I am able to take a reverse shell program in assembly, compile it using ld or link (visual studio), use objdump, get the shellcode, (yes it has no null-bytes), and I am able to use this in a dropper, a simple call to it works fine such as
#include <stdio.h
#include <windows.h>
int main() {
char *shellcode = "myshellcodegoesinhere";
printf("shellcode length: %i", strlen(shellcode));
void * lpAlloc = VirtualAlloc(0, sizeof shellcode, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
memcpy(lpAlloc, shellcode, strlen(shellcode));
return 0;
However, when it comes to 64-bits, I am able to execute my programs as an exe successfully but not in a dropper like above. I literally wrote a 64-bit reverse shell in windows and it works perfectly (havent found another one online that actually works) but when I convert it to shellcode, it doesn't work in my above dropper. And yes I removed all the null bytes from it, it was quite a challenge. So then I decided to see if another simple program would behave the same way and sure enough it does. I took a simple swap mouse button program and rewrote it to remove the null bytes out of it, runs perfectly from an exe but not in a dropper. I know that my 32-bit reverse shell works in a 64-bit system. That is not the point here. The point is any 64-bit application is not able to be used as shellcode on a 64-bit machine. Here is the swap mouse button program in assembly.
global _start
sub RSP, 0x28 ; 40 bytes of shadow space
and RSP, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0h ; Align the stack to a multiple of 16 bytes
; Parse PEB and find kernel32
xor rcx, rcx ; RCX = 0
mov rax, [gs:rcx + 0x60] ; RAX = PEB
mov rax, [rax + 0x18] ; RAX = PEB->Ldr
mov rsi, [rax + 0x20] ; RSI = PEB->Ldr.InMemOrder
lodsq ; RAX = Second module
xchg rax, rsi ; RAX = RSI, RSI = RAX
lodsq ; RAX = Third(kernel32)
mov rbx, [rax + 0x20] ; RBX = Base address
; Parse kernel32 PE
xor r8, r8 ; Clear r8
mov r8d, [rbx + 0x3c] ; R8D = DOS->e_lfanew offset
mov rdx, r8 ; RDX = DOS->e_lfanew
add rdx, rbx ; RDX = PE Header
; start a loop to inc edx 0x88 times to reach the export directory
xor rcx, rcx
xor rax, rax
mov al, 0x88 ; 136 bytes is needed to add to edx to reach the export directory
inc byte edx
dec al
cmp al, cl
jne inc_edx
mov r8d, [edx] ; R8D = Offset export table
add r8, rbx ; R8 = Export table
xor rsi, rsi ; Clear RSI
mov esi, [r8 + 0x20] ; RSI = Offset namestable
add rsi, rbx ; RSI = Names table
xor rcx, rcx ; RCX = 0
mov r9, 0x41636f7250746547 ; GetProcA
; Loop through exported functions and find GetProcAddress
inc rcx ; Increment the ordinal
xor rax, rax ; RAX = 0
mov eax, [rsi + rcx * 4] ; Get name offset
add rax, rbx ; Get function name
cmp QWORD [rax], r9 ; GetProcA ?
jnz Get_Function
xor rsi, rsi ; RSI = 0
mov esi, [r8 + 0x24] ; ESI = Offset ordinals
add rsi, rbx ; RSI = Ordinals table
mov cx, [rsi + rcx * 2] ; Number of function
xor rsi, rsi ; RSI = 0
mov esi, [r8 + 0x1c] ; Offset address table
add rsi, rbx ; ESI = Address table
xor rdx, rdx ; RDX = 0
mov edx, [rsi + rcx * 4] ; EDX = Pointer(offset)
add rdx, rbx ; RDX = GetProcAddress
mov rdi, rdx ; Save GetProcAddress in RDI
; Use GetProcAddress to find the address of LoadLibrary
mov rcx, 0x41797261 ; aryA
push rcx ; Push on the stack
mov rcx, 0x7262694c64616f4c ; LoadLibr
push rcx ; Push on stack
mov rdx, rsp ; LoadLibraryA
mov rcx, rbx ; kernel32.dll base address
sub rsp, 0x20 ; Allocate stack space for function call
call rdi ; Call GetProcAddress
mov rsi, rax ; LoadLibrary saved in RSI
xor rcx, rcx
push dword 0x41416c6c ; ll
;push dword rcx ; Push on the stack
sub word [rsp + 0x2], 0x4141
mov rcx, 0x642e323372657375 ; user32.d
push rcx ; Push on stack
mov rcx, rsp ; user32.dll
sub rsp, 0x20 ; Allocate stack space for function call
call rsi ; Call LoadLibraryA
mov r15, rax ; Base address of user32.dll in R15
; Call GetProcAddress(user32.dll, "SwapMouseButton")
mov rcx, 0x416e6f7474754265 ; eButton
push rcx ; Push on the stack
sub byte [rsp + 0x7], 0x41
mov rcx, 0x73756f4d70617753 ; SwapMous
push rcx ; Push on stack
mov rdx, rsp ; SwapMouseButton
mov rcx, r15 ; User32.dll base address
sub rsp, 0x20 ; Allocate stack space for function call
call rdi ; Call GetProcAddress
mov r15, rax ; SwapMouseButton in R15
; Call SwapMouseButton(true)
xor rcx, rcx ; true
inc cl
call r15 ; SwapMouseButton(true)
; Call GetProcAddress(kernel32.dll, "ExitProcess")
xor rcx, rcx ; RCX = 0
push dword 0x41737365 ; ess
sub byte [rsp + 0x3], 0x41
push rcx ; Push on the stack
mov rcx, 0x636f725074697845 ; ExitProc
push rcx ; Push on stack
mov rdx, rsp ; ExitProcess
mov rcx, rbx ; Kernel32.dll base address
sub rsp, 0x20 ; Allocate stack space for function call
call rdi ; Call GetProcAddress
; Call ExitProcess(0)
xor rcx, rcx ; Exit code 0
call rax ; ExitProcess(0)
Save this as sw64.s
link.exe (visual studio x64 native tools command prompt)
I have two linkers I use that work just fine. both link and Golink.exe
nasm -f win64 sw64.s && link sw64.obj /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /OUT:sw64.exe /LARGEADDRESSAWARE:NO /ENTRY:_start && sw64.exe
or using Golink.exe
nasm -f win64 sw64.s && c:\Golink\GoLink.exe /console /entry _start sw64.obj /fo sw64.exe && sw64.exe
I then convert the shellcode using objdump and filter with awk and sed to produce \x??\x?? output and use this in my dropper. I've done it for my 32-bit reverse shell and it works like a charm but not for 64-bit. I would like to understand why this isn't working. Thank you.
converting 64-bit to shellcode does not work, but 32-bit does
I know the x64 calling convention, first four arguments are in rcx, rdx, r8, r9, rest are on the stack. But my question is how push these arguments?
call_func PROC
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov rbx, rcx ; move C function address to rbx
mov rcx, 1 ; some dummy value
mov rdx, 2 ; some dummy value
mov r8, 3 ; some dummy value
mov r9, 4 ; some dummy value
; and now I want to push fifth argument, but how?
call rbx ; call the function
mov rsp, rbp
pop rbp
call_func ENDP
I have tried mov QWORD PTR [rsp + 20h], 1 but when returning form this asm function the RIP register is set to weird value, like 0x0000000000000001. I know that the RIP register is instruction pointer, but why it is modifying it?
I have tried one more thing, let the function take 6 arguments and when I pass sixth argument like mov QWORD PTR [rsp + 28h], 1 the app is fine, sixth argument is passed, fifth has weird value.
As Jester said, before pushing arguments I need to allocate space for these arguments including shadow space.
Final working code:
call_func PROC
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
sub rsp, 32 ; allocate shadow space 'padding'
sub rsp, 16 ; allocate space for fifth and sixth argument
mov r11, rcx ; move C function address to r11
mov rcx, 1 ; some dummy value
mov rdx, 2 ; some dummy value
mov r8, 3 ; some dummy value
mov r9, 4 ; some dummy value
mov QWORD PTR [rsp + 20h], 5 ; push fifth argument
mov QWORD PTR [rsp + 28h], 6 ; push sixth argument
call r11 ; call the function
mov rsp, rbp
pop rbp
call_func ENDP
I am trying to write a "strcat" function in assembly and can't get the values in the memory I pass it to change. My tests are crashing and I don't understand why. I can't seem to find any good documentation on x86_64 assembly in an easy to digest manner either.
global _ft_strcat
push rbx
push rdx
mov rbx, rsi
mov rdx, rdi
cmp byte [rdx], 0
je concat
inc rdx
jmp parse
cmp BYTE[rbx], 0
je finish
mov dl, BYTE[rbx]
mov BYTE[rdx], dl
inc rdx
inc rbx
jmp concat
mov BYTE[rdx], 0
mov rax, rdi
pop rdx
pop rbx
The above is the function I am trying to write and below is my test.
int main(void)
char buffer[50] = "Hello, ";
ft_strcat(buffer, "World!");
printf("%s\n", buffer);
return (0);
I left out things such as includes and my header because that is not relevant to the question from what I can see. I ran this through a debugger and noticed that at the end of my function, the string pointed to by the rdi register has not changed, but I do go through the loop in the concat label and it looks like the values being extracted from the string being pointed to by rsi is indeed being copied into the dl register.
Your pushes and pops don't match so your routine changes rbp and rbx contrary to the ABI requirement to preserve them.
My problem was my lack of understand how I was manipulating the rdx register's lowest 8-bits. By inserting my character into dl, its value updated the overall value of rdx, which meant that I was not actually concatenating the string I had, but I was writing into regions of memory I didn't know I was writing into.
The code now looks like this
global _ft_strcat
push rbx
push rdx
push rcx
xor rcx, rcx
mov rbx, rsi
mov rdx, rdi
cmp byte [rdx], 0
je concat
inc rdx
jmp parse
cmp BYTE[rbx], 0
je finish
mov cl, BYTE[rbx]
mov BYTE[rdx], cl
inc rdx
inc rbx
jmp concat
mov BYTE[rdx], 0
pop rcx
pop rdx
pop rbx
mov rax, rdi
You will notice the addition of the Rex register and the use of its lower 8 bits for copying bytes over.
I keep getting segmentation faults on this could anybody help me on this one, I am kind of new to ASM
global _start
section .text
push dword 0x0068732F ; Push /sh
push dword 0x6E69622F ; Push /bin
mov eax, esp ; Store Pointer To /bin/sh In EAX
push dword 0x0000632D ; Push -c
mov ebx, esp ; Store Pointer To -c In EBX
push dword 0x00000068 ; Push h
push dword 0x7361622F ; Push /bas
push dword 0x6E69622F ; Push /bin
mov ecx, esp ; Store Pointer To /bin/bash In ECX
push dword 0x0 ; NULL
push ecx ; Push /bin/bash Pointer
push ebx ; Push -c Pointer
push eax ; Push /bin/sh Pointer
mov ebx, eax ; Move /bin/sh Pointer To EAX
mov ecx, esp ; Store /bin/sh -c /bin/bash Pointer in ECX
xor edx, edx ; Store 0 In EDX
mov al, 0xb ; sys_execve
int 0x80 ; system call
I am trying to replicate the following
char* Args[] = { "/bin/sh", "-c", "/bin/bash" };
execve("/bin/sh", Args, NULL)
Thanks in advance
As pointed out in the comments the arguments need to be NULL terminated.
Also mov al, 0xb only sets the lower 8 bits of the (32 bit) eax register.
Earlier on you also loaded an address from the stack into eax mov eax, esp and since the stack grows down, the value stored in eax will be much closer to 0xFFFFFFFF that it is to 0. When you later mov al, 0xb you only substitute the last F and eax needs to be exactly 0xb.
Thus you need to either move the value to whole eax register or make sure its upper 24 bits are zeroed beforehand - for example by doing xor eax, eax.
global _start
section .text
push dword 0x0068732F ; Push /sh
push dword 0x6E69622F ; Push /bin
mov eax, esp ; Store Pointer To /bin/sh In EAX
push dword 0x0000632D ; Push -c
mov ebx, esp ; Store Pointer To -c In EBX
push dword 0x00000068 ; Push h
push dword 0x7361622F ; Push /bas
push dword 0x6E69622F ; Push /bin
mov ecx, esp ; Store Pointer To /bin/bash In ECX
push 0 ; <----- NULL args terminator
push ecx ; Push /bin/bash Pointer
push ebx ; Push -c Pointer
push eax ; Push /bin/sh Pointer
mov ebx, eax ; Move /bin/sh Pointer To EAX
mov ecx, esp ; Store /bin/sh -c /bin/bash Pointer in ECX
xor edx, edx ; Store 0 In EDX
;xor eax, eax ; <----- either xor eax, eax or mov into eax
mov eax, 11 ; sys_execve
int 0x80 ; system call
I'm stuck at figuring out to copy the string source to target, which should be initialized to all zeroes. It appears as though I need to find the size of the string, start a counter register, and push stringitem[counter] to the stack, increment counter register. I can't figure out how to even get started, let alone search for a word in the string.
bits 64
global main
extern printf
section .text
; function setup
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
sub rsp, 32
lea rdi, [rel message]
mov al, 0
call printf
lea rdi, [rel source]
mov al, 0
call printf
;mov edi, source
;mov esi, target
;lea rdi, [esi]
;mov al, 0
;call printf
;mov ecx,sizeof source -1
; mov esi,0
; mov eax,source[esi];
; push eax
; inc esi
; loop L1
; function return
mov eax, 0
add rsp, 32
pop rbp
section .data
message: db 'Project',0x0D,0x0a,'Author',0x0D,0x0a,0
source: db 0x0D,0x0a,"I can't figure out how to copy this text to target.",0x0D,0x0a,0
target: db '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',0x0D,0x0a,0
For your data memory layout this will do
lea rdi, [rel target]
lea rsi, [rel source]
mov rcx, target-source
rep movsb
Otherwise as Jester said, a simple byte-to-byte copy will also do
lea rdi, [rel target]
lea rsi, [rel source]
test al, al
jnz .copy
For a security class I am supposed to write self-modifying code for a program which finds its own executable on the disk, reads the binary data, and encrypts part of it before writing it back out to the disk. This is supposed to be like a polymorphic virus which changes itself to fool antivirus scanners which detect known signatures.
I have all the pieces pretty much in place:
I am finding the executable using /proc/self/exe.
I am using a simple AES implementation to encrypt 16 byte string in some dummy code in the executable.
I am able to read the binary data in and locate the part I need to encrypt.
My problem is that the only way I have been able to open the executable is in read-only mode "rb". If I try to open the file for writing in mode "wb" or "r+b" I get back the error "Text file busy". Is there anyway for me to write to a process's own executable in C? Can I do this by changing the permissions somehow?
EDIT: What I am trying to accomplish is to have an executable which will encrypt part of itself each time that it runs so that it will have a new checksum after every time it runs.
After reading data from the executable binary, how can I either write back to it or remove it and replace it with a new file with the same filename?
You cannot write to a file that is currently mapped as an executable. However, you can write to a file that has the same path as the current executable, so long as it isn't actually the same file — try unlinking the file you're being executed from and creating a new file in its place, for instance.
In order to do self modification too, I wrote a small code in nasm (which can be used as a stub), which opens itself and at the middle of the code (right after the mmap), we have a pointer which points to the bytes of the executable that we can modify.
The code looks like this:
section .text
global _start
call _main__
mov rax, 60
mov rdi, 0x0
syscall ; exit(0);
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
sub rsp, 144 ; stat_file
mov rdi, [rbp+0x18]
lea rsi, [rsp]
call _open_self ; open self
push r12 ; len file
push rax ; addr
mov r14, rsi
mov rdi, [rbp+0x18] ; pathname
pop rsi ; addr
pop rdx ; len
push rdx
push rsi
call __create
mov r13, rax ; second fd
mov rdi, r14 ; fd
pop rsi ; addr -> mmap
pop rdx ; len_file
call __close_unmap
mov rax, 87
mov rdi, [rbp+0x18]
mov rax, 0x3 ; close(scnd_fd);
mov rdi, r13
mov rax, 86
push 'nasm'
lea rdi, [rsp]
mov rsi, [rbp+0x18]
syscall ; link tmp name to original name
mov rax, 87
lea rdi, [rsp]
syscall ; delete old tmp file
; ===============================
; Open himself
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov r15, rsi ; &stat_file
mov r12, rdi ; *pathname
mov rax, 0x2
mov rsi, 0x0 ; 0_RD
mov rdx, 509
push rax ; fd
mov rdi, rax ; fd
mov rsi, r15 ; struct stat
mov rax, 5 ; fstat
xor rdi, rdi
mov rsi, qword [r15+48]
mov rdx, 0x4
mov r10, 0x2
pop r8
push r8
mov r9, 0x0
mov rax, 9
syscall ; mmap
; rax -> byte of the executable that we gonna dump
mov r12, qword [r15+48]
pop rsi ; fd
; ===============================
; int __create(const char *pathname, void *addr, ssize_t len_bytes_mapped);
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
push rsi ; addr
push rcx ; len
push 'nasm'
lea rdi, [rsp]
mov rax, 0x2
mov rsi, 0x42 ; 0_CREAT | O_RDWR
mov rdx, 509
syscall ; sys_open
add rsp, 0x8 ; 'nasm'
mov r9, rax ; fd
mov rdi, rax ; fd
mov rax, 0x1
pop rdx
pop rsi
syscall ; sys_write
mov rax, r9 ; fd final
; int __close_unmap(int fd, unsigned lon addr, ssize_t len_file);
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
push rdi
mov rdi, rsi
mov rsi, rdx
mov rax, 11
syscall ; munmap(addr, len_file)
pop rdi
mov rax, 3
syscall ; close(fd);
It is a bit long but it makes just :
-Open it self in read mode (O_RD == 0x0)
-Do a stat(*pathname, &buffer_struct_stat);
-And then a mmap(0, buffer_struct_stat.st_size, 0x4, MAP_PRIVATE, fd_read_only, 0);
-Here you can edit your executable by editing the bytes at the address returned by mmap
-Create a tmp file named "nasm"
-Do a write(fd_tmp, address_of_mmap, buffer_struct_stat.st_size)
-Close the two file descriptors and munmap the mmap
-Now it's cool : unlink(pathname) and link("nasm", "pathname")