Discord thread webhook - discord

I got the webhook from Server > Settings > Integrations. But with the provided documentation by Discord I only can reply in channel.
import requests
url = 'webhook_url'
data = {
"content": "Test"
result = requests.post(url, json=data)
Is there any way to to reply in Thread directly? using some Thread ID or smth.

Looks like you have just to add thread_id as the query param in the webhook url. instead of in the post body.

According to the Discord webhook developer docs, just append ?thread_id to the query params


How to (and is it possible to) make link markup work in a discord bot message?

What I'm trying to achieve is simple:
send a message like links: [link1](https://example.com/1), [link1](https://example.com/2) via a bot
get it displayed as "links: link1, link1"
In a ephemeral follow up, it works as expected:
const content = "links: [link1](https://example.com/1), [link1](https://example.com/2)"
await interaction.followUp({
ephemeral: true,
But when I send this to a public channel like this:
await channel.send(content)
I'm getting it as plain text (links: [link1](https://example.com/1), [link1](https://example.com/2)) except the links are clickable.
Is it possible to get the same result as in an ephemeral message?
I've checked the permissions, there's only "embed" links (which sounds like "allow links in embeds", and not "allow links in messages) and it is enabled anyway on server for everyone, for the bot and in the channel. So what am I missing here?
PS Here they say that "it's only possible if the message was sent with webhook though", but I'm not quite sure what does this mean (can this be different for a public and an ephemeral message?)
You cannot use hyper links in normal messages sent by a bot. You need to use a Webhook. Considering you're using discord.js, see this guide on their documentation. When using something like that it will work as expected
const { WebhookClient } = require('discord.js');
const webhookClient = new WebhookClient({ url: "WEBHOOK_URL" });
content: "[Hello world](https://github.com)",
username: "Webhook Username",
Otherwise you may use embeds and send one of these with your bot and the content you wish to have.
Right, so I've found a solution based on suggestion by Krypton. As an embed doesn't look nice and manual creation of a webhook is not an option for me, I've found that I can create a webhook on the go and use it.
After some testing, I've figured that such webhooks are also permanent (although they can be found in another part of settings than the manually created ones); they should be deleted as there's a limit of 15 webhooks – an attempt to create more fails (with DiscordAPIError[30007]: Maximum number of webhooks reached (15)).
Instead of doing
await channel.send(content)
I've put
// a guard, TypeScript requires us to be sure
if(channel instanceof TextChannel) {
const webhook = await channel.createWebhook({
// a message from a webhook has a different sender, here we set its name,
// for instance the same as the name of our bot (likewise, we can set an avatar)
name: "MyBot",
await webhook.send(content)
await webhook.delete()
This seems to be a minimal code change to get the links working.

Failed to complete official Tutorial from Discord documentation

I followed discord tutorial to create a bot. https://discord.com/developers/docs/getting-started#running-your-app .
I can't get slash command to work. (/test and /channel)
From logs in glitch IDE, I get the following error.
Error: {"message":"Missing Access","code":50001}
at DiscordRequest (file:///app/utils.js:34:11)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
at async HasGuildCommand (file:///app/commands.js:16:17)
The line that cause error is line 16. shown below.
// Checks for a command
async function HasGuildCommand(appId, guildId, command) {
// API endpoint to get and post guild commands
const endpoint = `applications/${appId}/guilds/${guildId}/commands`;
try {
const res = await DiscordRequest(endpoint, { method: 'GET' });
const data = await res.json();
So this tells me that either appID or guildID are incorrect, but I don't think it is.
I followed every step correctly according to the tutorial to get all my credentials.
is it a common problem?
what is the best place to get help related to discord.js implementation problem?
submit ticket to discord support? (seem sooooooooo over kill)
does discord have discord server to ask this question? I found discord-tester, discord-deverloper. To join, I need to takes quizzes or whatever. I will just do this last if reddit and submitting ticket doesn't work.
discord developers > OAuth2 > General
check applications.commands
discord developers > OAuth2 > URL Generator
check applications.commands

Discordjs: Specifying channel for an interaction.reply

I am using Discordjs v13. I have created a slash command and I am able to "print" a message using
await interaction.reply(messageObj);
I need to send the reply to a different channel where the command was triggered, is this possible?
Something like:
channel: ....
What you want is not possible. The Discord API does not allow to specify the channel where the app interaction should be replied in: https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/receiving-and-responding#responding-to-an-interaction
However if you are concerned with the reply being shown to everyone, you can make the reply ephemeral. If you want to log interactions, you can reply to the interaction then send another message using the solution provided in the comments of your question.
this is actually possible in discordjs v14 and may be in v13 as well. Carl-bot does it with suggestions.but its not an actual reply
this will send a message in a the select channel you may still want to
interaction.reply({Content:'replied in #channel' [embed], ephemeral: true })
so the user knows the reply was redirected . ephemeral: true makes the replay only visible to the user that evoked the interaction.
and if you need the message id for the new message use
const msg = await interaction.guild.channels.cache.get('channel-id').send('message');
to send the message and you can do something like const messageid = msg.id

How can i edit and redesign my old embed messages

ive been texted something on my discord server before as embed. and now i just wanted to edit my old embed messages to redesign how its look by rewrite something and change colors.
how can i edit a specific embed messages by message id? i know it can edit itself by using :
first_embed = Embed(title='embed 1')
new_embed = Embed(title='embed 2')
msg = await ctx.send(embed=first_embed)
await msg.edit(embed=new_embed)
but i don't really know how to make it works. how it can edit at message ids? like checking its own id?
I am not 100% sure if I understand your question correctly, but to edit messages you could fetch them like this:
message = await ctx.fetch_message(message ID)
Or you can just use the integrated message converter in the arguments of the command.
async def edit_embed(ctx, message: discord.Message):
#define the new embed here
await message.edit(embed=new_embed)
The user has to supply the message ID or message URL directly as an argument and discord.py will automatically convert it to a message object. Keep in mind that if you use the message ID, you will have to use the command in the same channel as the message you want to edit.
You have to make a new command to edit embeds and get the embed message's ID and the stuff you want to change as parameters. Then you can to Embed.copy() or Embed.to_dict() to get embed's data and then update the data you got as parameter.
An example would be:
async def editembed(ctx, channel: discord.Chanel, msg_id, title, color):
msg = await channel.fetch_message(msg_id)
embed = msg.embeds[0].to_dict()
embed["title"] = title
embed["color"] = color
await msg.edit(embed = discord.Embed.from_dict())
Note: bot has no fetch message attribute so you have to either get it from channel or context (while using context you have to send the command on the same channel as the message to be edited)

discord.py get webhooks of channel

I'm trying to make a webhook so if anyone says 'ez' it deletes it and sends a message with the webhook with a random message. Originally what I was doing was
if "ez" in message.content:
webhook = await message.create_webhook(name=ctx.author.name)
await webhook.send(ezmessages[random.randint(0, len(ezmessages))-1], username=message.author.name, avatar_url=message.author.avatar_url)
await message.delete()
await webhook.delete()
but the problem is this gets rate limited if webhooks are created and deleted too quickly. So instead what I want to do is check if the bot already has a webhook for the text channel, and if there is one use that but if not use a different one. I thought this would work:
for webhook in message.channel.webhooks:
await webhook.send(ezmessages[random.randint(0, len(ezmessages))-1], username=message.author.name, avatar_url=message.author.avatar_url)
but I get the error
TypeError: 'method' object is not iterable
Even though it should return a list
Anyone know how to correctly iterate over this?
TextChannel.webhooks it's not an attribute, its a function and a coroutine, so you need to call it and await it
webhooks = await message.channel.webhooks()
for webhook in webhooks:
