Generate Scripts for Tables and all Extended Properties - sql-server

Looking for a way to generate individual scripts for each table and include any relationships or extended properties. (After getting this working I will try to generate scripts for stored procedure, and function)
I am aware of the Sql-Server UI Generator (Database=>Tasks=>Generate Scripts) but that does one big file, not individuals. If there is a way to make this produce individual files (with out doing them 1 at a time) that would be best.
I have used Powershell package DBATools with some limited success. The following will make a file that contains create scripts for the table and the table's extended property but not the column extended properties.
$server = "sql01"
$database = "MyDatabase"
$table = "MyTable"
Get-DbaDbTable -SqlInstance $server -Database $database -Table $table | Export-DbaScript -FilePath ($database + "\" + $table +".sql")
Get-DbaDbTable -SqlInstance $server -Database $database -Table $table | Get-DbaExtendedProperty | ForEach-Object { Export-DbaScript -InputObject $_ -FilePath ($database + "\" + $table +".sql") -Append }

The answer was given by Larnu in the commnets.
The comment pointed out the option to save scripts individually and I have been over looking it for years.

While you found the option in SSMS, I wanted to say that this is also possible using the dbatools approach you tried. The "secret sauce" is specifying a ScriptingOptions object that controls the scripting behavior.
$so = New-DbaScriptingOption;
$so.ExtendedProperties = $true;
foreach ($table in Get-DbaDbTable -SqlInstance . -Database AdventureWorks2019){
$path = '{0}.{1}.sql' -f $table.Schema, $table.Name;
Export-DbaScript -InputObject $table -FilePath $path -ScriptingOptionsObject $so;


How may I export the output of SQL query in Excel fetched through PowerShell?

I am using this power-shell script to fetch the versions of all SQL Servers in a list.
How may I export the result columns (only query output not error messages) into excel and send to email after the script is run?
Can someone help me add the required script please?
Import-Module SQLPS -DisableNameChecking
$ServerInstences = Get-Content "D:\DBA\All_Server_monitoring\ServerList.txt"
$SQLQuery = #"
Select ##Servername 'Server Name' ,##version 'Version'
$DBName = "master"
$ServerInstences |
ForEach-Object {
$ServerObject = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server -ArgumentList $_
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $_ -Database $DBName -Query $SQLQuery
The easiest way to export data to a csv file is by using Export-CSV which takes an input object (or object array) and a path and can fill out the csv file from that object/array. For you, it would look like this:
$results = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $_ -Database $DBName -Query $SQLQuery
New-Item -Path "MYPATH.csv"
Export-CSV -Path "MYPATH.csv" -InputObject $results -Append
CSV files are versatile and can be opened with the most lightweight text editors. They also can be easily emailed and opened with Excel.

Powershell script scripts on dbachecks to compare the MaxMemory of server listed in a table

Run checks against servers
Import-Module dbatools
Import-Module dbachecks
$Server = "AMCB123"
$Database = "DBA"
# Create recordset of servers to evaluate
$sconn = new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("server=$Server;Trusted_Connection=true");
$q = "SELECT DISTINCT servername FROM DBA.[dbo].[Server_Group] WHERE ID =1;"
$cmd = new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand ($q, $sconn);
$cmd.CommandTimeout = 0;
$dr = $cmd.ExecuteReader();
# Loop through the servers and build an array
while ($dr.Read()) {
Get-DbaMaxMemory -SqlServer $dr.GetValue(0) | Format-Table
I have Listed the sql server(stage, prod, DR servers in a table as per the groups), Now I want to compare the servers with group id's to check wethere the servers(stage,prod, DR) with same group id is having same MAXMemory cofiguration or not.
For this I'm using the below powershell script can you please help me with this, I have created a table with all the servewith grop id.
Request to please help me with the loop thorugh the servers and build an array, so that I can run the MAXMEMORY powershell command to compare it using the group id for all servers.
I have collected all the servers details into a table dbo.server groups
the powershell script should iterate through the table by using the ID and check whether the servers in the ID group has same MAXMEMORY configuration ID server_name Environment
1 ABC0123 prod
1 ABC5123 stage
1 ABC4123 DR
2 DEF0123 prod
2 DEF5123 stage
2 DEF4123 DR
I'm trying to use a powershell script which will check and compare the MAXMEMORY configuration as per the ID(to check whether stage, prod, DR server of the same group_id have similar setting or not), if not then it will display a warning/message as group_ids servers are not configured similarly.
Please help me with the script
You're making this script longer than it needs to be. Also, you're using Format-Table prematurely - you should only use the Format-* functions for displaying final information to the user; they output strings, not properly typed data/variables that can be used down the line.
Use the tools that PowerShell and dbatools give you to get your server list, and then pass that list to Get-DbaMaxMemory as a collection.
import-module dbatools
$ServerList = Invoke-DbaSqlQuery -ServerInstance $Server -query "select distinct servername from dba.dbo.server_group where group_id = 1" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty servername;
Get-DbaMaxMemory -ServerInstance $ServerList | Select-Object SqlInstance, SqlMaxMB;
This will give you a list of your SQL instances and the memory they're configured to use. What you do after's hard to say as you haven't clearly defined what you're looking for.
But this may not tell the full story. Wouldn't it be better to check the configured values and what you're currently running with? You can do that with Get-DbaSpConfigure.
import-module dbatools
$ServerList = Invoke-DbaSqlQuery -ServerInstance $Server -query "select distinct servername from dba.dbo.server_group where group_id = 1" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty servername;
Get-DbaSpConfigure -ServerInstance $ServerList | Select-Object ServerName,ConfiguredValue,RunningValue;
You can even create a computed column in that final Select-Object to tell you if the configured & running values differ.
If you just wanted to use dbachecks (which uses dbatools in the background) you can use
$ServerList = (Invoke-DbaSqlQuery -ServerInstance $Server -query "select distinct servername from dba.dbo.server_group where group_id = 1").servername
Invoke-DbcCheck -SQlInstance $ServerList -Check MaxMemory
Or you can set the configuration item app.computername and app.sqlinstance to your server list using
Set-DbcConfig -Name app.sqlinstance -Value $serverlist
Set-DbcConfig -Name app.computername -Value $serverlist
and then you can run this (or any other checks) using
Invoke-DbcCheck -Check MaxMemory

Powersehll - Implement loging for failed attempt servers?

Requirement : The below code will provide the instance name and database details & database states from the list of instances or servers available in SQL_Servers.txt from the path C:\PowerSQL\.
For few servers its not able to connect & throwing the error. I would like to keep these failed attempt server names in separate text file as Log.txt.
ForEach ($instance in Get-Content "C:\PowerSQL\SQL_Servers.txt")
Import-Module SQLPS -DisableNameChecking
Invoke-SQLcmd -Server $instance -Database master 'select ##servername as InstanceName,name as DatabaseName,state_desc as DBStatus from sys.databases' | Format-Table
Help on this is highly appreciated.
the below code is full filled my requirement.
Import-Module SQLPS -DisableNameChecking
ForEach ($instance in Get-Content "C:\PowerSQL\SQL_Servers.txt")
try {
Invoke-SQLcmd -Server $instance -Database master 'select ##servername as InstanceName,name as DatabaseName,state_desc as DBStatus from sys.databases'
$results += New-Object PSObject -Property $instanceinfo
} catch {
Add-Content "C:\PowerSQL\ErrorLog.txt" $instance
$results | export-csv -Path C:\PowerSQL\SQLServerInstance.csv -NoTypeInformation

need help to add worksheet to existing xlsx via PowerShell module "PSExcel"

I'm working on a project to create some Excel reports with data from MSSQL databases and need some help with the end result.
Disclaimer - I'm not great with PowerShell and MSSQL).
So far, with the help of the internet, I've managed to create a .ps1 file that elevates itself, imports a PS module called PSExcel (, imports the SQLPS module and runs three separate queries to export to three separate .xlsx files.
My script for the last few parts is:
# Import PSExcel module
Import-Module C:\scripts-and-reports\Modules\PSExcel
# Import SQLPS module
Import-Module sqlps
# Import PSExcel module
Import-Module C:\scripts-and-reports\Modules\PSExcel
# Import SQLPS module
Import-Module sqlps
# Create individuals
invoke-sqlcmd -inputfile "C:\scripts-and-reports\individuals.sql" -serverinstance "SERVER\INSTANCE" -database "DATABASE" |
Export-XLSX -WorksheetName "Individuals" -Path "C:\scripts-and-reports\Individuals.xlsx" -Table -Force
# Create joint parties
invoke-sqlcmd -inputfile "C:\scripts-and-reports\joint-parties.sql" -serverinstance "SERVER\INSTANCE" -database "DATABASE" |
Export-XLSX -WorksheetName "Joint Parties" -Path "C:\scripts-and-reports\Joint Parties.xlsx" -Table -Force
# Create organisations
invoke-sqlcmd -inputfile "C:\scripts-and-reports\organisations.sql" -serverinstance "SERVER\INSTANCE" -database "DATABASE" |
Export-XLSX -WorksheetName "Organisations" -Path "C:\scripts-and-reports\Organisations.xlsx" -Table -Force
I've tried to no avail to combine the last two query exports into the first query's export as additional worksheets so that I only have a single Excel workbook to hand to my boss, but I think I must be approaching it incorrectly.
When I read the example on Line 94 of ../Export-XLSX.ps1 and try to implement it in my scenario by changing the file names to match each other, the last query replaces the first in the outputted .xlsx file. This must be because of the -Force. Changing that to -Append won't help because then it says the file already exists.
Can anyone help me by first showing me where I'm going wrong and then pointing me in the right direction (this may end up in a walkthrough).
Please and thanks!
---** UPDATE **---
With #gms0ulman's fix to Export-XLSX.ps1, it looks like it's going to work as I've tested it with different SQL queries to what I need and it adds the worksheets OK.
The queries I'm using for the test are
case mt.[Status]
when 0 then 'In Progress'
When 1 then 'On Hold'
when 2 then 'Completed'
when 3 then 'Not Proceeding'
else 'Unknown' end as MatterStatus,
mt.LastUpdatedOn as LastModified
from matter mt
where mt.LastUpdatedOn >= '2016-07-01'
AND (mt.[status] = 0 or mt.[status] = 1)
While this (and the other two iterations of it in my PS script) works, my actual queries don't. The queries themselves work, and the first export too, but when -Append is used in PS with the invoke-sqlcmd and invoke-sqlcmd -inputfile "query2.sql" -serverinstance "" -database "" | Export-XLSX -WorksheetName "Joint Parties" -Path "C:\scripts-and-reports\Matter Details.xlsx" -Table -Append, the two appended worksheets get the error:
Exceptions calling "SaveAs" with "1" argument(s): "Error saving file C:\scripts-and-reports\Matter Details.xlsx"
At C:\scripts-and-reports\Modules\PSExcel\Export-XLSX.ps1:496 char:13
CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidOperationException
The problem is with the module you're using. -Append should work. In the Export-XLSX.ps1 file, look at lines 351 and 371.
As you are providing an existing path, 351 evaluates to true and 371 never gets executed.
Line 371 is where the module creates a new worksheet for you.
if (($Append -or $ClearSheet) -and ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Excel') -or (Test-Path $Path)) ) # line 351
$WorkSheet=$Excel.Workbook.Worksheets | Where-Object {$_.Name -like $WorkSheetName}
$WorkSheet.Cells[$WorkSheet.Dimension.Start.Row, $WorkSheet.Dimension.Start.Column, $WorkSheet.Dimension.End.Row, $WorkSheet.Dimension.End.Column].Clear()
$RealHeaderCount = $WorkSheet.Dimension.Columns
if($Header.count -ne $RealHeaderCount)
Throw "Found $RealHeaderCount existing headers, provided data has $($Header.count)."
$RowIndex = 1 + $Worksheet.Dimension.Rows
$WorkSheet = $Workbook.Worksheets.Add($WorkSheetName) #line 371
To get around this, I've added a couple of lines to the Export-XLSX.ps1 file.
Now, even if the path exists, it will:
check if a $WorksheetName is provided
check this worksheet does not already exist
create new worksheet if both are true.
Note you will have to Remove-Module and Import-Module for changes to be recognised. You will need to use -Append. I used -Force on first worksheet, not the second one. Also, you may find -Verbose helpful as it provides you with more information as the script runs - good for debugging.
if (($Append -or $ClearSheet) -and ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Excel') -or (Test-Path $Path)) )
# New line: even if path exists, check for $WorkSheetName and that this worksheet doesn't exist
if($WorkSheetName -and $Excel.Workbook.Worksheets | Where-Object {$_.Name -like $WorkSheetName} -eq $null)
# if you have $WorksheetName and it doesn't exist, create worksheet.
$WorkSheet = $Workbook.Worksheets.Add($WorkSheetName)
$WorkSheet=$Excel.Workbook.Worksheets | Where-Object {$_.Name -like $WorkSheetName}
$WorkSheet.Cells[$WorkSheet.Dimension.Start.Row, $WorkSheet.Dimension.Start.Column, $WorkSheet.Dimension.End.Row, $WorkSheet.Dimension.End.Column].Clear()
$RealHeaderCount = $WorkSheet.Dimension.Columns
if($Header.count -ne $RealHeaderCount)
Throw "Found $RealHeaderCount existing headers, provided data has $($Header.count)."
$RowIndex = 1 + $Worksheet.Dimension.Rows
} # this is also new.
$WorkSheet = $Workbook.Worksheets.Add($WorkSheetName)

Join SQL query Results and Get-ChildItem Results

Background: I have a directory with a number of files that are imported to SQL server.
Task: Creating a PowerShell script which will pick up files within this directory and use the filenames as in the SQL query.
Ultimate objective: To display SQL results besides the filenames but the resultset being displayed should also show files having no entries in SQL server. Something like RIGHT JOIN in SQL server queries.
Powershell Code
$files = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Force $filePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { ($_.PSIsContainer -eq $false) } | Select-Object Name
$Server = "Loadv1"
$DB = "LoadDB"
$dbResults = #()
ForEach ($file in $files)
$fileName = $
write-host $fileName
if($fileName.Length -gt 1)
$Query = "
SELECT FileName,CurrentStatus
FROM LogStatus
WHERE FileName LIKE '$fileName%'
# Write-host $Query
$dbResults += Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $Server -Database $DB -Query $Query
$dispResults = $dbResults,$file
$dispResults | Format-Table -autosize
Work done so far: I have been able to fetch the file names using Get-ChildItem and loop them to get the query results. However, the result I am currently getting does not show the files that don't have corresponding entry in SQL server table
Current Result
FileName CurrentStatus
OperationalLandingAudit20150622061502.dat SSIS Package Complete
OperativeThird_Party_System20150616090701.dat SSIS Package Complete
Expected Result
FileName CurrentStatus
OperationalLanding20150622061502.dat NULL
OperationalLandingAudit20150622061502.dat SSIS Package Complete
OperativeThird_Party_System20150616090701.dat SSIS Package Complete
Hoping I was able to explain my requirement above.
OK so if the SQL query does not have results then NULL is returned and, in essence, nothing is added to the $dbResults array. Instead lets append the results to a custom object. I don't know what PowerShell version you have so I needed to do something that I know should work. I also don't use the SQL cmdlets much so I had to guess for some of this.
$files = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Force $filePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $false -and $_.Length -gt 1} |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
$Server = "Loadv1"
$DB = "LoadDB"
$files | ForEach-Object{
write-host $_
$Query = "
SELECT FileName,CurrentStatus
FROM LogStatus
WHERE FileName LIKE '$_%'
$Results = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $Server -Database $DB -Query $Query
$props = #{Name = $_}
$props.CurrentStatus = $Results.CurrentStatus
} Else {
$props.CurrentStatus = "Null"
New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property $props
} | Format-Table -autosize
What this does is create a custom object that contains the results of the sql query (Which I did not change for reasons stated above). If there are no results returned we use the string "null" as a filler.
I cleaned up how you generated the $files variable by making is a simple string array with -Expand and moved the length condition there as well.
You should now have all the expected results. I say should since I am assuming what the return object looks like.
$Query = "
SELECT isNull(A.FileName, b.FileName) FileName,ISNULL(A.CurrentStatus,B.CurrentStatus) CurrentStatus
FROM LogStatus A
Right JOIN (SELECT '$filename' FileName,NULL CurrentStatus) B
ON a.Filename like '$filename%'
This should pad out the filenames for you. A little tough to prototype since it's in powershell but I might be able to come up with a sql fiddle to prove it.
Answer edited, with sql fiddle:!3/12b43/9
Obviously, since you're in a cursor, we can only prove one query at a time.
