Create the map
m_3 = folium.Map(location=[-12.04318,-77.02824], tiles='cartodbpositron', zoom_start=10)
# Display the map
mc = MarkerCluster()for idx, row in df.iterrows():if not math.isnan(row['end_lon']) and not math.isnan(row['end_lat']):mc.add_child(Marker([row['end_lat'], row['end_lon']],popup='FIN', icon=folium.Icon(color='red',icon_color='#FF0000'),color='#008000',fill_color='#008000'))m_3.add_child(mc)
for idx, row in df.iterrows():if not math.isnan(row['start_lon']) and not math.isnan(row['start_lat']):mc.add_child(Marker([row['start_lat'], row['start_lon']],popup='INICIO', icon=folium.Icon(color='green',icon_color='#008000'), color='#FF0000',fill_color='#FF0000'))m_3.add_child(mc)
I don know , i need your HELP in the next code (I need the line between start and end):
folium.PolyLine(([row['start_lat'], row['start_lon']], [row['end_lat'], row['end_lon']]))
folium.PolyLine(points, color='red').add_to(m_3)m_3.add_child(mc)
Display the map
create a conection two point with line for cabify case
I have a for loop that is calculating values using parameters from a spreadsheet. I want the for loop to loop through different ranges but I am receiving an error and I am not sure how to fix it.
e_params_components = ["'G3:G5'","'D3:D5'","'F3:F5'","'E3:E5'"];
h_params_components = ["'G6:G8'","'D6:D8'","'F6:F8'","'E6:E8'"];
for i = 1 : length(Material_Names)
params_e = table2array(readtable(databaseFilename, 'Range', e_params_components(1))); % Read in width indep parameters for e- - hardcoded for GaAs
params_h = table2array(readtable(databaseFilename, 'Range', h_params_components(1))); % Read in width indep parameters for holes - hardcoded for GaAs
alpha_ = ionCoeff(params_e(1), params_e(2), params_e(3), Efield);
beta_ = ionCoeff(params_h(1), params_h(2), params_h(3), Efield);
k_ = beta_./alpha_; % Ionization coefficient ratio
k_values = k_values + k_(i);
I get the following error:
Error using readtable (line 198)
Unable to determine range. Range must be of the form 'A1' (cell), 'A:B' (column-select), '1:5' (row-select), 'A1:B5'
(rectangle-select), or a valid named range in the sheet.
I should be able to use the strings that are contained in e_params_copmponents to put into the read table function
You have to many quotes.
For example:
"'G6:G8'" is the string 'G6:G8' you want it to be the string G6:G8
I'm creating a shiny app and i'm letting the user choose what data that should be displayed in a plot and a table. This choice is done through 3 different input variables that contain 14, 4 and two choices respectivly.
ui <- dashboardPage(
selectInput(inputId = "DataSource", label = "Data source", choices =
c("Restoration plots", "all semi natural grasslands")),
selectInput(inputId = "Variabel", label = "Variable", choices =
#choicesVariables definition is omitted here, because it's very long but it
#contains 14 string values
selectInput(inputId = "Factor", label = "Factor", choices = c("Company
type", "Region and type of application", "Approved or not approved
applications", "Age group" ))
This adds up to 73 choices (yes, i know the math doesn't add up there, but some choices are invalid). I would like to do this using a lookup table so a created one with every valid combination of choices like this:
rad1<-c(rep("Company type",20), rep("Region and type of application",20),
rep("Approved or not approved applications", 13), rep("Age group", 20))
rad2<-choicesVariable[c(1:14,1,4,5,9,10,11, 1:14,1,4,5,9,10,11, 1:7,9:14,
rad3<-c(rep("Restoration plots",14),rep("all semi natural grasslands",6),
rep("Restoration plots",14), rep("all semi natural grasslands",6),
rep("Restoration plots",27), rep("all semi natural grasslands",6))
letaLista<-data.frame(rad1,rad2,rad3, rad4)
colnames(letaLista) <- c("Factor", "Variabel", "rest_alla", "id")
Now its easy to use subset to only get the choice that the user made. But how do i use this information to plot the plot and table without using a 73 line long ifelse statment?
I tried to create some sort of multidimensional array that could hold all the tables (and one for the plots) but i couldn't make it work. My experience with these kind of arrays is limited and this might be a simple issue, but any hints would be helpful!
My dataset that is the foundation for the plots and table consists of dataframe with 23 variables, factors and numerical. The plots and tabels are then created using the following code for all 73 combinations
s_A1 <- summarySE(Samlad_info, measurevar="Dist_brukcentrum",
s_A1 <- s_A1[2:6,]
p_A1=ggplot(s_A1, aes(x=Companytype,
y=Dist_brukcentrum))+geom_bar(position=position_dodge(), stat="identity") +
scale_y_continuous(name = "") + scale_x_discrete(name = "")
where summarySE is the following function, burrowed from cookbook for R
summarySE <- function(data=NULL, measurevar, groupvars=NULL, na.rm=TRUE,
conf.interval=.95, .drop=TRUE) {
# New version of length which can handle NA's: if na.rm==T, don't count them
length2 <- function (x, na.rm=FALSE) {
if (na.rm) sum(!
else length(x)
# This does the summary. For each group's data frame, return a vector with
# N, mean, and sd
datac <- ddply(data, groupvars, .drop=.drop,
.fun = function(xx, col) {
c(N = length2(xx[[col]], na.rm=na.rm),
mean = mean (xx[[col]], na.rm=na.rm),
sd = sd (xx[[col]], na.rm=na.rm)
# Rename the "mean" column
datac <- rename(datac, c("mean" = measurevar))
datac$se <- datac$sd / sqrt(datac$N) # Calculate standard error of the mean
# Confidence interval multiplier for standard error
# Calculate t-statistic for confidence interval:
# e.g., if conf.interval is .95, use .975 (above/below), and use df=N-1
ciMult <- qt(conf.interval/2 + .5, datac$N-1)
datac$ci <- datac$se * ciMult
The code in it's entirety is a bit to large but i hope this may clarify what i'm trying to do.
Well, thanks to florian's comment i think i might have found a solution my self. I'll present it here but leave the question open as there is probably far neater ways of doing it.
I rigged up the plots (that was created as lists by ggplot) into a list
plotList <- list(p_A1, p_A2, p_A3...)
tableList <- list(s_A1, s_A2, s_A3...)
I then used subset on my lookup table to get the matching id of the list to select the right plot and table.
output$thePlot <-renderPlot({
plotValue<-subset(letaLista, letaLista$Factor==input$Factor &
letaLista$Variabel== input$Variabel & letaLista$rest_alla==input$DataSource)
output$theTable <-renderTable({
plotValue<-subset(letaLista, letaLista$Factor==input$Factor &
letaLista$Variabel== input$Variabel & letaLista$rest_alla==input$DataSource)
skriva <- tableList[as.integer(plotValue[4])]
I am fairly new to IDL, and I am trying to write a code that will take a MODIS HDF file (level three data MOD14A1 and MYD14A1 to be specific), read the array, and then write the data from the array preferably to a csv file, but ASCII would work, too. I have code that will allow me to do this for one file, but I want to be able to do this for multiple files. Essentially, I want it to read one HDF array, write it to a csv, move to the next HDF file, and then write that array to the same csv file in the next row. Any help here would be greatly appreciated. I've supplied the code I have so far to do this with one file.
filename = dialog_pickfile(filter = filter, path = path, title = title)
csv_file = 'Data.csv'
sd_id = HDF_SD_START(filename, /READ)
; read "FirePix", "MaxT21"
attr_index = HDF_SD_ATTRFIND(sd_id, 'FirePix')
HDF_SD_ATTRINFO, sd_id, attr_index, DATA = FirePix
attr_index = HDF_SD_ATTRFIND(sd_id, 'MaxT21')
HDF_SD_ATTRINFO, sd_id, attr_index, DATA = MaxT21
index = HDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX(sd_id, 'FireMask')
sds_id = HDF_SD_SELECT(sd_id, index)
HDF_SD_GETDATA, sds_id, FireMask
index = HDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX(sd_id, 'MaxFRP')
sds_id = HDF_SD_SELECT(sd_id, index)
HDF_SD_END, sd_id
help, FirePix
print, FirePix, format = '(8I8)'
print, MaxT21, format = '("MaxT21:", F6.1, " K")'
help, FireMask, MaxFRP
WRITE_CSV, csv_file, FirePix
After I run this, and choose the correct file, this is the output I am getting:
0 4 0 0 3 12 3 0
MaxT21: 402.1 K
FIREMASK BYTE = Array[1200, 1200, 8]
MAXFRP LONG = Array[1200, 1200, 8]
The "FIREPIX" array is the one I want stored into a csv.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Instead of using WRITE_CSV, it is fairly simple to use the primitive IO routines to write a comma-separated array, i.e.:
openw, lun, csv_file, /get_lun
; the following line produces a single line the output CSV file
printf, lun, strjoin(strtrim(firepix, 2), ', ')
; TODO: do the above line as many times as necessary
free_lun, sun
I need help with matlab using 'strtok' to find an ID in a text file and then read in or manipulate the rest of the row that is contained where that ID is. I also need this function to find (using strtok preferably) all occurrences of that same ID and group them in some way so that I can find averages. On to the sample code:
ID list being input:
(This is the KOIName variable)
File with data format:
(This is the StarData variable)
002141865 3.867144e-03 742.000000 0.001121 16.155089 6.297494 0.001677
002141865 5.429278e-03 1940.000000 0.000477 16.583748 11.945627 0.001622
002141865 4.360715e-03 1897.000000 0.000667 16.863406 13.438383 0.001460
002141865 3.972467e-03 2127.000000 0.000459 16.103060 21.966853 0.001196
002141865 8.542932e-03 2094.000000 0.000421 17.452007 18.067214 0.002490
Do not be mislead by the examples I posted, that first number is repeated for about 15 lines then the ID changes and that goes for an entire set of different ID's, then they are repeated as a whole group again, think [1,2,3],[1,2,3], the main difference is the values trailing the ID which I need to average out in matlab.
My current code is:
function Avg_Koi
N = evalin('base', 'KOIName');
file_1 = evalin('base', 'StarData');
global result;
for i=1:size(N)
[id, values] = strtok(file_1);
result = result(id);
result = result(values)
Thanks for any assistance.
You let us guess a lot, so I guess you want something like this:
load StarData.txt
IDs = { 010447529;
L = numel(IDs);
values = cell(L,1);
% Iteration through all arrays and creating an cell array with matrices for every ID
for ii=1:L;
ID = IDs{ii};
ID_first = find(StarData(:,1) == ID,1,'first');
ID_last = find(StarData(:,1) == ID,1,'last');
values{ii} = StarData( ID_first:ID_last , 2:end );
When you now access the index ii=6 adressing the ID = 002141865
MatrixOfCertainID6 = values{6};
you get:
0.0038671440 742 0.001121 16.155089 6.2974940 0.001677
0.0054292780 1940 0.000477 16.583748 11.945627 0.001622
0.0043607150 1897 0.000667 16.863406 13.438383 0.001460
0.0039724670 2127 0.000459 16.103060 21.966853 0.001196
0.0085429320 2094 0.000421 17.452007 18.067214 0.002490
... for further calculations.
I wrote a script that returns several text boxes in a figure. The text boxes are moveable (I can drag and drop them), and their positions are predetermined by the data in an input matrix (the data from the input matrix is applied to the respective positions of the boxes by nested for loop). I want to create a matrix which is initially a copy of the input matrix, but is UPDATED as I change the positions of the boxes by dragging them around. How would I update their positions? Here's the entire script
function drag_drop=drag_drop(tsinput,infoinput)
dragging = [];
orPos = [];
fig = figure('Name','Docker Tool','WindowButtonUpFcn',#dropObject,...
'OuterPosition',[0 0 25 30]);
% Setting variables to zero for the loop
% Start loop
for idx=1:x
if tsinput(idx,4)==1
c=floor(b); % hours
e=a-d; % minutes
time=c*60+e; % time quantity to be used in 'position'
[time_qty plat_qty 1.5 1.5],'String',infoinput(idx,z),...
% need to new=get(box,'Position'), fill out matrix OUT of loop
hcb1 = 'set(gco, ''BackgroundColor'', ''red'')';
hcb2 = 'set(gco, ''BackgroundColor'', ''blue'')';
item1 = uimenu(fillmenu, 'Label', 'Train Full', 'Callback', hcb1);
item2 = uimenu(fillmenu, 'Label', 'Train Empty', 'Callback', hcb2);
for jdx=1:x
function dragObject(hObject,eventdata)
dragging = hObject;
orPos = get(gcf,'CurrentPoint');
function dropObject(hObject,eventdata,box)
if ~isempty(dragging)
newPos = get(gcf,'CurrentPoint');
posDiff = newPos - orPos;
set(dragging,'Position',get(dragging,'Position') + ...
[posDiff(1:2) 0 0]);
dragging = [];
function moveObject(hObject,eventdata)
if ~isempty(dragging)
newPos = get(gcf,'CurrentPoint');
posDiff = newPos - orPos;
orPos = newPos;
set(dragging,'Position',get(dragging,'Position') + [posDiff(1:2) 0 0]);
% Testing purpose input matrices:
% tsinput=[0345 0405 1 1 ; 0230 0300 2 0; 0540 0635 3 1; 0745 0800 4 1]
% infoinput={'AJ35 NOT' 'KL21 MAN' 'XPRES'; 'ZW31 MAN' 'KM37 NEW' 'VISTA';
% 'BC38 BIR' 'QU54 LON' 'XPRES'; 'XZ89 LEC' 'DE34 MSF' 'DERP'}
If I understand you correctly (and please post some code if I'm not), then all you need is indeed a set/get combination.
If boxHandle is a handle to the text-box object, then you get its current position by:
pos = get (boxHandle, 'position')
where pos is the output array of [x, y, width, height].
In order to set to a new position, you use:
set (boxHandle, 'position', newPos)
where newPos is the array of desired position (with the same structure as pos).
Regarding to updating your matrix, since you have the handle of the object you move, you actually DO have access to the specific text box.
When you create each text box, set a property called 'UserData' with the associated indices of tsinput used for that box. In your nested for loop add this
set (box, 'UserData', [idx, z]);
after the box is created, and in your moveObject callback get the data by
udata = get(dragging,'UserData');
Then udata contains the indices of the elements you want to update.