During wix setup install/cancel install, temp files not getting cleared - wix3.11

Issue -> I started install and then clicked cancel on wix setup. Once setup is done, when I checked temp folder, there are 29 tmp files generated which are not cleared by setup.
Checked in task manager and setup process is also not existing. Right now clueless, whether the product is leaving behind the temp files or is it the setup sdk?


DNN Module installation

Is it possible to "install" a module just by pasting the file of the module and just paste it into the DesktopModules folder and have the modules working on the website?
If not, is there a way where I can export the whole module from one system and install it onto another system?
Have you tried creating a module package for this module? (when you click the edit pen for the extension, you should find a "Create package" button on the top right).
Take care to include the assembly/assemblies needed, and also the Sql Server scripts to install the module correctly (often found in the module folder under Providers/DataProvider/SqlDataProvider/*.SqlDataProvider). There might be other files in the module folder (images, css, etc), be sure to include them in the package, then try to create it. You will find the ZIP file under /install/Modules then, move it away from there somewhere on your local file system (otherwise the installer might try to install it with the next update). Then try to update the extension in a testing system, check if it works and you're done. If there are errors it might be that you are missing some files that have to be included. Check the error messages, and restart.
There used to be a way using the /Install/Module/ folder (put ZIP file there, then call /install/install.aspx?mode=installresources) If you are on an old version of DNN (7 and earlier?) you can still use this. But you've got a load of security issues that should drive you to upgrade.
I don't know of a good way to do this now. For security purposes DNN removes the Install resources after an upgrade.
IF you already have the module installed in both locations, you could copy the resources for the file from server to server (DLL in the BIN folder and the contents of the desktopmodules folder) assuming you don't have any MANIFEST file changes that need registered.

How do I make my Setup project produce an executable?

I've built a small desktop application with which I am trying to use a Setup project to allow other users to install it. But whenever I run this installer, it does not produce an executable file. This is my first time making a setup project.
My solution contains two projects. One is the setup project which installs the primary output from the other project. The other project is a WPF App that consists of two xaml files, a xaml.cs file for each, an App.config file, and an icon. It also has a few dependencies including one Assembly, two Frameworks, and a handful of Packages. The app works exactly as intended whenever I start a Visual Studio debugging instance on either Debug or Release configurations.
I followed these instructions to build my Setup and deploy my app.
Whenever I ran the resulting Setup, it installed an XML configuration file, a JSON file, a main application dll file, and a bunch of dll files for my assemblies. I looked into some resources on how to run the main dll file properly, only (A) I'm completely stumped by everything I find on that topic, and (B) I would rather just produce an executable file anyway, since I intend for this Setup project to be used by other people and it would be inconvenient to ask said others to jump through the same hoops just to run it.
Why does my Setup project not produce a .exe file? I see that a .exe file is produced in my bin folder whenever I build my project (and this .exe works), so I would think the setup project should also produce one of those, but it doesn't. What am I doing wrong with my Setup project or anything else?
The setup.exe is a bootstrapper over the setup.msi. We can install the content using .msi or by running .exe which inturn runs /gets the data from the msi. To enable setup.exe building, go to solution explorer -> project -> properties -> prerequisites. check the check box on the top "Create setup program to install prerequisite components". apply and rebuld the project. A setup.exe bootstrapper will be created allong with msi.
Switch to Release mode, then rebuild your setup project. If everything went well (check the output console), you'll find an MSI file inside {setup project folder}/bin/Release
In "system file" from your proyect installer, you shoud to add in "Application Folder" the next source = PublishItemsOutpuGroup. In my case functions well.

Drupal- after moving installed module from modules directory to contrib, modules is not on the list

After installing and enabling module adminstration menu with update manager, I have moved the installed module to the contrib directory of my project.
I have also cleared the cache in the administration/configuration/development/performance.
How can I make it visible?
The first thing I'd try is to move the module back to where ever it was originally installed and then enable it, disable it and uninstall it. Uninstalling will remove any references in the system table that might be confusing Drupal.
If you don't know where it was before you moved it, you can find that info in the system table.
Then move it to the new location and it should be visible and you can enable it from there.
If that doesn't work, you should be able to use the registry rebuild module to clear out any remnants the old version. Backup your database first.

Deploying WebSite builds to Azure from VSTS Release Management

I'm kicking the tires on the preview for the Visual Studio Team Services new Release Management system. My scenario is a classic website (ASP.NET 4.5) with a Git repo hosted in VSTS. The build definition is successful as seen here:
It is set up to publish as an artifact that can be picked up by Release Manager as shown here:
On the Release Manager side I have that artifact linked properly as shown here:
And here you can see my environments as well as the associated tasks (all 3 are clones)
When I run the release the build publishes fine, it connects to my subscription but when it attempts to find the package file it has the following error on line 101 of the output log:
"No files were found to deploy with the search pattern 'C:\a\4fe43dd1a***.zip'"
Here is the full output:
This is where I am stuck as I assumed my artifact link via VSTS should resolve this path for me. Obviously I am missing an important piece of the puzzle somewhere, but I've followed the available documentation as best as I can.
If anyone has a solution or can point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated!
--- EDIT ---
I used the file picker to select a web deploy package (see below). I tried using the root website as well as the bin folder. Both attempts results in an error stating: "No files were found to deploy with search pattern 'C:\a\4fe43dd1a\Classic Website Definition\drop\ClassicWebsite\bin'"
--- EDIT 2 ---
I added an MSBuild task to my BUILD process with the following MSBuildArguments
/p:OutDir=$(build.stagingDirectory) /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:WebPublishMethod=Package /p:PackageAsSingleFile=true /p:SkipInvalidConfigurations=true
and in my Copy/Publish Artifacts task I limited my output to only copy .zip files. Now in my RELEASE process when I navigate to find a "Web Deploy Package" the "drop" folder is empty. Here is a screenshot:
I think I'm on the right path, I just need help figuring out to tune my BUILD tasks to generate the right artifacts for my RELEASE process to use. Any help would be appreciated.
The deploy package isn't copied to artifacts folder. That's why the release management cannot find the package. Setting "Copy and Publish Build Artifacts" to the following should fix your problem:
Change $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) to $(Agent.ReleaseDirectory). The artifacts will be put in that folder. I don't know exactly what $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) maps to, but my impression is that it's something outside of the folder used by the agent for your release.
Also make sure that the published artifacts contains the expected zip file -- if the deployment package isn't getting created, or if you're not publishing the output folder that contains the package, obviously you won't be able to release it later.
When you build your web application, make sure it's packaging for deployment by using MSBuild arguments that package it up. Something like this should work:
/p:OutDir=$(build.stagingDirectory) /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:WebPublishMethod=Package /p:PackageAsSingleFile=true /p:SkipInvalidConfigurations=true

Will this delete a project in clearcase?

Will deleting a project locally through eclipse also delete the project in clearcase?
I'm a new user of clearcase coming a from a cvs/subversion background. I want to re-create an already created project from clearcase. I think I should delete the project and then re-create the project from clearcase. But I do not want to cause any adverse effects when I delete the project, as it seems clearcase maintains a constant connection to locally checked out project.
What is the proper way of re-creating a clearcase project ?
your Eclipse has the ClearCase plugin activated
your .project and .classpath Eclipse files are within a ClearCase view (very important, see for instance "imported Eclipse project not linking to ClearCase")
Then deleting the project through Eclipse would delete the project in ClearCase: the surest way to check that would be to display the version of the parent directory of said .project file once deleted: that parent directory history should include as its latest version one "unreferencing .project".
But a simpler way is to keep those two operations (delete in Eclipse and delete in ClearCase) separate:
delete the project from the workspace in Eclipse (without deleting the actual file)
go in your ClearCase explorer and delete those files.
