Can't resolve 'react-motion' - reactjs

I am having troubles on runnning a code online, it's the sliding image puzzle from this link: and here is the github from the video's description:
If I type in npm start, it shows
this error on the local host.
After running it on the VS Code, it shows
this error that says \node_modules\react-motion doesn't exist.
Whenever I try npm install --save react-motion , it shows
this error on the Visual Studio Code.
Please help me this is for my project thank you!

The reason is because the library doesn’t support react 17 yet.
Try by reinstalling your modules from scratch with the following:
rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json; npm i; npm i react-motion
If that doesn’t work, you’ll need to force the installation:
npm i react-motion —-legacy-peer-deps
If the library still have problems, you’ll then need to downgrade react to version 16 instead of 17 to make it work.
Last but not least, if you don’t want to downgrade, you can try to do the same by using yarn instead of npm


Why there occurs an error while I tried to install packages using npm

I am working in react js . While installing packages I got the following error as shown in the image. I tried many ways but nothing becomes right. How can I solve this issue?IMAGE OF ERROR
you havn't installed python yet
So install python !
Still problem persist then try
npm cache clean --force

Encounter errors when create react project

When I try to run npm create-react-app <name>, I encounter error reports. I've tried updating my node.js/npm and several other things and just don't work.
as you see in the error message, you have to install the last version of Visual Studio, take a look at node-gyp README, there is a guide to install and configure the dependencies.
suggest: use the npx to initialize a new react project with CRA, this way you will install the latest version each time.

Installing Gatsby plugins breaks entire app

Whenever I install any gatsby plugins or typography files, and then attempt to run gatsby develop, I am thrown an error sying that 'react' can't be found. Example:
I create a new gatsby site using gatsby new example-site
I install the gatsby-plugin-sass using npm install --save node-sass gatsby-plugin-sass
I follow the instructions on the plugin page, adding the plugin to my gatsby-config.js file.
When I now attempt to run gatsby develop I receive the following errors:
There was a problem loading the local develop command. Gatsby may not be installed. Perhaps you need to run "npm install"? Cannot find module 'react'
Error: Cannot find module 'react'
As well as a list of files that the errors are being thrown in, most of them in internal files.
Clearly I have the Gatsby-cli installed, as well as react. I'm also receiving a ton of warnings about deprecated related to core-js and optional dependencies not being installed.
In my research, I have found people saying that using yarn instead of npm solves the issue, but with Gatsby being as large of a project as it is, and with the documentation itself saying to use npm, that doesn't seem like a solution but rather a work around. Is there any other info on this that I just can't seem to find?
I reprodued your error, and after looking around I found several issues on the Gatsby GitHub repo with the same behavior.
It seems that this is a problem with npm itself, which is why the community is increasingly switching to yarn.
If you'd like to stick with npm, the solution is to clear your node_modules and package-lock.json, then reinstall your dependencies (source):
rm -rf node_modules/ package-lock.json
npm install

error while trying to install react-native -floating-action

when I'm trying to install some package
I'm running the
npm i react-native-floating-action --save
and when I run react-native link
i get this error:
PS C:\Projects\projectname> react-native link
rnpm-install info Linking assets to ios project
rnpm-install ERR! Something went wrong while linking. Error: Cannot read property 'pbxprojPath' of null
Please file an issue here:
Cannot read property 'pbxprojPath' of null
TypeError: Cannot read property 'pbxprojPath' of null
at Object.linkAssetsIOS [as copyAssets] (C:\Projects\projectname\node_modules\react-native\local-cli\link\ios\copyAssets.js:24:41)
at C:\Projects\projectname\node_modules\react-native\local-cli\link\link.js:104:12
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at linkAssets (C:\Projects\projectname\node_modules\react-native\local-cli\link\link.js:94:28)
at C:\Projects\projectname\node_modules\react-native\local-cli\link\link.js:171:30
these are my versions:
react-native-cli: 2.0.1
react-native: 0.57.1
npm --version
expo --version
Expo does not support linked binaries. If you require linked binaries, you must first Eject from Expo to ExpoKit or initialize your project using react-native init MyProjName
If you know that you'll eventually need to include your own native code, Expo is still a good way to get started. In that case you'll just need to "eject" eventually to create your own native builds. If you do eject, the "Building Projects with Native Code" instructions will be required to continue working on your project.
This worked for me:
npm update
react-native link
Eventually, I found the problem,
I needed to run react-native upgrade, and had a different version of react-native in the package.json from the node_modules
writing ^0.57.8 (current react-native version) on the packge.json:
"react-native": "^0.57.8",
running npm install
setting a name for the project in the package.json:
and running
react-native upgrade
react-native link
everything was ok
seems to me that it's always a matter of versions with react-native errors

"npm start" command suddenly stopped working with "create-react-app" project folders with both old and newly created projects

I've been using create-react-app to make some projects in react and also for practicing, and usually the way to run the project is to use the command npm start from the root directory of that project in the terminal. This has since stopped working for both my old projects which I haven't touched or completely new ones, and followed the exact instructions given by the error already to no effect.
An image of the error, the very top of the terminal is immediately after the npm start command:
I have been googling this over the past two days and I simply can't figure it out. I'm hoping someone with better knowledge would know the root of why npm start has stopped working. Please keep in mind that I already tried the suggestions provided by the error in the terminal.
What's really mind boggling is I haven't changed pcs or done any editing in the old projects such as the one in the picture above, re-installed a bunch of stuff I thought might have been causing issues like npm or babel but they simply don't launch anymore.
Also almost forgot the error log, which has been even more confusing to figure out or google:
You have problem with your dependencies. Please run
npm i
inside project directory.
As your console shows, you can try
remove your node_modules directory
delete file package-lock
I suggest clean npm cache (npm cache clean -f)
and reinstall node_modules using
npm i
There are many reasons to cause this problem.Some suggestions here:
1.uninstall babel-loader and create-react-app globally
npm uninstall -g babel-loader
npm install -g create-react-app
2.remove the error package
rm -rf ~/node_modules/babel-loader
3.stop all the command then clean up the cache of npm
