2, 3]).delay(500);
function getProducts() {
let products = [];
api$.subscribe(data => {
for (let i in data) {
return Rx.Observable.of(products);
// Logs '[]' instead of '[1, 2, 3]'

Can I update various items in an Immutable List in a React/Redux App

On submitting a form with some updated values, I need to update the state to reflect these changes, but I am new to Immutable.js and am unsure how to do so.
Is it possible to pass a function as a 2nd argument to set or update to update values based on certain criteria.
I have a function which receives state and an array of objects called values. The data in values looks like this:
key: 'name',
value: 'fred'
key: 'height',
value: '201'
key: 'weight',
value: '78'
I need to map over this data, and the state list, and update the corresponding values in the state list with the values array.
How can I do this. I have put together a function which the Reducer calls to update the state with the new data, but unsure exactly how to get the end result
function updateValue(state, values = []) {
const items = state.get('items').map((i) => {
const key = i.get('key'); => {
if (v.key === key) {
return state.update('value', v.value);
return state.update('items', /* Can I use a function here to replace the code above.. to update all of the items in the state List that correspond to the items in the measurements array (which have new values) */);
Thank you very much.
Tried the following, but getting the error: Expected [K, V] tuple: i
function updateValue(state, values = []) {
const items = state.get('items').map((i) => {
const key = i.get('key'); => {
if (v.key === key) {
return state.update('value', v.value);
return state.update('items', items);
More details on the error from Immutable:
function validateEntry(entry) {
if (entry !== Object(entry)) {
throw new TypeError('Expected [K, V] tuple: ' + entry);
You can use 'merge' to return new object:
return state.merge({
items: values,

How to store data from firebaselistobservable to an array?

I'm trying to copy the data from firebase to an array using angular 2. But i'm unable to push the data into the array.
Here's the code:
uid: string = '';
agencyItems: FirebaseListObservable<any[]>;
trackerItems: FirebaseListObservable<any[]>;
agencyID: any[] = [];
getData() => {
if (auth) {
this.uid = auth.auth.uid;
console.log("AgentID: ",this.agencyID);
console.log("Array Length = ",this.agencyID.length); //PROBLEM HERE: Array agencyID is still 0.
console.log("Fetching agency data");
this.agencyItems ='/agencies/',{preserveSnapshot:true});
this.agencyItems.subscribe(snapshots => {
snapshots.forEach(snapshot => {
for (let i = 0; i < this.agencyID.length; i++)
console.log("Fetching Tracker data");
this.trackerItems ='/tracker/' + this.agencyID[i]);
this.trackerItems.subscribe(trackerItems => trackerItems.forEach(Titem =>
console.log("Tracker name: " +,
Here is the debug console screenshot:
Since i'm a newbie to web programming some code may seem completely unnecessary.
What am I doing wrong in this code? How can I implement the same.
The problem is the location where, or better WHEN, you are checking the length of the array. You make an asynchronous call when you fetch the data, but you are checking the length of the array before the data has been returned. Therefore the array is still empty.
Try the following in getAgencyData():
console.log("Fetching agency data");
this.agencyItems ='/agencies/',{preserveSnapshot:true});
this.agencyItems.subscribe(snapshots => {
snapshots.forEach(snapshot => {
console.log("Array Length = ",this.agencyID.length); // See the length of the array growing ;)
