react-material-ui-carousel - Navigation buttons outside the image content - reactjs

I'm trying to implement a carousel with React using the react-material-ui-carousel library. I want the next and previous navigation buttons to appear outside the images something like this. The docs for that library suggest customization is possible by overriding the navButtonsWrapperProps attribute of the Carousel component. But I still cannot get the nav buttons out of the image. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

I stumbled upon the same problem not too long ago. I solved the problem by making the Carousel component's width larger than the carousel item itself. That way the navigation button will come outside of the item as it's item will have less width thatn its parent. Just make sure to align the Carousel and its item to center.
<Carousel className={styles.carousel}>
<Item className={styles.item} />
// Inside your css
width: 1200px;
margin: 0 auto;
width: 1000px;
margin: 0 auto;
I don't think my solution is optimal but it's a quick fix for the given issue.

I know its to late but I have faced same problem. This answer can help someone.
import React, { useRef } from 'react';
import Carousel from 'react-material-ui-carousel'; // Carousel library
You can control carousel next/previous from outside button click using useRef
const sliderRef = useRef(null);
ref={ sliderRef }
Then you can use onClick event on any Button
const handlePrevSlide = (e) => {
const handleNextSlide = (e) => {
It Works great for me


Is it possible to use the touch ripple effect of MUI on a div?

I have read different answers of similar questions, but they are all old and don't seem to work in the latest version of MUI.
I need to apply the touch ripple effect on a div, but I can't use a button or a ButtonBase element because there is another button inside it.
Thanks in advance for the reply.
Yes, you can use TouchRipple to emulate the ripple effect. This component is undocumented, but you can see how it's used in the ButtonBase and learn to use it yourself.
First, you need to pass a ref to TouchRipple and call ref.current.start(e) or ref.current.stop(e) when you want to start or stop the effect respectively.
e is the event object. When you call start(e), it needs the mouse or touch position (from mousedown or touchstart event) to know where to start the ripple effect (Source). You can override this behavior by setting center props to true, which makes the ripple effect always start at the middle.
Below is the minimum working example to get you started:
function App() {
const rippleRef = React.useRef(null);
const onRippleStart = (e) => {
const onRippleStop = (e) => {
return (
display: "inline-block",
padding: 8,
position: "relative",
border: "black solid 1px"
<TouchRipple ref={rippleRef} center={false} />
Live Demo
You Can Use ButtonBase API
With ButtonBase API you can pass component prop as div or any component you want
For Eg.
import { ButtonBase, Typography } from "#mui/material";
const App = () => {
return (
<ButtonBase component="div">
<Typography fontSize="1.2rem">Hello, I'm a div with MUI Ripple Effect!</Typography>
export default App;

Simple font size changer with Material UI slider and React

I'm trying to make a simple slider that change the font size using React and Material UI.
The slider is called PrettoSlider and it a part of Material UI.
What im trying to acheive is to use the slider an then change the font size depending on the slider.
This is what i have so far
export default function ChangeFontSlider() {
const [ItemValue, setItemValue] = React.useState(20);
const handlingChange = (event) => {
return (
<p style={{fontSize: {ItemValue}}}>Drag me to change the font</p>
When trying to slide the slider, I ether get an error or the font remain the same.
Any idea? Thanks!
The slider is called PrettoSlider and it a part of Material UI.
PrettoSlider is an example. Underline component is Slider which is documented here
Accroding to the document, onChange function has 2 parameters, event is the event source while second parameter value is new value when you move slider, is what you need to get data from.
I know this is 8 months old, But you could also just do this in your style tag
<p style={{fontSize: `${ItemValue}px` }}>Drag me to change the font</p>
then instead of just updating a number every time you slide, it will actually increment in pixels
in mui for change the font of slider label you can use global class in slider api.
import { makeStyles } from "#mui/styles";
const sliderStyles= makeStyles({
slider: {
'& .MuiSlider-markLabel' : {fontFamily: 'Vazir' , fontSize: "12px"}
and set this class to className prop in slider.
import { sliderStyles} from "YOUR/STYLES/PATH";
className={classes.slider} //this line important

Having trouble with onMouseEnter event in React

I'm trying to build a navbar, using React and hooks, where each div will change to a specific color on an onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave. I can't figure out why they're all affected if i hover over one. I guess I'm asking how I could make them independent of one another.
Sorry if this is a really obvious mistake. Still really green. Thanks again!
Here is a link to the CodeSandbox:
I refactored your code.
You can check it in
You are using the function setBackground to set the background color in the hoverStyle CSS class which affects to all <div className="hoverStyle"> tags.
There are many options to do that. If you want to do it with React, one way of do it is creating a CSS class like this:
.active {
background-color: #ffac4e;
then, create a functional component
const Activable = ({ className, children, bgColor}) => {
const [active, setActive] = useState('#fff');
return (
<div className={`${ className } ${ active }`
onMouseEnter = {() => setActive( bgColor )}
onMouseLeave = {() => setActive('#fff')}
{ children }
then replace your ` with this new component like this:
<Activable className="hoverStyle" bgColor="#ffac4e">
<div style = {navChildLeft}>2020</div>
<div style = {navChildTop}>
Shy RL <br />
Digital - Album art
and repeat with the rest of <div>'s
With react, it is important to think about reusable components. How can you create something that you can reuse over and over again in different parts of your project.
Take a look at this sample of your project broken into components.
I would recommend reading this to help out:

How to hide MUI React ListItem?

I have the following:
<ListItem key={name} hidden={true} aria-hidden={true}>
but the ListItem is still showing up. How can it be hidden?
As far as I know, there is no hidden props on the ListItem component in Material-UI, so you will have to implement you own behavior to hide the ListItem :
You can not render the concerned ListItem at all.
You can render it but hide it using some CSS. See How to display and hide a div with CSS?.
I was looking to programmatically hide a Material-UI FormControl component, and found the same issue (i.e. the lack of a hidden prop).
What worked for me was to add a method that returned the appropriate class string, based on whether I wanted to show the component in question or not.
For example, with styles like:
const styles = createStyles({
formcontrol: {
minWidth: 120,
margin: 10
invisible: {
visibility: "hidden"
I added this to my component class:
getStyle() {
let cls: string;
if (this.props.whatever) {
cls = this.props.classes.formcontrol;
} else {
cls = this.props.classes.invisible + " " + this.props.classes.formcontrol;
return cls;
And then reference that from render() when creating the component I want to sometimes hide:
<FormControl className={this.getStyle()}>
This should work for any styled MUI component.
(Side-note: the display prop appears from the docs to do this, but didn't work for me. Perhaps it works only for Box components, which happen to be what's used in all of the examples in the docs. This is worth further investigation which I have not yet spent the time to do.)

Dropdown menu flip position issue. React-Select + Material-UI Popper

I use the example autocomplete field from the Material-UI lib documentation. (
There is a problem with fliping the menu when it opens at the bottom of the page or the browser's viewport.
Is there a way to fix this problem with Material-UI and react-select?
Or do I need to write something custom?
If you are not using a <Menu/> custom component, you can use the menuPlacement="auto" prop of <Select/>, then your problem is solved.
const components = {
// Menu , <-- delete it
Otherwise you can choose another selector, material-ui provides 2 more differents integration with the <Popper/> component: react-autosuggest and downshift.
Hope it helps!
i've faced the same problem, for <Select /> component i have used what TomLgls suggest, but for <AsyncSelect /> as a work-around, i used some offset calculations in my component :
const rootHeight = document.getElementById('root').offsetHeight ;
const selectElement = document.getElementById('async_select_container_id');
const selectOffsetBottom= selectElement.offsetHeight + selectElement.offsetTop;
rootHeight - selectOffsetBottom > 210 ? 'auto' : 'top' // react-select menu height is 200px in my case
i hope it helps as well
If you have created customMenu component then in that give className as open-menu-top and write this code for class:
.menu-open-top {
top: auto;
bottom: 100%;
Your CustomMenu maybe look like this:
const CustomMenu = ({ children, innerProps, innerRef, selectProps }) => {
return (
className={`rs-menu ${customMenuClass} open-menu-top`}
{Your Logic}
