I have a WPF app and an installer created using Setup Project in Visual Studio. The APP is having a tray icon and works based on that.
When I tried to uninstall the application folder gets uninstalled but the instance of the app is still running.
Is there a way I can close my app when it's uninstalled?.. Please help
When the program is uninstalled,you can use System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName static method to check if the process exists.if exist,close it.
such as
var notepad = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("notepad");
if (notepad.Length > 0)
After the installation of my uwp app through a package (i created a package but haven't published it to store yet) the installation window have a 'Launch' button, which launches GUI. But my app is an edge extension which uses background task and desktop bridge. I want the installation program to launch Edge instead.
I heard that the GUI window is a requirement to publish app to store.
You need to leave entry point in the manifest empty, and then after hitting the launch button after installation from windows store edge will be opened. That's information from the guy from microsoft.
Issue with login.live.com
as I was working with the CEF Browser in my windows application when it comes login page it was working fine in local Visual studio, but after installing app using wix installer only login page showing like above link(shrinking). I was wondering what could be the cause for this?
if you browser settings is default you must move folder "locales" in your folder app.
I have a task to make large Silverlight project run out of browser.
Fortunatelly I don't have to rewrite it to some other technology. Unfortunatelly I can not understand how to make it work OOB. I tried everything that's in guides :
enabling OOB option, installing and tryiung to debug installed app, but main thing is that when I run this app OOB I can't reach any services (no matter how I try HTML Bridge is disabled in OOB).
Is there a way to reach those services (like https://localhost/WCFRest/GetUserInfo?login=somelogin&password=somepassword) from OOB enviroment?
What should I do to reach them?
I'm sorry if this is noob quetion but I can't ask anyone else.
I assume you have a Web project in your solution. I think you changed the startup project to the silverlight project. You need to start up the Web project too.
Do the following:
Right click on the solution in the Solution Explorer and select Properties.
Select "Multiple startup projects" and set the action to "Start" (on the web project)
Or just simply right click on a HTML or ASPX file in the web project and select "View in Browser".
I have a winform app running on .net 4. When a certain condition happens, the icon running in the task bar changes from ping_logo to ping_logo_red. (the icon i'm talking about is the one that shows up when you run an application. You click on it and it will restore the windows to the screen or minimize it) The way that the icon is changing is as follows.
I added the ico files as Resources. In the code I change the resource being used
Me.Icon = My.Resources.ping_logo_red
Here is the thing. This works when I run the exe from my machine from the solution bin/release folder. When I publish this and install it from the published location, the icon does not change.
In the publish tab under the project both ping_logo.ico and ping_logo_red.ico are included in the publish status.
what have I not done that is keeping the icon from working in the published app. I've tried to uninstall the app and install it fresh but that doesn't seem to make a difference.
If you are using ClickOnce to publish your application then you need to set the icon property in the properties window of your project.
Right click your project -> Properties
Go to application tab
Select your icon file towards the bottom.
Another idea is changing the CopyToOutput property of your .ico file to "Copy Always" or "Copy If Newer".
I have a silverlight application and i have already checked the box that enables OOB. When i run the program from the IDE and i right click on the browser, i do not get an option to install the application. Instead i have an option to remove the application.
I would like to get an icon that other users can just click on in order to run the application. Is there a reason why i do not have the option to install the application when i run my program?
If it matters i am using silverlight 5.
You have the option to remove the application means you have installed out of browser in the past, after clicking "remove the application" you will have the option to install the application locally.