Winforms ObjectListView: inner OLVColumn instances Name property is empty string so I cannot show/hide columns by name - winforms

This question is an offshoot of: Localizing ObjectListView OLVColumn, impossible due to Empty Name property
For simplicity's sake, let's say my ObjectListView contains car information. User A wants to display only Make and Model columns. User B only wants to display Model and Year columns. These preferences would be saved to/loaded from an .ini file on the users' local machines.
I cannot loop through the columns of the ObjectListView and do if (col.Name == colNameFromIni) { col.Visible == true; } because the .Name property of every column is an empty string ("") and does not get serialized to the designer codebehind file. This never happens with any other Winforms control (Label, Button, etc.) They always get their .Name written to the designer codebehind.
In some sense, this is a flaw in Winforms itself, because OLVColumn inherits from System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader, and a traditional ListView has exactly the same problem. .Name is always an empty string for all columns.
I would like to patch our local build of ObjectListView.dll to force populate the .Name property, but I can't figure out how Winforms automagically knows the name of every control on the form. It somehow(?) knows the names of the OLVColumn objects since it can display them in the Edit Columns... dialog on the ObjectListView's context menu. I'm also a little fuzzy on where the best spot is to plug this in.
(Yes, per linked question at top I know that as a last resort, I can hardcode colXX.Name = "colXX"; for all columns in my source code, but future column additions are likely to get overlooked and a programmatic solution is much preferred.)
(See also: : the ObjectListView author declared this a wont-fix so it is up to me (or us), I guess.)

As you point out, this is a bug which is not with the ObjectListView, but the underlying component. And a bug which is around since at least 2008! Therefore, I doubt it will ever be fixed by MS.
Actually, it is a problem with the Autogenerated code in the designer.
If you look at other components such as a button, then the autogenerated code adds a name such as this;
// button2
this.button2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(458, 199);
this.button2.Name = "button2";
But for ColumnHeader (Listview) and OLVColumn (ObjectListView), then this is not done, so then you end up with this.
// olvColumn1
this.olvColumn1.AspectName = "Name";
this.olvColumn1.Text = "Name";
If you manually add the line
this.olvColumn1.Text = "olvColumn1";
Then the "problem" is solved.
Of course, you can't do this, because the designer will override the autogenerated code when you make any changes, and then you will lose these manually added lines. It is also not sustainable.
So I'm afraid you need to code around this with some kind of ugly solution. Some options are:
Use the Tag to store the name and compare against this.
Use the text instead of the name (not possible if you have multi
language support!)
Code the names column manually in the Constructor
Set the Text to be something like "ColName;ColText" and then in your
code separate these out.
I have done option 3 in the past, but only I was maintaining the code, so this was easy.
What you could do to ensure you don't have discrepancies is to add a check in your constructor to compare the actual number of columns with the number you expect (hard coded for), and throw an exception if they don't match. Also, not the best, but another way to highlight and reduce errors.

The workaround for this is to get the OLVColumns via reflection and set their column's Name property at runtime. Every OLVColumn is a form-level field, so just pick them out of the list returned by GetFields().
Dim allFieldInfos As FieldInfo() = GetType(FrmMain).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic or BindingFlags.Instance)
For Each fi As FieldInfo In allFieldInfos
If fi.FieldType Is GetType(OLVColumn) Then
Dim instance As OLVColumn = fi.GetValue(Me)
For Each col As OLVColumn In fdlvMain.AllColumns
If ReferenceEquals(col, instance) Then
col.Name = fi.Name
End If
End If


Updating an unshown field in a form based on another table's field

Using Access 2010. Fairly new to automation and macros.
I have two tables (tblProductReceived and tblBins) and a form (frmProductReceived).
A field in tblBins corresponds to a location the bin is at (named BinLocationID) and the tblProductReceived table tracks product that a specific bin has received.
What I need is for the tblProductReceived field PRLocationID ([tblProductReceived].[PRLocationID]) to be automatically populated with where the bin is at ([tblBins].[BinLocationID]) when selecting a specific bin in the form (frmProductReceived).
Is there an easy way I can do this? I'm really new at macros/vba and I would extremely be grateful for some tips/suggestions!
Also, there is no object in the form for the PRLocationID field. I want it to be updated behind the scenes based on the bin number field the user selects ([tbl.Bins].[BinID])
Here are images of tblBins, tblProductReceived, and frmProductReceived: (can't post images quite yet without reputation)
See this is the structure i have:
tblProductReceived is a table that records items that were deposited into bins.
tblBins is a listing of physical drop locations (bins) that contain a field BinLocationID
BinLocationID actually corresponds to another table (tblLocations) that has all the locations.
But I can't simply link the field from tblBins to tblProductReceived's because sooner or later bins can move from location to location (whatever the reason is is unimportant). This is the reason why I need a copy of [tblBins].[BinLocationID] to be copied over to [tblProductReceived].[PRLocationID] because should a bin move, it would mess any analysis (as we want to keep track of where the product was dropped off at, not only the location of the bin).
Also, the form I set up does have the drop down to the various bins ([PRBinID] in [tblProductReceived] — (i use a lookup query on tblBins) but keep in mind there is no txtBox for the PRLocationID in the field as it's superfluous. The bins are at location already, all i need is for it to be copied over to the appropriate table.
Am i overlooking anything?
After picking at it for hours this is the most elegant solution I've come up with:
On the form, I have a hidden txtBox called txtPRLocationID whose row source is PRLocationID (in tblLocations)
After a bin is selected at txtPRBinID, i have an event scripted at Lose Focus:
'Private Sub txtPRBinID_LostFocus()'
'[txtPRLocationID].Value = DLookup("[BinLocationID]", "tblBins", "BinID = " & Nz(Me!txtPRBinID.Value, 1))'
'End Sub'
Basically what it does is everytime a value is selected for txtPRBinID and the user moves on (Loses Focus of the txtBox), a DLookup occurs for tblBins.BinLocationID for the value of BinID and changes the value of txtPRLocationID text box.
The 'Nz()' is to avoid Null errors (according to Google search). Not sure if necessary, if anyone can confirm, please do!
Thanks for reading!

How to paste tabular data into the "new row" of a DataGridView with AllowUserToAddRows set true?

We use DataGridViews throughout our UI... most are data-bound to some backing table... most of those through a BindingSource.
They all have supported Ctrl+C to Copy tabular data out (so you can paste into Excel or Word tables, etc.). That was easy... it's built-in... just set MultiSelect true and ClipboardCopyMode to EnableWithAutoHeaderText (or one of the other Enable... settings).
Our users have requested us to similarly support Ctrl+V to Paste tabular data copied from Excel etc. Unfortunately, that is not nearly so easy. I created a generic utility method PasteStringTable(DataGridView) that will pull the tabular data off the Clipboard and then paste it into the selected cells of the argument DataGridView. I have that working except for one key issue:
If the DataGridView has AllowUserToAddRows set true, and the user is in that magic "new row" at the bottom, then I wanted to add rows for each row on the Clipboard. But the problem is, nothing I do programmatically ever seems to get it to actually add that row... I've tried everything that I can think of (or find via Bing or Google):
(1) I tried doing BeginEdit / EndEdit on the DataGridView.
(2) I tried first setting the DataGridView.CurrentCell to the cell I was about to edit, then DataGridView.BeginEdit(true), then edit the cell by setting its Value property, then DataGridView.EndEdit().
(3) I tried doing #2, but where I did SendKeys.Send(value) instead of .Value = value.
(4) I tried doing DataGridView.NotifyCurrentCellDirty(true) in the middle of the above.
(5) I tried modifying the underlying data source first by manually doing DataGridView.Rows.Insert(index, 1) to try to force in a new row before I pasted into it... but that throws an exception since my DataGridViews are data-bound. (NOTE: I do not want to hard-code specific access to the underlying data because I want it to work like Paste where the data copied lines up visually with the DataGridView's columns.)
(6) Many other variations...
In the end, most attempts result in the same behavior: you can see that the bottom row gets modified... you can see the first row of the data you copied show up in that magic "new row", until you click out of the row and the row goes blank again... unless you manually edit it, it never gets added to the underlying data. Even if I try doing SendKeys.SendWait(...), it still doesn't act like it would if I typed in that data.
How do I programmatically get that magic "new row" to act like it would if I typed in the pasted in data??
(Surely I am not the first person to want to paste tabular data into DataGridViews.)
After much trial and error, this is the pattern I came up with that works well in most cases. This is pure guesswork, though, so if anybody knows how it is supposed to work, please let us know. Anyway, here's what I've got working:
DataGridViewCell cell = dgv[colIndex, rowIndex];
if (!cell.ReadOnly) // && (evenIfNotSelected || cell.Selected)) // Selected is not stable in some cases
if (!cell.OwningRow.IsNewRow)
cell.Value = cellData;
dgv.CurrentCell = cell;
cell.Value = cellData;
// Do it again to try to overwrite the default value that might get injected by EndEdit adding the row
cell.Value = cellData;
Also i try many solution and finally it's work in my case.
private void calculationGrid_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
if ((int)e.KeyChar == 22 && Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Control)
calculationGrid.CurrentCell.Value = Clipboard.GetText().Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "").Trim();

Make variable name using loop and string in PowerBuilder

I am interested if it is possible to make variable name in PowerBuilder using a loop and a string. For example:
long ll_go
string lst_new
for ll_go = 1 to 8
lst_new = "text" + ll_go
lst_new.tag = 5500
So, it should give me variables text1, text2..,.,text8 and I would be able to assign values for them. Let me know if anybody succeeded, thanks in advance
Your description is lacking some term precision.
If you actually want to dynamically create new variables as "variable in a powerscript subroutine or function" this is simply not possible.
If instead you want to create dynamically some new controls statictext or textedit objects in a window or visual userobject this is possible:
use a local variable of the type of the new object you need to create, e.g. static text
make it a live object (instantiate) with create
set the object properties to whatever you need
"attach" the new object to its parent (either a window or a visual userobject - though any graphicobject is possible with using the win32api SetParent function) with the OpenUserObject() method. Note that you cannot simply add it directly to the parent's Control[] array.
you can also keep the object in your own array for later convenience access to the created objects instead of looping on the Control[] array
once the object is attached it its parent, you can reuse the local variable to create another one
Here is an example:
//put this in a button clicked() event on a window
//i_myedits is declared in instances variables as
//SingleLineEdit i_myedits[]
SingleLineEdit sle
int i
for i = 1 to 8
sle = create singlelineedit
sle.text = string(i)
sle.tag = "text_" + string(i)
sle.height = pixelstounits(20, ypixelstounits!)
sle.width = pixelstounits(100, xpixelstounits!)
parent.openuserobject(sle, pixelstounits(10, xpixelstounits!), pixelstounits(22 * i, ypixelstounits!))
i_myedits[i] = sle //keep our own reference
An exemple of values access:
//put that in another button clicked() event
SingleLineEdit sle
int i
string s_msg
for i = 1 to upperbound(i_myedits[])
sle = i_myedits[i]
if i > 1 then s_msg += "~r~n"
s_msg += "edit #" + string(i) + " (" + sle.tag + ") says '" + sle.text + "'"
messagebox("Edits values", s_msg)
As you can see, one practicality problem is that you cannot refer to these controls by constructing the control's name like "text"+2, instead you must access the my edits[] array or loop through the controls and test their .tag property if you set it to something specific.
I do not think that it is possible. Workaround could be an array maybe.
Br. Gábor
I'd see two ways to do this, but they aren't as easy as it seems that you were hoping:
1. Control Array
First method would be to go through the control arrays (on windows, tabs and user objects). I'd create a function that took the control name as a string, then another that overloaded the same function and took control name and an array of windowobject. The string-only method would just call the string/array method, passing the string through and adding the window.Control as the second parameter. The string/array method would go through the array, and for each element, get the ClassDefinition. Pull the name off of it, and parse it apart the way you want it to match the string parameter (e.g. for w_test`tab_first`tabpage_first`cb_here, do you want cb_here to match, or tab_first`tabpage_first`cb_here?). Deal with matches as appropriate. When you find a control of type tab or user object, call the string/array function again with the Control array from that object; deal with success/fail returns as appropriate.
2. DataWindow
What you're describing works extremely well with DataWindows, and their Describe() and Modify() functions. Since you pass these functions only a string, you can build not only the control names, but the values they're set to as you would build any string. In fact, you can build multiple Modify() strings together (delimited by a space) and make a single call to Modify(); this is not only faster, but reduces window flicker and visible activity.
Don't fall into the trap of thinking that, since your data isn't from a database, you can't use a DataWindow. Create an external DataWindow, and simply use it with one row inserted during the Constructor event.
As you might guess, I'd strongly favour the DataWindow approach. Not only is it going to perform better, but it's going to provide a lot more flexibility when you want to move on and tag more control types than just static text. (You'll have to do some type casting even with one control type, but if you want to get into multiples, you'll need to start a CHOOSE CASE to handle all your types.)
Good luck,
You can't create a variable name in a script because the variables have to be declared before you can use them. With PBNI it's possible to generate a name the way you describe and then get a reference to a variable of that name that already exists but I don't think that's what you want. If you want to keep track of additional properties for your controls, just inherit a new user object from whatever it is (sle, mle, etc.) and add the properties you want. Then you can place your user object on a window and use the properties. Another approach is to use the control's Tag property. It holds a string that you can put whatever you want in. PFC uses this technique. Terry's DataWindow solution is a good approach for storing arbitrary data.
Yes, and there are more than one way to skin a cat.
Sounds like you have several properties so I'd use an array of custom non visual user objects, or an array of structures. Otherwise you could probably use something from the .NET framework like a dictionary object or something like that, or a datawidnow using an external datasource, where you can refer to column names as col + ll_index.ToString().
SIMPLE Example:
Make custom NVO with following instance variables, plus getter/setter functions for each, name it n_single_field
// add the properties and recommend getter and setter functions
public string myTag
public string myText
public int myTabOrder
// To USE the NVO define an unbounded array
n_single_field fields[]
// to process the populated fields
integer li_x, li_max_fields
// loop through field 1 through max using array index for field number
li_max_fields = upperbound(fields)
for li_x = 1 to li_max_fields
fields[li_x].myTag = 'abc'
fields[li_x].myText = 'text for field number ' + li_x.ToString()
fields[li_x].myTabOrder = li_x * 10
Maybe I'm oversimplifying if so let me know, if there is a will there is always a way. ;)

Winforms datagrid default values

This drives me crazy:
i'm using a datagridview (bound to a dataset) and textboxes also bound to the dataset (which means that everything typed into the textboxes is reflected in the datagridview). The datagridview is actually used only to show up the values (user is NOT able to edit anything in the cells).
So: when the user pushes the add new record button (automatically created by visual studio using binding navigator etc. ) i would like to programmatically select this new line (remember: user has not the ability to select with the mouse) and insert some values.
I tried to use the
event, but this is firing only if the user selects the row with the asterisk indicator (what the user is not allowed to do).
How can i simulate that behavior? Should i take another approach?
Thanks in advance!!
Was searching for alternatives to how I currently do this and just wanted to let you know about a couple ways I know of. Both of these will set defaults when using the * (new row) or using a BindingNavigator.
private void CityBindingSource_AddingNew(object sender,
AddingNewEventArgs e)
// Simply set the default value to the next viable ID,
// will automatically set the value when needed.
locationDataSet.CITY.CITY_IDColumn.DefaultValue =
CityTableAdapter.GetNewID(); // ++maxID;
private void CityDataGridView_DefaultValuesNeeded(object sender,
DataGridViewRowEventArgs e)
// Gets called when datagridview's */NewRow is entered.
e.Row.Cells[0].Value = CityTableAdapter.GetNewID(); // ++maxID;
private void bindingNavigatorAddNewItem_Click(object sender,
EventArgs e)
// BindingNavigator button's AddNewItem automatic tie-
// in to bindingSource's AddNew() is removed.
// This sets the current cell to the NewRow's cell to trigger
// DefaultValuesNeeded event.
CityDataGridView.CurrentCell =
I was really hoping to use this:
private void CityBindingSource_AddingNew(object sender,
AddingNewEventArgs e)
// Cast your strongly-typed
// bindingsource List to a DataView and add a new DataRowView
DataRowView rowView =
var newRow = (LocationDTSDataSet.CITYRow)rowView.Row;
newRow.CITY_ID = CityTableAdapter.GetNewID();
newRow.CMMT_TXT = "Whatever defaults I want";
e.NewObject = rowView;
But when adding using the BindingNavigator or any code based bindingSource.AddNew() it results in just a blank row. Hopefully someone finds a better way, but this is working for me so far.
How about the Datatable's TableNewRow event, then? If that gets fired when the BindingNavigator creates a new row, then that's an opportunity to populate the object.

Excel VBA Programming with Arrays: To Pass them or Not To Pass them?

Question: I am wondering which is the optimal solution for dealing with Arrays in Excel 2003 VBA
Background: I have a Macro in Excel 2003 that is over 5000 lines. I have built it over the last 2 years adding new features as new Procedures, which helps to segment the code and debug, change, or add to that feature. The downside is that I am using much of the same base information in multiple procedures, which requires me to load it into arrays with minor differences multiple times. I am now running into issues with the length of run time, so I am now able to do a full rewrite.
This file is used to grab multiple items of manufacturing flows (up to 4 different set ups with a total of up to 10 distinct flows , of up to 1000 steps each) with the information being Flow specific, Sub-Flow specific for grouping / sorting purposes, and Data (such as movements, inventory, CT, ...)
It then will stick the data onto multiple sheets used to manage the process utilizing data sheets to be perused, charts, and Cell Formatting to denote process flow capability / history.
The Flow is in the Excel File, while the Manufacturing data is read in with 7 different OO4O Oracle SQL pulls, some reused multiple times
The Arrays are:
arrrFlow(1 to 1000, 1 to 4) as a Record Type with 4 strings
arrrSubFlow(1 to 1000, 1 to 10) as a Record Type with 4 strings, 2 integers, and 1 single
arrrData(1 to 1000, 1 to 10) as a Record Type with 1 string, 4 integers, 12 longs, and 1 single
arriSort(1 to 1000, 1 to 4) as Integer (Used as a pointer Array to sort the Flow, Sub Flow, and Data in a Group, Sub Group, and Step order while leaving the original arrays in Step order)
1) Rewrite the macro into one big procedure that loads the data into master arrays dimensioned within the Procedure once
Pro: Dimensioned in the Procedure rather than as a Public Variable in the Module and not passed.
Con: Harder to debug with one mega procedure instead of multiple smaller ones.
2) Keep macro with multiple procedures but passing the Arrays
Pro: Easier to debug code with multiple smaller procedures.
Con: Passing Arrays (Expensive?)
3) Keep macro with multiple procedures but with the Arrays being Public Dim'ed variables in the Module
Pro: Easier to debug code with multiple smaller procedures.
Con: Public Arrays (Expensive?)
So, what's the community's verdict? Does anyone know the expense of using Public Arrays vs Passing Arrays? Is the Cost of either of these worth losing the ease of having my procedures being focused on one feature?
I load Inventory Data at a discrete level (multiple per Step), Moves Data at a aggregate level (one per step), and the Beginning of Shift Inventory at an aggregate level. I aggregate the Inventory data by step placing it in Work State categories (Run, Wait,...) I create targets off data already on the sheets.
I have a Flow sheet that shows the Work Flows by Type, currently 3 products have a similar but not exactly the same flow, and 2 products are a different flow, that are similar but again not the same as each other. I have assigned each set of steps in the different flows a group and sub-group.
I place this data on multiple sheets, some in Step Order, some in group / sub-group order. I also need the data summed up by group and product, group / sub-group and product, portion of the line and product, and product.
I use Record Types so I actually have a readable three dimensional array, arrSubFlow(1,1).strStep (Step Name of the 1st Step of the 1st Device), arrData(10,5).lngYest (Yesterday's movement for the 10th Step of the 5th Device).
My main point of optimization is going to be in the section where I create 10 pages from scratch every single time. With Merging Cells, Borders, Headers, ... This is a very time consuming process. I will add a section that will compare my data with the page to see if it needs to be changed and if so, only then recreate it otherwise, I'll clear each section of data and only write data that changes to the sheet. This will be huge, based on my time logging data. However, whenever I update code, I always try to improve other aspects of the code as well. I see the loading of the data into a Structure (Array, RecordSet, Collection) once as both a little bit of optimization, but more so for data integrity, so I do not have the opportunity to load it differently for different sheets.
The main issues I see getting away from Arrays right now are:
* Already heavily invested in them, but this is not a good enough reason to not change
* Don't know if there is much cost to passing them, since it will by ByRef
* I use a Sort Function to create a Sorted "Pointer" array that lets me leave the Array in Step Flow order, while easily referencing it by Group / Sub-group order.
Since I am always trying to make my code for now and the future, I am not against updating the arrays to either RecordSets or Collections, but not merely for the sake of changing them to learn something cool. My arrays work and from my research, they add seconds to the run time, not substantial amounts for this 2 minute report. So If another structure is easier to update in the future than Two-dimensional Arrays of Record Types, then please let me know, but does anyone know the cost of passing an Array to a procedure, assuming you are not doing a ByVal pass?
You've provided a good bit of detail, but it's still quite difficult to understand exactly what's going on without seeing some code. In your question, I can identify at least 4 big topics that you interweave throughout: Manufacturing, Data Access, VBA, and Coding Best-Practices. It's hard for me to tell exactly what you're asking because your question scope is huge. Either way, I appreciate your trying to write better code in VBA.
It's hard for me to understand exactly what you plan to do with the arrays. You say:
The downside is that I am using much of the same base information in multiple procedures, which requires me to load it into arrays with minor differences multiple times.
I'm not sure what you mean here. Are you using arrays to represent a row of data that you retrieved from a database? If so, you might consider using class modules instead of the usual "macro" modules. These will allow you to work with full-blown objects instead of arrays of values (or references, as the case may be). Classes take more work to set up and consume, but they make your code a lot easier to work with and will greatly help you to segment your code.
As user Emtucifor already pointed out, there may be objects such as ADO Recordset objects (which may require Access to be installed...not sure) that can help greatly. Or you might create your own.
Here's a long example of how using a class might help you. Although this example is lengthy, it will show you how a few principles of object-oriented programming can really help you clean up your code.
In the VBA editor, go to Insert > Class Module. In the Properties window (bottom left of the screen by default), change the name of the module to WorkLogItem. Add the following code to the class:
Option Explicit
Private pTaskID As Long
Private pPersonName As String
Private pHoursWorked As Double
Public Property Get TaskID() As Long
TaskID = pTaskID
End Property
Public Property Let TaskID(lTaskID As Long)
pTaskID = lTaskID
End Property
Public Property Get PersonName() As String
PersonName = pPersonName
End Property
Public Property Let PersonName(lPersonName As String)
pPersonName = lPersonName
End Property
Public Property Get HoursWorked() As Double
HoursWorked = pHoursWorked
End Property
Public Property Let HoursWorked(lHoursWorked As Double)
pHoursWorked = lHoursWorked
End Property
The above code will give us a strongly-typed object that's specific to the data with which we're working. When you use multi-dimension arrays to store your data, your code resembles this: arr(1,1) is the ID, arr(1,2) is the PersonName, and arr(1,3) is the HoursWorked. Using that syntax, it's hard to know what is what. Let's assume you still load your objects into an array, but instead use the WorkLogItem that we created above. This name, you would be able to do arr(1).PersonName to get the person's name. That makes your code much easier to read.
Let's keep moving with this example. Instead of storing the objects in array, we'll try using a collection.
Next, add a new class module and call it ProcessWorkLog. Put the following code in there:
Option Explicit
Private pWorkLogItems As Collection
Public Property Get WorkLogItems() As Collection
Set WorkLogItems = pWorkLogItems
End Property
Public Property Set WorkLogItems(lWorkLogItem As Collection)
Set pWorkLogItems = lWorkLogItem
End Property
Function GetHoursWorked(strPersonName As String) As Double
On Error GoTo Handle_Errors
Dim wli As WorkLogItem
Dim doubleTotal As Double
doubleTotal = 0
For Each wli In WorkLogItems
If strPersonName = wli.PersonName Then
doubleTotal = doubleTotal + wli.HoursWorked
End If
Next wli
GetHoursWorked = doubleTotal
Exit Function
'You will probably want to catch the error that will '
'occur if WorkLogItems has not been set '
Resume Exit_Here
End Function
The above class is going to be used to "do something" with a colleciton of WorkLogItem. Initially, we just set it up to count the total number of hours worked. Let's test the code we wrote. Create a new Module (not a class module this time; just a "regular" module). Paste the following code in the module:
Option Explicit
Function PopulateArray() As Collection
Dim clnWlis As Collection
Dim wli As WorkLogItem
'Put some data in the collection'
Set clnWlis = New Collection
Set wli = New WorkLogItem
wli.TaskID = 1
wli.PersonName = "Fred"
wli.HoursWorked = 4.5
clnWlis.Add wli
Set wli = New WorkLogItem
wli.TaskID = 2
wli.PersonName = "Sally"
wli.HoursWorked = 3
clnWlis.Add wli
Set wli = New WorkLogItem
wli.TaskID = 3
wli.PersonName = "Fred"
wli.HoursWorked = 2.5
clnWlis.Add wli
Set PopulateArray = clnWlis
End Function
Sub TestGetHoursWorked()
Dim pwl As ProcessWorkLog
Dim arrWli() As WorkLogItem
Set pwl = New ProcessWorkLog
Set pwl.WorkLogItems = PopulateArray()
Debug.Print pwl.GetHoursWorked("Fred")
End Sub
In the above code, PopulateArray() simply creates a collection of WorkLogItem. In your real code, you might create class to parse your Excel sheets or your data objects to fill a collection or an array.
The TestGetHoursWorked() code simply demonstrates how the classes were used. You notice that ProcessWorkLog is instantiated as an object. After it is instantiated, a collection of WorkLogItem becomes part of the pwl object. You notice this in the line Set pwl.WorkLogItems = PopulateArray(). Next, we simply call the function we wrote which acts upon the collection WorkLogItems.
Why is this helpful?
Let's suppose your data changes and you want to add a new method. Suppose your WorkLogItem now includes a field for HoursOnBreak and you want to add a new method to calculate that.
All you need to do is add a property to WorkLogItem like so:
Private pHoursOnBreak As Double
Public Property Get HoursOnBreak() As Double
HoursOnBreak = pHoursOnBreak
End Property
Public Property Let HoursOnBreak(lHoursOnBreak As Double)
pHoursOnBreak = lHoursOnBreak
End Property
Of course, you'll need to change your method for populating your collection (the sample method I used was PopulateArray(), but you probably should have a separate class just for this). Then you just add your new method to your ProcessWorkLog class:
Function GetHoursOnBreak(strPersonName As String) As Double
'Code to get hours on break
End Function
Now, if we wanted to update our TestGetHoursWorked() method to return result of GetHoursOnBreak, all we would have to do as add the following line:
Debug.Print pwl.GetHoursOnBreak("Fred")
If you passed in an array of values that represented your data, you would have to find every place in your code where you used the arrays and then update it accordingly. If you use classes (and their instantiated objects) instead, you can much more easily update your code to work with changes. Also, when you allow the class to be consumed in multiple ways (perhaps one function needs only 4 of the objects properties while another function will need 6), they can still reference the same object. This keeps you from having multiple arrays for different types of functions.
For further reading, I would highly recommend getting a copy of VBA Developer's Handbook, 2nd edition. The book is full of great examples and best practices and tons of sample code. If you're investing a lot of time into VBA for a serious project, it's well worth your time to look into this book.
It sounds like maybe Excel and arrays are not the best tools for the job you're doing. If you could please explain a little bit about the type of data that you're working with and what you're doing, that will really help provide a better answer. Give as much detail as you can about the types of manipulations you're doing on the data and what the inputs and outputs are.
I'm going to give some highlights that I think will help you, and then may edit my answer to be more complete as I get responses from you, and so I have more time to flesh things out a bit.
There is an object that naturally handles the record-type objects you're working with called a Recordset. In the VBA editor, go to Tools -> References and add Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.X Library (the highest one on your machine). You can declare an object of type ADODB.Recordset, then do Recordset.Fields.Append to add fields to it, then .Open it and finally .AddNew, set field values, and .Update. This is a natural object to pass around in programs as an input or output parameter. It has natural traversal and positioning functions (.Eof, .Bof, .AbsolutePosition, .MoveNext, .MoveFirst, .MovePrevious) and supports searching and filtering (.Filter = "Field = 'abc'", .Find and so on).
I don't recommend using public variables, though without an understanding of what you're doing I can't really advise you well here.
I also would avoid one big procedure. Code should be broken out into reusable functional units that do only one thing, whose names are essentially self-documenting about what they do.
If you want to improve the performance of your code, hit ctrl-break at random times while it's running and break into the code. Then press Ctrl-L to view the call stack. Make a note of what is in the list each time. If any item shows up a majority of the time, it is the bottleneck and is where you should spend your time trying to optimize it. However, I don't advise trying to optimize what you have until you make some higher-level decisions (like whether you will switch to a recordset).
I really need more information to help you better.
If you're interested, I'll work up some demonstration code that will show how useful the Recordset object is. Inserting the data from a Recordset into an Excel range is super easy with Recordset.GetRows or .GetString (though some array transposition may be required, that's not hard, either).
UPDATE: If your goal is to speed up your process, then before doing anything I think it's best to be armed with the knowledge of what is taking the most time. Would you please hit ctrl-break about 10 times and note down the call stack each time, then tell me what the most common items in the call stack are?
In terms of updating the speed of cell formatting, here's my experience:
Merge is the slowest operation you can possibly do. Try to avoid it if at all possible. Using "center across selection" is one alternative. Another is just not merging, but using some combination of sizing properly, borders, cell background color, and turning off gridlines for the entire workbook.
Apply borders or other formatting once to the largest thing possible instead of to many small things such as cell by cell. For example, if most cells have all borders but some don't, then apply all borders to the entire range and during your looping remove the ones you don't want. And even then, try to do entire rows and larger ranges.
Save a template file with borders and formatting already applied. Let's say you put one row in it with the formatting for a certain section. In one step duplicate that row into as many rows are needed for that section, say 20 rows, and they will all have the same formatting. Duplicating rows is MUCH faster than applying formatting cell by cell.
Also, I wouldn't automatically go for using classes. While OO is great and I do it myself (heck, I just built 8 classes for something the other day to model a hierarchical structure so I could easily expose the parts of it when I needed them), in practice it can be slower. A simple set of public variables in a class is faster than using getters and setters. A user defined Type is even faster than a class, but you can run into gotchas trying to pass around UDTs in classes (they have to be declared in a non-class public module and even then they can give problems).
