OAMulator (print highest score of 7) - loops

I am trying to write a program in OAMulator that is reflective of this Pseudo-code.
Set highest to 0
Set count to 7
While count > 0
Get newScore
Print newScore
If newScore > highest
Set highest to newScore
Set count to count - 1
Print highest
This is what I've come up with. We have to use 7 scores and get the highest and print only the highest score. We also have to use a count loop. I entered 0 as a control to start the inputs along with 7 other scores. TO BE CLEAR I AM NOT LOOKING FOR THE AWNSER OR SOLUTION. i am looking to learn why this isnt working and how to make a count loop work with a higherthan loop.
Then I wrote the code as best as I could, but the issue I run into is the count and new score run off the Accumulator. I tried writing another loop to change it but then the two loops don't always run and the count gets messed up or the scores don't get tallied right.
SET 7 #set count to 7
count, STA 100 #store count to slot 100
loopstart, LDA 0 #start loop, load 0
STA 101 #store 0 in slot 101
LDA 0 #load 60
STA 102 #store in slot 102
LDA 101 #load 60
SUB 102 #subract 70
BRP loopstart #if pos then loop, if not go on.
LDA 100 #load count
DEC # count -1
BRP count #if count <0 loop to count
print, STA 102 #print highest
here is the trace and memory
0: PC=1 IR=[?????] AR=? ACC=? B=?
1: PC=2 IR=[SET 7] AR=1 ACC=7 B=?
2: PC=3 IR=[STA 100] AR=100 ACC=7 B=?
3: PC=4 IR=[LDA 0] AR=0 ACC=0 B=?
4: PC=5 IR=[STA 101] AR=101 ACC=0 B=?
5: PC=6 IR=[LDA 0] AR=0 ACC=60 B=?
6: PC=7 IR=[STA 102] AR=102 ACC=60 B=?
7: PC=8 IR=[LDA 101] AR=101 ACC=0 B=?
8: PC=9 IR=[SUB 102] AR=102 ACC=-60 B=60
9: PC=10 IR=[BRP 3] AR=9 ACC=-60 B=60
10: PC=11 IR=[LDA 100] AR=100 ACC=7 B=60
11: PC=12 IR=[DEC] AR=11 ACC=6 B=60
12: PC=2 IR=[BRP 2] AR=12 ACC=6 B=60
13: PC=3 IR=[STA 100] AR=100 ACC=6 B=60
14: PC=4 IR=[LDA 0] AR=0 ACC=70 B=60
15: PC=5 IR=[STA 101] AR=101 ACC=70 B=60
16: PC=6 IR=[LDA 0] AR=0 ACC=80 B=60
17: PC=7 IR=[STA 102] AR=102 ACC=80 B=60
18: PC=8 IR=[LDA 101] AR=101 ACC=70 B=60
19: PC=9 IR=[SUB 102] AR=102 ACC=-10 B=80
20: PC=10 IR=[BRP 3] AR=9 ACC=-10 B=80
21: PC=11 IR=[LDA 100] AR=100 ACC=6 B=80
22: PC=12 IR=[DEC] AR=11 ACC=5 B=80
23: PC=2 IR=[BRP 2] AR=12 ACC=5 B=80
24: PC=3 IR=[STA 100] AR=100 ACC=5 B=80
25: PC=4 IR=[LDA 0] AR=0 ACC=90 B=80
26: PC=5 IR=[STA 101] AR=101 ACC=90 B=80
27: PC=6 IR=[LDA 0] AR=0 ACC=83 B=80
28: PC=7 IR=[STA 102] AR=102 ACC=83 B=80
29: PC=8 IR=[LDA 101] AR=101 ACC=90 B=80
30: PC=9 IR=[SUB 102] AR=102 ACC=7 B=83
31: PC=3 IR=[BRP 3] AR=9 ACC=7 B=83
32: PC=4 IR=[LDA 0] AR=0 ACC=76 B=83
33: PC=5 IR=[STA 101] AR=101 ACC=76 B=83
34: PC=6 IR=[LDA 0] AR=0 ACC=95 B=83
35: PC=7 IR=[STA 102] AR=102 ACC=95 B=83
36: PC=8 IR=[LDA 101] AR=101 ACC=76 B=83
37: PC=9 IR=[SUB 102] AR=102 ACC=-19 B=95
38: PC=10 IR=[BRP 3] AR=9 ACC=-19 B=95
39: PC=11 IR=[LDA 100] AR=100 ACC=5 B=95
40: PC=12 IR=[DEC] AR=11 ACC=4 B=95
41: PC=2 IR=[BRP 2] AR=12 ACC=4 B=95
42: PC=3 IR=[STA 100] AR=100 ACC=4 B=95
Error: Attempt to read missing input
43: PC=4 IR=[LDA 0] AR=0 ACC=? B=95
Abort: 43 instructions executed.
1. SET 7
2. STA 100
3. LDA 0
4. STA 101
5. LDA 0
6. STA 102
7. LDA 101
8. SUB 102
9. BRP 3
10. LDA 100
11. DEC
12. BRP 2
13. STA 102
14. HLT
100. 4
101. 76
102. 95

I figured it out. It took me hours. almost days.
SET 8 #set count to 8
STA 100 #store in slot 100
STA 102 #slot 0 as highest
loopstart, LDA 100 #Load count
DEC #count -1
BRZ print # if count is 0 print
STA 100 # if count is more than 1 store
LDA 0 #load ACC
STA 101 #store ACC in 101
LDA 101 #load Number
SUB 102 #subract highest
BRP while
BR loopstart
print, LDA 102
while, LDA 101
STA 102 #if ACC is positive store as highest
BR loopstart
There doesn't seem to be much help on the internet for OAM assembly language so i posted the answer for others in the future.


Splitting a large matrix

I'm using Julia to ingest a large two dimensional data array (data) of size 1000 x 32768; I need to break up the array into smaller square arrays along both dimensions. For instance, I would like to break data into a grid of smaller, square arrays similar to the following image:
Note that no pixels get left out -- when another square cannot be fit in along either axis, the last possible array of square pixels is returned as another array (hence the shifted pink squares on the right hand side).
Currently, I'm doing this through a function I built to decimate the raw dataset:
function decimate_square(data,fraction=4)
# Read size of input data / calculate length of square side
sy,sx = size(data)
square_side = Int(round(sy/fraction))
# Number of achievable full squares
itersx,itersy = [Int(floor(s/square_side)) for s in [sx,sy]]
# Find left/right X values
for ix in 1:itersx
if ix!=itersx
# Full sliding square can be calculated
left = square_side*(ix-1) + 1
right = square_side*(ix)
# Capture last square of data
left = sx-square_side + 1
right = sx
# Find top/bottom Y values for each X
for iy in 1:itersy
if iy!=itersy
# Full sliding square can be calculated
top = square_side*(iy-1) + 1
bottom = square_side*(iy)
# Capture last square of data
top = sy-square_side + 1
bottom = sy
# Record data in 3d stack
cursquare = data[top:bottom,left:right]
if (ix==1)&&(iy==1); global dstack=cursquare
else; dstack=cat(dstack,cursquare,dims=3)
return dstack
Which currently takes ~20 seconds to run:
rand_arr = rand(1000,32768)
t1 = Dates.now()
dec_arr = decimate_square(rand_arr)
t2 = Dates.now()
[ Info: 19666 milliseconds
This is the biggest bottleneck of my analysis. Is there a pre-built function that I can use, or is there a more efficient way to decimate my array?
You can take views as Przemyslaw Szufel suggests, and the CartesianIndex type comes in handy for selecting blocks of the matrix.
julia> function squareviews(data, fraction = 4)
squareside = floor(Int, size(data, 1) / fraction)
[#view(M[CartesianIndex(ix-squareside+1, iy-squareside+1):CartesianIndex(ix, iy)])
for ix in squareside:squareside:size(data, 1),
iy in squareside:squareside:size(data, 2)]
squareviews (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> result = squareviews(M)
4×40 Matrix{SubArray{Int64, 2, Matrix{Int64}, Tuple{UnitRange{Int64}, UnitRange{Int64}}, false}}:
[346 392 … 746 429; 380 193 … 476 757; … ; 424 329 … 285 427; 591 792 … 710 891] … [758 916 … 7 185; 26 846 … 631 808; … ; 945 713 … 875 137; 793 655 … 400 322]
[55 919 … 402 728; 292 238 … 266 636; … ; 62 490 … 913 126; 293 475 … 492 20] [53 8 … 146 365; 216 673 … 157 909; … ; 955 635 … 332 945; 354 913 … 922 272]
[278 966 … 128 334; 700 560 … 226 701; … ; 529 398 … 17 674; 237 830 … 4 788] [239 274 … 983 911; 591 669 … 762 675; … ; 213 949 … 917 903; 336 890 … 633 578]
[723 483 … 135 283; 729 579 … 1000 942; … ; 987 383 … 764 544; 682 942 … 376 179] [370 859 … 444 566; 34 106 … 320 161; … ; 310 41 … 868 349; 719 341 … 718 800]
This divides the data matrix into blocks such that result[2, 3] gives the square that is 2nd from the top and 3rd from the left. (My matrix M was 100x1000 in size, so there are 100/25 = 4 blocks vertically and 1000/25 = 40 blocks horizontally.)
If you want the results linearly like in your original function, you can instead have the second line of the function be:
julia> function squareviews(data, fraction = 4)
squareside = floor(Int, size(data, 1) / fraction)
[#view(M[CartesianIndex(ix-squareside+1, iy-squareside+1):CartesianIndex(ix, iy)])
for iy in squareside:squareside:size(data, 2)
for ix in squareside:squareside:size(data, 1)]
squareviews (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> squareviews(M)
160-element Vector{SubArray{Int64, 2, Matrix{Int64}, Tuple{UnitRange{Int64}, UnitRange{Int64}}, false}}:
(Note the subtle changes in the for syntax - the iy comes before ix here, there's no comma, and there's an extra for.)
This returns a vector of square matrices (views).
Your original function returned a three-dimensional matrix, in which you'd access values as originalresult[i, j, k]. Here, the equivalent would be result[k][i, j].
There's a lot of stuff going on in your code with is not recommended and making things slow. Here's a somewhat idiomatic solution, with the additional bonus of generalizing to arbitrary ranks:
julia> function square_indices(data; fraction=4)
splits = cld.(size(data), fraction)
return Iterators.map(CartesianIndices, Iterators.product(Iterators.partition.(axes(data), splits)...))
square_indices (generic function with 1 method)
The result of this is an iterator over CartesianIndices, which are objects that you can use to index your squares. Either the regular data[ix], or view(data, ix), which does not create a copy. (Different fractions per dimension are possible, try test_square_indices(println, 4, 4, 4; fraction=(2, 1, 1)).)
And to see whether it works as expected:
julia> function test_square_indices(f, s...; fraction=4)
arr = reshape(1:prod(s), s...)
for ix in square_indices(arr; fraction)
f(view(arr, ix))
test_square_indices (generic function with 1 method)
julia> # just try this on some moderatly costly function
#btime test_square_indices(v -> inv.(v), 1000, 32768)
81.980 ms (139 allocations: 250.01 MiB)
julia> test_square_indices(println, 9)
[1, 2, 3]
[4, 5, 6]
[7, 8, 9]
julia> test_square_indices(println, 9, 5)
[1 10; 2 11; 3 12]
[4 13; 5 14; 6 15]
[7 16; 8 17; 9 18]
[19 28; 20 29; 21 30]
[22 31; 23 32; 24 33]
[25 34; 26 35; 27 36]
[37; 38; 39;;]
[40; 41; 42;;]
[43; 44; 45;;]
julia> reshape(1:9*5, 9, 5)
9×5 reshape(::UnitRange{Int64}, 9, 5) with eltype Int64:
1 10 19 28 37
2 11 20 29 38
3 12 21 30 39
4 13 22 31 40
5 14 23 32 41
6 15 24 33 42
7 16 25 34 43
8 17 26 35 44
9 18 27 36 45
julia> test_square_indices(println, 4, 4, 4; fraction=2)
[1 5; 2 6;;; 17 21; 18 22]
[3 7; 4 8;;; 19 23; 20 24]
[9 13; 10 14;;; 25 29; 26 30]
[11 15; 12 16;;; 27 31; 28 32]
[33 37; 34 38;;; 49 53; 50 54]
[35 39; 36 40;;; 51 55; 52 56]
[41 45; 42 46;;; 57 61; 58 62]
[43 47; 44 48;;; 59 63; 60 64]
julia> reshape(1:4*4*4, 4, 4, 4)
4×4×4 reshape(::UnitRange{Int64}, 4, 4, 4) with eltype Int64:
[:, :, 1] =
1 5 9 13
2 6 10 14
3 7 11 15
4 8 12 16
[:, :, 2] =
17 21 25 29
18 22 26 30
19 23 27 31
20 24 28 32
[:, :, 3] =
33 37 41 45
34 38 42 46
35 39 43 47
36 40 44 48
[:, :, 4] =
49 53 57 61
50 54 58 62
51 55 59 63
52 56 60 64
Here's a bit of an illustration of how this works:
julia> data = reshape(1:9*5, 9, 5); fraction = 3;
julia> size(data)
(9, 5)
julia> # chunk sizes
splits = cld.(size(data), fraction)
(3, 2)
julia> # every dimension chunked
Iterators.partition.(axes(data), splits) .|> collect
(UnitRange{Int64}[1:3, 4:6, 7:9], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 3:4, 5:5])
julia> # cross product of all chunks
Iterators.product(Iterators.partition.(axes(data), splits)...) .|> collect
3×3 Matrix{Vector{UnitRange{Int64}}}:
[1:3, 1:2] [1:3, 3:4] [1:3, 5:5]
[4:6, 1:2] [4:6, 3:4] [4:6, 5:5]
[7:9, 1:2] [7:9, 3:4] [7:9, 5:5]
You could just go with views. Suppose you want to slice your data into 64 matrices, each having size 1000 x 512. In that case you could do:
dats = view.(Ref(rand_arr),Ref(1:1000), [range(1+(i-1)*512,i*512) for i in 1:64])
The time for this on my machine is 600 nanoseconds:
julia> #btime view.(Ref($rand_arr),Ref(1:1000), [range(1+(i-1)*512,i*512) for i in 1:64]);
595.604 ns (3 allocations: 4.70 KiB)

BASH remove leading and trailing spaces in array

I've got data coming from mysql and some values have leading or trailing spaces.
This is the code I have:
IFS=$':' res=(${vals//$'\t'/:})
for (( i=0 ; i<${#res[#]} ; i++ )); do
echo "$i: ${res[i]}*"
is there a simple effective way to ensure there are no leading or trailing space in res[i] ?
This is the result of my MYSQL query before it goes through IFS.
ZnbMF0 9RrO7 1 SiteA password password 12 1234 1234 456 456 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 test#domain.com test user 5 2222 0 0 0 0 server address 0 0 test#domain.com 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NULL
In MySQL the email addresses have leading and trailing spaces.
Processing through IFS and then Looping though it as :
for (( i=0 ; i<${#res[#]} ; i++ )); do
echo "$i: ${res[i]}*"
Results in:
0: ZnbMFO*
1: 9RrO7*
2: 1*
3: SiteA*
4: password*
5: password*
6: 12*
7: 1234*
8: 1234*
9: 456*
10: 456*
11: 0*
12: 0*
13: 0*
14: 0*
15: 0 *
16: 0*
17: 0*
18: 0*
19: test#domain.com *
20: test*
21: user*
22: 5*
23: 2222 *
24: 0*
25: 0 *
26: 0*
27: 0*
28: server*
29: address*
30: 0*
31: 0*
32: test#domain.com *
33: 0*
34: 0*
35: 0*
36: 0*
37: 0*
38: 0*
39: 0 *
40: 0*
41: 0*
42: 0*
43: 0 *
44: 0*
45: 0*
46: NULL*
The * is there just to highlight the trailing space.
Let's say you have an array as this one:
arr=('foo bar' 'test#domain.com ' \
' test#domain.com ' ' test#domain.com ')
To check array content using printf:
printf '[%s]\n' "${arr[#]}"
This will show:
[foo bar]
[test#domain.com ]
[ test#domain.com ]
[ test#domain.com ]
Now for leading and trailing space removal:
shopt -s extglob # turn on extended glob
arr=( "${arr[#]/#+([[:blank:]])/}" ) # remove leading space/tab from each element
arr=( "${arr[#]/%+([[:blank:]])/}" ) # remove trailing space/tab from each element
Now if you print array again:
printf '[%s]\n' "${arr[#]}"
It will show:
[foo bar]
Not sure if you would call it simple, but you can use sed:
echo "${res[i]}" | sed 's/^ *\| *$//g'
vals=$' a \t c d'
IFS=$':' res=(${vals//$'\t'/:})
for (( i=0 ; i<${#res[#]} ; i++ )); do
echo X${res[i]}X
res[$i]=$(echo "${res[i]}" | sed 's/^ *\| *$//g')
echo X${res[i]}X
X a X
X c dX
Xc dX

C Array acting strange when it pass the number of arguments

I was implementing Command-line arguments with C , And I shocked when the Arguments Array start acting strange when it passes the number of the argument given. here is the code :
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int a, char *arra[]){
for(int i = 1;i<a;i++){
printf("Arguments N%d -> %s\n",i+1,arra[i]);
printf("Totale Arguments:%d\n",a-1);
for(int i = 0;i<=49 ;i++){
printf("%d: -> %s\n--------------------------------------
return 0;
My question is how did the array have access to the Linux Terminal variable like the Path variable PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
And the Output was like :
0: -> ./list
1: -> hi
2: -> 234
3: -> hello
4: -> (null)
5: -> LS_COLORS=rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:mi=00:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=30;41:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arc=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lha=01;31:*.lz4=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.lzma=01;31:*.tlz=01;31:*.txz=01;31:*.tzo=01;31:*.t7z=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.Z=01;31:*.dz=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.lrz=01;31:*.lz=01;31:*.lzo=01;31:*.xz=01;31:*.zst=01;31:*.tzst=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.bz=01;31:*.tbz=01;31:*.tbz2=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.war=01;31:*.ear=01;31:*.sar=01;31:*.rar=01;31:*.alz=01;31:*.ace=01;31:*.zoo=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.7z=01;31:*.rz=01;31:*.cab=01;31:*.wim=01;31:*.swm=01;31:*.dwm=01;31:*.esd=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.mjpg=01;35:*.mjpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.svg=01;35:*.svgz=01;35:*.mng=01;35:*.pcx=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.m2v=01;35:*.mkv=01;35:*.webm=01;35:*.ogm=01;35:*.mp4=01;35:*.m4v=01;35:*.mp4v=01;35:*.vob=01;35:*.qt=01;35:*.nuv=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.asf=01;35:*.rm=01;35:*.rmvb=01;35:*.flc=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.flv=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.yuv=01;35:*.cgm=01;35:*.emf=01;35:*.ogv=01;35:*.ogx=01;35:*.aac=00;36:*.au=00;36:*.flac=00;36:*.m4a=00;36:*.mid=00;36:*.midi=00;36:*.mka=00;36:*.mp3=00;36:*.mpc=00;36:*.ogg=00;36:*.ra=00;36:*.wav=00;36:*.oga=00;36:*.opus=00;36:*.spx=00;36:*.xspf=00;36:
6: -> XDG_MENU_PREFIX=gnome-
7: -> LANG=en_US.UTF-8
8: -> GDM_LANG=en_US.UTF-8
9: -> DISPLAY=:1
10: -> COLORTERM=truecolor
11: -> USERNAME=root
12: -> XDG_VTNR=2
13: -> SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/run/user/0/keyring/ssh
15: -> USER=root
16: -> DESKTOP_SESSION=gnome
17: -> GNOME_TERMINAL_SCREEN=/org/gnome/Terminal/screen/bbdf3fc7_241a_437d_86d0_982594cbb92d
18: -> PWD=/root/Documents/Programming/c
19: -> HOME=/root
20: -> SSH_AGENT_PID=1581
23: -> XDG_DATA_DIRS=/usr/share/gnome:/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/
25: -> GJS_DEBUG_OUTPUT=stderr
26: -> GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge
28: -> TERM=xterm-256color
29: -> SHELL=/bin/bash
30: -> VTE_VERSION=5202
32: -> GPG_AGENT_INFO=/run/user/0/gnupg/S.gpg-agent:0:1
34: -> SHLVL=1
35: -> XDG_SEAT=seat0
36: -> GDMSESSION=gnome
37: -> GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID=this-is-deprecated
38: -> LOGNAME=root
39: -> DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/0/bus
40: -> XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/0
41: -> XAUTHORITY=/run/user/0/gdm/Xauthority
42: -> PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
44: -> SESSION_MANAGER=local/FXMACO:#/tmp/.ICE-unix/1529,unix/FXMACO:/tmp/.ICE-unix/1529
45: -> _=./list
46: -> OLDPWD=/root/Documents/Books
47: -> (null)
Segmentation fault
for(int i = 0;i<=49 ;i++){
as we see here your argument list is shorter than 50 elements
It is good to use standard names and to take into the account number of arguments passed (that is the reason of the argc)
int main(int argc char *argv[])
for(int i = 0;i < argc ;i++){

creating an array of arrays in perl and deleting from the array

I'm writing this to avoid a O(n!) time complexity but I only have pseudocode right now because there are some things I'm unsure about implementing.
This is the format of the file that I want to pass into this script. The data is sorted by the third column -- the start position.
93 Blue19 1 82
87 Green9 1 7912
76 Blue7 2 20690
65 Red4 2 170
256 Orange50 17515 66740
166 Teal68 72503 123150
228 Green89 72510 114530
Explanation of the code:
I want to create an array of arrays to find when two pieces of information have overlapping lengths.
Columns 3 and 4 of the input file are start and stop positions on a single track line. If any row(x) has a position in column 3 that is shorter than the position in column 4 in any row(y) then this means that x starts before y ends and there is some overlap.
I want to find every row that overlaps with asnyrow without having to compare every row to every row. Because they are sorted I simply add a string to an inner array of the array which represents one row.
If the new row being looked at does not overlap with one of the rows already in the array then (because the array is sorted by the third column) no further row will be able to overlap with the row in the array and it can be removed.
This is what I have an idea of
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my #array
while (<>) {
my thisLoop = ($id, $name, $begin, $end) = split;
my #innerArray = split; # make an inner array with the current line, to
# have strings that will be printed after it
push #array(#innerArray)
for ( #array ) { # loop through the outer array being made to see if there
# are overlaps with the current item
if ( $begin > $innerArray[3]) # if there are no overlaps then print
# this inner array and remove it
# (because it is sorted and everything
# else cannot overlap because it is
# larger)
# print #array[4-]
# remove this item from the array
# add to array this string
"$id overlap with innerArray[0] \t innerArray[0]: $innerArray[2], $innerArray[3] "\t" $id : $begin, $end
# otherwise because there is overlap add a statement to the inner
# array explaining the overlap
The code should produce something like
87 overlap with 93 93: 1 82 87: 1 7982
76 overlap with 93 93: 1 82 76: 1 20690
65 overlap with 93 93: 1 82 65: 2 170
76 overlap with 87 87: 1 7912 76: 2 20690
65 overlap with 87 87: 1 7912 65: 2 170
65 overlap with 76 76: 2 20690 65: 2 170
256 overlap with 76 76: 2 20690 256: 17515 66740
228 overlap with 166 166: 72503 123150 228: 72510 114530
This was tricky to explain so ask me if you have any questions
I am using the posted input and output files as a guide on what is required.
A note on complexity. In principle, each line has to be compared to all following lines. The number of operations actually carried out depends on the data. Since it is stated that the data is sorted on the field to be compared the inner loop iterations can be cut as soon as overlapping stops. A comment on complexity estimate is at the end.
This compares each line to the ones following it. For that all lines are first read into an array. If the data set is very large this should be changed to read line by line and then the procedure turned around, to compare the currently read line to all previous. This is a very basic approach. It may well be better to build auxiliary data structures first, possibly making use of suitable libraries.
use warnings;
use strict;
my $file = 'data_overlap.txt';
my #lines = do {
open my $fh, '<', $file or die "Can't open $file -- $!";
# For each element compare all following ones, but cut out
# as soon as there's no overlap since data is sorted
for my $i (0..$#lines)
my #ref_fields = split '\s+', $lines[$i];
for my $j ($i+1..$#lines)
my #curr_fields = split '\s+', $lines[$j];
if ( $ref_fields[-1] > $curr_fields[-2] ) {
print "$curr_fields[0] overlap with $ref_fields[0]\t" .
"$ref_fields[0]: $ref_fields[-2] $ref_fields[-1]\t" .
"$curr_fields[0]: $curr_fields[-2] $curr_fields[-1]\n";
else { print "\tNo overlap, move on.\n"; last }
With the input in file 'data_overlap.txt' this prints
87 overlap with 93 93: 1 82 87: 1 7912
76 overlap with 93 93: 1 82 76: 2 20690
65 overlap with 93 93: 1 82 65: 2 170
No overlap, move on.
76 overlap with 87 87: 1 7912 76: 2 20690
65 overlap with 87 87: 1 7912 65: 2 170
No overlap, move on.
65 overlap with 76 76: 2 20690 65: 2 170
256 overlap with 76 76: 2 20690 256: 17515 66740
No overlap, move on.
No overlap, move on.
No overlap, move on.
228 overlap with 166 166: 72503 123150 228: 72510 114530
A comment on complexity
Worst case Each element has to be compared to every other (they all overlap). This means that for each element we need N-1 comparisons, and we have N elements. This is O(N^2) complexity. This complexity is not good for operations that are used often and on potentially large data sets, like what libraries do. But it is not necessarily bad for a particular problem -- the data set still needs to be quite large for that to result in prohibitively long runtimes.
Best case Each element is compared only once (no overlap at all). This implies N comparisons, thus O(N) complexity.
Average Let us assume that each element overlaps with a "few" next ones, let us say 3 (three). This means that there would be 3N comparisons. This is still O(N) complexity. This holds as long as the number of comparisons does not depend on the length of the list (but is constant), which is a very reasonable typical scenario here. This is good.
Thanks to ikegami for bringing this up in the comment, along with the estimate.
Remember that the importance of the computational complexity of a technique depends on its use.
This produces exactly the output that you asked for given your sample data as input. It runs in well under one millisecond
Do you have other constraints that you haven't explained? Making your code run faster should never be an end in itself. There is nothing inherently wrong with an O(n!) time complexity: it is the execution time that you must consider, and if your code is fast enough then your job is done
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
my #data = map [ split ], grep /\S/, <DATA>;
for my $i1 ( 0 .. $#data ) {
my $v1 = $data[$i1];
for my $i2 ( $i1 .. $#data ) {
my $v2 = $data[$i2];
next if $v1 == $v2;
unless ( $v1->[3] < $v2->[2] or $v1->[2] > $v2->[3] ) {
my $statement = sprintf "%d overlap with %d", $v2->[0], $v1->[0];
printf "%-22s %d: %d %-7d %d: %d %-7d\n", $statement, #{$v1}[0, 2, 3], #{$v2}[0, 2, 3];
93 Blue19 1 82
87 Green9 1 7912
76 Blue7 2 20690
65 Red4 2 170
256 Orange50 17515 66740
166 Teal68 72503 123150
228 Green89 72510 114530
87 overlap with 93 93: 1 82 87: 1 7912
76 overlap with 93 93: 1 82 76: 2 20690
65 overlap with 93 93: 1 82 65: 2 170
76 overlap with 87 87: 1 7912 76: 2 20690
65 overlap with 87 87: 1 7912 65: 2 170
65 overlap with 76 76: 2 20690 65: 2 170
256 overlap with 76 76: 2 20690 256: 17515 66740
228 overlap with 166 166: 72503 123150 228: 72510 114530

Create 3-dimensional array from 2 dimensional array in matlab

I would like to know how to generate a 3-d array from a 2-d array in matlab. My lack of understanding may simply be the result of not knowing the correct nomenclature.
I have a 2-dimensional array or matrix, A:
A = [12, 62, 93, -8, 22; 16, 2, 87, 43, 91; -4, 17, -72, 95, 6]
and I would like to add a 3rd dimension with the same values such that:
A(:,:,1) = 12 62 93 -8 22
16 2 87 43 91
-4 17 -72 95 6
A(:,:,2) = 12 62 93 -8 22
16 2 87 43 91
-4 17 -72 95 6
A(:,:,p) = 12 62 93 -8 22
16 2 87 43 91
-4 17 -72 95 6
how would I go about doing so in the most efficient way (I might have a much larger array where m = 100, n = 50, p= 1000 where A(m,n,p).
result = reshape(repmat(A,1,p),m,n,p)
