copying c code from replit to visual studio on mac - c

So I went to copy my c code from replit to visual studio because I have to work on an assignment online.
I have a floating.h file I created for functions like toDouble(unsigned int) etc. when I include the file in my main.c and call the code, output says “_toDouble” are undefined symbols for architecture x86_64.
My actual implementation of the functions are in my floating.c file.
My floating.h has for example
“double toDouble(struct floating f)”


C source code, Watcom Compiler and EMU8086

How can I get the Watcom compiler (the forked version 2.0 beta which runs on 64-bit hosts) to output 8086 assembly source code in an ASM file? Running wcc -0 main.c from the command prompt produces just the OBJ file.
As a side note, my main task it to convert C source code to assembly code that I can run with EMU8086 (instead of writing the actual assembly code). I am hoping the ASM file generated by Watcom would run without modification (copy-paste) in EMU8086.
I don't see a way to get the Watcom compiler to generate an ASM file directly, but you should be able to use the Watcom disassembler (wdis) to generate an assembly listing from the object file produced by the compiler. In this case you would run something like wdis -l main to read main.obj and produce a file named main.lst that contains an assembly language listing.
If you recompile main.c with a -d1 or -d2 option to place extra debugging data into the main.obj file then you can use the disassembler's -s option to have the assembly language listing interpersed with comments showing the original C source from main.c.
To get the disassembler to omit descriptive comments and just give a plain disassembly that should be acceptable as a source file for the Watcom assembler, give the -a option to the disassembler. This option will also causes the disassembler's output to be written into main.asm rather than main.lst. Sorry, I have no idea whether this output will be directly consumable by EMU8086.
This is all discussed in the Open Watcom C/C++ User Guide and C/C++ Tools User Guide linked from

NASM: How to resolve these unresolved externals?

I'm trying to get started learning basic assembly with Paul A. Carter's book "PC Assembly Language." However I'm unable to run the first example Carter provides, so I'm kind of stuck until I figure this out.
I assembled the example "first.asm" without any problem, but I can't figure out how to link these files: first.obj, driver.c, asm_io.obj into an executable. In the comment section of first.asm Carter gives these instructions for creating an executable (I'm using Windows 10, VS community 2015 developer command prompt):
; Using MS C/C++
; nasm -f win32 first.asm
; cl first.obj driver.c asm_io.obj
I'm doing exactly that but I'm getting a fatal error 2 unresolved externals, _printf and _scanf. I have every necessary file that I can think of in the same directory, and I'm compiling in that directory.
Driver.c calls the function defined in and it uses a header file called "CDECL.h"; I have this file in my directory, but I don't understand much about this header file. I wonder if the problem is here. I haven't altered it or anything. I assembled asm_io.asm according to Dr. Carter's instructions.
Not too far into asm_io.asm is see this:
extern _scanf, _printf, _getchar, _putchar, _fputs
So here are the unresolved externals. Shouldn't they be defined in stdio.h? Driver.c includes stdio.h, shouldn't the linker be able to resolve these symbols be looking at stdio.h? What might I be missing?
ps. I'm new to programming in general, and this is my first stack overflow question. I'm open to any and all criticism/feedback. I'll provide more information if you need it, I just didn't want to post a massive wall of text and code if not necessary.
Welcome to SO. You need to understand:-
The difference between a header file, e.g.
foo.h // C or maybe C++ header file)
and a library, e.g.
foo.lib foo.dll // Windows
libfoo.a, // Unix/Linux
that implements the calling interface that is (merely) described in a header file.
The difference between compiling or assembling a source file, e.g.
bar.c // C source file
bar.asm // Assembly source, Windows
bar.s // Assembly source, Unix/Linux
to make an object file. e.g.
bar.obj // Windows
bar.o // Unix/Linux
and linking object files and libraries together make a complete executable.
Linking can succeed only if the linker is supplied with (or knows by default)
the names and locations of object files and/or libraries that provide
implementations of all the functions that are called in the program - including
functions whose calling interfaces are described in header files. Otherwise
unresolved symbol errors ensue.
Research these points and you'll quickly get yourself unstuck. See this
pretty good introductory tutorial, which although it is about getting
started with the GNU Compiler Collection rather
than with assembly language programming, will clarify the principles
and distinctions you need to grasp.

Microsoft linker spontaneously creating library

I'm trying to compile a C program (specifically, the Python interpreter) as a plain statically linked 64-bit Windows binary. My command line looks like this:
cl /DPy_BUILD_CORE ... /link Advapi32.lib Shell32.lib User32.lib
where ... is the long list of source files and include directory specifications, and the library specifications I added as necessary to fix unresolved symbol errors. I'm getting linker output that looks like (after the C compiler has finished running):
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 12.00.21005.1
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
(lots more .obj's)
Creating library getbuildinfo.lib and object getbuildinfo.exp
... and then a weird error that I'm still trying to figure out, but maybe I might have a better chance if I understand another aspect of the behavior of the linker here.
Why is it creating a library? I didn't tell it to do that. It's only supposed to be creating a .exe.
In particular, I tried a small test case with just a couple of trivial C source files and otherwise the exact same command line, and it behaved as expected, creating only the .exe and not trying anything with libraries. The only differences are in the number and contents of the C source files, but I wouldn't have thought the contents of a C source file could change the behavior of the linker.
What am I missing?

How to compile C source from Visual Studio?

i have simple C source file created and compiled nicely on GNU gcc/cc. However when I wanted to compile in Visual Studio on Windows it gives me lots of errors. Is there any particular settings to set for VS compiler in order to compile nicely C source code.thanks
C source (standard style ?)
#include <..>
//function prototype
int main(){
// my code here
/* all my other functions below this */
Just found out I can use cl.exe . would try this first.

Visual Studio: Create a Hello World app in C?

How can I create a basic C app in Visual Studio, be it 2010 Ultimate or 2008 Professional? I have searched through the project templates, and can find plenty for C++, but none for C.
(I'm hoping that the compiler and debugger will be built in.)
New project/Win32 Console Application/Empty project.
Add a file called "hello.c" (important that it's .c)
Type out a basic hello-world:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("Hello world\n");
return 0;
Compile, execute... PROFIT!
Visual Studio doesn't have a separate compiler for C, it uses the C++ compiler for C code. You can tell it to restrict itself to legal C syntax by using a compiler switch or by renaming the .cpp file to .c
Edit: I'm still using 2005 on this machine, so it might not be in the same place, but try this
Right click on the main.cpp in the solution explorer pane (on the right).
Choose Properties (bottom of the menu)
Open up the C/C++ group of properties
choose Advanced page
Change "Compile As" property to "Compile as C Code (/TC)"
In addition to changing the file extension, you may need to change the compiler settings:
Settintgs of Application->C/C++->addition->compiler such...
You must take /TC for basic C and /TP for C++.
Good Luck.
