how computer pass data inside in micro-view? - database

In programming, data might be pass on value or reference. Basically is the change of the memory address.
But inside the computer, how the memory address is changed when there is a command is ordered?


Address of environment variable changes on program call [duplicate]

int i=10;
printf("Address of i = %u",&i);
Address if i = 3220204848
Output on re-execution:
Address of i = 3216532594
I get a new address of i each time I execute the program. What does this signify?
It signifies that your program is being loaded a different (virtual) address each time you run it. This is a feature called Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) and is a feature of most modern operating systems.
That's how operating systems work. When you declare a variable, you're asking the underlying systems to allocate a memory block (address) to store that data (or a pointer to another block if you're dealing with pointers, but here you've got a primitive, so it's just data being stored). The program doesn't care where the memory is, just that it exists, because it knows how to keep track of whatever it's given.
As the programmer, this really isn't that big of a deal unless you're doing some incredibly low-level work. The hardest part of this to really grasp, for most people, is that when you work with pointers, you can't equate things the same way you can primitives, because pointers consider their values (when using == as an equator) to be their memory addresses.
Disable ASLR using:
echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space
You will always see the same address.
At the time of c program execution another processes are running.While executing a code again you will allocate new address previously allocated address will be allocate for another process.

Are a functions local variables always stored in the same set of memory locations every time it executes?

I'm assuming no but not positive. Not sure If other variables can take up the same spot in the stack.
No. A function's local variables are not always at the same address.
Consider a recursive function. If the local variables were supposed to be in the same place, all their values would have to be copied in and out each time you went in and out of recursion.
The normal way of doing it is that each function call has a "block" on the stack. If you call the same function twice in a row the local variable addresses will probably be the same. If you call it recursively the second call will be in a different area of stack and so the local variable addresses will be different.
The compiler will generate code to assign memory addresses based on a "stack pointer" address + offset. So, the actual physical address for each local will vary on each invocation of the function. The offset may well be the same each time because the compiler code gen logic will be the same. The stack pointer address is likely to be different based on what else gets executed before the next invocation of the function.

Why Use Pointers in C?

I'm still wondering why in C you can't simply set something to be another thing using plain variables. A variable itself is a pointer to data, is it not? So why make pointers point to the data in the variable when you can simply use the original variable? Is it to access specific bits (or bytes, I guess) of data within said variable?
I'm sure it's logical, however I have never fully grasped the concept and when reading code seeing *pointers always throws me off.
One common place where pointers are helpful is when you are writing functions. Functions take their arguments 'by value', which means that they get a copy of what is passed in and if a function assigns a new value to one of its arguments that will not affect the caller. This means that you couldn't write a "doubling" function like this:
void doubling(int x)
x = x * 2;
This makes sense because otherwise what would the program do if you called doubling like this:
Pointers provide a tool for solving this problem because they let you write functions that take the address of a variable, for example:
void doubling2(int *x)
(*x) = (*x) * 2;
The function above takes the address of an integer as its argument. The one line in the function body dereferences that address twice: on the left-hand side of the equal sign we are storing into that address and on the right-hand side we are getting the integer value from that address and then multiply it by 2. The end result is that the value found at that address is now doubled.
As an aside, when we want to call this new function we can't pass in a literal value (e.g. doubling2(5)) as it won't compile because we are not properly giving the function an address. One way to give it an address would look like this:
int a = 5;
The end result of this would be that our variable a would contain 10.
A variable itself is a pointer to data
No, it is not. A variable represents an object, an lvalue. The concept of lvalue is fundamentally different from the concept of a pointer. You seem to be mixing the two.
In C it is not possible to "rebind" an lvalue to make it "point" to a different location in memory. The binding between lvalues and their memory locations is determined and fixed at compile time. It is not always 100% specific (e.g. absolute location of a local variable is not known at compile time), but it is sufficiently specific to make it non-user-adjustable at run time.
The whole idea of a pointer is that its value is generally determined at run time and can be made to point to different memory locations at run time.
No, a variable is not a pointer to data. If you declare two integers with int x, y;, then there is no way to make x and y refer to the same thing; they are separate.
Whenever you read or write from a variable, your computer has to somehow determine the exact location of that variable in your computer's memory. Your computer will look at the code you wrote and use that to determine where the variable is. A pointer can represent the situation where the location is not known at the time when you compile your code; the exact address is only computed later when you actually run your code.
If you weren't allowed to use pointers or arrays, every line of code you write would have to access specific variables that are known at compile time. You couldn't write a general piece of code that reads and writes from different places in memory that are specified by the caller.
Note: You can also use arrays with a variable index to access variables whose location is not known at compile time, but arrays are mostly just syntactical sugar for pointers. You can think about all array operations in terms of pointer operations instead. Arrays are not as flexible as pointers.
Another caveat: As AnT points out, the location of local variables is usually on the stack, so they are a type of variable where the location isn't known at compile time. But the only reason that the stack works for storing local variables in a reentrant function is that your compiler implements hidden pointers called the stack pointer and/or frame pointer, and functions use these pointers to find out which part of memory holds their arguments and local variables. Pointers are so useful that the compiler actually uses them behind your back without telling you.
Another reason: C was designed to build operating systems and lots of low level code that deals with hardware. Every piece of hardware exposes its interface by means of registers, and on nearly all architectures, registers are mapped into the CPU memory space, and they have not to be in the same address always (thanks to jumper settings, PnP, autoconfig, and so on)
So the OS writer, while writing a driver for instance, needs a way to deal with what seems memory locations, only that they don't refer RAM cells.
Pointers serve to this purpose by allowing the OS writer to specify what memory location he or she wants to access to.

how to get a fixed address of the variable using microsoft visual c++ ide?

I must declare some global variables which have to be stored every time the program runs at the same memory address.
for example :
int a[10];
If I run this program multiple times in visual studio then the address of array a keeps on changing. How to get the fixed RAM address ?
you can't really get a fixed RAM address (see virtual memory), what you can do is declare the variable as static, which will give you a constant virtual address.
There are two mechanisms which prevent what you try to do here.
Virtual memory
Address randomization
With address randomization the image would be loaded at different addresses every time.
If you really mean a hardware RAM address, then you need to do this from kernel space anyway as you don't know which physcial address a page get assigned to.
If you declare a global variable it will always have the same offset when the program is loaded as long as you don't change the program. If this is enough, then you can use this registryx setting to disable address randomization
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\MoveImages
However, this would obviously only work on machines where you change this setting. Also if you recompile the program, then your memory layout may change and the variable may have a different address.
The question of course is, what you want to achieve with this?

assigning a value to the address

I tried the below program to make the pointer to point to a particular address and to store a value in that address.When i make the pointer to contain the value for the assigned address i'm getting a run time error asking me to close the program.
Is it not possible to assign a value to the address 0x6778.why is it so? In what situations does this needed? Please help me understand.
int *p=(int*)0x6778;
printf("The address is:%x",p);
When tried to do *p=1000 i am getting the error.
There are many reasons why this could give you an error:
The address 0x6778 might not be part of this process's virtual memory -- it might not really "exist". You could read more about virtual memory, but basically addresses don't refer directly to physical bytes -- they have to be translated in a table, and that table might not have an entry for your address.
If it is mapped, it might be on a read-only page
If it's mapped and writable, it might corrupt some other part of your program, causing a segfault soon after.
In general, you probably can't write to an arbitrary address in a user-level application. Of course, if you're running a kernel or embedded system, ignore this answer, as it totally does not apply ;-)
That address is likely not in your process's address space, so your program receives an exception from the operating system when you try to access it. You shouldn't be trying to use specific memory locations to store things... rather, use malloc for dynamic allocation, or put things on the stack.
int *p=(int*)0x6778;
To do this, the address location 0x6778 should be a valid address location in first place.
An Address space gets allocated to every process, Your program runs in an particular process, If an program tries to access an address location beyond its address space then it will crash. Seems that is happening in your case.
Unless, you are sure that an virtual address location is valid for use by your program DO NOT access the address locations explicitly, let the compiler put the types in address space allocated to your process and return it back to you. To do that, the simplest way is to just make use of local variables with automatic storage or use malloc for dynamic allocations.
