Graphql + MongoDB : updating a deep nested object [Partial Update the object] - database

I have a huge database with 1000s of records. There are different types of "Groups" and each child object(group assignments) has different levels of nesting, (refer to the code below)
mutation UpdateGroup($input: GroupUpdateInput!) {
updateGroup(input: $input) {
As you can see when I want to update just one nested object. It becomes really hard to manage and keep track of what is being modified. What is a good solution to approach this issue. I know this question is difficult to explain but please let me know if I can make something more clear in the comments. I will try to produce a working sample but it could take time because the codebase is very huge
"input": {
"id": "6231107602d54a291d29",
"name": {
"language": "en-US",
"text": "Test Update Group"
"isActive": true,
"code": "127",
"benefit": {
"provider": "Group Provider1",
"benefitOptions": [
"name": [
"language": "en-US",
"text": "Benefit Option 1"
"assignedProfileIds": ["6231101d02d54d297c6c","6231101e02d54a297c6d"]


MongoDB - Update multiple subdocuments in array in multiple documents

I'm making a node.js website. I have a posts collection in which comments for posts are stored in an array with the comment author's details as nested object.
This is new post's schema:
"text": text,
"image": image,
"video": video,
"type": type,
"createdAt": createdAt,
"reactions": [],
"comments": [],
"shares": [],
"user": {
"_id": user._id,
"username": user.username
This is new comment being pushed to its post:
$push: {
"comments": {
"_id": commentId,
"user": {
"_id": user._id,
"type": type,
"comment": comment,
"createdAt": createdAt,
"replies": []
To avoid storing comments in another collection and doing complex multiple lookups(I'm doing 1 lookup to get post author details but couldn't add another to make it work for comments) to consolidate the newsfeed I decided to save comments and their author's details embedded in the posts.
Now when user profile picture is updated all the comments have to be updated to show the new picture.
I included this updateMany query along with the photo updation route in server.js file:
"comments.user._id": user._id,
"comments.user.type": "friend"
}, {
$set: {
"comments.$.user.profileImage": photo
The problem here is that this updates only the first matching comment in all posts.
I need to update all matching comments in all posts.
I'm actually just learning by doing this following youtube videos, so please help me.
You need to use arrayFilters I think.
If I've understand well your question this example should be similar to your DB.
The query is this:
"comments.user._id": 1,
"comments.user.type": "friend"
"$set": {
"comments.$[element].user.profileImage": "new"
"arrayFilters": [
"$and": [
"element.user._id": 1
"element.user.type": "friend"
"multi": true
First part is the same, and almost the second. You have to add element position into the array that is defined in the next step.
Using arrayFilters, you look for those whose match the comaprsion into $and. And only those ones will be updated.
Note that using updateMany() method, is not neccesary using {multi: true}

Why is refetchQueries needed?

I am following a tutorial on GraphQL, in the video the author does not use refetchQueries for a deleteMutation and all works well with UI updates and mutation. But here in the project sandbox code is updated and refetchQuery is now used for this operatio on Job component -> line 20 -> deleteJob(): codeSandBox.
I have this similar problem in my app that does not update the UI automatically without refetchQueries done everywhere. Shouldn't Apollo be applying automatically the cache of Apollo via apollo-cache-inmemory, perform mutation and update UI in this kind of mutation if I understand it right.
Example out of the box with apollo-boost:
export default gql`
mutation deleteItem($id: uuid!) {
delete_item(where: {id:{_eq: $id }}){
returning {
const onDeleteItem = (id) => {
variables: { id },
Any suggestions or experiences on this?
The answer is relatively simple: There is no universal way in GraphQL to tell a client that an entity was deleted. Let's first compare this to an update mutations. Imagine we are updating one of the jobs that we already have in our cache. First the cache (simplified, not actually quite how it looks inside of Apollo):
"Query": {
"jobs": ["Job:1", "Job:2"],
"Job:1": {
"__typename": "Job",
"id": 1,
"company": "Big Corp",
"title": "Sales Specialist"
"Job:2": {
"__typename": "Job",
"id": 2,
"company": "Big Corp",
"title": "GraphQL Expert"
If Apollo now gets an answer from an update mutation that looks like the following:
"data": {
"updateJob": {
"__typename": "Job",
"id": 2,
"company": "Big Corp",
"title": "GraphQL Unicorn"
It can use the dataIdFromObject function to understand that the object belongs to the cache key "Job:2" in our normalised cache. Apollo can assume that this version is newer than the old one and merge the keys with preference of the newer result. Our cache now looks like this:
"Query": {
"jobs": ["Job:1", "Job:2"],
"Job:1": { ... },
"Job:2": {
"__typename": "Job",
"id": 2,
"company": "Big Corp",
"title": "GraphQL Unicorn" // updated!
Then the "jobs" query will automatically update with the new job because it is just referencing the job and is not storing the entity itself. Great! But now compare the result from the delete function:
"data": {
"deleteJob": {
"returning": {
"id": 2,
The result of this query could be anything. Apollo cannot know that you have just deleted a job with a certain id. Maybe if GraphQL had something in the specification like a magical "__isDeleted" and we would get something like:
"data": {
"deleteJob": {
"__typename": "Job",
"__isDeleted": true,
"id": 2,
We could give our cache implementation the hint that entities with __isDeleted: true should be removed from all referencing queries. But unfortunately this does not exists. This is not to bad though, we can either use refetchQuery to trigger a refetch of the other query or we can manually update the other query:
const deleteJob = useMutation(DELETE_JOB, {
update(store, response) {
const data = store.readQuery({ query: GET_JOBS }); = => !==;
store.writeQuery({ query: GET_JOBS, data });

How to update a double nested value inside an array of multiple documents?

Imagine the following collection of city records:
"city": "London",
"inhabitants": [
"id": "34543534",
"user": {
"name": "Jonathan Deer",
"email": ""
"id": "0454534",
"user": {
"name": "Tanya Patel",
"email": ""
"id": "4345345",
"user": {
"name": "Catherine King",
"email": ""
"city": "Manchester",
"inhabitants": [
"id": "980003",
"user": {
"name": "Benjamin Thaw",
"email": ""
"id": "734488",
"user": {
"name": "Craig Longstone",
"email": ""
"id": "4400093",
"user": {
"name": "Arnold Greentree",
"email": ""
What I'm trying to do is loop through each inhabitants array of each city, and see if any of the people there has an email address containing in it. For those users I want to sent a new flag isBT: true and for everyone else (e.g., users) isBT: false:
"user": {
"name": "Tanya Patel",
"email": ""
"isBT" true
I tried the following queries - first query sets all of them to isBT: false while the second one searches for "" in email address and sets isBT: true:{ "": {$exists: true}}, {$set: { "inhabitants.$.user.isBT": false}}, {multi: true}){ "": {$regex: ""}}, {$set: { "inhabitants.$.user.isBT": true}}, {multi: true})
The problem is that when I execute the second query, there are several inhabitants records that are left with isBT: false even though they contain the necessary "" email address. It almost seems like only the first user record that matches the criteria gets updated... Is there a way to update ALL user records for all "inhabitants" arrays?
I looked at using the positional operator $[], but our DB is on version 2.6.3 but this operator was introduced only in 3.6...
The short answer is "no".
The long answer is "no, because your MongoDB version doesn't support such an operation". You'll need to either...
1. retrieve all matching documents and perform a full array update through server-side processing of the data (e.g. use the MongoDB cursor.forEach()),
2. extend your match for "inhabitants.user.isBT": true (use
$elemMatch) and repeatedly perform the update query until the
number of modified documents is 0 (i.e. there are no more array
elements to update), or
3. update your MongoDB version and any
server-side code that relies on features of the current version that
have changed between 2.6 and 3.6.
Any solution to this problem will require more effort than a single query. There's no getting around it. It's a tough pill to swallow, but there really isn't a nice alternative.

Add new object inside array of objects, inside array of objects in mongodb

Considering the below bad model, as I am totally new to this.
"uid": "some-id",
"database": {
"name": "nameOfDatabase",
"collection": [
"name": "nameOfCollection",
"fields": {
"0": "field_1",
"1": "field_2"
"name": "nameOfAnotherCollection",
"fields": {
"0": "field_1"
I have the collection name (i.e and I have a few fields to add to it or delete from it (there are some already existing ones under database.collection.fields, I want to add new ones or delete exiting ones).
In short how do I update/delete "fields", when I have the database name and the collection name.
I cannot figure out how to use positional operator $ in this context.
Using mongoose update as
Model.update(conditions, updates, options, callback);
I don't know what are correct conditions and correct updates parameters.
So far I have unsuccessfully used the below for model.update
conditions = {
"uid": req.body.uid,
"": "test",
"database.collection":{ $elemMatch:{"name"}}
updates = {
$set: {
"fields": req.body.collection.fields
conditions = {
"uid": req.body.uid,
"": "test",
updates = {
$addToSet: {
"fields": req.body.collection.fields
I tried a lot more but none did work, as I am totally new.
I am getting confused between $push, $set, $addToSet, what to use what not to?, how to?
The original schema is supposed to be as show below, but running queries on it is getting harder n harder.
"uid": "some-id",
"database": [
{ //array of database objects
"name": "nameOfDatabase",
"collection": [ //array of collection objects inside respective databases
"name": "nameOfCollection",
"fields": { //fields inside a this particular collection
"0": "field_1",
"1": "field_2"

MongoDB Array Query Performance

I'm trying to figure out what the best schema is for a dating site like app. User's have a listing (possibly many) and they can view other user listings to 'like' and 'dislike' them.
Currently i'm just storing the other persons listing id in a likedBy and dislikedBy array. When a user 'likes' a listing, it puts their listing id into the 'liked' listings arrays. However I would now like to track the timestamp that a user likes a listing. This would be used for a user's 'history list' or for data analysis.
I would need to do two separate queries:
find all active listings that this user has not liked or disliked before
and for a user's history of 'liked'/'disliked' choices
find all the listings user X has liked in chronological order
My current schema is:
_id: 'sdf3f'
likedBy: ['12ac', 'as3vd', 'sadf3']
dislikedBy: ['asdf', 'sdsdf', 'asdfas']
active: bool
Could I do something like this?
_id: 'sdf3f'
likedBy: [{'12ac', date: Date}, {'ds3d', date: Date}]
dislikedBy: [{'s12ac', date: Date}, {'6fs3d', date: Date}]
active: bool
I was also thinking of making a new collection for choices.
userId // id of current user making the choice
userlistId // listing of the user making the choice
listingChoseId // the listing they chose yes/no
I'm not sure of the performance implications of having these choices in another collection when doing the find all active listings that this user has not liked or disliked before.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
Well you obviously thought it was a good idea to have these embedded in the "listings" documents so your additional usage patterns to the cases presented here worked properly. With that in mind there is no reason to throw that away.
To clarify though, the structure you seem to want is something like this:
"_id": "sdf3f",
"likedBy": [
{ "userId": "12ac", "date": ISODate("2014-04-09T07:30:47.091Z") },
{ "userId": "as3vd", "date": ISODate("2014-04-09T07:30:47.091Z") },
{ "userId": "sadf3", "date": ISODate("2014-04-09T07:30:47.091Z") }
"dislikedBy": [
{ "userId": "asdf", "date": ISODate("2014-04-09T07:30:47.091Z") },
{ "userId": "sdsdf", "date": ISODate("2014-04-09T07:30:47.091Z") },
{ "userId": "asdfas", "date": ISODate("2014-04-09T07:30:47.091Z") }
"active": true
Which is all well and fine except that there is one catch. Because you have this content in two array fields you would not be able to create an index over both of those fields. That is a restriction where only one array type of field (or multikey) can be be included within a compound index.
So to solve the obvious problem with your first query not being able to use an index, you would structure like this instead:
"_id": "sdf3f",
"votes": [
"userId": "12ac",
"type": "like",
"date": ISODate("2014-04-09T07:30:47.091Z")
"userId": "as3vd",
"type": "like",
"date": ISODate("2014-04-09T07:30:47.091Z")
"userId": "sadf3",
"type": "like",
"date": ISODate("2014-04-09T07:30:47.091Z")
"userId": "asdf",
"type": "dislike",
"date": ISODate("2014-04-09T07:30:47.091Z")
"userId": "sdsdf",
"type": "dislike",
"date": ISODate("2014-04-09T07:30:47.091Z")
"userId": "asdfas",
"type": "dislike",
"date": ISODate("2014-04-09T07:30:47.091Z")
"active": true
This allows an index that covers this form:{
"active": 1,
"votes.userId": 1,
"": 1,
"votes.type": 1
Actually you will probably want a few indexes to suit your usage patterns, but the point is now can have indexes you can use.
Covering the first case you have this form of query:{ "active": true, "votes.userId": { "$ne": "12ac" } })
That makes sense considering that you clearly are not going to have both an like and dislike option for each user. By the order of that index, at least active can be used to filter because your negating condition needs to scan everything else. No way around that with any structure.
For the other case you probably want the userId to be in an index before the date and as the first element. Then your query is quite simple:{ "votes.userId": "12ac" })
.sort({ "votes.userId": 1, "": 1 })
But you may be wondering that you suddenly lost something in that getting the count of "likes" and "dislikes" was as easy as testing the size of the array before, but now it's a little different. Not a problem that cannot be solved using aggregate:[
{ "$unwind": "$votes" },
{ "$group": {
"_id": {
"_id": "$_id",
"active": "$active"
"likes": { "$sum": { "$cond": [
{ "$eq": [ "$votes.type", "like" ] },
"dislikes": { "$sum": { "$cond": [
{ "$eq": [ "$votes.type", "dislike" ] },
So whatever your actual usage form you can store any important parts of the document to keep in the grouping _id and then evaluate the count of "likes" and "dislikes" in an easy manner.
You may also not that changing an entry from like to dislike can also be done in a single atomic update.
There is much more you can do, but I would prefer this structure for the reasons as given.
