How to close only one Div at a time in React? - reactjs

const [Close, setClose] = useState(true)
<div className="allDivs">
{, index) => {
// console.log("myDivs", myDivs);
return (
<Fragment key={index} >
<div className="tableHeaderBody" id="CLOSEDIV" style={{display: Close ? 'initial' : 'none'}}>
<div className="TableText">
<div className="TableTextHide"></div> <div style={{ color: "white" }} id="SHOW">{item.val}</div></div>
<div className="CloseIcon" id="CloseBtn"><FaCircle style={{ color: "#FC0000", width: "10px", height: "10px", alignItems: "right" }} onClick={() => setClose(false)} /></div>
I want that when i click the Red circle at any div (show in image) it close the div, but right now when i click the One div red circle its closes all the div
please help.

Try this:
Create a new component ChildComponent:
export default function ChildComponent({item}) {
const [Close, setClose] = useState(true) // Every Child now has it's own setClose controll
return (
<div className="tableHeaderBody" id="CLOSEDIV" style={{display: Close ? 'initial' : 'none'}}>
<div className="TableText">
<div className="TableTextHide"></div>
<div style={{ color: "white" }} id="SHOW">{item.val}</div>
<div className="CloseIcon" id="CloseBtn">
<FaCircle style={{ color: "#FC0000", width: "10px", height: "10px", alignItems: "right" }} onClick={() => setClose(false)} />
Pass the ChildComponent to your component shown above:
<div className="allDivs">
{, index) => (
<div key={index}>
<ChildComponent item={item} />


How to highlight the selected menu item

I want to highlight the selected menu item, can anyone help?
<div className="scrollmenu" style={{ display: "flex" }}>
{ => (
<div className="menu__wrapper">
onClick={() => { showCat(; showCatName(; }}
// style={{ float: "right", cursor: "pointer", paddingLeft: "0px", margin: "0px" }}
You can change the className depending on the selected element, and use CSS to highlight it.
For example, let's assume that you want to highlight a cat called Supercat:
<div className = "scrollmenu" style = {{ display: "flex" }}>
{ => (
<div className = "menu__wrapper">
onClick = {() => { showCat(; showCatName(; }}
className = "mobile-cat-menu"
<div className = { === "Supercat" ? "highlight" : "not__highlight" }>
Then use CSS:
background: red;
background: transparent;

How to update height prop with useRef in React?

I need to dynamically define the size of HTML element and set its height to component. I tried to do this with useRef but it doesn't work as expected because of state which contains the previous value (not the current one). Could someone help me with this?
And here's the link: CodeSandBox
The below code works fine but there's hardcored variable HEIGHT which defines the height of a tab. My task is to make the height dynamic
import { useState } from 'react';
const HEIGHT = {
0: 200,
1: 400,
2: 800,
function App() {
const [tab, setTab] = useState(0);
const switchTab = (id) => {
return (
margin: '100px auto',
backgroundColor: 'pink',
width: '400px',
overflow: 'hidden',
height: HEIGHT[tab], // need this to be dynamic not hardcored
{tab === 0 && (
<div style={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column' }}>
<h2>Tab 1</h2>
<input />
<button onClick={() => switchTab(1)}>Go to tab 2</button>
<p>Some text here</p>
{tab === 1 && (
<div style={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column' }}>
<h2>Tab 2</h2>
<input />
<button onClick={() => switchTab(0)}>Go to tab 1</button>
<button onClick={() => switchTab(2)}>Go to tab 3</button>
Some more text here. Some more text here. Some more text here. Some more text here.
Some more text here. Some more text here. Some more text here
{tab === 2 && (
<div style={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column' }}>
<h2>Tab 3</h2>
<input />
<button onClick={() => switchTab(0)}>Go to tab 1</button>
<button onClick={() => switchTab(1)}>Go to tab 2</button>
What I tried:
Added useRef and state which holds the element height
const elRef = useRef(0);
const [height, setHeight] = useState(elRef.current.offsetHeight);
Added function which calculates the size of an element and then sets it to state variable
const resizeHeight = useCallback(() => {
const size = elRef.current.offsetHeight;
}, [elRef]);
Added state Height to styles this way
margin: '100px auto',
backgroundColor: 'pink',
width: '400px',
overflow: 'hidden',
height: height, // it should be the element size
It doesn't work((
Here's the link...with the state height - undefined
You can easily update your elRef reference in the switchTab handler without using useEffect and any useCallback hooks:
const elRef = useRef(0);
const SwitchTab = (id) => {
Now pass the elRef to the ref property of your target div:
return (
margin: '100px auto',
backgroundColor: 'pink',
width: '400px',
overflow: 'hidden',
height: HEIGHT[tab],
<div ref={elRef}> // ------------------------> added here
{tab === 0 && (
<div style={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column' }}>
<h2>Tab 1</h2>
<input />
<button onClick={() => switchTab(1)}>Go to tab 2</button>
<p>Some text here</p>
{tab === 1 && (
<div style={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column' }}>
<h2>Tab 2</h2>
<input />
<button onClick={() => switchTab(0)}>Go to tab 1</button>
<button onClick={() => switchTab(2)}>Go to tab 3</button>
Some more text here. Some more text here. Some more text here. Some more text here.
Some more text here. Some more text here. Some more text here
{tab === 2 && (
<div style={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column' }}>
<h2>Tab 3</h2>
<input />
<button onClick={() => switchTab(0)}>Go to tab 1</button>
<button onClick={() => switchTab(1)}>Go to tab 2</button>

How to use ternary operator inside map

I am trying to use a ternary operator inside a map, but not to sure why this is wrong? Getting a parsing error at the end of the ternary
<div className='Card'>
<div className='TableTopbar ScheduleGrid'>
{UsageMode === 'Read' ?
<div className='Table ScheduleGrid'>
style={{padding: '2px', width: '0.8em', height: '0.8em', marginRight: '5px'}}
export default scheduleRowTwo
Updated code:
<div className='Card'>
<div className='TableTopbar ScheduleGrid'>
{UsageMode === 'Read' ?
<div className='Table ScheduleGrid'>
style={{padding: '2px', width: '0.8em', height: '0.8em', marginRight: '5px'}}
export default scheduleRowTwo
Updated error:
Apparently, your outermost div does not have a closing tag, thus resulting in an error.
Also, you're missing a return statement.
return (
<div className="Card">
<div className="TableTopbar ScheduleGrid">
{ => {
return UsageMode === "Read" ? (
<div className="Table ScheduleGrid">
padding: "2px",
width: "0.8em",
height: "0.8em",
marginRight: "5px",
) : (
Try this code. Should work.
You should enclose this code block with parentheses because you're trying to implicitly return an object (without the return keyword):
{UsageMode === 'Read' ?
<div className='Table ScheduleGrid'>
style={{padding: '2px', width: '0.8em', height: '0.8em', marginRight: '5px'}}

how to create a file tree explorer/view using react js?

I have an react js application whose landing page(index page) allows the user to create a new folder or new view.
As seen in the screenshot the folders and views are displayed in the tile view format.I would like to change the view to a tree structure similar to the file explorer seen on ide such as visual studio code or eclipse.
My render function for the landing page-
render() {
const formList = localStorage.getItem("FormList") !== null ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("FormList")) : [];
const { openmodal, newfolder, foldername, folderList, formView, alertMessage, alert } = this.state;
const folderid = this.props.history.location.pathname;
let fid = folderid.replace('/folder/', '');
return (
<div className="bacgrounImage">
<AlertFunction type={alert} msg={alertMessage} />
<Container fluid>
<Col lg="12"
className="spilt folderheader"
<div style={{ paddingTop: '7px', paddingLeft: '3%' }}>
<NavLink to={fid === '/' ? "/formcreate" : '/formcreate/' + fid} >
<button className='butt' onClick={() => {
localStorage.setItem('viewId', null);
}} style={{ float: 'right', width: '14%', height: '43px', marginLeft: '10px' }} onClick={e => this.layoutset(e, null, null)}>
<h6 style={{ fontWeight: '500' }}>Create New View</h6>
{newfolder === null &&
<button className='butt' type='button' onClick={this.folderName} style={{ width: '15%%', float: 'right' }} >
<img src={require('./image/newFolder.svg')} />
<span style={{ fontWeight: '500' }}>Create New Folder</span></button>
<h4>File List</h4>
<Col lg='12' className='newfolder folderList'>
<div style={{ display: newfolder === 2 ? 'block' : 'none', padding: '8px 8px 16px 1px' }}>
<span style={{ padding: '6px 18px', cursor: 'pointer' }} onClick={e => this.backToForm(e)}><i className="fa fa-arrow-left" aria-hidden="true" ></i></span>
{(folderList !== undefined && folderList.length > 0) &&, i) => {
return <div key={i + "create"} className='list' id={} onDoubleClick={() => this.folderClick(, 1)}>
<img src={require('./image/folder.svg')} style={{ width: '48px' }} />
{(formView !== undefined && formView.length > 0) &&, i) =>
<div key={i + "create"} className='list' id={} onDoubleClick={() => this.folderClick(, 2)}>
<img src={require('./image/file.svg')} style={{ width: '48px' }} />
(folderList !== undefined && folderList.length === 0 && formView !== undefined && formView.length === 0) &&
<div className='noDataFound'>No data found </div>
{newfolder === 1 &&
<div className='list' style={{ backgroundColor: '#d3daff' }}>
<img src={require('./image/folder.svg')} style={{ width: '48px' }} />
<input value={foldername} onChange={e => this.setState({ foldername: })} onKeyPress={this.createnewFolder} type='text' style={{ width: '72%', marginLeft: '2px', height: '27px' }} onFocus={this.handleFocus} />
<div lg="12">
<Formlisting formList={formList} openmodal={openmodal} toggle={this.toggle} />
How do i modify the render function to change the view from the tile view to tree structure view as seen in the screenshot.Plz help?

OnClick passing undefined

I am trying to pass an onClick value, but it passes undefined. Works well if it is not a Card/Paper/Div but I need this "button" to be a Card/paper/div
onClick={() => this.handleChange('bostadstyp')}
onClick={ value='villa', handleChange('bostadstyp')}
render() {
const { bostadstyp } = this.props;
const { auth } = this.props;
const { value, values, handleChange, handleClick } = this.props;
const { backgroundColori } = this.props;
const backgroundColor2 = "#F09515";
const aa = "";
// const imageUrl = window.innerWidth >= "1600px" ? Banner1 : Banner2;
// {if (!auth.uid) return <Redirect to="/loggain" />;}
return (
<img src={Logo} width="15%" align="center" marginBottom="10px" />
<div style={{ backgroundColor: "#F1F1F1", padding: "30px" }}>
marginTop: "0px",
marginLeft: "10%",
color: "#F09515",
fontFamily: "Avenir",
fontWeight: "bold"
{" "}
Dina Preferenser{" "}
backgroundColor: "#fdfdfd",
marginTop: "0px",
marginBottom: "0px"
className="row xl12 l12 m12 s12"
marginLeft: "10%",
marginRight: "10%",
padding: "30px",
backgroundColor: "#fdfdfd"
<br />
<div className="col xl6 l6 m12 s12">
fontFamily: "Avenir",
fontWeight: "bold",
color: "#F09515"
1. Välj din boendestyp
<p className="texti" style={{ fontSize: "16px" }}>
Vi behöver den här uppgift då vissa avtal endast gäller för
vissa anläggningstyper.
<div className="col xl6 l6 m12 s12">
className="row cardi xl12 l12 m12 s12"
style={{ width: "270%", backgroundColor: `white` }}
<div className=" col xl7 l7 m6 s6">
<img src={villa} width="50px" />
<div className="col xl5 l5 m5 s5">
style={{ fontSize: 16, textAlign: "right" }}
I expect to 'values.bostadstyp' get the value 'villa'
because you are using function in the class so you must using this.handleChange instead of handleChange
<Card onClick={() => this.handleChange('bostadstyp' )}>
You need to attach the onClick() listener to a <CardActionsArea/> component which should be nested inside your <Card/> component
Something like
<Card className="row cardi xl12 l12 m12 s12" style={{ width: '270%', backgroundColor: `white` }} value={'villa'} onClick={handleChange('bostadstyp' )} >
<div className=" col xl7 l7 m6 s6">
<img src={villa} width="50px" />
<div className="col xl5 l5 m5 s5">
<h6 className="texti" style={{ fontSize: 16, textAlign: "right" }}>Villa/radhus</h6>
Also, I suggest looking into the <CardActions/> documentation, the example here shows how its used
Can you try below code in your card element:
<Card className="row cardi xl12 l12 m12 s12"
style={{ width: '270%', backgroundColor: `white` }} value={'villa'}
onClick={(e) => {
The issue may be due to one of the below reasons:
1. handleChange() not bound with this.
2. To pass values from onClick handler you should use (e) => func('value')
3. The click is happening inside form element, its better to include event.preventDefault()
You need user arrow function:
onClick={() => { this.handleChange('bostadstyp' ) }}
<Card className="row cardi xl12 l12 m12 s12" style={{ width: '270%', backgroundColor: `white` }} value={'villa'} onClick={() => { this.handleChange('bostadstyp' ) }} >
<div className=" col xl7 l7 m6 s6">
<img src={villa} width="50px" />
<div className="col xl5 l5 m5 s5">
<h6 className="texti" style={{ fontSize: 16, textAlign: "right" }}>Villa/radhus</h6>
Handle Change from parent component:
Make sure your handleChange is bound properly by explicitly binding it or using an arrow function syntax:
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this) // In component's constructor
// or
handleChange = (value, input) => {
[input]: value
onClick expects a function to invoke, so you need to wrap your handler into one:
<Card onClick={() => handleChange('villa', 'bostadstyp')}></Card>
