How do you change the style of adazzle react data grid? - reactjs

I want to change the design for the adazzle react data grid, I want to integrate some tailwind ui designs and add some classnames to each columns and rows. But I can't figure out how. If there's someone here who's already done that, a little help would be great. Thank you!
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Multiple Rectangle Selection in React

I'm attempting to make a project where you can submit an image and select players from it (basically draw a resizable rectangle around them).
But I'm not sure where to begin.
Could someone please provide a tool, npm module, or article that might assist me in accomplishing this?
Something like this but all the rectangles are resizeable and draggable
you can use react shape editor

How to drag and drop items between 2 columns using react-beautiful-dnd and material ui

Still new coding.
I want to drag and drop things between 2 columns(From Morning to Night, vice-versa) using React JS, Material UI, and react-beautiful-dnd.
I manage to drag and drop things but on their own column only, I can't seem to make it work. How can I achieve this?
Here is the code:
You need to follow the documentation, Material-UI is not a problem to do that.
You need to follow the lesson from the library:
I'll not do your jobs, but juste follow the doc and the exemples.

React list component (like filemanager)

Help me, please. Which is a good open-source React component for creation list with sorting and folders similar to filemanager?
Like on this screenshot:
Or maybe, it is easier to write own component? Many datagrid components are too tricky.
You can try Material UI Tree View: Take a look at the Gmail clone sample.

Make up of a single web with react

Hello I'm really new with React and webpack and after a few days already manage to set up a functional working environment. Now I'm stuck in design issues since I would like to create a 960 wide grid separated into 12 columns with 15 gutters. Then start by creating a 100% high section where you center an image on an 80% white background versus a red main color. In advance grateful for any help or tip that is offered
Many css frameworks would let you do that. you don't need to change your existing toolkit if all you need is grid positioning or basic styles.
Also, you can find a number of react libraries for reusable react components like React Toolbox
for example If you're already familiar with bootstrap, Take a look at

Extjs4 how to add annotation on line chart

I want to do the same function like this
Does extjs have the same chart?
Theres is nothing right out of the box with ExtJS for this but you could build your own using a linechart, scatterchart and a DataView on the side to display the comments. (Building the time slider at the bottom would be a little harder but it can be done as well).
What I would do however, is avoid myself a lot of work and follow this tutorial on how to integrate Google Charts with ExtJS:
Good luck!
