Fireabase RESTapi with http protocol - database

When to use the RESTapi with firebase and when to use the built in firebase functions, and what is the difference between the two methods.


LinkedIn login in Firebase without use of libraries like passport js

I want to authenticate users with firebase using LinkedIn Signin. All guides I found require use of libraries like passport. Is there a way to achieve this in Cloud functions using POST/GET requests?
My frontend is developed in ReactJS with Firestore Cloud Functions as backend.
I have tried making POST requests using various methods including the use of axios but Firestore Cloud function gives error when I try to make any POST/GET request from inside.

How to call an API in HTTPS with React-Admin data provider?

I'm new in the back-end world and I'm trying to create an admin backoffice with React-Admin, except that I have trouble choosing the dataProvider.
I have a MySQL Express API, which I developed locally so I use Simple REST Data Provider, but it doesn't support HTTPS protocol?
I try to put in production my back-office linked to my api in but I have "a communication error with the server".
Isn't it not advisable to use http for such sensitive requests? How can I make requests to my API in a secure way while remaining in harmony with React-Admin?

React do not hit Django API on kubernetes

I have a django drf API and a react APP in a cluster kubernetes.
My API is not exposed (i cannot expose it because of security conditions).
React APP is exposed with an ingress.
React need to consume Django API (via axios). But it seems that axios requests are made by browsers so api service is unreachable.
Need someone already faced this issue?
Thanks in advance!
Your Django API must be accessible from inside. Use some Load Balancer service like ELB in AWS or SLB in Aliyun to redirect your browser requests to your Django API service.
This way your Django API service could be exposed through Nodeport service or inner ingress.

JWT for Public .Net Core WebAPI

I am thinking of using a JWT to secure my .net Core WebAPI endpoints for a public API. This API will only be consumed by a React front end that does not require a user to authenticate. I am trying to ensure that only my React app can call my WebAPI endpoints.
My thought is to include the JWT when the React app is downloaded/initialized and use it when calling the API.
Thoughts on this? Are there other more efficient ways to do this?
My thought is to include the JWT when the React app is downloaded/initialized and use it when calling the API.
I guess that way wouldn't work because I can copy the JWT token/API-Key or whatelse from network easily and use it for sending own requests. If your API is setup well (validation etc.), sending requests "manually" shouldn't be a problem. So why you only want your react app to request your app?
The only way (I guess) to give only your react app access to the API is to configure your API-server/proxy to accept only requests from the same domain.

How to perform basic http authentication to communicate with protected REST api using angularjs?

I am trying to access rally's web api through AngularJS web application, rally API supports basic http authentication. I justed wanted to know how is it achieved through angularJS ?
