Working in Red Hat Linux trying to build RPMs that are accessed via Clearcase vobs but keep on getting a recurring error which states, 'unable to find albd-server on host ', 'Unable to contact view - clearcase object not found' and 'Unknown host - Name or service not know'. Any guidance would be much appreciated.
I solved the issue in the end by using clearmake -V in the makeall script. Because I'm working with shareable DOs this enabled me to avoid winking in between views. Thankfully it built successfully this time but instead of it being in the build error log it appeared as a test failure. Thanks for the help.
Check first the vobrpc_server_log on the ClearCase Vob Server.
As seen in this technote (for an older version of ClearCase, but still relevant)
Attempts to mount a VOB results in the following error:
ClearCase Object Not Found
This error may get reported in the VOBRPC error log:
01/06/2006 09:24:34 vobrpc_server(5016): Error: vobrpc_server.exe(5016):
Error: Unable to get VOB tag registry information for replica uuid
ClearCase object not found
This error may get reported in the vob_scrubber log:
vob_scrubber: Error: Unable to get VOB tag registry information
for replica uuid "":
ClearCase object not found
This error will occur when trying to mount the VOB before the VOB tag creation is complete.
This would be due to a timing issue where the cleartool mkvob and cleartool mount operations are done via a script, and maybe a longer pause is required before the VOB is mounted on a remote host.
This would also be true in an environment where the VOB creation takes several moments to complete, and there is an extended period before the VOB tag is available for users to mount.
Note: This does not occur as a result of the cleartool mount that is executed automatically during the cleartool mkvob operation.
Cause 2: The VOB tag may still exist even though the VOB storage (or VOB server host) are no longer available in the ClearCase network.
This will happen as a result of improper removal of the VOB storage.
Cause 3: The server storage location (network share or export) is not available.
When mounting a VOB, the location that the VOB is stored must be accessible from the host that you are trying to mount the VOB.
Cause 4: If the VOB is not yet tagged in the primary region of the VOB server.
This is applicable to environments that have multiple registry regions.
Is this a clearmake build? Does it complete? (Winkin and shopping failures USUALLY don't cause a build failure.) What is printing those errors? Clearmake? Another ClearCase tool?
What is the exact version of ClearCase? If 9.0.1.x, the patch level and your license type may matter, as some older 9.0.1.x releases had an issue where you would get "extra" errors if you had albd contact failures and you use Rational Common Licensing.
This is a follow on from op - Moving Vobs between Win and AIX
Due to the aix and win vob servers sharing resources (common CC reg & Common Admin PVOB on the Aix box) we need to amalgamate these vob servers onto the AIX server as a precursor to our ultimate move to new servers at CC8.
on the Win VOb Server we have locked the vob, run vob_siddump then a reformat dump of the vob.
Then using xcopy we copied the dumped vob.vbs from Windows to AIX vob server run the fix_prot on the new server.
But when we run the reformatvob -load it goes through it's steps Shows "Loader Done" then shows the following errors
Error from vob database /vobstore/vobs/vobname.vbs.
Error Trouble Opening the VOB Database /vobstore/vobs/vobname.vbs,
Error Trouble Loading versioned object base /vobstore/vobs/vobname.vbs.
Because of the shared registry is this due to the existing registry entry and we need to unregister and then rmtag before registering and tagging fresh or do we need to do anything further?
Clearcase logs on aix vob server show:
DB Log - Error process not running on registery specified hostname (old win vob server)
Vob Log - shows unix UID and GID messange and Warning unable to verify mount options in vob tag registry Clearcase Object not found
David, there are a few things you need to do here:
unregister the VOB and remove all the tags that refer to the old server
reregister and retag the vobs at the new location.
If you can't register the VOB, run fix_prot -r -root ... to reset the ownership and try again.
run vob_sidwalk to remap object ownership.
run it again with -recover_filesystem to reset container ownership. Alternatively run checkvob -pool -protections -fix -force {vob storage dir}.
The last step really needed to be started on the Windows side before this started. Essentially, you needed a sid dump file to turn into the map file that the sidwalk needs (unless you want to remap everything to the VOB owner...)
The complete procedure to follow is at Moving VOBs between Operating system types You may want to start fresh from there if you still have the VOB located in the old location.
I had an issue where the servers D: drive is corrupted completely and D: drive was hosed CearCase application. And we have restored D: drive from backup.
Now the problem is, from local admin account, I am able to launch ccadminconsole.msc without any issue, but from domain user login I am getting below error.
Does anyone know the cause and fix for this ?
The only error I could see from Application log is this:
Log Name: Application
Source: ClearCase
Date: 4/11/2017 11:06:06 AM
Event ID: 1024
Task Category: VOBRPC
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: OIM\cc_albd_sj_agile
vobrpc_server.exe(4980): Error: Trouble opening VOB database: "\Xpedia".
As I mentioned in 2014:
The main documentation for Vob access error is "Error from VOB database and Trouble opening VOB database".
To gather the most information about the issue, it is best to check the logs of the view logs (not just the vobrpc logs). Also check the logs both on the client and the server.
So check both with the cleartool getlog command, both for your own computer, and for the ClearCase VOB server.
Check also the db log, for any db_VISTA database error you could find there. And the mvfs log, just in case.
Typically, especially after a backup restore, the main cause of this problem may be related to the permissions on the VOB storage directory, in which case a cleartool fix_prot (as I do here) is the first thing to try.
Make sure first your local account is part of the right CLEARCASE_PRIMARY_GROUP, which should match the main group for the Vob.
When I try to check-in an RFT script, I get this error. Undo-checkout and check-out again did not help.
When I try to check-in the rftdef file (a script dependency file) using ClearCase Explorer, I get the same error.
Any ideas?
The problem was that our computer is Win7 Enterprise, but ClearCase v7.0. Uninstalled it, installed CC v7.1.2 and the problems have disappeared.
If the type manager "_rftdef" is an issue, you can try an change it to a simple text file, in order for that same type manager to not be triggered.
cleartool chtype -force text_file FinansBanka.rftdef
That is a workaround solution, which doesn't address while the type manager fails in the first place.
For that, I would recommend to try with a shorter, simpler version of FinansBanka.rftdef, to see if its content got corrupted somehow.
As the Cagin Uludamar reports, a discrepancy between:
the version of the ClearCase client
the version of the ClearCase server
can be the cause of a type manager not functioning properly.
See "About the Rational ClearCase Type Manager":
For operations that create/delete/modify source containers (cleartool/GUI/multitool-import mkelem,mkbranch,checkin,checkout-w/auto-mkbranch,rmver,rmbranch,rmelem), the type manager runs as a child process of cleartool/GUI/multitool-import.
Once that source container (run by an older client) is managed by the view server (on a more recent server), trouble can ensue.
Trigger definitions and magic files are two resources that must be deployed coherently both on the ClearCase server and clients.
How to know an incoming sync packet is inteded for a particular vob?
multitool lspacket -l doesn't tell for which vob this is intended.
I have several incoming packets intended for my replica but when I import them using this command i am getting the below error:
C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalSDLC\ClearCase\var\shipping\ms_ship\incoming>multitool syncreplica -import sync_usal_unix_2012-11-29T23.00.17-05.00_2296
multitool: Error: Sync. packet C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalSDLC\ClearCase\var\shipping\ms_ship\incoming\sync_usal_unix_2012-11-29T23.00.17-05.00_2296 is not applicable.
Actually, multitool lspacket is the right command to check initially:
The OP vchitta initially thought:
The lspacket gave the below out put which shows that the intended replica name is correct but it doesn't reveal the VOB details.
multitool lspacket sync_usal_unix_2012-12-01T23.01.06-05.00_19957
Packet is: C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalSDLC\ClearCase\var\shipping\ms_ship\incoming\sync_usal_unix_2012-12-01T23.01.06-05.00_19957
Packet type: Update Packet fragment: 1 of 1
VOB family identifier is: 360ab8c4.661e11d3.a49e.00:01:80:a9:b5:ec
To which I argued:
Did you search '360ab8c4.661e11d3.a49e.00:01:80:a9:b5:ec' in the vob registry?
(or simply cleartool lsvob -l)
Is there any other Vob which would have the same uid?
See VOB objects and VOB replica objects.
Yes or no, this is your answer right there.
THE IBM documentation clearly mentions:
Each replica is a VOB, but the VOB object and VOB-replica object are different objects in the VOB database.
VOB object: The database has a single VOB object.
This object’s UUID is listed as the VOB family uuid in a lsvob –long listing.
VOB-replica object (or replica object): The database has a VOB-replica object for each of the VOB’s replicas.
This object’s UUID is listed as the Vob replica uuid in a lsvob –long listing.
The OP adds:
No vob is having family identifier with the above UUID.
Now I am able to find which vob a packet is intended for with the help of family UUID.
I found this particular packet is for Platfom vob which I didn't replicated yet.
Original answer
See first "Packet is not applicable to any local replicas"
To verify that the host-name property of a VOB replica is wrong, enter the following command:
cleartool describe –fmt "%[replica_host]p\n"
For example:
cleartool describe –fmt "%[replica_host]p\n" replica:newyork#/vobs/tests
If the host name is incorrect, use the chreplica command to change it. At the master replica of the importing replica, enter a chreplica command:
multitool chreplica –c "comment" –host new-host
For example:
multitool chreplica –c "change host name" –host brooklyn
Updated replica information for "newyork".
Send an update packet to the other replicas in the family.
You can have multiple causes, as describes in this technote
The import command may have been run from a host other than the VOB server.
The hostname associated with the replica may have changed and MultiSite has not been updated.
The VOB server may have multiple host names and or multiple network cards and MultiSite is not properly configured to work with them.
Resolving the problem
For cause 1:
Make sure the syncreplica -import command is being run on the VOB server host.
The syncreplica -import command must be run on the VOB server host as it is a server operation.
For cause 2:
Check the hostnames associated with the replica and compare the outputs using the two commands below.
The VOB and the replica should show identical "host" output. If they do not, this is likely to be the problem.
Use the multitool chreplica -host command to resolve the problem.
Review the MultiSite Administrator's Guide on the topic of chreplica (multitool man chreplica) for more details.
cleartool lsvob -long <vob tag>
multitool lsreplica -long <replica-name>
For cause 3:
If the import is in fact being run on the correct server host, check to see how many hostnames that machine has.
Maybe the server has more then one network card, or several aliases.
If there is more than one name, make sure that the alternate_hostnames file exists.
It should contain each and every hostname the machine has, one per line.
Note: The alternate_hostnames file is supported on UNIX® and Linux® only.
I'm working with ClearCase 8 to test integration with my company's software, and I will be using the client and server software on the same machine, so I don't need the test VOBs I create to be accessible over the network. I'm trying to create a VOB on a local disk, rather than a network share, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it, if it is even possible.
First, I tried just using a regular path, e.g.:
cleartool mkvob -tag \vobFoo C:\Users\Public\cc_vobs\vobFoo.vbs
cleartool: Error: storage directory must be in UNC style (e.g. \\host\share\...)
After finding this question, my next attempt was this:
cleartool mkvob -tag \vobFoo \\localhost\c$\Users\Public\cc_vobs\vobFoo.vbs
cleartool: Error: Attempt to get location information on "\\localhost\c$\Users\Public\cc_vobs\vobFoo.vbs" failed: Invalid argument.
I checked - typing \\localhost\c$\Users into the "Run..." menu does bring up the proper folder in Windows Explorer, so I don't think it's an issue with the loopback adapter.
I did find some references to the error message here and here, but neither seems applicable to my situation (I'm not using UNIX and ClearCase Doctor doesn't give me the relevant error message)
Even after setting up a Windows share, this also failed:
cleartool mkvob -tag \vobFoo \\localhost\cc_vobs\vobFoo.vbs
cleartool: Error: Attempt to get location information on "\\localhost\cc_vobs\vobFoo.vbs" failed: Invalid argument.
The only way I could get the command to go through was to use the network host name with the share:
cleartool mkvob -tag \vobFoo \\hostname\cc_vobs\vobFoo.vbs
Is it simply not possible to setup a VOB in a local storage location like I'm trying to do? Or am I missing something?
I confirm that your UNC path cannot use localhost, but must start with the host name.
The reason is that the Vob storage path must be globally accessible, ie accessible from any computer (and localhost makes sense only from one computer).
The cleartool mkvob man page includes:
Windows—vob-storage-pname must be a UNC name.
UNC (Uniform Naming Convention):
The Microsoft Windows UNC, short for Universal Naming Convention or Uniform Naming Convention, specifies a common syntax to describe the location of a network resource, such as a shared file, directory, or printer. The UNC syntax for Windows systems has the generic form:
Microsoft often refers to this as a "network path".
One way for you to have a local path (without having to define a share) is to use the -stgloc parameter, referring to the name of a pre-defined storage location (instead of -host -hpath -gpath arguments)
See cleartool mkstgloc (which defines storage locations for Vobs or Views).
You can use a local path there.
In many cases, ClearCase heuristically derives appropriate accessibility information from the stgloc-pname argument.
In cases where there is no file system connectivity between the server storage location and its clients, ClearCase derives the host name and host-local path, but because no meaningful global path can be derived, you must specify -ngpath to unset the global path information.
To create a server storage location for snapshot views or for VOBs intended to be accessed only through snapshot views, use these options:
-host -hpath -gpath when there is file system connectivity between the server storage location host and its clients.
-ngpath -host -hpath when there is no file system connectivity between the server storage location host and its clients.
So be careful if you do this (-ngpath option): your Vob won't be accessible through dynamic views, only snapshot views.