Customizing ADB2C Login Page with Forgot ‘UserName’ link - azure-active-directory

I’ve implemented a user login page using ADB2C custom html template. Once user initiates a login, b2c signin userflow triggers the unified.html and displays a login UI successfully. During login user will use username field which is a unique attribute.
There is a use case to show an “forgot UserName” link in the signin page, along with the “forgot Password” link. Any suggestions to handle this forgot UserName link usecase?

Refer to this sample.
This shows adding "Forgot password" as a button, not a link.
So you could add another button for "Forgot username" and that would then kick off the forgot username flow in the same manner.


How to redirect differently based on original url using okta?

I am using the Security component by Okta ("okta-react" package) and the SecureRoute from the same package,
I am using the onAuthRequired field to go to a specific landing page, let's call it LandingPage, so everyone has access to that page, whether they logged in or not.
In LandingPage page there's a 'Start!' button that I want that will be used to go the next page if the user is logged in, or to the Login page if the user isn't logged on.
Since the Security component has the onAuthRequired it will always send me to the same LandingPage component, but if I am there, I want it to check if I am in that LandingPage - and I am not logged in - it will send me to the Login page.
and if I am there, and I am logged in - it will send me to the next page,
is it possible?

how to prevent a logged in user from going to the login page using antdesign umijs dvajs

I am working on a project using template antdesign pro with umij and dvajs, I will want to know what to do after storing the token in localstorage if I am logged in not to be redirected to the login page

how to prevent url navigation in ionic3

can anyone tell me how to prevent secure link navigation using app.component for. Eg:- when user hit url like this http:// localhost:8888/#/login he get login screen (login HTML) after that user press login button screen navigate to user screen but when user manual ly hit link like http:// localhost:8888/#/user, screen which user get is still same login but problem is that it call all user.ts file which I want to prevent if user not login not I m trying to achieve this through app
You can use ionic's lifecycle functions like ionViewCanEnter to perform security check and prevent unauthorised navigation - Source
Something like this in you User page:
ionViewCanEnter() {
return this.authService.authenticated();

Do something before logout in salesforce apex?

Is it possible to customize or override the salesforce logout method in apex? I want to do some thing custom when user goes to logout salesforce account.
enter image description here
You screenshot shows the standard logout link which can not be customized.
You can customize the "logout" flow in a community using custom code by having a custom logout link which calls a controller action which wraps the standard logout function but this is only in a case where you are not using the standard header and can implement a custom link for logging out.
The logout flow of salesforce is a standard anchor tag call with a href to a link. If you inspect the element you can see that.
Unfortunately, there is no controller where the control comes after a click of the LogOut option. The only way you can get some control is, if you customize your logout URL and make salesforce redirect to it after it logs itself out. In that way, you can solve the branding issues but can not do anything related to the user as the user context is lost as soon as salesforce logs out itself.
Though in the idea forum there are ideas for doing that but looks like Salesforce is not doing anything in that front.
Hope this helps.

Check Liferay admin user Login

I used liferay 6.1, in my spring MVC portlet one button for only admin in jsp page.
so i want to do check that in controller if admin is login then only that button accessible otherwise no other user can access that.
jsp page all the datagrid content render with extJS so in my jsp all data with write in java script.So, How can we do that in that here is my image link
So can you tell me how can i check and implement that logged in user is admin .??
You can use permissionChecker.isOmniadmin() to check if logged-in user is admin.
permissionChecker is implicit object you will get when you have statement <theme:defineObject/> with proper tld declared in your jsp.
<%# taglib uri="" prefix="theme" %>
<theme:defineObjects />
