I want to write a chrome extension that can send emails with attachments.
I have looked around for days and I can't get gmail api working in my chrome extension.
Fundamentally is it possible to send email from a chrome extension? I came across a lot of posts saying I can't do that because I cannot send email from client-side javascript alone. So I need to switch to something like node.js?
However, there are extensions from the Chrome extension webstore that can work with my gmail inbox. (for example this one: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/checker-plus-for-gmail/oeopbcgkkoapgobdbedcemjljbihmemj)
Finally get the email sending going on. Thank you so much!
window.onload = chrome.identity.getAuthToken({ 'interactive': true }, function(token,grantedScopes) {
chrome.storage.local.set({oauth2token: token}, function() {});
var currentSessionAccessToken = token;
var x = new XMLHttpRequest();
x.open('GET','https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v2/userinfo?alt=json&access_token=' + token);
x.onload = function() {
var y = new XMLHttpRequest();
y.open('GET','https://gmail.googleapis.com/gmail/v1/users/me/labels?alt=json&access_token=' + token);
y.onload = function() {
var z = new XMLHttpRequest();
'https://gmail.googleapis.com/gmail/v1/users/me/messages/send?alt=json&access_token=' + token,
{"raw": "the email raw"
z.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer/' + token);
z.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
z.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
z.onload = function() {
JSON.stringify({"raw": "the email raw"}
This is my code trying to get a token from the Spotify API, the "code" value in "dataToSend" is from authentication which works fine, but then I get [Unhandled promise rejection: TypeError: Network request failed] after the POST request (fetch) executes.
var dataToSend = {
code: code,
redirect_uri: makeRedirectUri(),
grant_type: 'authorization_code'};
//making data to send on server
var formBody = [];
for (var key in dataToSend) {
var encodedKey = encodeURIComponent(key);
var encodedValue = encodeURIComponent(dataToSend[key]);
formBody.push(encodedKey + '=' + encodedValue);
formBody = formBody.join('&');
//POST request
var response = await fetch('https://accounts.spotify.com/api/token', {
method: 'POST', //Request Type
body: formBody, //post body
headers: {
//Header Defination
'Authorization': 'Basic ' + (new Buffer(client_id + ':' + client_secret).toString('base64')),
console.log(response.status, "RESPONSE")
return await response.json()
}catch (error){
console.log(error,error.toString(),"code: " + code)
return error.toString()
I tried logging the response status to look for an https code but since this whole thing is inside a try-catch block the code exits before even reaching the console.log. Because of that I'm thinking the issue is something else other than just a bad request because otherwise the fetch request would still go through and the code would continue past the console.log line (I think?).
This same code works on iOS but not Android. I tried running the app on localhost, LAN, Tunnel, and the published version as well (expo published) in case it's something funky with that but nothing seems to work.
I have just tried a lot but I can't find out the solution for that, I am using JSP Servlet Cookie.
Receiving the cookie in chrome browser but can't retrieve it.
This is a code I am using:
var obj={"Username":this.username,"Password":this.passwor};
var link = "http://xxxxxx";
var myData = JSON.stringify(obj);
var aa="data="+myData;
let headname = new Headers({'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'});
let options = new RequestOptions({headers: headname, withCredentials: true});
this.http.post(link, aa, options)
.subscribe(res => {
let headers: Headers = res.headers;
I have Angularjs app connects to a server using API, and i'm using token authentication, when i use Postman to get the token, it works perfect, but when i'm use Angulajs with the same header and parameters i got error:400.
When i checked both requests using Fiddler, i found that the request from Angularjs is missing Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * header.
How to fix this?
Here is the service used to get the token:
AuthenticationApi.Login = function (loginData) {
//POST's Object
var data = "grant_type=password&username=" + loginData.userName + "&password=" + loginData.password;
var deferred = $q.defer();
//the data will be sent the data as string not JSON object.
$http.post('http://localhost:53194/Token', data, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } })
.then(function (response) {
token: response.access_token,
userName: loginData.userName
Authentication.isAuth = true;
Authentication.userName = loginData.userName;
function (err, status) {
return deferred.promise;
for the API server, i'v done CORS:
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
HttpConfiguration config = new HttpConfiguration();
i found the problem and i fixed it.
in the API server, i have this code:
var cors = new EnableCorsAttribute("*", "*", "*");
cors.PreflightMaxAge = 60;
The problem is in the PreflightMaxAge, i just commented it...It worked!!!
if the problem not solved, try to use IE or FireFox, don't use Chrome because it is not CORS enabled
Hi I was following the above link to give post request from angular js to node js. I received the data posted in below format when i give
{ '{"email":"test#test.com","pass":"password"}': '' }
and when i try to get the value as below, it says undefined.
var email = req.body.email;
I am unable to get the value of email and pass. Thank you
change the client side header code to headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
Your Angular code is sending JSON data, but your Express app is parsing it as URL encoded data.
You probably have something like this in your Express app:
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
That last line should be:
You did not well explain the problem , please next time try to post a bigger part of your code so we could understand what you wanted to do / to say .
To answer your question i will copy/paste a part of my code that enable you to receive a post request from your frontend application(angularJS) to your backend application (NodeJS), and another function that enable you to do the inverse send a post request from nodeJS to another application (that might consume it):
1) receive a request send from angularJS or whatever inside your nodeJS app
//Import the necessary libraries/declare the necessary objects
var express = require("express");
var myParser = require("body-parser");
var app = express();
// we will need the following imports for the inverse operation
var https = require('https')
var querystring = require('querystring')
// we need these variables for the post request:
var Vorname ;
var Name ;
var e_mail ;
var Strasse ;
app.use(myParser.urlencoded({extended : true}));
// the post request is send from http://localhost:8080/yourpath
app.post("/yourpath", function(request, response ) {
// test the post request
if (!request.body) return res.sendStatus(400);
// fill the variables with the user data
Vorname =request.body.Vorname;
Name =request.body.Name;
e_mail =request.body.e_mail;
Strasse =request.body.Strasse;
2) Do the inverse send a POST request from a nodeJS application to another application
function sendPostRequest()
// prepare the data that we are going to send to anymotion
var jsonData = querystring.stringify({
"Land": "Land",
"Vorname": "Vorname",
"Name": "Name",
"Strasse": Strasse,
var post_options = {
host: 'achref.gassoumi.de',
port: '443',
method: 'POST',
path: '/api/mAPI',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Content-Length': jsonData.length
// request object
var post_req = https.request(post_options, function(res) {
var result = '';
res.on('data', function (chunk) {
result += chunk;
res.on('end', function () {
// show the result in the console : the thrown result in response of our post request
res.on('error', function (err) {
// show possible error while receiving the result of our post request
post_req.on('error', function (err) {
// show error if the post request is not succeed
// post the data
// ps : I used a https post request , you could use http if you want but you have to change the imported library and some stuffs in the code
So finally , I hope this answer will helps anyone who is looking on how to get a post request in node JS and how to send a Post request from nodeJS application.
For further details about how to receive a post request please read the npm documentation for body-parser library : npm official website documentation
I hope you enjoyed this and Viel spaß(have fun in german language).
I've been struggling with this for a couple hours now and need some help. I've created a simple app that presents the user with a "Login Using Google" button in an angular view that redirects the user to the Google Oauth page. Here's the controller code that calls the login() function when the button is pressed:
angular.module('dashApp').controller('SigninCtrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.login=function() {
var client_id="191641883719-5eu80vgnbci49dg3fk47grs85e0iaf9d.apps.googleusercontent.com";
var scope="email";
var redirect_uri="http://local.host:9000/api/auth/google";
var response_type="code";
var url="https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?scope="+scope+"&client_id="+client_id+"&redirect_uri="+redirect_uri+
The redirect URI set in my google project redirects to a server page to this server page:
'use strict';
var _ = require('lodash');
var request = require('request');
var qs = require('querystring');
var fs = require('fs');
// Get list of auths
exports.google_get = function (req,res){
var code = req.query.code,
error = req.query.error;
//make https post request to google for auth token
var token_request = qs.stringify({
grant_type: "authorization_code",
code: code,
client_id: "191641883719-5eu80vgnbci49dg3fk47grs85e0iaf9d.apps.googleusercontent.com",
client_secret: process.env.GOOGLE_SECRET,
redirect_uri: "http://local.host:9000/api/auth/google"
var request_length = token_request.length;
var headers = {
'Content-length': request_length,
var options = {
method: 'POST',
headers: headers,
request.post(options,function(error, response, body){
I'm able to exchange the code returned by google for an auth token object successfully and log it to the terminal. I've been told that I should set a cookie using:
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
Followed by a controller on the page I'm directing the user to that validates the session.
What am I doing wrong?
Since you have already done the hard work so there is no point talking about passport.js which is actually written to simplify these kind of social login authentication.
So let's come directly to session implementaion logic.
You need to set the following header in your app.js/server.js :
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST');
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'X-Requested-With,content-type, Authorization');
Let's say you are returning this token after successful login :
name : "some name",
role : "some role",
info : "some info"
You can have a client side function in your angular service or controller :
var loginResource = new LoginResource(); //Angular Resource
loginResource.email = user.email;
loginResource.password = user.password;
if(typeof result !== 'undefined'){
$localStorage.token = result.token;
$rootScope.currentUser = result.data;
LoginResource calls your REST endpoint which returns auth token.
You can store your auth token in localStorage and cookieStore.
localStorage makes sure that we are having the token saved even when user has closed the browser session.
If he clears the localStorage and cookieStorage both then log him out as you don't have any valid token to authorize user.
This is the same logic which i am using here. If you need more help then let me know.