This is the error when I run make:
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
"\_add", referenced from:
\_main in a4-1-989722.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make: \*\*\* \[a4-1\] Error 1
note (one of the functions in my module is add()
This is the makefile:
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -pedantic
TARGET = a4-1
DEP1 = myMath
all: $(TARGET)
debug: CFLAGS += -DDBUG
debug: $(TARGET)
&(TARGET): $(TARGET).c $(DEP1).o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEP1).o -o $(TARGET) $(TARGET).c
$(DEP1).o: $(DEP1).c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(DEP1).c
rm $(TARGET) *.o
This is the module .c file:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int add(int x, int y)
return(x + y);
This is the module .h file:
int add(int, int);
#include "module.h"
in module.c
I am struggling with building a program with multiple files whith inter files function calls with makefile in C. Let's say that I have a main file which call a function call_print_hello() declared in a header file fdeclar_macros.h and written in the file script1.c. The function call_print_hello() itself calls another function print_hello() also declared in fdeclar_macros.h and written in script2.c. I have also a makefile but when I run it I get the following error message:
gcc -g -Wall -c main.c
gcc -g -Wall -c script1.c
gcc -o main main.o script1.o
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_call_print_hello", referenced from:
_main in main.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make: *** [main] Error 1
Here are the content of the files:
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -g -Wall
main: main.o script1.o
$(CC) -o main main.o script1.o
main.o: main.c fdeclar_macros.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c main.c
script2.o: script2.c fdeclar_macros.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c script2.c
script1.o: script1.c fdeclar_macros.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c script1.c
run: main
$(RM) -rf justify *.dSYM *.o
#include "fdeclar_macros.h"
int main(){
return 0;
#define NUMBER 3
void print_hello();
void call_print_hello();
#include <stdio.h>
#include "fdeclar_macros.h"
void print_hello(){
printf("hello %d\n", NUMBER);
#include "fdeclar_macros.h"
void call_print_hello(){
The make target for the main executable does not contain a dependency on script2.o and the rule to build main does not link script2.o into the main executable either.
So the linker tries to build an executable with the content of script2.o missing, but as that content is required, linking fails.
One easy fix would be to change the original rule
main: main.o script1.o
$(CC) -o main main.o script1.o
by adding script2.o:
main: main.o script1.o script2.o
$(CC) -o main main.o script1.o script2.o
I will leave finding more general rules as an exercise to the reader.
NAME = my_programm
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -Wall -Werror -Wextra
MY_SOURCES = main.c script1.c script2.c
#cc $(CFLAGS) $(MY_OBJECTS) -o $(NAME)
#rm -f $(MY_OBJECTS)
#rm -f $(NAME)
I am trying to compile two c files into one executable. In the directory I have only three files; Makefile, main.c and myfunction.c.
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -Wall -g -O0
LIBS = -lm
SRCS = $(wildcard *.c)
OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o)
MAIN = main
all: $(MAIN)
#echo Program has been compiled
$(MAIN): $(OBJS)
$(RM) *.o *~ $(MAIN)
#include <stdio.h>
void myfunc();
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
void myfunc() { printf("hello world"); }
output after make:
gcc -Wall -g -O0 -c -o main.o main.c
gcc -Wall -g -O0 -c -o myfunction.o myfunction.c
gcc -Wall -g -O0 -o main main.o myfunction.o -lm
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_myfunc", referenced from:
_main in main.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make: *** [main] Error 1
I had something nearly identical working in the past. I have since clean installed MacOS and updated to Big Sur. Is this the issue or have I overlooked something?
I fixed the issue. I’m not sure what part fixed it, but installed Homebrew and used it to install gcc-10. I also deleted the project and started over.
myfunc would define like file header
void myfunc()
Declare in another file
void myfunc() { printf("hello world"); }
Follow the following tutorial
I have created a new makefile
CC = /usr/bin/gcc
MQM_HOME = /opt/mqm
CFLAGS = -g -Wall \
-I$(MQM_HOME)/inc \
IBM_LIBS= -liconv
MQLIB = $(MQ_LIBPATH) -lmqm -lmqmcs -lmqmzse
LIBS = $(IBM_LIBS) $(MQLIB) -lpthreads
default: ctm_mq_con_ex
ctm_mq_con_ex: ctm_mq_con_ex.o
# Compilation rules
EXE = $(SOURCE)/ctm_mq_con_ex
MAIN = $(SOURCE)/ctm_mq_con_ex.c
OBJS = $(SOURCE)/ctm_mq_con_ex.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(MAIN)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $(EXE) $(OBJS)
\rm -f $(OBJS)
\rm -f $(EXE)
Now it shows errors
make -f ./
/usr/bin/gcc -g -Wall -I/opt/mqm/inc -I/usr/include -c /home/avalanche/oleg/ctm_mq
/usr/bin/gcc -g -Wall -I/opt/mqm/inc -I/usr/include -o /home/avalanche/oleg/ctm_mq
/home/avalanche/oleg/ctm_mq_con_ex.o: In function `main':
/home/avalanche/oleg/ctm_mq_con_ex.c:67: undefined reference to `MQCONNX'
/home/avalanche/oleg/ctm_mq_con_ex.c:86: undefined reference to `MQOPEN'
/home/avalanche/oleg/ctm_mq_con_ex.c:114: undefined reference to `MQINQ'
/home/avalanche/oleg/ctm_mq_con_ex.c:142: undefined reference to `MQCLOSE'
/home/avalanche/oleg/ctm_mq_con_ex.c:163: undefined reference to `MQDISC'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
But in my C program I put header files
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
/* includes for WebSphere MQ */
#include <cmqc.h> /* For regular MQI definitions */
#include <cmqxc.h> /* For MQCD definition */
Did I miss something?
I a ma total noob in C programming. I took some code that throws this error when I run make :
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_rp_osc_adc_sign", referenced from:
_rp_osc_meas_min_max in worker.o
_meas_period in worker.o
"_rp_osc_meas_cnv_cnt", referenced from:
_rp_osc_meas_convert in worker.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make: *** [make_c_app] Error
I am using OS X Yosemite and here's the make file
OBJECTS=main.o fpga.o worker.o calib.o fpga_awg.o generate.o fpga_pid.o pid.o
#CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS) -Wall -Werror -g
CFLAGS+= -Wall -Werror -g -fPIC $(INCLUDE)
all: make_c_app
clean: clean_c_app
make_c_app: $(OBJECTS)
and the method the linker is complaining about
int rp_osc_meas_min_max(rp_osc_meas_res_t *ch_meas, int sig_data)
int s_data = rp_osc_adc_sign(sig_data);
if(ch_meas->min > s_data)
ch_meas->min = s_data;
if(ch_meas->max < s_data)
ch_meas->max = s_data;
ch_meas->avg += s_data;
return 0;
Where the error can come from ?
EDIT : rp_osc_adc_sign is defined the following way
inline int rp_osc_adc_sign(int in_data)
int s_data = in_data;
if(s_data & (1<<(c_osc_fpga_adc_bits-1)))
s_data = -1 * ((s_data ^ ((1<<c_osc_fpga_adc_bits)-1)) + 1);
return s_data;
You should delete the inline tag that is written before the function
rp_osc_adc_sign(int in_data)
Here is my console output:
Tylers-MacBook-Pro:laser_finder_c tylerjw$ make
gcc -g -Wall -c -o dots_img.o dots_img.c
gcc -g -Wall -c -o no_dots_img.o no_dots_img.c
gcc -g -Wall -c -o point.o point.c
gcc -g -Wall -c -o images.o images.c
gcc -g -Wall -c -o laser_finder_c.o laser_finder_c.c
gcc dots_img.o no_dots_img.o point.o images.o laser_finder_c.o -g -Wall -o laser_finder_c
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_main", referenced from:
implicit entry/start for main executable
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make: *** [laser_finder_c] Error 1
This doesn't seem to make any sense as the main function is defined in laser_finder_c.c. Below is my makefile. I'm real confused as to why this is happening.
TARGET = laser_finder_c
OBJECTS = dots_img.o no_dots_img.o point.o images.o laser_finder_c.o
CFLAGS = -g -Wall
LDFLAGS = -g -Wall
CC = gcc
AS = gcc
point.o: point.h
images.o: images.h
laser_finder_c.o: images.h point.h
dots_img.o: images.h
no_dots_img.o: images.h
rm -f $(OBJECTS) $(TARGET)
Here is the definition of main in laser_finder_c.c
// laser_finder.c - finds the location of laser points comparing two images
#include "point.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// #defines ... removed
int main()
// ... code removed
return 0;
For context the output of gcc -v is:
Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/ --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/4.2.1
Apple LLVM version 5.1 (clang-503.0.38) (based on LLVM 3.4svn)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin13.1.0
Thread model: posix