react bootstrap offcanvas custom close button - reactjs

I got offcanvas working on react using bootstrap. Now I want add a custom close button but it doesn't seems to work. Please guide me on what I'm doing wrong.
<Offcanvas.Header className="p-0">
<button type="button" class="btn-close text-reset new_close" data-bs-dismiss="offcanvas" aria-label="Close"></button>
<div className={css["pop-image"]}>
Some text as placeholder. In real life you can have the elements you
have chosen. Like, text, images, lists, etc.

I used onClick in my custom button. And toggled the state by doing
const toggleOffcanvas = () => setShow(!show)
function ToggleSidebarOffcanvas(){
const [show, setShow] = useState(false);
const toggleOffcanvas = () => {
return (
<Button onClick={toggleOffcanvas}>
<SidebarOffcanvas show={show} toggleOffcanvas={toggleOffcanvas} />
function SidebarOffcanvas({ show, toggleOffcanvas }) {
return (
<Offcanvas className="w-25" show={show} scroll={true} backdrop={false}>
backgroundColor: "#008069",
color: "white",
className="d-flex align-items-end w-100 mb-2 lh-1"
<div className="p-2" onClick={toggleOffcanvas}>
<FiArrowLeft />
<h5 className="ms-3">Profile </h5>
<div >


Compiled with problems: ERROR in ./node_modules/#popperjs/core/lib/popper-base.js 3:0-57

Compiled with problems:
ERROR in ./node_modules/#popperjs/core/lib/popper-base.js 3:0-57
export 'detectOverflow' (reexported as 'detectOverflow') was not found in './createPopper.js' (possible exports: createPopper, popperGenerator)
import React, {useState} from "react";
import img1 from '../src/images/card-img1.webp'
import {Button, Modal} from 'react-bootstrap';
const Cards = () => {
const [show, setShow] = useState(false)
const closemodal =()=> setShow(false)
const openmodal =()=> setShow(true)
return (
<section className="pt-4 pt-md-11">
<div className="container">
<div className="row align-items-center">
<div className="card mt-4 mb-4" style={{ width: "18rem", }}>
<img className="card-img-top w-100 p-3" src={img1} alt="Card" />
<div className="card-body">
<h5 className="card-title">Card title</h5>
<p className="card-text">Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.</p>
<Button variant="primary" onClick={openmodal}>
<Modal.Header closeButton>
<Modal.Title>Modal title</Modal.Title>
I will not close if you click outside me. Don't even try to press
escape key.
<Button variant="secondary" onClick={closemodal}>
<Button variant="primary">Understood</Button>
export default Cards;

How to pass parameter value into modal box with react

I am still not familiar with react.js and I am doing a NFT app whereby you click a button and each individual NFT profile will show in a popup modal box which I have already successful integrate the modal box and able to pass the value to a function handleShow(owner) but I have no idea how to send or display this value (owner) into my modal box. Appreciate you guys, can help on my situation. thank you.
const [show, setShow] = useState(false);
const handleClose = () => setShow(false);
function handleShow(owner) {
<div className="min-h-screen bg-gray-100">
<div className="max-w-7xl mx-auto sm:px-6 lg:px-8 ">
<div className="text-black-100 text-6xl pt-28 pb-10">Monkey</div>
{mintedNftState.state === "PENDING" && (
<div className="text-xl text-white">LOADING...</div>
{mintedNftState.state === "SUCCESS" && (
<div className="grid grid-cols-3 gap-4">
({ id, image, name, description, owner }) => {
return (
<div key={id} className="bg-white rounded p-2">
<img src={image} className="mx-auto p-4" alt={name} />
<div className="text-xl">{name}</div>
<div className="font-myfont">{description}</div>
<hr className="my-4" />
<div className="text-left text-sm">Owned By:</div>
<div className="text-left text-xs">{owner}</div>
<div className="mt-12">
<Button variant="primary" onClick={() => handleShow(owner)}>
Launch demo modal
<Modal show={show} onHide={handleClose}>
<Modal.Header closeButton>
<Modal.Title>Modal heading</Modal.Title>
<Button variant="secondary" onClick={handleClose}>
<Button variant="primary" onClick={handleClose}>
Save Changes
I would first add an owner state
const [owner, setOwner] = useState(null);
In handleShow you can set the owner like this
function handleShow(owner) {
You can finally display the owner value between <Modal.Body> tags
When closing the modal you can set the owner to null
const handleClose = () => {

React Js Multiple Modal

Hi i'm trying to learn react and i was tryign to make multiple modal but the same desgine and everything but different content inside it how?
import './Works.css';
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import Modal from '../Modal/Modal'
function Works(props){
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false)
<div className={props.NameClass}>
<p >simple pargraph</p>
<button className="button_more" onClick={() => setIsOpen(true)}><i className="fas fa-caret-right"></i></button>
<Modal open={isOpen} title="hi" onClose={() => setIsOpen(false)}>
export default Works
and if you look at <Modal open={isOpen} title="here i wanna different title" onClose={() => setIsOpen(false)}>
and here the App.js calling the file on top multiple times but i wanna for example if someone click on the second project it change the title to for example "hi you're in the second modal!"
<div class="Div-Projects">
<Works NameClass="First_Project" icon="💳" title="first" />
<Works NameClass="Second_Project" icon="🎓" title="second" />
<Works NameClass="Third_Project" icon="👩🏻‍💻" title="third" />
and here the modal code!
import './Modal.css'
function Modal({open , title, onClose}){
if(!open) return null
<div className="popup">
<div className="content">
<div className="p">
<p>login system for students attendees with an arduino and python it shows how fast and stable for doing the job.login system for students attendees with an arduino and python it shows how fast and stable for doing the job.login system for students attendees with an arduino and python it shows how fast and stable for doing the job.</p>
<div className="buttons">
<button className="dismiss" onClick={onClose}>Dismiss!</button>
<button className="github" onClick={() => '')}><i className="fab fa-github"></i></button>
<button className="code"><i className="fas fa-code"></i></button>
export default Modal
Why don't you pass Works props to Modal component? Like this:
function Works(props){
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false)
<div className={props.NameClass}>
<p >simple pargraph</p>
<button className="button_more" onClick={() => setIsOpen(true)}><i className="fas fa-caret-right"></i></button>
<Modal open={isOpen} title={`hi you're in the ${props.title} modal!`} onClose={() => setIsOpen(false)}/>
You need to pass in title {props.title}
change it:
<Modal open={isOpen} title="hi" onClose={() => setIsOpen(false)}>
On this:
<Modal open={isOpen} title={`hi you're in the ${props.title}`} onClose={() => setIsOpen(false)}/>

How to show button while hover over box using react?

I am working on a project, it is an online shop in react.
I would like to make "Quick view" and "Add to cart" buttons visible only while hovering over the product box they're in. Also, they should be clickable. Code of the ProductBox below`
const ProductBox = ({ name, price, promo, stars }) => (
<div className={styles.root}>
<div className={}>
{promo && <div className={}>{promo}</div>}
<div className={styles.buttons}>
<Button variant='small'>Quick View</Button>
<Button variant='small'>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faShoppingBasket}></FontAwesomeIcon> ADD TO CART
<div className={styles.content}>
<div className={styles.stars}>
{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(i => (
<a key={i} href='#'>
{i <= stars ? (
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faStar}>{i} stars</FontAwesomeIcon>
) : (
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={farStar}>{i} stars</FontAwesomeIcon>
<div className={styles.line}></div>
<div className={styles.actions}>
<div className={styles.outlines}>
<Button variant='outline'>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faHeart}>Favorite</FontAwesomeIcon>
<Button variant='outline'>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faExchangeAlt}>Add to compare</FontAwesomeIcon>
<div className={styles.price}>
<Button noHover variant='small'>
$ {price}
Please follow the below code:
import React, {useState} from "react";
export default function ShowButtonHover() {
const [style, setStyle] = useState({display: 'none'});
return (
<div className="App">
<h2>Hidden Button in the box. Move mouse in the box</h2>
<div style={{border: '1px solid gray', width: 300, height: 300, padding: 10, margin: 100}}
onMouseEnter={e => {
setStyle({display: 'block'});
onMouseLeave={e => {
setStyle({display: 'none'})
<button style={style}>Click</button>
EDIT: made a codesandbox to make it easier
A way to achieve this can be through these steps:
Add onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave handlers to the component you want to trigger the rendering of the buttons, so ProductBox in your case
Give the default class of your buttons a property of display = none
Switch the display to block for example when the event handlers are triggered.
If you are keeping a stateless component for your implementation:
const [display, setDisplay]=useState('notdisplayed');, with notdisplayed the default class with display=none
<div className={display}> on the components you want to hide/show
Call setDisplay in the onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave definition

React: The onClick nested within a card is not called

I am using react hooks, and I have erased out other functions not associated with the function I am intending to call. The App functions are rendered
function App() {
const memoizedCallback = React.useCallback(() => {
console.log("Click happened");
}, []);
return (
<div className="App">
onViewportChange={viewport => {
{ => (
onClick={e => {
<img src={icon} alt="icon" className="navbar-brand" />
{selectedpark ? (
onClose={() => {
<Card style={{ width: "18rem" }}>
<Button variant="primary" onClick={memoizedCallback}>
Visit Gallery
) : null}
{console.log("in render", details)}
export default App;
the function I am intending to call is memoizedCallback. The function is called in an onClick of a button within a card.
The sequence of events is as such. A popup appears, and the user has an option to click on a button within the card that appears.
Problem: Currently, when the button is clicked right now, the function memoizedCallback is not called.
Why is that so, what did I miss here?
