Why there is no reveal token when i making discord bot? - discord

Im just a new in discord bot and i want to learn how to create ones. Every youtube and google tutorial, there is a button to reveal and copy the token but there is no reveal and copy discord bot token in my discord. Anyone know how to solve this?

As of very recently (this is not documented in their changelog so I cannot provide an exact date), you can only view your token when creating your bot for the first time.
If you have lost or forgotten your token, you can go to:
There, you would have to regenerate a token by clicking "Reset token" (see image below), which will stop the old one from working and provide you with a new one. Once again, this new one will only visible the first time you reset it.
Note: users with 2FA will have to authenticate with their chosen authenticator.

Try another browser.
I had the same issue (token not showing no matter how many times I clicked on that reset button) on firefox. I tried with another browser (I happened to have a windows with edge on hand) and the token showed up when I reset it.

Have you tried accessing the bot using the https://discord.com/developers/applications page.
Also, in the Discord client (app), these is an option in Advanced that you can turn on Developer Mode.
I hope this help solving your problem!


Is it possible to detect users click emoji on specific channel for specific server?

I think I need some answer from discord api experts.
I'm wondering if someone can detect using bots below logics.
If we enter the server, we will have initial channel. (for example Welcome)
There some rules will be described and we will have emojis like check / symbols for the server.
And after user click, bot can detect the user id and can send direct message to him/her.
Is it possible for the outside guy of the server? (I mean without any discord related api key)
Since I don't have exp with this just went through the discord docs, but didn't find proper resources.

Automatically send messages as current user in discord

I'm new to discord.js but I would like to understand. Is it possible to achieve a functionality that would send message as my current user?
I mean for example I'm normal user on a discord server and I want to send randomly some jokes every day once. But this should happen from my current user, which has the discord name.
I know I can have a bot created and registered, but this is another approach I think.
My questions are: Is this achievable with discord.js or not really? Is this functionality achiavable at all? And where do I begin?
Thanks for any help.
It is possible. It's just like making a discord BOT. But rather than making a bot application and using its token, you just use YOUR token.
This is purely for educational purposes only, and you shouldn't use it for anything else. Everything is possible, especially with discord.js.
What you are describing is a "self-bot", and is against the Terms of Service. As such, it is not supported.
Discord has made an announcement regarding self-bots before.
Here is a relevant excerpt:
Automating normal user accounts (generally called "self-bots") outside
of the OAuth2/bot API is forbidden, and can result in an account
termination if found.

Discord.js embeds not showing users correctly

EDIT: Apparently it's a client-side issue so not really an issue with the code
I have an application system but the user name/tag doesn't show up right sometimes
is there any way I could fix this or is it a discord issue?
It only works with some members plus it makes it a bit inconvenient to find the user that submitted the application
Sometimes it looks like this (which is wrong)
and sometimes it looks like this
I would do something like
// Create our application, we will fill it later
const application = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("New Application")
.setDescription(`This application was submitted by ${member}/${member.user.tag}`)
but that feels like something very stupid to do and probably would get killed by someone who has more knowledge than me with bots 😂
TL;DR : Using approach you thought of is absolutely fine and this only happens when a user isn't available to the guild or hasn't occured to the individual seeing the channel before
Usually if the user hasn't been seen before ( condition like channel access and unavailable to that guild may also apply ) by the individual viewing the channel the ID may show as is like in your case, that is due to discord maintaining only users ever seen by the individual ( this is client side not from Discord itself) to overcome this you may just add the username of the individual at the top of the application
As you answered yourselves! Not to worry though! That's what a smart developer would think of!
Please make sure that if the user has a nickname it's a better approach to use <#!userID>, explained here in <#userID> vs. <#!userID>, discord.js auto-parses that mention for you so in your case it's probably just one of the cases I mentioned above for which the user remains uncached at client side.
You can get the discord user id and tag the user by using
<#insert user id here>

Discord Unable To Remove App In Discord Developer Portal

I created an application. I use it and now I want to delete it but I can't. I reloaded the site but it still doesn't work.
Here is the picture:
Basically, the reason is that there is an extra space in the name.

Giving access to others on new GAE console

With old GAE console you could invite others to join a project as owner or developer. Recently this option is moved to the new cloud console.
I used to use the old console to get access to client's so I can deploy application and make changes to it. The process involved with login into the project and inviting the new user. Then an email was sent to the new user and after he/she accepts the invite he/she could access this application directly from his/her console at appengine.google.com.
I tried the same process with the new changes couple of days ago, logged in into the new project and from the permission menu added myself to the project. However no email was sent to me and I still don't see this new application in my console!
Interestingly enough if I go to https://console.developers.google.com/project I see this new project there is no logs or data-objects listed. If I go to appengine.google.com I won't see this project and that's where I can go to application's console!
Not sure what's going on, has anyone seen this? Is there something I'm doing wrong?
I found the issue!
If you add a new project via appengine.google.com (old way) the application won't show up under Compute/App Engnie section of console.developers.google.com as simple as that.
The proper way to get all functionality is to add the new project using the console and then use the permission to add others.
It's strange and I couldn't find any documentation that explains it but I've tested and resolved my own issue this way. Hope this helps others.
