How to create a matching problem where only one party indicates preference - matching

I want to set up a matching algorithm for the following problem:
Goal: we want to match a mentee with a mentor; each mentee will indicate top 3 mentor that they wish to be matched with
Constraint: 1 mentee will only be matched with 1 mentor, and 1 mentor can only be matched to at most 2 mentees
Question: how to create an algorithm to automatically find the optimal matching?
Is there an existing algorithm for this? If so what is the name? I can only find Gale-Shapley algorithm, but in that case both parties indicate preference for each party.


Why is hash index slower using "Less than" in SQL

I've finished my first semester in a college-level SQL course where we used "SQL queries for Mere Mortals" 3rd edition.
Long term I want to work in data governance or as a data scientist, so digging deeper is needed and I found the Stanford SQL course. Today taking the first mini quiz, I got the answers right but on these two I'm not understanding WHY I got the answers right.
My 'SQL for Mere Mortals' book doesn't even cover hash or tree-based indexes so I've been searching online for them.
I mostly guessed based on what she said but it feels more like luck than "I solidly understand why". So I've ordered "Introduction to Algorithms" 3rd edition by Thomas Cormen and it arrived last week but it will take me a while to read through all 1,229 pages.
Found that book in this other stackoverflow link =>
Stanford Course =>
I thought a hash index on College.enrollment would not speed up because they limit it to less than a number vs an actual number ?? I'm guessing per this link Better to use "less than equal" or "in" in sql query that the query would be faster if we used "<=" rather than "<" ?
This one was just a process of elimination as it mentions the first item after the WHERE clause, but then was confusing as it mentions the last part of Apply.cName = College.cName.
My questions:
I'm guessing that similar to algebra having numerators and denominators, quotients, and many other terms that specifically describe part of an equation using technical terms. How would you use technical terms to describe why these answers are correct.
On the second question, why is the first part of the second line referenced and the last part of the same line referenced as the answers. Why didn't they pick the first part of each of the last part of each?
For context, most of my SQL queries are written for PostgreSQL now within PyCharm on python but I do a lot of practice using the PgAgmin4 or MySqlWorkbench desktop platforms.
I welcome any recommendations you have on paper books or pdf's that have step-by-step tutorials as many, many websites have holes or reference technical details that are confusing.
1. A hash index is only useful for equality matches, whereas a tree index can be used for inequality (< or >= etc).
With this in mind, College.enrollment < 5000 cannot use a hash index, as it is an inequality. All other options are exact equality matches.
This is why most RDBMSs only let you create tree-based indexes.
2. This one is pretty much up in the air.
"the first item after the WHERE clause" is not relevant. Most RDBMSs will reorder the joins and filters as they see fit in order to match indexes and table statistics.
I note that the query as given is poorly written. It should use proper JOIN syntax, which is much clearer, and has been in use for 30 years already.
SELECT * -- you should really specify exact columns
FROM Student AS s -- use aliases
JOIN [Apply] AS a ON a.sID = s.sID -- Apply is a reserved keyword in many RDBMS
JOIN College AS c ON c.cName = a.aName
WHERE s.GPA > 1.5 AND c.cName < 'Cornell';
Now it's hard to say what a compiler would do here. A lot depends on the cardinalities (size of tables) in absolute terms and relative to each other, as well as the data skew in s.GPA and c.cName.
It also depends on whether secondary key (or indeed INCLUDE) columns are added, this is clearly not being considered.
Given the options for indexes you have above, and no other indexes (not realistic obviously), we could guesstimate:
Student.sID, College.cName
This may result in an efficient backwards scan on College starting from 'Cornell', but Apply would need to be joined with a hash or a naive nested loop (scanning the index each time).
The index on Student would mean an efficient nested loop with an index seek.
Student.sID, Student.GPA
Is this one index or two? If it's two separate indexes, the second will be used, and the first is obviously going to be useless. Apply and College will still need heavy joins.
Apply.cName, College.cName
This would probably get you a merge-join on those two columns, but Student would need a big join.
Apply.sID, Student.GPA
Student could be efficiently scanned from 1.5, and Apply could be seeked, but College requires a big join.
Of these options, the first or the last is probably better, but it's very hard to say without further info.
In a real system, I would have indexes on all tables, and use INCLUDE columns wisely in order to avoid key-lookups. You would want to try to get a better feel for which tables are the ones that need to be filtered early etc.
First question
A hash-index is not linearly-searchable (see Slide 7), that is, you cannot perform range-comparisons with a hash-index. This is because (in general terms) hash functions are one-way: given the output of a hash function you cannot determine the input, and the output will be in apparently random order (having a random order is good for ensuring an even load over the set of hashtable bins).
Now, for a contrived and oversimplified example:
Supposing you have these rows:
PK | Enrollment
1 | 1
2 | 10
3 | 100
4 | 1000
5 | 10000
A perfect hash index of this table would look something like this:
Assuming that the hash of 1 is 0xF822AA896F34253E and the hash of 10 is 0xB383A8BBDAA41F98, and so on...
EnrollmentHash | PhysicalRowPointer
0xF822AA896F34253E | 1
0xB383A8BBDAA41F98 | 2
0xA60DCD4E78869C9C | 3
0x49B0AF769E6B1EB3 | 4
0x724FD1728666B90B | 5
So given this hashtable index, looking at the hashes you cannot determine which hash represents larger enrollment values vs. smaller values. But a hashtable index does give you O(1) lookup for single specific values, which is why it works best for discrete, non-continuous, data values, especially columns used in JOIN criteria.
Whereas a tree-hash does preserve relative ordering information about values, but with O( log n ) lookup time.
Second question
First, I need to rewrite the query to use modern JOIN syntax. The old style (using commas) has been obsolete since SQL-92 in 1992, that's almost 30 years ago.
INNER JOIN Student ON Student.sID = Apply.sID
INNER JOIN College ON Apply.cName = Apply.cName
Student.GPA > 1.5
College.cName < 'Cornell'
Now, generally speaking the best way to answer this kind of question would be to know what the STATISTICS (cardinality, value distribution, etc) of the tables are. But without that I can still make some guesses.
I assume that College is the smallest table (~500 rows?), Student will have maybe 1-2m rows, and assuming every Student makes 4-5 applications then the Apply table will have ~5m rows.
...armed with that inference, we can deduce:
Student.sID = Apply.sID is an ID match - so a hash-index would be better in most cases (excepting if the PK clustering matters, but I won't digress).
Student.GPA > 1.5 - this is a range search so having a tree-based index here helps.
College.cName < 'Cornell' - again, this is a range comparison so a tree-based index here helps too.
So the best indexes would be Student.GPA and College.cName, but that isn't an option - so let's see what the benefits of each option are...
(As I was writing this, I saw that #charlieface posted their answer which already covers this, so I'll just link to theirs to save my time: )

Excel: Need to Generate IDs based on multiple criteria with repeating IDs

Looking to create pricing groups bases on multiple criteria. Each group could have multiple items within the group. I'm struggling with the autocreation the naming of each group. I estimate there should be about 6.5K pricing groups out of 14K items.
Below is the criteria -
QTY per case - is the number of bottles in a case
Size - size of the bottle
Family Brand - contains a group of like items
Code - CS1 - This is my unique code for each group that contains each of the above and lowest possible case price.
enter image description here
The "Thinking" column is how I want each group to look, but how do I do this with 14K items quickly?
If I understood correctly your pricing group name consists of two parts: a simple combination of columns and a "special" column, that should be counted.
Part 1 is simple: =C2&"-"&B2&"-"&A1&"-"
To make Part 2 easier you could sort, sorting fields Part 1, CODE-CS1.
After have done this you could use helping columns. If Part 1 is in column x and code-CS1 in column y you could find a formula for
Part 2 (column z): ="T"&IF(X1=X2;IF(Y1=Y2;Z1;Z1+1);1)
That means: If Part 1 is changing your counter starts with T1, if not so if your CODE CS1 changes, it counts, if not, so it keeps last number.
the result code would be =X2&Z2
It is untested and I use german excel, maybe the code doesn't work without any adaption, but in general it should work

Need an optimized way to handle combination of entities to improve performance

So, I am working on a feature in a web application. The problem is like this-
I have four different entities. Let's say those are - Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4. There's two phase of the feature. Let's say the first phase is - Choose entities. In the first phase, User will have option to choose multiple items for each entity and for every combination from that choosing, I need to do some calculation. Then in the second phase(let's say Relocate phase) - based on the calculation done in the first phase, for each combination I would have to let user choose another combination where the value of the first combination would get removed to the row of the second combination.
Here's the data model for further clarification -
So suppose I have following values in both values -
Id -- Item1_Id -- Item2_Id -- Item3_Id -- Item4_Id
1 1 1 1 1
2 1 2 1 1
3 2 1 1 1
4 2 2 1 1
Combination_Id -- Value
1 10
2 0
3 0
4 20
So if in the first phase - I choose (1,2) for Item1, (1,2) for Item_2 and 1 for both Item_3 and Item4, then total combination would be 2*2*1*1 = 4.
Then in the second phase, for each of the combination that has value greater than zero, I would have to let the user choose different combination where the values would get relocated.
For example - As only combination with Id 1 and 2 has value greater than zero, only two relocation combination would need to be shown in the second dialog. So if the user choose (3,3,3,3) and (4,4,4,4) as relocation combination in the second phase, then new row will need to be inserted in
EntityCombinationTable for (3,3,3,3) and (4,4,4,4). And values of (1,1,1,1) and (2,2,1,1) will be relocated respectively to rows corresponding to (3,3,3,3) and (4,4,4,4) in the ValuesTable.
So the problem is - each of the entity can have items upto 100 or even more. So in worst case the total number of combinations can be 10^8 which would lead to a very heavy load in database(inserting and updating a huge number rows in the table) and also generating all the combination in the code level would require a substantial time.
I have thought about an alternative approach to not keep the items as combination. Rather keep separate table for each entity. and then make the combination in the runtime. Which also would cause performance issue. As there's a lot more different stages where I might need the combination. So every time I would need to generate all the combinations.
I have also thought about creating key-value pair type table, where I would keep the combination as a string. But in this approach I am not actually reducing number of rows to be inserted rather number of columns is getting reduced.
So my question is - Is there any better approach this kind of situation where I can keep track of combination and manipulate in an optimized way?
Note - I am not sure if this would help or not, but a lot of the rows in the values table will probably have zero as value. So in the second phase we would need to show a lot less rows than the actual number of possible combinations

Apache Solr's bizarre search relevancy rankings

I'm using Apache Solr for conducting search queries on some of my computer's internal documents (stored in a database). I'm getting really bizarre results for search queries ordered by descending relevancy. For example, I have 5 words in my search query. The most relevant of 4 results, is a document containing only 2 of those words multiple times. The only document containing all the words is dead last. If I change the words around in just the right way, then I see a better ranking order with the right article as the most relevant. How do I go about fixing this? In my view, the document containing all 5 of the words, should rank higher than a document that has only two of those words (stated more frequently).
What Solr did is a correct algorithm called TF-IDF.
So, in your case, order could be explained by this formula.
One of the possible solutions is to ignore TF-IDF score and count one hit in the document as one, than simply document with 5 matches will get score 5, 4 matches will get 4, etc. Constant Score query could do the trick:
Constant score queries are created with ^=, which
sets the entire clause to the specified score for any documents
matching that clause. This is desirable when you only care about
matches for a particular clause and don't want other relevancy factors
such as term frequency (the number of times the term appears in the
field) or inverse document frequency (a measure across the whole index
for how rare a term is in a field).
Possible example of the query:
text:Julian^=1 text:Cribb^=1 text:EPA^=1 text:peak^=1 text:oil^=1
Another solution which will require some scripting will be something like this, at first you need a query where you will ask everything contains exactly 5 elements, e.g. +Julian +Cribb +EPA +peak +oil, then you will do the same for combination of 4 elements out of 5, if I'm not mistaken it will require additional 5 queries and back forth, until you check everything till 1 mandatory clause. Then you will have full results, and you only need to normalise results or just concatenate them, if you decided that 5-matched docs always better than 4-matched docs. Cons of this solution - a lot of queries, need to run them programmatically, some script would help, normalisation isn't obvious. Pros - you will keep both TF-IDF and the idea of matched terms.

To find the highest level variable amongst 2 ID attributes in SAS

My input dataset looks as follows:
DRUG Table
DRG_4 --
DRG_6 --
I need to build a dataset with only those DRUGS (and all the attributes of this DRUGS) who does not have a parent anymore and an extra column (CHD_DRUG_CD) which contains the lowest level of DRUG_CD.
Resulting DRUG Table
Parent-child relationships are relatively common in the literature, and you should be able to find plenty of examples out there. Here's a place to start:
The basic concept is that you need to iterate over the dataset to find the child for each parent. You can do that either by creating your own iterator, using POINT= (as in the paper linked) or a DOW loop, or you can do this using other techniques such as a hash table. Hash iterator is probably the fastest solution, although the most complex to understand and to code. Then when you find your child, you identify which one you found (in an array, for example, as in the paper) and return the loop to the beginning to find the next one (or, exit with none found).
