How can I get views in a module to be found in MVC - abp

I've created a module in and it's picking up the controllers fine, but can't find any of the files inside the Views folder. I'm using MVC, and I assume I'm just missing a configuration step, but can't seem to find anything in the documentation. I always get the error, "InvalidOperationException: The view was not found. The following locations were searched". Can someone point me in the right direction?


CakePHP: Can only load index.php, all pages 404 after Cake Bake

I'm trying to bake my first CakePHP application and am unable to get any page to particularly load for me right now. I've updated my config settings for salt,database, etc. and the index.php page tells me that I have configured everything.
So far I've used cake bake all on just one database table so far to make sure it loads properly. I created the Model, Controller, and View for the standard add/index/view/edit pages. When I try to access URL/organizations/index.php I'm hitting a 404 error however.
Is there any troubleshooting someone might have advice for how to solve this one? It is confusing to me that the index.php loads (so it redirects properly when loading the webroot) but trying to view any View pages yields no results. Is there any debug commands I can do to view what the valid pages would be? Or any additional information I can provide?
If you try URL/index.php/organisations or something similar to this and it works, then there is an issue with URL re-writing on the server which you'll need to correct.
I believe if you have things set up correctly you would want to visit /organizations in order to access the index() method of the organizations controller.
In general the ".php" is left off of the URL, as your index.php file initiates all the bootstrapping and routing. This also requires a correct .htaccess setup. Hard to say exactly what the problem is without seeing the app or an error message.
Try in url
Cakephp using .ctp extension, that means cakephp Template. Please see this link. And also you can see your app\view\Organizations folder. Here all file is with .ctp extension. Isn't it ?

.net angularjs application error on publish to server

I have an application in .NET MVC5 with angularJS. I started building it locally. When I publish it, I get the angular template error- the template must have exactly one root element. I checked the templates which are razor files. I tried flipping replace to false but that gives me a service unavailable error page in the place of each template. Has anybody faced this before? Any pointers on where I should start looking? If it is the project setup problem, what are the ways to resolve this?
P.S. I am a beginner in .NET.

Issue with accessing css from build file

I am having an issue where my grunt build file is building correctly, but the website I'm working on is not getting all of the css files. It is only getting the master.css file. I'm using nodejs, with kraken, on top of express. I can't tell if there is some configuration option I need to change, I don't really know where I would do that.
For anyone interested, the issue was with the changing structure of the project. Going from angular to a dustjs w/ backbone combo changes the project form a SPA structure to a multi-page structure. This makes a huge difference because now instead of sending everything at once we are sending pages as they are needed, this also means that when a user switches to a different view, the server will be building an html version of that view and sending it back as fully fleshed out html. When the server builds the page it has access to the file structure, which means that the build folder that was necessary for the angular project, is no longer necessary.

I am trying to creating a polling app on the mean stack. I think my routing is messed up but I am not sure

I am trying to create the polling app described in this tutorial here.
I have step 2 finished, and I am about to start step 3(once my application is running properly) which is to incorporate the DB portion. My application is not behaving like the application listed in the tutorial currently though.
I have scanned my code numerous times and debugged it and still cant seem to catch what is throwing it off. When I run the application it runs fine, but none of my partials are being displayed only what is provided in the inital index.html view, so it is simply showing my blank navbar.
I have provided my git repository. If anyone has a moment and can take a look at it. Thank you for your time in advance.
Some of the key things I fixed in my pull request:
You need to include angular-route.js as a separate file now, and have your module depend on ngRoute.
You were missing quotes around the first $routeProvider in the following line:
You now need to register controllers using a name (string) with the module, rather than using global functions.
app.controller('ControllerName', function ($scope, ...) { ... });
You also forgot to actually reference a few of the JS files you need in index.html using <script> tags.
There are other small things, but see the PR for the full details. I also changed the way bower components are done.

EntryPoint Classes & Modules in GWT

GWT code structure is really getting hard for me to follow :(.
As per my understandings,
Modules references Entry Point classes.
When a module is loaded entry point classes referenced on it get initiated, and onModuleLoad() of corresponding classes will get executed
HTML host pages need to include a nocache.js file (only if it needs to work with entry point classes)
If my understandings are correct,
In standard web development platforms like asp .net an aspx page refer to a servlet. Here mulitple html pages can refer to a single entry point class.Why?(and this is much complicated?)
When I can expect a module to load? If multiple modules & html pages are there, how we can assign modules to html pages, so that a particular module will load when user requests an html page?
I have an Async service call implemented at onModuleLoad(). And want to call this only for index.html page. But How can I identify the html page at onModuleLoad()?
Why Google proposes GWT for GAE app development?
I am newbie in GWT. I want to follow a good programmig structure for GAE app development. Corrections and suggestions are expecting...
Pls see this to understand how a GWT project is organized:
(Bootstrap is also described there, how application loads from the html page)
I think the main thing is that everything compiles to one javascript file.
The app runs in a single page.
In .gwt.xml you define the entry-point of your app.
Also you specify what other modules you inherit.
This is very similar to java or .net applications where you specify what other packages you need. The modules are like libraries. For example if you needed to use JSON you would inherit the json module. Also I don't think to you are obliged to use GWT on the front
