Mobile Safari Not Showing My Video Texture - reactjs

I have a question similar to this one, but in my case, it's iOS causing troubles (not macOS, which I haven't tried yet), so I hope it's OK to post this as well. I tried to create a video texture in Three.js and can't bring it to work on mobile Safari (iOS 15.4). Here is my code, which I tried to tidy up as much as possible:
import React, { useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import * as THREE from "three";
import { Canvas } from "#react-three/fiber";
import "./styles.css";
const Screen = () => {
const meshRef = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
const vid = document.createElement("video");
vid.src = "/test.mp4";
vid.crossOrigin = "Anonymous";
vid.loop = vid.muted = vid.playsInline = true;; = new THREE.VideoTexture(vid);
return (
<mesh ref={meshRef}>
<planeGeometry attach="geometry" />
const App = () => {
return (
<Canvas camera={{ fov: 25 }}>
<Screen />
export default App;
Please tell me if I'm doing something wrong here. The test.mp4 is from this URL. I also tried to place the video as HTML element, instead of creating it dynamically, then the video itself plays fine, but not the video texture.
Also, just curious, but why isn't meshRef.current available in a useEffect in the main component, but useEffect inside of Screen, which is placed inside of Canvas, is OK?

Apparently it's a problem with video file formats. Tried an example video from Three.js and it worked.

To those of you looking for the solution , you need to add
for mobile ios devices.

I had the same problem. I had to set the 'playsinline' attribute in a very specific way.
video.playsinline= true did not work but video.setAttribute('playsinline', true)
did work.
Hope this helps


How to animate react-native-svg Polygon element?

Is there a simple way to animate the Polygon element from the react-native-svg library?
I need to animate his shape by animating the points.
I found few examples on how to animate Path element or Circle, but couldn't find anything regarding the Polygon. Thanks in advance.
Bit late to the party, but I've found a solution if you're still interested. It's not exactly 'simple', but it works. There's a library called React Native Reanimated, and it extends the functionality of Animated components
substantially. Here's what I was able to achieve:
The reason animating Polygons isn't available out of the box is because the standard Animated API only handles simple values, namely individual numbers. The Polygon component in react-native-svg takes props of points, which is an array of each of the points, themselves array of x and y. For example:
points={[[firstPointX, firstPointY],[secondPointX, secondPointY]}
React Native Reanimated allows you to animate even complex data types. In this case, there is useSharedValue, which functions almost identical to new Animated.value(), and a function called useAnimatedProps, where you can create your points (or whatever else you want to animate) and pass them to the component.
// import from the library
import Animated, {
} from 'react-native-reanimated';
// creates the animated component
const AnimatedPolygon = Animated.createAnimatedComponent(Polygon);
const animatedPointsValues = [
{x: useSharedValue(firstXValue), y: useSharedValue(firstYValue)},
{x: useSharedValue(secondXValue), y: useSharedValue(secondYValue)},
const animatedProps = useAnimatedProps(() => ({
points:, i) => {
return [
Then in your render/return:
Then whenever you update one of those shared values, the component will animate.
I'd recommend reading their docs and becoming familiar with the library, as it will open up a whole world of possibilities:
Also, the animations are handled in the native UI thread, and easily hit 60fps, yet you can write them in JS.
Good luck!
react-native-reanimated also supports flat arrays for the Polygon points prop, so we can simplify the animation setup even more.
Full example which will animate the react-native-svg's Polygon when the points prop changes looks like this:
import React, { useEffect } from 'react'
import Animated, { useAnimatedProps, useSharedValue, withTiming } from 'react-native-reanimated'
import { Polygon } from 'react-native-svg'
interface Props {
points: number[]
const AnimatedPolygonInternal = Animated.createAnimatedComponent(Polygon)
export const AnimatedPolygon: React.FC<Props> = ({ points }: Props) => {
const sharedPoints = useSharedValue(points)
useEffect(() => {
sharedPoints.value = withTiming(points)
}, [points, sharedPoints])
const animatedProps = useAnimatedProps(() => ({
points: sharedPoints.value,
return <AnimatedPolygonInternal fill="lime" animatedProps={animatedProps} />

How to import TrackballControls from three.js module using react?

I am using react js boiler plate (create-react-app) and imported three.js. I am trying to use TrackballControls for a particular project but it isn't working. It throws an error like "Attempted import error: 'TrackballControls' is not exported from 'three' (imported as 'THREE')" . Now I understand that it is in the examples folder and it's not an official export if I correctly understood from the forum. Some one please help me with this, how do I import TrackballControls in a react component? Help will be highly appreciated!
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import * as THREE from 'three'
const OrbitControls = require('three-orbit-controls')(THREE)
import "../src/assets/sass/home.scss"
const X = () => {
const [y, setY] = useState(0)
const [ masses, setMasses ] = useState([])
let parent, renderer, scene, camera, controls
useEffect(() => {
// renderer
renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer()
renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight )
document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement )
// scene
scene = new THREE.Scene()
// camera
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 40, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 100 )
camera.position.set( 20, 20, 20 )
// controls
controls = new THREE.TrackballControls( camera, sphere )
controls.minDistance = 5
controls.maxDistance = 250
controls.enableDamping = true; // an animation loop is required when either damping or auto-rotation are enabled
controls.dampingFactor = 0.05;
// axes
// scene.add(new THREE.AxisHelper( 20 ))
// geometry
let geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry( 2, 8, 6, 0, 6.3, 0, 3.1)
// material
let material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
wireframe: true,
wireframeLinewidth: 1
let sphere = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material )
// parent
parent = new THREE.Object3D()
scene.add( parent )
scene.add( sphere )
function animate() {
requestAnimationFrame( animate )
parent.rotation.z += 0.01
renderer.render( scene, camera )
return <div></div>
export default X
All JavaScript files from the examples directory are now available as ES6 modules in the three npm package. There is actually a guide that explains how you can import them in your application:
For your particular case, it would look like so:
import { TrackballControls } from 'three/examples/jsm/controls/TrackballControls.js';
Notice that third-party packages like three-orbit-controls are not necessary anymore. When using the modules from the three package, it's guaranteed that you work with the latest (and supported) versions.
three.js R109
I know there's no one here to see this but I'm posting my solution if someone comes across this issue in the future. So here's what I figured out -
I haven't mentioned in my question that I was using a SSR (server side render) react framework called next.js. The import works perfectly fine with a pure react app. But in server side frameworks, the import related stuff should be done inside the useEffect (or componentDidMount) along with the rest of the threejs stuff. So I dynamically imported it like this -
let dynamicallyImportPackage = async () => {
let TrackballControls
await import('three/examples/jsm/controls/TrackballControls')
// you can now use the package in here
.then(module => {
TrackballControls = module.TrackballControls
.catch(e => console.log(e))
return TrackballControls
then, I used it in my useEffect like so -
let TrackbackControls = await dynamicallyImportPackage()
// controls
controls = new TrackbackControls(camera, container)
controls.minDistance = 5
controls.maxDistance = 250
Arigato Gosaimasu!

React Materialize Carousel Autoplay

Given the code below, I would like to make the carousel autoplay within the said interval. However, being new in React, I have no idea on how to do it. I have tried searching for answers and have tried using carousel('next'), it didn't work. I am still finding answers and is hoping to clear this problem. Thanks!
import React from 'react';
import { Carousel } from 'react-materialize';
const Header = () => {
const imgArr = [
return (
options={{ duration: 100, indicators: true }}
You could use this plugin instead:
You can use the prop slideInterval to decide when the next slide will occur.

Polygon fill color not working properly (React Native maps)

I am using Google Maps on iOS and I have Polygons. (react-native-maps)
Before update (to version 0.18.3. - at the moment I am not able to update to latest version) everything works properly, but from now fill color gets weird results.
Sometimes color is ok, sometimes it is not proper, no rules.
On android everything works well.
export const Polygon = (props) => {
return (
coordinates={ props.selectedAreas }
fillColor={ props.fillColor }
strokeColor={ props.strokeColor }
Worked for me using the fix from
import React from 'react';
import { Polygon } from 'react-native-maps';
function CustomPolygon({ onLayout, ...props }) {
const ref = React.useRef();
function onLayoutPolygon() {
if (ref.current) {
ref.current.setNativeProps({ fillColor: props.fillColor });
// call onLayout() from the props if you need it
return <Polygon ref={ref} onLayout={onLayoutPolygon} {...props} />;
export default CustomPolygon;
It is not very pretty but I guess it will have to do until the upstream bug is fixed.

React execute script if window width

I have a button in React that executes a function onClick. I want to get rid of the button, and instead programmatically execute the function if window width < 1000px.
A restriction is that I can not add a plugin.
Here's what the code looks like...
// Do I need useState, useEffect?
import React, { PureComponent } from "react";
class MainNav extends PureComponent {
state = {
// Does something go here? What goes here and how do I use
// state to execute the function?
navIsCollapsed: false,
// this controls rendering of huge images
toggleShowImages() {
navIsCollapsed: !this.state.navIsCollapsed,
// I want this to be executed by width < 1000
handleSideNavToggle = () => {
this.toggleShowImages(); // controls if React renders components
Here's render the button that's currently executing the function. I want width < 1000 to programmatically execute its function.
// window width < 1000 should execute this function
<div onClick={this.handleSideNavToggle}>Don't render huge images</div>
// here are the images the function conditionally renders
<should show images &&
<div>Massive huge image</div>
<div>Massive huge image</div>
<div>Massive huge image</div>
I could use CSS media query to show or hide the massive images I don't want, but that's horrible use of React.
I've looked and tried to implement similar questions on SO that either invoke plugins, are out of date, or the use case is too different (for example, "re-render everything based on screen size"). I've also tried to React-ify vanilla javascript. This seems like it ought to be simple to do but I can't make it work.
Any React wizards out there who can answer with a clean, efficient solution?
Use the above method that Mathis Delaunay mentioned to get viewport/window width, then to get rid of that button. Just simply add a condition to whether render it or not and then watch on state changes to trigger the function.
Here I use hooks to do it
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
function App() {
const [width, setWidth] = useState(window.innerWidth);
useEffect(() => {
function handleResize() {
window.addEventListener("resize", handleResize);
return () => window.removeEventListener("resize", handleResize);
}, [width]);
useEffect(() => {
width < 600 && handleSideNavToggle();
function handleSideNavToggle() {
console.log("toggle it");
return (
<div className="App">
{width > 600 && (
<button onClick={() => handleSideNavToggle()}>
Don't render huge images
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);
Here is a working example. I set the width to be handled as 600 to make it easy to see.
Try looking at this answer, i think it is what your are searching for :
Get viewport/window height in ReactJS
You just need to check in the updateWindowDimension if the window.innerWidth is under 1000, if so, change the css button property to display : none; or visibility: hidden;.
